Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Sihtric (d.927)

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613042Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 52 — Sihtric (d.927)1897Frederick York Powell

SIHTRIC or SIGTRYGGR (d. 927), surnamed Gale and Caech (cæcus), king of the Black Gall and White Gall, grandson of Imhar (Inguar) Ragnarsson, came to Dublin with a ‘great royal fleet’ in 888 (Annals of the Four Masters). He left Ireland for Scotland about 902, came back about 916 to Conn Fuait, near Wexford, where he won a battle (Cogadh Gadhael re Gallaibh), and went forth to plunder Leinster, Kildare, and the ‘greater part of the churches of Erin.’ He won back Dublin in 918 (ib.), and fought a battle at Kilmashogue on 15 Sept. 919 against King Niall (Blackknee) [q. v.], who was slain with fifteen other princes (ib.; Sym. Dunelm; Four Masters; A.-S. Chron. s.a. 921). He left Dublin, per potestatem divinam, and crossed to England, where he plundered Davenport (Cheshire) in 920 (Sym. Dunelm; Annales Ultonienses). He ruled the ‘Danes’ and Northumbrians in 925, after Ragnold; met Æthelstan at Tamworth, and married his sister (iii. Kal. Februarii, i.e. 30 Jan., A.-S. Chron. s.a. 925); and died, ‘immatura ætate’ (Ann. Ult.), in 927. He can hardly be the ninth-century Sitric ‘comes,’ whose moneyer was Gundibertus. But his coins are clearly those that read Sitric ‘cununc’ or rex with tenth-century moneyers Ascolv, Ingelgar, and the famous triangular cross-blazoned fringed gonfanon. His son Guthfrith succeeded him as king. Olaf Sitricson (d. 981) [q. v.], known as Anlaf Cuaran, was another son.

[A.-S. Chron.; Flor. Wig.; Sym. Dunelm.; Annales Ultonienses; Chron. Scot.; Four Masters; Cogadh Gaedhael re Gallaibh with Todd's Introduction; Three Fragments of Irish Annals.]