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Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 1

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
11 i 5 f.e. Abbot, George (1562-1633): for Early in 1614 read In March 1611-12
4-3 f.e. for Burton-upon-Trent read Lichfield
20 ii 17 Abbot, George (1603-1648): for 1648 read 1649
39 after training insert He was M.P. for Tamworth from 1645 till his death
3 f.e. for 2 Feb. 1648 read 2 Feb. 1648-9
21 ii 20 Abbot, Sir Maurice: for on his return read in his absence in July 1615
23 ii 12 for 10 Jan. 1641-2 read late in 1642
13 after buried insert on 7 Dec. 1642
29 for in the Long Parliament read in both the Short and the Long Parliaments
30 i 37 Abbott, Edwin: for 12 May 1882 read 27 May 1882, and was buried at Kensal Green
30 ii 37 Abbott, Thomas Eastoe: add to list of works 'Resignation, a poem on the death of Princess Charlotte,' Hull, 1817
35 ii 11 f.e. Abell, William: for 1687 read 1636
36 i 31-34 for Ten years later . . . . alderman read In the same year he resigned his office of alderman. Ten years later Abell was again imprisoned
38 ii 29 Abercromby, Alexander (1745-1795): after Alexander insert Lord Abercromby
5 f.e. omit courtesy
39 i 15 f.e. Abercromby, Alexander (1784-1853): before in 1817 insert in the whig interest
40 ii 30 Abercromby, David: omit Curiously enough and for so read So
34 for by him read in which his name occurs
41 i 3-4 Abercromby, James, 1st Baron Dunfermline: for On the accession . . . . 1827 read On the accession of Canning to power in 1827
15-17 for he was put forward . . . . Manners Sutton read his claims for the speakership were considered by his party in 1883, but Edward John Littleton, afterwards Baron Hatherton [q. v.], was chosen to oppose Charles Manners-Sutton [q. v.], who was elected.
27 for 310 read 306
37-38 omit received a pension of 4,000l. a year, and
42 i 16 f.e. Abercromby, Sir John: for 1814 read 1815
43 i 23 f.e. Abercromby, Patrick: for 1716 read 1715
44 i 23-25 Abercromby, Sir Ralph: for The war with France . . . . no hesitation read The war with France recalled him to military life. He had been made major-general in 1787, and in 1793 he had no hesitation
28 omit promoted major-general and
45 i 35 after Scotland add He held the governorship of Forts Augustus and George from 1798 till his death
46 ii 3-2 f.e. Abercromby, Robert (1534-1613): for and to die . . . . faith read but she died (1619) without professing the catholic faith

47 i 25 f.e. Abercromby, Sir Robert: for in 1781 read in April 1782
16 f.e. after Mysore add He was promoted major-general in the same year
48 i 29-30 Abernethy, John (1680-1740): for Coleraine . . . . Ulster read Brigh, Co. Tyrone
55 i 22 f.e. Abney, Sir Thomas (1640-1722): for that office on read that office. On
21 f.e. for Louis XIV. read Louis XIV,
13 f.e. after London add He was a whig and an unsuccessful candidate for London in 1702
ii 12 f.e. Abney, Sir Thomas (d. 1750): after became insert K.C. and attorney-general for the duchy of Lancaster in 1733, steward of the Marshalsea Court in 1736
60 ii 8 Acland, Sir John: for (d. 1613) read (d. 1620)
15 f.e. for in 1613 read 14 Feb. 1619-20. (Will dated 9 Feb. 1619-20, proved 4 July 1620)
61 ii 6 Acland, John D.: for minority read ministry
62 i 7 for 31 Oct. 1778 read 2 Nov. 1778
62 i 40 Acland, Sir Thomas D.: for Grillon's Club read Grillion's Club
63 i 32 Acland, Sir Wroth P.: for in 1816 read on 8 March 1816
69 i 43 Acworth, George: after year add he was M.P. for Hindon in 1563
69 ii 12-9 f.e. Adair, James: for From 1780 . . . Ferrars read From 1775 to 1780 he was whig M.P. for Cockermouth, and from 1793 until his death for Higham Ferrers.
2 f.e. for As king's serjeant he read He became king's serjeant in 1782, and
70 i 22 omit prime
23 for Ferrars read Ferrers
72 ii 35 Adair, Patrick: for 1563 read 1663
73 i 31 for 4th ser. read 1st ser.
73 ii 12 Adair, Sir Robert: after 1845 insert In 1828 he was made a privy councillor.
16-18 omit For his services . . . order
18-21 for His successful mission . . . and the grant read He was appointed G.C.B. (civil) in 1831, and the success of his mission was further rewarded by the grant
85 i 34 Adam, Sir Charles: for January read August
35 after M.P. insert for Kinross in 1831-2 and
39 before from insert in Nov.-Dec. 1834
86 i 14-13 f.e. Adam, Sir Frederick: omit and . . . K.C.M.G.
13 f.e. for in 1824 read in 1821
88 i 24 f.e. Adam, Robert: The journal referred to was by James Adam [q. v.], not by Robert Adam, and relates to a tour in Italy during 1760-1 (cf. Library of Fine Arts, vol. ii. No. 9, Oct. 1831)
90 i 27-28 Adam, William: for the general election read a bye-election after the general election
91 i 22-19 f.e. for (who was now attorney-general . . . Cornwall) read (who had become solicitor-general to the Prince of Wales in 1802, attorney-general in 1805, and keeper of the great seal of the duchy of . . . Cornwall in 1806)
17 f.e. for for the county of Kinross read for both the counties of Kinross and Kincardine, but he sat for the latter
96 ii 16 f.e. Adams, George: after and insert was transferred to that
13 f.e. omit resigned . . . and
98 ii 1 Adams, John (1662-1720): after never printed insert He was vice-chancellor of Cambridge University 1712-3
101 i 31 Adams, Sarah F.: for 1827 read 1829
102 ii 17 f.e. Adams, Sir Thomas: for 1667 read 1668
103 i 4 after offices insert He was M.P. for London in 1654 and 1656
26 for 1667 read 1667-8
106 ii 31 Adams, William (1706-1789): before In 1755 insert He was made prebendary of Lichfield in 1747, prebendary of Llandaff in 1749, and also precentor in the latter cathedral in 1750
36 omit afterwards
37 after Llandaff insert in 1777
for the prebendal house read his prebendal house

108 i 9-11 Adams, William (1814-1848): omit There is . . . century
108 i 7-6 f.e. Adams, William (1772-1851): for a descendant read of the family
111 ii 22 Adamson, John: for Quillanan read Quillinan
115 i 39 Adamson, Patrick: for Anglicanæ read Scoticanæ
116 i 13 Addington, Anthony: for commoner read scholar
14 after school add 1758
117 i 8 f.e. Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth: for 1783 read 1784
119 ii 23 f.e. after ally insert He was at first lord privy seal, becoming afterwards lord president of the council
120 ii 7 f.e. for 1833 read 1836
121 i 6 after person insert He was high steward of Westminster from 1813 till his death
122 i 27 Addison, John: for 1753 read 1793
124 ii 28 Addison, Joseph: after friends insert From 1704 to 1708 he was a commissioner of appeals and for 1706 read 1705
32 for 1707 read 1706
34 for Elector of Hanover read Electoral Prince, afterwards George II
125 ii 45 after speaking insert He was M.P. for Cavan borough in the Irish parliament 1709-1713
132 i 5 f.e. Addison, Lancelot: for afterwards read in 1678
135 ii 15 Adela: for Poitou read Ponthieux
136 ii 34 Adelaide, Queen Dowager: for Lord Melbourne's read Lord Grey's
137 ii 9 f.e. Adeliza of Louvain: omit ? after 1151
138 i 8-7 f.e. for 23 March . . . . and read 24 March 1151 (Ann. of Margam) and
140 ii 20 f.e. Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge: for 1842 read 1825
142 i 4-3 f.e. Adolphus, John L.: for received . . . . attorney-general read became solicitor-general
2 f.e. after Durham insert 1855
155 i 4 f.e. Ælfred, King: for 871 read 878
164 i 12 f.e. Ælfric, called Bata: omit (or the bat)
164 ii 13 sqq. f.e. Ælfric, Grammaticus: The suggested identification of Ælfric the grammarian with Ælfric, archbishop of York, is confuted in Dr. E. Dietrich's elaborate account of the former in Niedner's 'Zeitschrift für Historische Theologie,' 1855, xxv., pp. 487-594, and 1856, xxvi., pp. 163-256. Cf. Ælfric's 'Lives of Saints,' ed. by Prof. Skeat, Early Engl. Text Soc., 1881-1900
166 i 9 for St. George read St. Gregory
166 ii 38 Ælfric (d. 1051): For the use of puttock in the sense of kite cf. Shakespeare's '2 Hen. VI,' Act iii. Scene 2, lines 191-3
171 ii 26 Affleck, Sir Edmund: after blue insert He was M.P. for Colchester from 1782 till his death, and was a supporter of Pitt
176 ii 41 Aglionby, Edward: after 1544 insert He was M.P. for Carlisle 1552-3
178 i 13 f.e. Agnew, Sir Andrew (1793-1849): for Kinsale read Kingsale
2 f.e. after former' insert In 1837 he was conservative M.P. for the Wigton boroughs and after third election insert for Wigtonshire
180 ii 39 Agutter, William: after Agutter insert who had leanings towards the doctrines of Swedenborg
181 ii 2 f.e. Aidan: for Dalraida read Dalriada, and so through article
184 ii 17 Aikin, Arthur: omit at his brother's house
188 i 14 Ainger, Thomas: for 1861 read on 19 Feb. 1859
15 omit honorary
188 i 27 Ainslie, George Robert: for general read lieutenant-general
10 f.e. for in 1813 read in June of the same year
l.l. after promoted insert in 1813
ii 2 after employment insert He became lieutenant-general in 1825
189 i 24 Ainslie, Sir Robert: for 1804 read 1812
190 i 15 f.e. Ainslie, Robert: after Dunse insert Berwickshire
14 f.e. after father insert Robert Ainslie (1734-1795) and after Douglas insert Sir Whitelaw Ainslie [q. v.] was his brother
ii 20 after 1838 insert He and his brother Whitelaw married sisters, the daughters of Col. James Cuninghame, of Balbougie, Fifeshire.

190 ii 24-5 Ainslie, Whitelaw:for Whitelaw (fl. 1788-1835) read Sir Whitelaw (1767-1837)
26 before was insert was brother of Robert Ainslie (1766-1838, q. v.]. Born on 17 Feb. 1767 at Dunse, Berwickshire, he
6 f.e. after wife insert He was knighted 10 June 1835, and died 29 April 1837. He married a daughter of Col. James Cuninghame, of Balbougie, Fifeshire. His widow died 17 March 1840, leaving an only child, Jane Catherine, who married James C. Grant-Duff. Ainslie Douglas Grant-Duff, the second son of this marriage, assumed, in 1866, the surname of Ainslie
191 i 26-46 Ainsworth, Henry: for was according to the Lancashire historians . . . . a graduate read was son of Thomas Ainsworth, yeoman of Swanton Morley, Norfolk, where he was baptised. He was admitted to Caius College, Cambridge, 15 Dec. 1587, and resided there as a scholar for four years (Caius College Register). Roger Williams writes with small justification:
196 ii 28 Ainsworth, Robert: for in one volume read in two volumes
42 for the Rev. B. W. B. Beatson read the Rev. B. W. Beatson
199 i 28 Aio (d. 974): Note The only authority for the existence of Aio is the spurious 'history' of Ingulf, abbot of Croyland
200 ii 19 Airay, Henry: after twin brothers insert Airay became prebendary of Canterbury in 1609
202 i 9 f.e. Airey, Sir George: for in 1812 read in the same year, became lieutenant-general 4 June 1811
7 f.e. for in the same year read in 1812
4 f.e. omit was promoted . . . 1821
l.l. for in 1833 read on 15 Feb. 1833
202 ii 33-34 Airey, Richard, Lord Airey: for deputy adjutant-general read assistant adjutant-general from 1847 to 1851
35 after headquarters insert 1851-3
206 i 3 f.e. before 7th regiment insert 17th regiment from 1860 to 1868 and of the
ii 4 for commission appointed in 1879 read committee appointed in 1879 by the commander-in-chief with the approval of the secretary of state for war
6 for commission read committee
206 ii l.l. Aitkin, John: add He died at Edinburgh on 22 Sept. 1790 (Gent. Mag. 1790, ii. 866)
210 i 33 Akenside, Mark: after Christ's Hospital insert and to St. Thomas's Hospital
ii 32-33 omit 'An Epistle . . 1744.
38 after 1766 add 'An epistle to the Rev. Mr. Warburton occasioned by his treatment of the Author of the "Pleasures of Imagination,"' 1744, sometimes assigned to Akenside, is by his friend Jeremiah Dyson [q. v.]
212 ii 21-2 Alabaster, William: omit was made . . . Cathedral,
22-3 for Tharfield read Therfield
214 i 15 f.e. Alan of Lynn: for (fl. 1424?) read (d. 1421)
7 f.e. add Blomfield, Norfolk, viii. 525-6
215 i l.l. Alan of Tewkesbury: add Epistolæ Cantuarienses, ed. Stubbs, Rolls Series, pp. xl-lviii.
216 i 26 Aland, Sir John F.: after 1716 insert He became K.C. in 1714
29 after the king insert He was whig M.P. for Midhurst from 1715 until he became a judge
216 ii 22 Albany, Countess of: for Louisa read Louisa Maximiliana Carolina Emanuel
217 ii 16 after her death insert on 29 Jan. 1824
221 ii 26 Albert, Prince: for (16 Feb.) read (10 Feb.)
228 i 25 for 19 April read 10 April
230 i 19 for (14 Dec.) read (14 Sept.)
234 ii 18 Albini, William de: for the preceding read William de Albini (Brito) d. 1155-6 [q. v.]
235 ii 11 f.e. Alchin, William T.: after London insert in 1845
236 i 26 Alcock, John: for 1462 read 1471
15 f.e. for 1474 read 1475
237 ii 22 Alcock, Nathan: for Wirrel read Wirral
238 i 20 Alcock, Simon: for (d. 1459?) read (d. 1458)
238 i 4 f.e. Alcock, Thomas: for (d. 1563) read (d. 1564)
241 ii 21 f.e. Alder, Joshua: for Easter-Eve read 7 Apr.

243 i 17 f.e. Alderson, Sir James: for Dr. Lee, a dissenting minister read the Rev. George Lee, Unitarian minister.
15 f.e. for clerk to a wine merchant read clerk in the army commissariat
243 ii 5 f.e. Alderson, John: for 1758 read 1757
3 f.e. after born insert 4 June 1757
244 i 13-12 f.e. omit and several . . . . Exercises'
251 i 17 f.e. Aldrich, Henry: after college insert He was vice-chancellor of Oxford in 1692
252 ii 18 Aldrich, Robert: for 1536 read 1534
253 i 35 Aldridge, William: for Treveca read Trevecca
256 i 17 Alesius, Alexander: after a book add viz. the 'Loci Theologici'
19-23 omit (The book . . . . a year later)
264 ii 1 Alexander III: for 1285 read 1286
265 i 10-11 omit who . . . . household
266 i 36 for Lewis read Lewes
ii 23 f.e. for 1284-5 read 1284
15 f.e. for 16 Mar. 1285 read 16 Mar. 1285-6
271 i 9 f.e. Alexander of Hales: for an archdeaconry read the archdeaconry of Coventry
ii 18 for in 1245 read on 21 Aug. 1245 (Le Neve)
282 i 41 Alford, Henry: for in 1871 read 7 Jan. 1871
287 i 15 f.e. Alison, Archibald: for (Mrs. Gerald) read the wife of Col. John Gerard, son of Gilbert Gerard [q. v.] and adjutant-general to Lord Lake in India
289 ii 28 Alison, Sir Archibald: for Cutlar Ferguson read Cutlar Fergusson
32 for 1851 read 1850
294 ii 5 f.e. Allan, George: for 1812 read 1813-1818
300 ii 19 f.e. Alleine, Joseph: for Charles Sanford read Charles Stanford
303 i 13 Allen, Bennet: for Calvert, George read Calvert, Frederick
305 ii 4-5 Allen, John (1476-1534): for even . . . . till 1515 read at least as early as 1503, when he became prebendary of Lincoln, till 1515
308 i 28 Allen, John (1660?-1741): after patented insert in 1729
310 i 44 Allen, John (1771-1843): after his death insert He was auditor of the duchy of Lancaster from 1841 till his death
311 ii 16 f.e. Allen, Ralph: for Coventry, Lichfield read Coventry and Lichfield
313 i 30 Allen, Thomas (1542-1632): for Peleusiensis read Pelusiensis
326 i 23-2 f.e. Alley, William: for with the prebend of St. Pancras in that church read and to the prebend of St. Pancras in that church in 1559-60
329 i 33 Alleyn, Edward: for 1622 read 1623
330 i 19 Allibond, John: for St. Mary-le-Crypt read St. Mary-de-Crypt
38 after 'Clerk's Register' insert in Bloxam's Register of Magdalen College, Oxford
332 ii 20 f.e. Allin, Sir Thomas: for November 1670 read 15 Apr. 1671
6 f.e. for 1785 read 1685
358 ii 5-4 f.e. Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron Amherst: for and made governor of Virginia read He was made governor of Virginia in Sept. 1768
359 i 20-22 for in 1780 colonel . . . . the 2nd Life Guards read in April 1779 colonel of the 2nd Horse Grenadiers, transferring him to the colonelcy of the 2nd Horse Guards in 1782
361 ii 7 Amherst, William P., Earl Amherst: add He was gazetted governor-general of Canada on 1 Apr. 1835, on the nomination of Peel, but a change of ministry followed immediately, and he did not take up the appointment
366 ii l.l. Amos, Andrew: after Brompton insert serving from 1847 to 1852 and for 1848 read in May 1849
367 ii 15 f.e. after politics insert He died 18 Apr. 1860
369 i 9-10 Amyot, Thomas: for having become treasurer . . . 1823 read as treasurer of the latter society from 1823 to 1847
384 i 19 Anderson, John (fl. 1799): for T. Bursley read T. Bensley
26-30 for His treatment of foliage . . . may be attributed read His treatment of foliage is seen to admirable advantage in the cuts in Bloomfield's 'Farmer's Boy.' The first edition of this work (1800) states that the 'ornaments' were engraved by Anderson. Nevertheless its cuts have long been erroneously ascribed to Bewick

401 ii 6 f.e. Andrewes, Lancelot: before His insert From 1589 to 1609 he was prebendary of Southwell
402 i 7 after stall insert (1597-8)
ii 13 after Essex insert He died 26 Sept. 1626
405 ii 22 Andrewes, Eusebius: for Holton read Hopton
421 ii 35 Anne of Bohemia: for duke of Bedford read earl of Bedford
423 i 13 Anne, Queen of Richard III: for seven years old read five years old
425 i 12-11 f.e. Anne (Boleyn) (1507-1536): omit (though . . . descended)
8-7 f.e. for was afterwards made duke of Norfolk read had his father's dukedom restored to him
ii 1-9 for It was Mary Boleyn . . . and being made, read Both sisters spent some of their early years in France. It would seem that Anne, then seven years old, accompanied her elder sister Mary, when she went thither in the suite of Henry VIII's sister Mary, who was married to Louis XII in 1514. Mary Boleyn was in England again in 1520, when she married William Carey; while Anne, who became
11 for she remained there read she remained in France
23-4 for Sir William Cary read William Carey
9-8 f.e. for Sir Piers Butler, son of the Earl of Ormond read the son of Sir Piers Butler, Earl of Ormond
432 ii 11 f.e. Anne of Denmark: for Upslo read Opsloe
448 ii 31 Anne, Queen: after letter insert (the original is at Longleat)
450 i 35-6 omit [for further details . . . Gloucester]
455 i 14 f.e. for flattered read fluttered
458 ii 17 f.e. for Trimmel read Trimnel
466 ii 35-6 for Dr. Smallridge read Dr. Smalridge