Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement/Harman, George Byng

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1399779Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement, Volume 2 — Harman, George Byng1901Ernest Marsh Lloyd

HARMAN, Sir GEORGE BYNG (1830–1892), lieutenant-general, born 30 Jan. 1830, was the son of John Harman of Chester Square, London, and Moor Hall, Cookham, Berkshire. He was educated at Marlborough College (1844-6), and was commissioned as ensign in the 34th foot on 18 Sept. 1849. He was promoted lieutenant on 21 June 1850, and captain on 19 June 1855. After serving with his regiment in the Ionian Islands and West Indies, he went with it to the Crimea in December 1854. It was assigned to the light division, and took part in the assault of the Redan on 18 June 1855, where Harman received seven severe wounds. He was mentioned in despatches, and obtained the medal with clasp, the Turkish medal, the Medjidie (5th class), and a brevet majority on 2 Nov. 1855.

He served with the 34th in India during the mutiny, and was present at Windham's action with the Gwalior contingent at Cawnpore, and at the siege and capture of Lucknow. He received the medal with clasp, and was given an unattached majority on 4 June 1858. He was assistant-inspector of volunteers from 18 Feb. 1860 to 8 March 1865, when he was made brevet lieutenant-colonel. He served on the staff in the West Indies from 10 June 1866 to 30 April 1872, first as assistant military secretary, and afterwards as deputy adjutant-general. He became brevet colonel on 2 June 1871. On 1 May 1872 he was given an unattached lieutenant-colonelcy, and on 1 April 1873 he was appointed to the command of a brigade depot at Pontefract.

He went on half-pay on 16 Dec. 1874, and on the 18th was made assistant adjutant-general at Aldershot. On 1 Jan. 1878 he went to Ireland as deputy adjutant-general. He was promoted major-general on 14 Nov. 1881, and was placed on the staff of the expeditionary force in Egypt on 3 Sept. 1882. He commanded the garrison of Alexandria, was included in the thanks of parliament, and received the medal and bronze star. On 18 April 1883 he was appointed deputy adjutant-general at headquarters, and on 1 Nov. 1885 military secretary. He was made C.B. on 24 May 1881, and K.C.B. on 21 June 1887. A distinguished service pension was given to him on 17 April 1889, and he was promoted lieutenant-general on 1 April 1890. He was still serving on the staff at headquarters when he died in South Kensington on 9 March 1892. He married in 1868 Helen, daughter of John Tonge of Starborough Castle and Edenbridge, Kent; she survived him.

[Times, 10 March 1892; Marlborough Coll. Register, p. 16; Army Lists.]