Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Young, Charles George

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683515Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 63 — Young, Charles George1900Thomas Seccombe (1866-1923)

YOUNG, Sir CHARLES GEORGE (1795–1869), Garter king-of-arms, born on 6 April 1795, was the son of Jonathan Young, a doctor of medicine who practised in Lambeth. He was educated at Charterhouse school, where he was a contemporary of Thirlwall, Grote, and the Havelocks. In 1813 he entered the College of Arms as rouge dragon pursuivant, and he was promoted to the post of York herald in 1820. Two years later he was appointed to the registrarship of the college, an office of labour and responsibility. This he resigned upon his appointment, on 6 Aug. 1842, as Garter principal king-of-arms, in succession to Sir William Woods. In conformity with the usual custom he was knighted upon his appointment (28 Aug.) While still York herald he was employed as secretary to the missions for investing the kings of Denmark, Portugal, and France with the blue riband of the Garter in 1822, 1823, and 1825. In his capacity as Garter king he was sent as joint-commissioner to invest the king of Saxony in 1842, the sultan of Turkey in 1856, the king of Portugal in 1858, the king of Denmark in 1865, and the king of the Belgians in 1866. His last public employment was that of joint-commissioner to Vienna in 1867 to confer the insignia of the Garter upon the emperor of Austria.

Young, who was elected F.S.A. on 21 March 1822, and was created D.C.L. by the universityof Oxford on 28 June 1854, died at his house in Prince's Terrace, Hyde Park, on 31 Aug. 1869. He married Frances Susannah, youngest daughter of Samuel Lovick Cooper and widow of Frederick Tyrrell, but left no issue. By his will (his estate was sworn under 60,000l.) he appointed his brother Henry, barrister-at-law, and his nephew Francis, residuary legatees.

Young's contributions to heraldic literature, all of which were privately printed and are in consequence somewhat scarce, include: 1. ‘Catalogue of Works on the Peerage … of England, Scotland, and Ireland in the Library of C. G. Young, York Herald,’ 1826, 8vo. 2. ‘Catalogue of the Arundel MSS. in the Library of the College of Arms,’ 1829, 8vo. 3. ‘An Account of the Controversy between Reginald, Lord Grey of Ruthyn, and Sir Edward Hastings in the Court of Chivalry in the Reign of Henry IV,’ 1841, fol. 4. ‘The Order of Precedence, with Authorities and Remarks,’ 1851, 8vo. 5. ‘Privy Councillors and their Precedence,’ 1860, 8vo. 6. ‘The Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff and their Precedence,’ 1860, 8vo. 7. ‘Ornaments and Gifts consecrated by the Roman Pontiffs: the Golden Rose, the Cap and the Sword,’ 1860, 8vo. He shows that the rose was presented to Henry VI, Mary, and Henrietta Maria, the sword to Edward IV and to Henry VII, while Henry VIII was the recipient of both gifts on more occasions than one.

In October 1835 Young drew up a learned report upon the grievances of the baronets, in which he sets forth in some detail their claims to the title of honourable, to supporters, and to dark-green apparel, with thumb-ring, SS collar, and a white hat and plume. This report was printed for private circulation, and from its pages Disraeli derived the colouring for his highly diverting portrait of Sir Vavasour, who dilates with such eloquence upon the wrongs of his order in ‘Sybil’ (1845, bk. ii. chap. ii.) Young was a frequent contributor to ‘Notes and Queries,’ and assisted Braybrooke in his edition of Pepys. Several letters written by him upon antiquarian subjects, for the most part to the Marquis Grimaldi of Genoa, are in the British Museum (Addit. MSS. 34188–34189).

[Times, 24 Aug. 1869; Cooper's Register and Magazine of Biography, 1869; Notes and Queries, 4th ser. iv. 228; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715–1886; Allibone's Dict. of Engl. Lit.; Men of the Time, 7th edit.; Brit. Mus. Cat.]