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Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 18

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
1 i 11 f.e. Esdaile, James: omit his Harveian oration of
3 ii 24-25 Esdaile, William: for picture read drawing
4 i 36 Esmonde, Sir Laurence, Lord Esmonde: before was created insert was M.P. for Wicklow in the Irish House of Commons in 1613 and
9 i 13 f.e. Estcourt, James B. B.: for for many years read in 1803-4
8 f.e. for M.P. read conservative M.P.
11 i 12 f.e. Estcourt, Thomas, H. S. S.: for 1826 read 1827
ii 22 f.e. for On his father's death read In 1855, two years after his father's death
19 i 7-8 Ethelbert (d. 866): for Æthelred read Æthelberht
25 i 24 Ethelmær (d. 1137): for 10 July 1865 read 1751
62 ii 21 Evans, George (1630?-1702): for 20 March read (according to Le Neve) 2 March
63 i 34 Evans, Sir George de L.: for 1831 read March 1830
35 for elected read elected on petition
36 after that seat insert at the general election in the following August
69 i 17 Evans, John (1814-1875): for 1875) read 1876)
76 i 7 f.e. Evans, William (1811?-1858): for 'Troth read 'Traeth
78 i 7 Evans, William E.: for 1845 read 1841
81 i 1 Evelyn, John (1620-1706): for 1772 read 1672
33 after Evelyn insert who contested Surrey in 1698
83 ii 1 Evelyn, John (1655-1699): for 1696 read his death in 1699
85 ii 16 f.e. Everard, Mathias: for He was a K.H., read He was made C.B. in 1826 and K.H., in 1831,
90 i 20 Evesham, Hugh of: after 'Phœnix.' insert He was prebendary of York in 1279.
96 i 4 f.e. Ewing, Juliana H.: for 1861 read 1866
97 i 19 Exley, Thomas: for (d. 1855?) read (1775-1855)
34 for in or about 1855 read 17 Feb. 1855, aged 80
98 ii 4 Exton, Sir Thomas: for Previous to 1678 read On 23 Nov. 1675
5 for appointed read was in July 1686 appointed
9 after 1685. insert He was chancellor of the diocese of London 1663-85, and dean of the Arches in 1686.
99 ii 8 Eyre, Sir Giles: for 31 Nov. read 31 Oct.
104 i 9 f.e. Eyre, Sir Vincent: for lieutenant-general read major-general
105 i 38 Eyre, Sir William: for 1852 read 1853
ii 8 for 18 Sept. read 8 Sept.
111 i 19 f.e. Faber, George S.: for 1831 read 1830
113 i 20 Fabyan, Robert: for 1502 read 1503
117 ii 14 f.e. Fagan, Robert: for Early in the century read In 1809
118 ii 6 f.e. Fagg, Sir John: before in March 1661 insert to the Convention parliament of 1660, and again

123 ii 20 f.e. Fairbairn, Sir Peter: for daughter of Mr. R. W. Brindling read daughter of Robert William Brandling of Low Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and widow of Captain Charles Bell, R.N.
125 ii 7 Fairborne, Sir Palmes: for Tangiers read Tangier and so throughout the article.
127 i 8 f.e. Fairborne, Sir Stafford: before In June 1707 insert He was M.P. for Rochester 1705-8.
ii 13 before In the petition insert In 1708 he married Rebecca, daughter of Colonel Thomas Paston.
132 i 15 Fairfax, Edward: for 11473 read 11743
25 for Fuiston read Fewston
132 ii 19 Fairfax, Ferdinando: for two read three
140 ii 24 f.e. Fairfax, Thomas, 1st Lord Fairfax: after 1591. insert He was M.P. for Lincoln 1586, for Aldborough 1588, and for Boroughbridge 1601.
141 i 6-7 for unsuccessfully sought a seat read was elected M.P. for
8 after 1625. insert He was unseated on petition, but was returned at a by-election four months later (in August of the same year).
141 ii 15 f.e. Fairfax, Thomas, 3rd Lord Fairfax: for Heyworth read Heworth
146 ii 20 f.e. before For the rest insert He was M.P. for the West Riding of Yorkshire in the parliament of 1654.
150 ii 2-1 f.e. Fairfax, Sir William G.: omit of a family . . . . the time of Ed-
151 i 1-5 for ward III . . . . in the horse guards, read born on 8 March 1738-9, was son of Joseph Fairfax (who after retirement from the horse guards settled at Bagshot, Surrey), and was grandson of Joseph Fairfax of Saxton, Yorkshire.
161 i 14 Falconer, Hugh: for July read January
170 ii 37 Falle, Philip: for 1781 read 1681
174 i 15 Fane, Sir Henry: for 1768 to 1796 read 1772 to 1802
33 for In the previous year he had succeeded read In 1802 he succeeded
175 i 13 f.e. for 1825 read 1826
7 f.e. for master-general read surveyor-general
5 f.e. after Sandwich. insert He was M.P. for Hastings 1830-1.
176 i 10-11 Fane, John, 7th Earl of Westmorland: omit lord-lieutenant of the county of Northampton and
23 for 1758 read 1759
176 i 3 f.e. Fane, John, 10th Earl of Westmorland: for paymaster-general read postmaster-general
ii 16-17 omit and was for a short time . . . . George IV
177 i 29 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmorland: after Bourbons. insert He was A.D.C. to George IV both as prince regent and king, 1814-25; became major-general in 1825 and lieutenant-general in 1838.
178 ii 22 Fane, Mildmay, 2nd Earl of Westmorland: for (d. 1665) read (d. 1666)
28 after 1620-1 insert for Kent in 1625, and again for Peterborough 1626-8
l.l. for 1665 read 1665-6
179 i 9 after fourth earl insert and another son, Horace
182 i 4 Fanning, Edmund: for St. John in the Gulf of St. Lawrence read Prince Edward
8 for In 1799 he was chosen read He remained
10 omit an appointment which he retained
15 for 1793 read 1794
189 ii 37 Fanshawe, Thomas (1530?-1601): for succeeding read five succeeding
190 i 1 after lands. insert He was returned M.P. for Lancaster on 19 Jan. 1625-6, and again on 10 March 1627-8.
3 after 1622 add A son, Thomas, was elected M.P. for Lancaster to the Long parliament, but 'was disabled to sit' early in 1646.
190 i 38-43 Fanshawe, Sir Thomas, 1st Viscount Fanshawe: for for Lancaster . . . for Lancaster) on 26 Oct. 1640. read and again on 26 Oct. 1640.
ii 16-18 omit was elected M.P. . . . early in 1646
40 for 1689 read 1687
206 ii 18 Farindon, Anthony: for Branston read Bramston
208 i 38 Farish, William: before In 1794 insert He was proctor in 1792.
215 ii 6 Farmer, Richard: for the residentiary prebend read a residentiary canonry and the prebend

218 i 31 Farnaby, Thomas: for bishop of Durham read bishop of Oxford and afterwards of Durham
221 i 12 f.e. Farquhar, Sir Arthur: after knighted insert and was made K.C.H. in 1832
225 ii 27 Farr, Samuel: for Returning read He was physician to the Bristol infirmary from 1767 to 1780, practising in Bristol for some years. Afterwards returning
234 i 22 f.e. Farrington, Sir Anthony: for 1812 read the last year
235 ii 27 Fastolf, Sir John: for 1408 read 1408-9
236 i 39 after England insert He was elected M.P. for Yarmouth the year before.
238 i 14 f.e. for 5 Nov. read on St. Leonard's day, 6 Nov.
12 f.e. for 148 days read 158 days (Sloane MS. 4, f. 38 b)
239 i 3 f.e. for Southwark read Eastcheap
242 i 15-16 Faulkner, Sir Arthur B.: omit Gloucester and
249 ii 20 Fauquier, Francis: for in April read on 3 March
251 i 13 f.e. Favour, John: for (d. 1623) read (d. 1624)
ii 2 after Yorkshire. insert He was made prebendary of Southwell in 1611 and of Osbaldwick, York, in 1614.
3 for 1616 read 1616-7
14 f.e. for 1623 read 1623-4
252 ii 45-46 Fawcett, Henry: for Henry Edmundson read George Edmundson
254 i 28 for 1862 read 1863
30 for 1863 read 1864
260 i 6 f.e. Fawcett, John (1789-1867): for H. Huntingdon's read G. Huntingdon's
262 i 3 f.e. Fawcett, Sir William: for 1778 read 1781
ii 7-8 for major-general read lieutenant-general
24 for David Dundas [q. v.] read Sir Harry Calvert [q. v.]
27-28 for never before or since conferred read rarely conferred
263 ii 6 f.e. Fawkener, Sir Everard: for afterwards the first lord read who is to be distinguished from John Crewe, the first lord
264 i 5 for the second wife of Lord Crewe read Fawkener's two daughters
268 ii 38-39 Fawkes, Guy: for Bodleian Library read Ashmolean Museum
4 f.e. after Sixteenth Century insert by Robert Davies
269 i 12 Fawkes, Walter R.: for 1802 read 1806
7 f.e. for Keswick read Neswick
275 i 20 Fearne, Charles: for Watts read Watt
276 ii 16 f.e. Featley, Daniel: for (Piercy) read (Percy)
285 ii 24 f.e. Feckenham, John de: for Feckenham read Fickmann
289 i 9 Fielding, Basil, 2nd Earl of Denbigh: for his brother read his nephew, son of his brother
294 i 22 f.e. Fell, John (1625-1686): for Hearne read Dr. Thomas Smith
ii 6 for 1675 read 1675-6
298 ii 2 f.e. Fell, Samuel: after James I. insert He had become prebendary of St. Paul's in 1613.
299 i 8 for 1638 read 1637
300 ii 22 Fellowes, Sir James: for 1809 read 1810
301 i 31 Fellowes, Robert: after suffrage. insert In 1828 he purchased the 'Examiner,' and made Albany Fonblanque [q. v.] editor.
319 i 10 Fenner, Edward: after 1576. insert He was M.P. for Shoreham in 1572.
322 i 15 f.e. Fenton, Elijah: for Lyne read Lyme
323 ii 4 f.e. Fenton, Sir Geoffrey: for 1580 read 1580-1
324 i 22 after Walsingham. insert He was M.P. for co. Carlow in the Irish House of Commons 1585-6.
ii 21 for Brodie read Brady
327 i 22 Fenton, Roger: for 1615) read 1616)
ii 3 for 1615 read 1615-6
330 i 3 Fenwick, Sir John: for Highall read Wighill
331 ii 27 for 1646 read 1696
332 ii 5 f.e. Fenwicke, John: for iii. 175 read vii. 175
360 i 31 Fergusson, Sir James: for was appointed read was colonel of the 62nd foot 9-26 March 1850, and was appointed

364 ii 3-2 f.e. Fergusion, Robert C.: for as attorney-general read as standing counsel to the government 1813-8 and as king's advocate 1818-25
365 i 11 after Melbourne, insert He was director of the East India Company 1830-5.
371 ii 35 Fermor, William, Lord Leominster: after in 1671 insert was elected M.P. for Northampton in 1671 and again in 1679
373 i 3 f.e. Ferne, Henry: omit consecrated 10 Feb., and
374 ii 8-10 Ferne, Sir John: for He seems to have been dead . . . that a John Feme read He was M.P. for Boroughbridge 1604-9, and died before 14 Dec. 1609, when his successor was elected. Another John Ferne
386 i 32 Ferrers, Henry: after Clinton, insert He was apparently M.P. for Callington in 1597.
387 ii 30 Ferrers, Robert, Earl of Derby: for brother read own son
392 ii 8 f.e. Festing, Sir Francis W.: for major-general read colonel
406 ii 18-16 f.e. Field, John: for was born, as is supposed . . . and 1530. read son of Richard Field (d. 1542), was born at East Ardsley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, about 1520.
407 i 20 f.e. for Jane read Jane (d. 1609)
21 f.e. before Foster's York. Pedigrees insert Yorkshire Archæological Journal, xiv.;
411 i 17 Field, Richard (1561-1616): for 1610 read 1609
ii 11 for suddenly carried off read died 21 Nov.
416 ii 31 Fielding, Henry: for general read lieutenant-general
32 after army insert in 1739 (he died 20 June 1741)
425 ii 27 Fielding, Nathan Theodore: for Fielding's four sons read Fielding had five sons, all artists, of whom four
425 ii 35-36 Fielding, Newton Smith: omit at Huntingdon
430 i 18 f.e. Fiennes, John: before In 1657 insert He was elected M P. for Morpeth in 1645.
432 ii 25 f.e. Fiennes, Thomas, 9th Lord Dacre: for He succeeded read Thomas succeeded
434 i 3-4 Fiennes, William, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele: for the island of New Providence in the Caribbean Sea read Providence Island, in north latitude 12°
26 f.e.
19 f.e.
for New Providence read Providence Island