Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/A
- a to Voy a Barcelona. I'm going to Barcelona.—Vamos a casa. Let's go home.—Se lo dimos al hombre. We gave it to the man. ▲ at Vengan Uds. a las dos. Come at two o'clock. ▲ on, upon Al salir de la casa, la vimos. We saw her on leaving the house. ▲ later Nos marchamos a los cuatro días. We left four days later. ▲ by La carta estaba escrita a mano. The letter was written by hand. ▲ on Fuimos a pie. We went on foot. ▲ from Se lo compré a Juan. I bought it from John.
○ a no ser que if . . . not Le veré, a no ser que venga demasiado tarde. I'll see him if he doesn't come too late.
|| Quiero ver a Nueva York [Am]. I want to see New York. || ¡A que no sabes donde estuve anoche! I bet you can't guess where I was last night! - abajo below, down, downstairs Estoy aquí abajo. I'm down here.
○ boca abajo face down. ○ cuesta abajo downhill No vaya Ud. tan de prisa en la cuesta abajo. Don't drive so fast downhill. ○ de abajo lower Los pisos de abajo son muy oscuros. The lower floors are very dark. ○ de arriba abajo from top to bottom, from head to foot Lo examinó de arriba abajo. He examined it from top to bottom. ○ desde abajo from below Desde abajo la casa parecía muy alta. From below, the house seemed very tall. ○ hacia abajo downward, down Cuando pase el puente no mire hacia abajo. When you cross the bridge, don't look down. ○ por abajo at or around the bottom, down there El pantalón estaba gastado por abajo. The trousers were worn at the bottom. - abandonado (see abandonar) [adj] negligent, sloppy Es muy abandonado en su manera de vestir. He's very sloppy in his dress.
- abandonar to abandon, leave Abandonó a su mujer. He left his wife. ▲ to neglect Abandona su trabajo a menudo. He frequently neglects his work.
- abanicar(se) to fan (oneself) Como hacía calor, se abanicaba. As it was warm, she was fanning herself.
- abanico fan Compró un abanico chino. She bought a Chinese fan.
- abarrotes [m pl] ○ tienda de abarrotes grocery store [Mex].
- abatir to depress Las noticias le han abatido mucho. The news depressed him very much.
- abeja bee.
- abertura opening (of material) La abertura de este jersey es pequeña y no me cabe la cabeza. The opening in this sweater's small and my head won't go through.
- abierto (see abrir) open Las ventanas están abiertas. The windows are open.
- ablandar to soften Es asfalto se ablandó con el calor. The asphalt was softened by the heat.
- abogado lawyer.
- abolir to abolish.
- abollar to dent, batter El guardabarros quedó todo abollado. The fender was badly dented.
- abonar to pay Abonaremos la diferencia. We'll pay the difference. ▲ to fertilize Esta es la mejor época de abonar los campos. This is the best time to fertilize the fields.
○ abonarse to subscribe Me voy a abonar a estos conciertos de música de cámara. I'm going to subscribe to these chamber-music concerts. - abono commutation ticket; subscription; fertilizer.
- abrasar to burn La casa se abrasó. The house burned to the ground.
- abrazar to embrace, hug.
- abrazo embrace, hug.
- abrelatas [m sg] can opener.
- abreviar to shorten; to abbreviate.
- abreviatura abbreviation.
- abrigar to warm Estas mantas abrigan mucho. These blankets are very warm. ▲ to shelter, protect La pared me abrigaba de la lluvia. The wall protected me from the rain.
○ abrigarse to warp oneself, dress warmly Abríguese bien antes de salir. Wrap up well before you go out. - abrigo overcoat.
- abril [m] April.
- abrir [irr] to open Haga el favor de abrir la puerta. Please open the door.—¿Cuándo han abierto el cajón? When was the box opened? ▲ to unlock Con este llave abra Ud. el armario. Unlock the cabinet with this key.
○ abrirse to withdraw, back out [Am] Si se abren Uds. no se hará el negocio. If you back out the deal won't go through. ○ abrirse paso, abrirse camino to make one's way Se abría paso entre la multitud. He was making his way through the crowd. - abrochar to buckle, button Abróchale el cinturón al niño. Buckle the child's belt.—Tengo que abrocharme la chaqueta. I have to button my jacket.
- absoluto ○ en absoluto (not) at all "¿Le molesta a Ud.?" "No, en absoluto." "Do you mind?" "Not at all."—"¿Rehusó Ud. hacerlo?" "¡En absoluto!" "Did you refuse to do it?" "Not at all!"
- absorber to absorb.
- absurdo absurd; absurdity.
- abuela grandmother.
- abuelo grandfather.
- abundancia abundance.
- abundante abundant.
- aburrir to bore Aburre a todo el mundo. He bores everybody.
- abusar de to abuse El gobernador abusó de su autoridad. The governor abused his authority. ▲ to betray Abusó de mi confianza. He betrayed my confidence.
- abuso abuse (of power); betrayal (of confidence).
- acá here, this way Venga Ud. acá. Come here.
○ por acá around here Espero que le veamos por acá pronto. I hope we'll be seeing you around here soon. - acabado (see acabar) [adj] Este mueble está muy bien acabado. This piece of furniture has a fine finish. ▲ exhausted, worn out [Am] Estoy acabado. I'm worn out [Am]. ▲ [m] finish El acabado de la mesa era perfecto. The finish of the table was perfect.
- acabar to finish, end, terminate Acabe Ud. su trabajo pronto. Finish your work quickly. ▲ to put an end to Acabemos esta discusión. Let's put an end to this discussion.
○ acabar con to exhaust, use up Han acabado con todos los recursos del país. They exhausted all the resources of the country. ▲ to wipe out Acabaron con el enemigo. They wiped out the enemy. ○ acabar de to have just Acabo de llegar. I've just arrived. ○ acabar por to end by Acabaré por volverme loco. I'll end up by going crazy. ○ acabarse to run out of Se me acabó el dinero. I ran out of money. - academia academy.
- acalenturado feverish [Am] El enfermo está acalenturado esta tarde. The patient's feverish this afternoon.
- acalorarse to become heated or excited La discusión se acaloró. The argument became heated. ▲ to get overheated Me acaloré jugando al beisbol. I got overheated playing baseball.
- acariciar to caress, pet Acariciaba al perro. He was petting the dog.
- acarrear to carry (a load).
- acaso perhaps, maybe Acaso venga mañana. Maybe he'll come tomorrow. ▲ by chance ¿Acaso lo tiene Ud.? Do you have it by any chance?
- accidental accidental.
- accidente [m] accident, mishap, chance.
- acción [f] action Esas tropas van a entrar en acción. Those troops are going into action. ▲ plot (of a drama) La acción se desarrolla rápidamente. The plot develops rapidly.
- aceite [m] oil.
- aceituna olive.
- acento stress, accent Esta palabra tiene el acento en la última sílaba. This word's stressed on the last syllable. ▲ accent, pronunciation Tiene buen acento. He has a good accent.
- acentuar to accent.
- aceptar to accept.
- acera sidewalk.
- acerca de about, concerning No sé nada acerca de eso. I don't know anything about that.
- acercar to bring near Acérqueme una silla, por favor. Bring up a chair for me, please.
○ acercarse a to approach Se acercó a la puerta. He approached the door. - acero steel.
- acertar [rad-ch l] to guess right Gana el que acierte el número. Whoever guesses the number wins.
○ acertar con to locate, find No acertó con la casa. He couldn't find the house. ○ acertar en to hit (a mark) Acertó en el centro del blanco. He hit the bull's-eye. - ácido sour Estas naranjs son muy ácidas. These oranges are very sour. ▲ [m] acid.
- acierto good judgment, good choice Es un acierto este traje que se ha comprado Ud. That suit you bought's a good choice.
- aclamación [f] acclamation Fué elegido por aclamación. He was elected by acclamation.
- aclamar to acclaim, applaud.
- aclaración [f] explanation.
- aclarar to make clear, clarify Hay que aclarar este asunto. This matter must be clarified. ▲ to brighten, clear up Parece que el día aclara. It seems to be clearing up.
- acogida reception Tuvieron una calurosa acogida. They got a warm reception.
- acometer to attack.
- acomodado (see acomodar) well-to-do Es una familia acomodada. It's a well-to-do family.
- acomodador [m] usher.
- acomodar to put, place Acomode bien las maletas en la red. Put the suitcases carefully on the rack. ○ acomodarse to adapt oneself Se acomoda a las circunstancias. She adapts herself to circumstances. ▲ to make oneself comfortable Acomódense, que tenemos tiempo de sobre. Make yourselves comfortable, for we have plenty of time.
- acomodo job, position Está buscando acomodo. He's looking for a job.
- acompañar to accompany.
- aconsejar to advise.
- acontecimiento event.
- acorazado battleship.
- acordar [rad-ch l] to agree to, on, or upon Lo acordaron por unanimidad. They agreed to it unanimously.
○ acordarse de to remember, recollect ¿Se acuerda Ud. de esto? Do you remember this? - acortar to shorten Haga el favor de acortar la chaqueta. Would you please shorten the jacket.
○ acortar la marcha to slow down. - acostar [rad-ch l] to put to bed Ya es hora de acostar a los niños. It's time to put the children to bed. ▲ to lay Se puso enfermo y lo acostaron en un banco. He became sick and they laid him on a bench.
○ acostarse to go to bed Se acuesta temprano pero tarda en dormirse. he goes to bed early but it takes him a long time to get to sleep. ○ estar acostado to be lying down Estaba acostado en el diván. He was lying on the couch. - acostumbrarse a to get accustomed to.
- acrecentar [rad-ch l] to increase.
- acreditado accredited Es un representante acreditado del gobierno francés. He's an accredited representative of the French government. ▲ of good reputation Es un médico acreditado. He's a doctor of good reputation. ▲ solvent Es una firma acreditada. It's a solvent firm.
- acreedor [m] creditor Le persiguen los acreedores. His creditors are after him.
- actitud [f] attitude.
- actividad [f] activity En la oficina ha habido mucha actividad esta mañana. There's been a lot of activity around the office this morning.
○ actividades activities Además de su empleo tiene otras muchas actividades. In addition to his regular job, he has a lot of other activities. - activo active.
- acto act Fué un acto de valor. It was an act of courage. ▲ ceremony El acto tuvo lugar por la tarde. The ceremony took place in the afternoon. ▲ act (of a play) Ahora va a empezar el tercer acto. The third act is about to begin.
○ en el acto right away Lo hizo en el acto. He did it right away. - actor [m] actor.
- actriz [f] actress.
- actual present, current Las circunstancias actuales son desfavorables. Present circumstances are unfavorable.
- actualidad [f] present time En la actualidad escasea el café. Nowadays coffee is scarce.
- actualmente at present, at the present time Actualmente está en Chicago. At the present time he's in Chicago.
- actuar to act.
- acudir to rush Acudieron en su ayuda. They rushed to his aid. ▲ to keep (an appointment) No acudió a la cita. He didn't keep his appointment.
- acuerdo agreement Llegaron a un acuerdo. They came to an agreement.
○ de acuerdo of the same opinion Estamos de acuerdo. We're of the same opinion. ○ de acuerdo con in accordance with Lo hice de acuerdo con sus instrucciones. I did it according to your instructions. - acumular to accumulate.
- acusación [f] accusation.
- acudado (see acusar) [adj] accused. ▲ [n] defendant.
- acusar to accuse Le acusaron de homicidio. They accused him of manslaughter. ▲ to acknowledge (in business correspondence) Acusamos recibo de su carta. We acknowleddge receipt of your letter.
- adaptar to adapt.
- adecuado adequate, suitable.
- adelantado (see adelantar) ○ por adelantado in advance En ese hotel hay que pagar por adelantado. You have to pay in advance in that hotel.
- adelantar to surpass, take the lead Este muchacho adelanta al resto de la clase. This boy surpasses the rest of the class.—Adelantaron a todos los demás. They went ahead of all the others. ▲ to pass Iban a ochenta kilómetros y nos adelantaron. They were doing eighty kilometers and they passed us. ▲ to gain time Su reloj adelanta. Your watch gains time. ▲ to put ahead Adelante Ud. su reloj porque está atrasado. Put your watch ahead; it's slow. ▲ to be fast Mi reloj está adelantado cinco minutos. My watch is five minutes fast. ▲ to improve, advance Su español adelanta poco a poco. His Spanish is improving little by little.
○ adelantarse to beat (someone) to, steal a march on Yo quería invitarle, pero su amigo se me adelantó. I wanted to invite you, but your friend beat me to it. - adelante Siga Ud. adelate. Go ahead.
○ en adelante from now on De ahora en adelante lo haremos así. From now on we'll do it this way. ○ más adelante later on Más adelante lo comprenerás. You'll understand it later on. ▲ farther on Más adelante encontramos una casa. Farther on we came upon a house.
|| ¡Adelante! Come in! or Forward! - adelanto improvement Esta casa tiene todo los adelantos. This house has all the latest improvements.
- adelgazar to make thin; to lose weight.
- además moreover, furthermore No tengo ganas de ir y además ya es muy tarde. I don't want to go, and besides it's too late.
○ además de in addition to, besides Además de fruta vamos a tomar helado. Besides fruit we're going to have ice cream. - adentro within, inside Voy a ir adentro. I'm going inside.
|| ¡Adentro! Come in! - adiós good-by, so long.
- adivinar to guess ¿A qué no adivina Ud. lo que me ha ocurrido hoy? I'll bet you can't guess what happened to me today.
- adjunto enclosed. (Used in correspondence.)
- administración [f] administration, management.
- administrador [m] manager; superintendent (of a building).
- administrar to manage, administer.
- admirable admirable, excellent, wonderful.
- admiración [f] admiration, wonder.
- admirar to amaze Me admira su descaro. I'm amazed at his nerve. ▲ to admire Admiraba el trabajo de su amigo. He admired his friend's work.
○ admirarse de to be surprised or amazed at Se admiraron de su resistencia. They were amazed at his courage. - admitir to admit Le han admitido en la escuela de ingenieros. He was admitted to the engineering school. ▲ to accept No se admiten propinas. Tips not accepted. ▲ to let, allow No admite interrupciones. He doesn't allow interruptions.
- adolescencia adolscence, youth.
- adolescente [adj; n] adolescent.
- adonde where, to what place Adonde voy tú no puedes ir. You can't go where I'm going.
○ ¿adónde? where? where to? ¿Adónde va Ud.? Where are you going? - adoptar to adopt Adoptaron una niña. They adopted a little girl.—Han adoptado un nuevo plan. They've adopted a new plan. ▲ to assume Adoptó un aire de gran importancia. He assumed an air of great importance.
- adorar to worship, adore.
- adornar to decorate, fix up El salón está muy bien adornado para la fiesta. The room's nicely fixed up for the party. ▲ to trim El traje estaba adornado con encajes. The dress was trimmed with lace.
- adorno ornament, trimming.
- adquirir to acquire.
- adquisición [f] acquisition.
- aduana customhouse. ▲ customs Pagaron derechos de aduana(s). They paid customs duties.
- adulación [f] flattery.
- adular to flatter.
- adulto [n; adj] adult.
- adversario opponent.
- adversidad [f] adversity, misfortune.
- advertencia warning.
- advertir [rad-ch II] to notice, observe Advertí algunos errores en su informe. I noticed some mistakes in his report. ▲ to advise, warn Te advierto que no lo hagas otra vez. I'm warning you not to do it again.—Ya se lo advertí a Ud. I told you so.
- aéreo aerial, (of the) air Envíelo por correo aéreo. Send it airmail.
- aeródromo airport.
- aeroplano airplane.
- afable affable, pleasant.
- afán [m] anxiety, eagerness.
- afanarse to be eager Muchachos, no se afanen tanto. Don't be so eager, boys.
- afectado (see afectar) affected, unnatural.
- afectar to move La noticia le afectó mucho. The news moved him deeply.
- afecto affection, regard Les tiene afecto a todos sus compañeros de oficina. He has regard for all his office companions.
- afeitar to shave.
○ afeitarse to shave (oneself). - afición [f] fondness; inclination.
- aficionado, aficionada fan Soy un gran aficionado al béisbol. I'm a great baseball fan. ▲ amateur Esta es una compañía de aficionados. This is an amateur company.
○ aficionado a fond of Es muy aficionado a la lectura. He's very fond of reading. - aficionarse a to become fond of Se ha aficionado a los deportes. He's become fond of sports.
- afilar to sharpen.
- afinidad [f] relationship by marriage Es pariente mío por afinidad. He's one of my in-laws.
- afirmar to affirm, assert, maintain.
- afirmativo [adj] affirmative.
- aflicción [f] affliction, sorrow, grief.
- afligir to grieve (someone) Les afligió macho la pérdida de su madre. The loss of their mother grieved them very much.
○ afligirse to grieve Se afligieron por la desgracia de su amigo. They grieved over their friend's misfortune. - aflojar to loosen, relax Afloje Ud. un poco la venda. Loosen the bandage a little. ▲ to slacken No aflojen el trabajo en tiempo de guerra. Don't slacken in your work in war time. ▲ to decrease, let up, subside La tormenta aflojó. The storm let up.
- afortunadamente fortunately.
- afortunado fortunate, lucky.
- afuera out, outside Vamos afuera. Let's go out.
○ afueras [f pl] suburbs, outskirts Viven en las afueras de la ciudad. They live in the suburbs.
|| ¡Afuera! Get out! - agachar to lower, bend down Agachen la cabeza que el techo es muy bajo. Bend down; the ceiling's very low.
- agarradero handle.
- agarrar to hold, grasp Agarre Ud. bien la cuerda. Hold the rope tight. ▲ to catch or contract (illness) He agarrado un catarro atroz. I caught an awful cold. ▲ to take [Arg].
○ agarrarse to hold on, catch hold Se agarró de mi brazo para no caerse. She caught hold of my arm so she wouldn't fall. - agencia agency (except governmental).
- agente [m] agent Es agente de una gran compañía de seguros. He's agent for a big insurance company. ▲ representative La compañía ha enviado varios agentes para tratar el asunto. The company's sent several representatives to discuss the matter.
○ agente (de policía) policeman [Am] Pregunte al agente dónde está la plaza de Santiago. Ask the policeman where St. James Square is. - ágil quick, agile Es ágil de movimientos. He's quick in his movements.—Tiene una inteligencia muy ágil. She has a very quick mind.
- agitación [f] excitement, agitation.
- agitar to shake Agítese bien antes de usarlo. Shake well before using. ▲ to stir up, excite El político agitó a los trabajadores. The politician stirred up the workers.
○ agitarse to become excited Cuando lo oyó se agitó mucho. When she heard it she got very excited. - agosto August.
- agotar to run through, use up, exhaust Agotaron rápidamente la herencia. They ran through the inheritance.
○ agotarse to wear oneself out Con tanto trabajo se está agotando. He's wearing himself out working so much. ▲ to go out of print La edición se agotó rápidamente. The edition went out of print quickly. ▲ to give out Se agotaron las provisiones en poco tiempo. The provisions gave out in a short time. - agradable agreeable, pleasant.
- agradar to be pleasing to Es un tipo que no me agrada. I don't like his type.
- agradecer [-zc-] to appreciate Le agradezco mucho su amabilidad. I appreciate your kindness. ▲ to thank for Le agradecí mucho su ayuda. I thanked him very much for his help.
- agradecimiento gratitude.
- agrado liking Esto no es de su agrado. This is not to his liking.
- agrandar to enlarge Van a agrandar su tienda. They're going to enlarge their store. ▲ to let out (a garment).
- agravar to aggravate, make worse Esto agrava la situación. This makes the situation worse.
○ agravarse to get worse El enfermo se agravó. The patient got worse. - agregado See agregar. ▲ [m] attaché Vimos al agregado militar de la Embajada Americana. We saw the military attaché of the American Embassy.
- agregar to add Hace falta agregar más detalles al informe. You have to add more details to the report.
- agresión [f] aggression.
- agresivo aggressive.
- agresor [m] aggressor.
- agricultor [m] farmer.
- agricultura agriculture.
- agrio sour La toronja está muy agria. The grapefruit tastes very sour.
- agrupar to group.
- agua water Quiere un vaso de agua fresca. He wants a glass of cold water. ▲ rain Ahora hace un tiempo de agua. We're having a rainy spell.
○ agua de coco coconut milk. ○ aguas termales hot springs. ○ más claro que el agua clear as crystal Tiene Ud. razón, eso está más claro que el agua. You're right, that's as clear as crystal.
|| ¡Hombre al agua! Man overboard! - aguacate [m] avocado, alligator pear.
- aguacero [m] rainstorm El aguacero de anoche ha cortado el camino. Last night's storm washed out the road.
- aguado ○ manos aguadas butterfingers [Am] ¡Tienes las manos aguadas! You have butterfingers.
- aguafiestas [m, f; sg] wet blanket, killjoy No seas aguafiestas. Don't be a wet blanket.
- aguantar to bear, endure, stand Es asombroso como puede aguantar tanto. It's amazing how much he can stand.—Esto no se puede aguantar. This is unbearable. ▲ to hang on, not give up ¡Aguante duro! Hang on tight!
○ aguantarse to be patient, take it Hay que aguantarse. You have to take it. - aguardar to expect Le aguardamos mañana a las diez. We expect him tomorrow at ten o'clock. ▲ to wait for Te estoy aguardando hace horas. I've been waiting for you for hours.
- aguardiente [m] brandy, whiskey.
- agudo sharp, keen El cuchillo tenía la punta muy aguda. The knife had a very sharp point. ▲ clever Es un muchacho muy agudo. He's a very clever boy. ▲ high-pitched Tiene una voz muy aguda. She has a very high-pitched voice. ▲ witty ¡Siempre tiene dichos tan agudos! He's always making such witty remarks! ▲ acute (of an angle) Las calles forman un ángulo agudo. The two streets form an acute angle.
- águila [f] eagle.
- agüita agüita (water flavored with aromatic leaves) [Am] ¿Qué quiere Ud. después de la comida, café, té o agüita de menta? What would you like after dinner—coffee, tea, or mint water?
- aguja needle ¿Tiene Ud. una aguja para coser estos botones? Do you have a needle to sew on these buttons? ▲ hand (of watch, compass) A mi reloj se le ha caído una aguja. One of the hands has fallen off my watch.
○ agujas [pl] switch El tren ha entrado en agujas. The train's passed the switch. - agujero hole.
- aguzar to sharpen to a point Aguce un poco la estaca. Sharpen the end of the stick a little.
|| Aguzó el oído. He pricked up his ears. - ¡ah! oh!
- ahí there Ahí está su amigo. There's your friend.—Qué tiene Ud. ahí en el bolsillo? What have you got there in your pocket?
○ por ahí that way Por ahí, haga el favor. That way, please. ▲ around here Por ahí anda su sombrero. Your hat's somewhere around here.
|| ¿Y de ahí, qué hubo? Hello there, what's new? [C.A.] - ahijada goddaughter.
- ahijado godson.
- ahogar to choke Trató de ahogarle. He tried to choke him.
○ ahogarse to drown, to be drowned Muchos animales se ahogaron en la inundación. Many animals were drowned in the flood. ▲ to be suffocated Me ahogo en esta habitación tan pequeña y tan caliente. This room's so small and hot that I'm suffocating. - ahora now, right now Ahora voy a casa. I'm going home now. ▲ now ¿Ahora, qué piensa Ud.? Now, what do you think?
○ ahora bien now, now then Ahora bien, hay que aclarar este problema. Now then, let's get this problem cleared up. ○ ahora mismo at once, right away Hágalo ahora mismo. Do it right away. ▲ just, just now Salió ahora mismo. He just left. ○ de ahora en adelante from now on Lo haremos así de ahora en adelante. We'll do it this way from now on. ○ hasta ahora up to now, so far Hasta ahora nunca hemos tenido este problema. Up to now we've never had this problem. ○ por ahora for the present Por ahora tenemos bastante comida. We have enough food for the present. - ahorcar to hang (execute) Lo ahorcaron el mismo día. They hanged him the same day.
- ahorita right now [Am] Ahorita vamos a verle. We're going to see him right now.
- ahorrar to save ¿Cuánto dinero hemos ahorrado este mes? How much have we saved this month?
- aire [m] air El aire de esta habitación está muy cargado. The air in this room's very stuffy. ▲ wind Sopla un aire muy fuerte. There's a very strong wind blowing. ▲ look, appearance Tiene aire de millonario. He looks like a millionaire.—Tenía un aire muy cansado. He looked very tired.
○ al aire libre in the open air Pasamos tres horas al aire libre. We spent three hours in the open air. ○ tomar el aire to get some fresh air.
|| Se da aires de persona importante. He puts on airs. - aislamiento isolation.
- aislar to isolate, cut off.
- ¡aja! || ¡Aja! ¿Conque esas tenemos? So that's what's going on!
- ajedrez [m] chess.
- ajeno another's, someone else's No se meta en vidas ajenas. Don't meddle in other people's affairs.
- ajo garlic.
○ echar ajos to swear Empezó a echar ajos. He started swearing. ○ estar en el ajo to be in the know. - ajustar to tighten Tiene Ud. que ajustar esos tornillos. You have to tighten those screws. ▲ to fit Esta tapadera no ajusta. This cover doesn't fit. ▲ to agree about, decide (on) Se reunieron para ajustar las condiciones de la paz. They met to decide peace terms. ▲ to settle Vamos a ajustar las cuentas. Let's settle accounts.
- al (a + el) See a.
- ala wing; brim (of a hat).
- alabanza praise.
- alabar to praise.
- alacrán [m] scorpion.
- alambrada wire fence.
- alambre [m] wire.
- alameda mall, public walk (lined with poplars).
- álamo poplar.
- alarde [m] boast.
○ hacer alarde de to show off Levantó el baúl para hacer alarde de fuerza. He lifted the trunk to show off his strength. - alardear to boast.
- alargar to lengthen, extend Hay que alargar las mangas de este abrigo. The sleeves of this coat have to be lengthened. ▲ to hand Haga el favor de alargarme la maleta. Would you hand me the suitcase, please?
- alarma alarm.
- alba dawn.
- albañil [m] mason, bricklayer.
- albaricoque [m] apricot [Sp].
- alborotar to disturb, make noise Los niños están alborotando mucho. The children are making a lot of noise.
- alboroto disturbance, excitement; [C.A.] popcorn.
- alcachofa artichoke.
- alcalde [m] mayor.
- alcance [m] reach Estaba fuera de su alcance. It was out of his reach.
- alcancía toy bank; collection box.
- alcanzado short (of money) Siempre anda alcanzado de dinero. He's always short of money.
- alcanzar to catch up with, overtake Nos alcanzaron muy pronto. They caught up with us quickly. ▲ to reach No puedo alcanzar esa lata de tomate. I can't reach that can of tomatoes. ▲ to attain, reach Alcanzó el grado de general. He reached the rank of general.
○ alcanzar a to succeed in, can Desde aquí no alcanzo a verlo. From here I can't see it. - alcoba bedroom.
- alcohol [m] alcohol.
- alcohólico [adj; n] alcoholic.
- aldea village.
- alegar to allege, state, assert.
- alegrar to brighten (up) Las flores alegrarán la mesa. The flowers will brighten up the table. ▲ to cheer up.
○ alegrarse to rejoice, be glad Me alegro mucho de verla. I'm very glad to see you. - alegre glad, happy ¿Por qué está Ud. tan alegre hoy? Why are you so happy today? ▲ cheerful Son gente muy alegre. They're very cheerful people. ▲ brilliant, bright ¡Qué traje tan alegre! What a bright-colored suit that is! ▲ drunk, tipsy Está un poco alegre. He's a little tipsy.
- alegría delight, joy, pleasure Mostró gran alegría cuando le vio. He showed great joy when he saw him.
- alejarse to go away No se aleje demasiado. Don't go too far away.
- alentado well, all right [Am] Estaba enfermo, pero hoy ya está alentado. He was ill, but today he's all right.
- alentar [rad-ch I] to comfort, cheer up Hay que alentarla un poco. She needs a little cheering up. ▲ to encourage Aliéntele Ud. a que lo haga ahora. Encourage him to do it.
- alfabeto alphabet.
- alfiler [m] pin.
- alfombra carpet, rug.
- algo something ¿Tiene Ud. algo que decirme? Have you something to tell me? ▲ rather, somewhat Me parece algo caro. It seems rather expensive to me.
○ algo de some ¿Tiene Ud. algo de dinero? Have you got some money? ○ por algo for some reason Por algo me dice Ud. eso. You must have a reason for telling me. ○ servir para algo to be useful, be good for something No sé si esto le servirá para algo. I don't know whether this'll be of any use to you. - algodón [m] cotton.
- alguien somebody, someone Alguien llama a la puerta. Somebody's knocking at the door. ▲ anybody, anyone ¿Ha venido alguien? Has anybody come?
- algún (see alguno) some Espero que Ud. vuelva algún día. I hope you'll come again some day.
- alguno some, any Quiero hacerle algunas preguntas. I want to ask you some questions.—¿Quiere Ud. hacerme alguna pregunta? Do you want to ask me any questions?
○ alguna cosa más anything else ¿Necesita Ud. alguna cosa más? Do you need anything else? ○ alguna vez now and then, sometimes Nos visita algunas veces. He visits us now and then. ○ algunos some people Algunos no tienen paciencia. Some people have no patience. - alhaja jewel.
- aliado allied. ▲ [n] ally.
- alianza union, alliance.
- aliarse to form an alliance, ally oneself.
- aliento breath Llegó sin aliento. He was out of breath when he got here.
|| Es una persona de muchos alientos. He's a very energetic person. - aligerar to lighten Tenemos que aligerar la carga. We have to lighten the load. ▲ to hasten, hurry Aligera porque es tarde. Hurry up, it's late.
- alimentar to feed, nourish Esta comida no alimenta bastante. This food's not nourishing enough.
- alimento food, nourishment.
- alistarse to enlist Se alistó en la Legión Extranjera. He enlisted in the Foreign Legion.
- alistarse to get ready [Am] Hay que alistarse temprano porque el tren no espera. We'd better get ready early because the train won't wait.
- aliviar to relieve, alleviate.
- allá there ¡Allá está! There it is!
○ allá arriba up there, way up Está allá arriba esperándole. He's up there waiting for you. ○ allá dentro in there, inside Allá dentro están sus amigos. Your friends are in there. ○ hacia allá, para allá that way Vamos hacia allá. Let's go that way. ○ más allá farther on, beyond El pueblo está más allá de aquellos árboles. The village is beyond those trees. ○ por allá over there Les vi por allá hace un rato. I saw 'em over there a while ago. - allí there Póngalo allí. Put it over there.—Su casa está allí a la derecha. His house is there on the right.
○ de allí from there Vive lejos de allí. She lives far from there. ○ desde allí from there Desde allí se veía perfectamente. From there one could see perfectly. ○ por allí that way Dice que vayamos por allí. He says we should go that way. - alma soul.
○ almas people Es un pueblo de tres mil almas. It's a town of 3000 people. ○ de mi alma (term of affectionate address used in Spanish-speaking countries) ¡Hijo de mi alma! My dear child!
|| Lo siento en el alma. I'm terribly sorry. - almacén [m] warehouse, stockroom; store, shop; department store; [Arg] grocery store.
- almendra almond.
- almidón [m] starch.
- almidonar to starch.
- almirante [m] admiral.
- almohada pillow.
|| Lo voy a consultar con la almohada. I'm going to sleep on it (i.e., think it over). - almohadón [m] cushion.
- almorzar [rad-ch I] to lunch, breakfast.
- almuerzo lunch, noon meal; breakfast.
- alocado reckless Es un muchacho muy alocado. He's a reckless young fellow.
- alojamiento lodging.
- alojar to put up, lodge, quarter.
- alpargata espadrille (sandal with fiber sole and canvas upper).
- alquilar to rent, hire Alquilaron una casa. They rented a house. ▲ to let Se alquilan habitaciones. Rooms for rent.
- alquiler [m] rent, price of rent.
- alrededor ○ alrededor de around Estaban sentados alrededor de la mesa. They were sitting around the table. ▲ about Costó alrededor de treinta pesos. It cost about thirty pesos. ○ alrededores [m pl] outskirts, surroundings.
- altar [m] altar.
- altavoz [m] loudspeaker.
- alteración [f] alteration, change Tenemos que hacer algunas alteraciones en nuestros planes. We have to make some changes in our plans. ▲ strong emotion Daba muestras de gran alteración. He showed signs of great emotion.
○ alteración del orden tumult, public disorder Hubo alteraciones del orden en todo el país. There were disorders all over the country. - alterar to change, transform Su venida alteró completamente nuestra vida. His coming changed our lives completely.
○ alterarse to get excited No se altere Ud. que no es nada. Don't get excited; it's nothing. - alternar to alternate, take turns.
- alternativa [f] alternative.
- alto high, tall ¿Qué es aquel edificio tan alto? What's that very tall building? ▲ high (in rank) Habló con un alto empleado del Ministerio de Hacienda. He talked to a high official of the Treasury Department. ▲ high Los precios son muy altos en esta tienda. Prices are very high in this store. ▲ loud No hables tan alto. Don't talk so loud.
○ a altas horas de la noche very late at night Volvió a altas horas de la noche. He returned very late at night. ○ altos upper story Viven en los altos de aquella casa. They live in the upper story of that house. ○ lo alto top La casa está en lo alto de la colina. The house is on top of the hill. ○ pasar por alto to overlook, forget Hemos pasado por alto muchos puntos importantes. We've overlooked many important facts. - alto ○ hacer alto to stop, halt Hicimos alto en el camino para almorzar. We stopped along the way to have lunch.—Los soldados hicieron alto a la entrada del pueblo. The soldiers halted at the entrance to the town.
|| ¡Alto! Halt! or Stop! - altura height, altitude, elevation No me encuentro bien a tanta altura. I don't feel well at such a high altitude.
- aludir a to allude to, refer to.
- alumbrado See alumbrar. ▲ lighting, lighting system Hay muy poco alumbrado en esta parte de la ciudad. The lighting's poor in this part of the city.
- alumbrar to give light Los faroles de la calle no alumbran bastante. The street lamps don't give enough light. ▲ to light, illuminate ¿Puede alumbar el camino? Can you light the way?
- alumno pupil, student.
- alusión [f] allusion, reference; hint.
- alzar to lift, raise No alzó los ojos del libro. He didn't raise his eyes from the book.
○ alzarse to rise, revolt Se alzaron contra el gobierno. They revolted against the government. ▲ to get up. ○ alzarse con to lift, steal, swipe Se alzó con el dinero. He stole the money. - amabilidad [f] kindness.
- amable kind, amiable.
- amanecer to dawn En verano amanece más temprano que en invierno. In the summer it dawns earlier than in the winter.
- amanecer [m] daybreak, dawn.
- amanecida ○ a la amanecida at daybreak, at dawn.
- amante [adj] loving. ▲ [n] lover; mistress.
- amapola poppy.
- amar to love.
- amargado (see amargar) embittered Ese tipo está amargado. That guy's very embittered.
- amargar to make bitter, make miserable Amarga la vida de todos los que le rodean. He makes life miserable for everyone around him.
- amargo bitter.
- amargor [m] bitterness No podía soportar el amargor del café. He couldn't stand the bitterness of the coffee.
- amargura bitterness Sus desgracias le causaron una gran amargura. His misfortunes caused him great bitterness.
- amarillo yellow.
- amarrar to tie, fasten.
- ambición [f] (excessive) ambition.
- ambicioso overambitious.
- ambiente [m] atmosphere, environment.
- ambulancia ambulance.
- amén amen.
|| Dice a todo amén. He's a yes-man. - amenaza threat, menace.
- amenazar to threaten, menace.
- americana coat (of a man's suit) [Sp].
- amigo, amiga friend Es una amiga mía. She's a friend of mine.
- amistad [f] friendship.
○ hacer amistad to become friends, make friends (with) Pronto hicieron amistad. They soon became friends.—Hizo amistad con Juan. He made friends with John. ○ hacer amistades to get acquainted En poco tiempo hizo amistades allí. He got acquainted there in a short time. - amistoso friendly.
- amo, ama owner, proprietor Hablamos con el amo de la casa. We talked with the owner of the house. ▲ boss No se lo digas al amo. Don't tell the boss.
- amontonar to heap, pile up.
- amor [m] love Le gusta hablar de amor. He likes to talk of love. ▲ love, heartthrob Ha encontrado un nuevo amor. He's found a new love. ▲ love, darling Sí, mi amor. Yes, darling.
○ amor propio self-esteem, pride Tiene un amor propio excesivo. He has too much pride. - amoscarse to become peeved or irked Se ha amoscado con tus palabras. He was peeved by what you said.
- amotinarse to mutiny.
- amparo aid; protection.
- ampliación [f] enlargement Quiero una ampliación de esta fotografía. I want an enlargement of this photograph.
- ampliar to enlarge, amplify, extend.
- amplio ample, roomy, large.
- amueblar to furnish, supply with furniture Amueblaron la casa con todo lujo. They furnished the house very luxuriously.
- analfabeto [adj, n] illiterate.
- análisis [m or f] analysis.
- analizar to analyze.
- anarquía anarchy.
- ancho wide, broad ¿Cree Ud. que el camino es bastante ancho para automóviles? Do you think the road's wide enough for cars? ▲ too big, too wide Este traje me está ancho. This suit's too big for me. ▲ width, breadth ¿Qué ancho tiene la tela? What's the width of the material?
○ a sus anchas at ease, comfortable. - anciano aged, very old (of people).
- ancla anchor.
- andada hike [Am] Dimos la gran andada para llegar a la cumbre. We took a long hike up to the summit.
- andalón [m] wanderer, gadabout [Am] Eres muy andalón, muchacho. You're a great gadabout, my boy.
- andar [irr] to walk, go on foot Es demasiado lejos para ir andando. It's too far to walk. ▲ to go, move El tren echó a andar. The train began to move. ▲ to run, go, work ¿Anda ese reloj? Is that clock going?
○ andar andando to roam around [Mex, Col] He andado andando todo el día. I've been chasing around all day. ○ andar cerca to come close to No se sacó el premio, pero le anduvo cerca. He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it. ○ andar en to be going on [Am] El niño anda en siete años. The child's going on seven.
○ andarse por las ramas to beat around the bush.
|| ¡Anda! Move on! or Get up! or Go ahead! || ¡Ándale! Go on! or Go to it! [Am] - andarivel [m] cable ferry, aerial cable car [Am]. ▲ rail, fence [Arg] El jinete cayó cerca del andarivel. The jockey fell right by the rail.
- andén [m] (railroad) platform.
- angosto narrow.
- ángulo angle.
- anillo ring Le regaló un anillo de brillantes. He gave her a diamond ring.
- animación [f] animation, liveliness La animación de la reunión me sorprendió. The liveliness of the gathering surprised me.
- animado (see animar) lively, animated.
- animal [m] animal. ▲ jackass, stupid person ¡No seas animal! Don't be a jackass!
- animar to cheer, encourage Vamos a animar a los jugadores. Let's encourage the players. ▲ to pep up Su llegada animó la fiesta. His arrival pepped up the party.
○ animar a to encourage to, urge to Le estoy animando a que venga con nosotros. I'm urging him to come with us. - ánimo (state of) mind, spirits Estaba de buen ánimo. He was in good spirits. ▲ courage.
○ dar ánimos to encourage, cheer up Le dio ánimos porque estaba decaído. She cheered him up because he was depressed. - aniversario [m] anniversary.
- anoche last night.
- anochecer [-zc-] to grow dark, get dark Ahora anochece a las cinco. It gets dark at five now.
- anochecer [m] dusk, nightfall.
- ansiedad [f] anxiety.
- ansioso anxious, eager, impatient Estoy ansioso de conocerla. I'm anxious to meet her.
- anteanoche night before last.
- anteayer day before yesterday.
- anteojos [m pl] eyeglasses, spectacles.
- antepasado [adj] before last El año antepasado fuimos a Europa. The year before last we went to Europe. ▲ [m] ancestor, ancestress.
- anterior previous, last.
- antes before Ya se lo dije a Ud. antes. I told you that before. ▲ formerly Esta calle tenía otro nombre antes. This street used to have another name.
○ antes de before Comamos antes de ir. Let's eat before we go. ○ antes que before Salieron antes que nosotros llegásemos. They left before we arrived. - ante todo above all, first of all Ante todo no olvide escribirme. Above all, don't forget to write me.
- anticipar to advance, lend Me anticipó treinta pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. ▲ to advance Anticiparon la fecha de la fiesta. They advanced the date of the party.
○ anticiparse to arrive ahead of time Se anticiparon media hora. They arrived half an hour early. ▲ to get ahead of Se me anticipó. He got ahead of me. - antiguo former; old, ancient.
○ a la antigua in an old-fashioned way Le gusta vestir a la antigua. She likes to dress in an old-fashioned way. - antipatía dislike Me tiene antipatía. He dislikes me.
- antipático disagreeable Es un hombre muy antipático. He's a very disagreeable man.
- antojarse || Hace todo lo que se le antoja. She does whatever comes into her mind. || Lo hago porque se me antoja. I do it because I take a notion to.
- anunciar to announce; to advertise.
- anuncio advertisement; announcement; notice.
- añadir to add (to).
- año year.
○ año bisiesto leap year. ○ año nuevo new year Feliz año nuevo. Happy New Year. ○ tener . . . años to be . . . years old Tengo veinte años. I'm twenty years old. - apagar to put out, extinguish Apague Ud. la luz. Put out the light.
○ apagarse to go out Se apagaron las luces. The lights went out. - apagón [m] blackout.
- aparato apparatus, set Vende aparatos de radio. He sells radio sets.
- aparecer [-zc-] to show up, turn up No apareció. He didn't show up.
- aparición [f] appearance (presence) Le sorprendió la aparición repentina de su amigo. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. ▲ apparition.
- apariencia appearance, looks No me gusta su apariencia. I don't like his looks.
- apartado (see apartar) distant, far away.
○ apartado (de correos) post office box. - apartamiento apartment [Am].
- apartar to separate, divide.
- aparte separate Eso es cuestión abarte. That's a separate question. ▲ aside, separately Ponga este paquete aparte. Put this package aside.
- apearse to get off Se prohibe apearse en marcha. Don't get off while the vehicle's in motion.
- apellido (family) name.
- apenado sorry, grieved Estaban apenados por la enfermedad de su tía. They were grieved by the illness of their aunt. ▲ worried [Am] Estábamos apenados porque no recibíamos noticias. We were worried because we weren't getting any news.
- apenas scarcely, hardly Apenas puede andar. He can hardly walk. ▲ as soon as Apenas llegue, avíseme. Let me know as soon as he comes.
- apertura opening (of exhibition, public event).
- apetito appetite.
- apiñado gathered in a crowd La gente está apiñada para ver el desfile. ▲ crowd of people gathered to see the parade.
- apio celery.
- aplanar to smooth, flatten.
○ aplanarse to be in low spirits, get depressed Se aplanó después del fracaso. He got very depressed after his failure. - aplastar to crush Aplastaron toda resistencia. They crushed all resistance. ▲ to flatten Le aplastaron las narices. They flattened his nose.
○ aplastarse to flatten oneself Se aplastaron contra la pared. They flattened themselves against the wall. - aplaudir to applaud.
- aplauso applause.
- aplicado (see aplicar) studious, industrious Es un estudiante muy aplicado. He's very studious.
- aplicar to apply, put on Le aplicaron a la silla una capa de pintura. They put a coat of paint on the chair.
○ aplicarse to apply oneself. - aplomo self-possession, poise Tiene mucho aplomo. He has a lot of poise.
- apoderarse de to take possession of, seize.
- apodo nickname.
- aporrear to beat up, club.
- apostar to bet ¿Cuánto apuesta Ud.? How much do you bet?
○ apostar a que to bet that Apuesto a que llego yo antes de Ud. I bet I get there before you. - apoyar to rest, prop Apoye el pie en ese escalón. Rest your foot on that step. ▲ to back, support, second Nadie apoyó su proposición. No one supported his motion.—Apoyo la proposición. I second the motion.
○ apoyarse to support oneself, lean Se apoya en un bastón. He's leaning on a cane. - apoyo prop, support.
- aprecio esteem, respect, liking Le tengo mucho aprecio. I have great respect for him.
- aprender to learn.
- apresurar to hasten, hurry No apresure el paso; llegaremos a la hora. Don't walk so fast; we'll get there on time.
○ apresurarse to hurry up Haga el favor de apresurarse; ya llegamos tarde. Please hurry; we're late already. - apretar [rad-ch I] to tighten Apriete este tornillo. Tighten this screw. ▲ to be too tight on Me aprieta mucho este cuello. This collar's too tight. ▲ to press down on, put pressure on, compress Apretó para cerrar la maleta. He pressed down on the suitcase to close it. ▲ to grip Me apretó la mano. He gripped my hand. ▲ to clench (fist or teeth). ▲ to go faster, sprint El corredor apretó en la última vuelta. The runner sprinted on the last lap.
- apretazón [f] crowd [Am] Era tanta la apretazón que nadie vio nada. There was such a crowd that nobody saw anything.
- aprieto jam, tight spot Se vio en un aprieto. He found himself in a tight spot.
- aprisa swiftly, fast, quickly Hace todo muy aprisa. He does everything very quickly.
- aprobación [f] approval.
- aprobar to approve of No apruebo su conducta. I don't approve of his conduct. ▲ to pass (an examination) ¿Aprobó Ud. en el examen de matemáticas? Did you pass your math exam?
- aprontar to advance [Am] El patrón tuvo que aprontarle algún dinero. The boss had to advance him some money.
- aprovechar to profit by, make use of Aprovechaba todos los restos. She made use of all the left-overs.
○ aprovecharse de to take advantage of No dejes que se aproveche de tí. Don't let him take advantage of you. - aprovisionar to supply, provision.
- aproximarse to approach, move near No se aproxime Ud. demasiado al fuego. Don't go too near the fire.
- apuesta bet, wager.
- apunarse to become ill from altitude [Am].
- apuntar to aim Apunta demasiado bajo para dar en el blanco. You're aiming too low to hit the target. ▲ to jot down, make a note of Apúntelo en su cuaderno de notas. Jot it down in your notebook.
- apurar to drain, drink up, consume Apuraron las copas. They drained their glasses. ▲ to smoke to the end.
○ apurar(se) to worry La situación me apura mucho. The situation worries me very much.—No se apure Ud. Don't worry. ▲ to hurry ¡Apúrate niña! Hurry up, child!—¡Apúrale! Hurry up! [Am]. - apuro jam, tight spot, fix Estoy en gran apuro. I'm in a jam.
- aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas [adj] that, these Compré aquella bufanda que vimos ayer. I bought that scarf we looked at yesterday.
- aquél, aquélla, aquéllos, aquéllas [pron] that (one), these Prefiero este libro a aquél. I like this book better than that one.
- aquello [neu pron] that (thing) ¿Qué es aquello? What's that?
- aquí here No está aquí. He isn't here.
○ aquí dentro in here Les espero aquí dentro. I'll wait for you in here. ○ de aquí en adelante from now on De aquí en adelante tendremos que gastar menos. From now on we'll have to spend less money. ○ por aquí here, this way Venga Ud. por aquí. Come this way. - arado plow.
- araña spider.
- arañar to scratch.
- arañazo scratch.
- arar to plow.
- araucano [adj, n] Araucanian.
- arbitro arbitrator, umpire, referee.
- árbol tree.
- arbusto bush, shrub.
- archivar to file, put in a file.
- arco arch; bow (for arrows).
○ arco iris rainbow. - arder to burn (be in flames) La leña mojada no arde bien. Wet firewood doesn't burn well. ▲ to burn (with fever).
- ardido burned up, sore [Am] Me tiene ardido con lo que me dijo. I was burned up by what he said.
- ardiente [adj] burning.
- ardilla squirrel.
- arena sand.
- arenoso sandy.
- arenque [m] herring.
- arepa arepa (corn griddle cake) [Am].
- argumento argument, logic, premises No me convencen sus argumentos. His arguments don't convince me. ▲ plot, story No me gustó el argumento de la película. I didn't like the plot of the movie.
- árido arid, dry, barren.
- aristocracia aristocracy.
- arma weapon Se prohibe llevar armas. It's forbidden to carry arms.
- armadura armor; framework.
- armar to arm Armaron al pueblo. They armed the people. ▲ to assemble, put together Hay que armar esta máquina. The machine has to be assembled.
○ armar jaleo to make a racket Anoche armaron mucho jaleo. They made a big racket last night. ○ armarse to balk [Am] Las mulas se armaron a medio camino. The mules balked halfway there. ○ armarse de to arm or provide oneself with Se armó de una pistola. He armed himself with a pistol. ▲ to build up [Am] Se armó de un buen negocio en poco tiempo. He built up a good business in a short time.
|| Siempre arma líos. He's always making a mess of things. - armario closet, wardrobe.
- armonía harmony.
- arqueo balance (in accounting).
- arquitecto architect.
- arquitectura architecture.
- arrabal [m] suburb, outskirts.
- arrancado broke [Am] Siempre está arrancado a fin de mes. He's always broke at the end of the month.
- arrancar to root out, pull out, tear out Han arrancado tres páginas. Three pages have been torn out. ▲ to start Vimos arrancar el automóvil. We saw the car start.
- arranque [m] sudden impulse En un arranque me volví a mi pueblo. On a sudden impulse I returned to my home town. ▲ starter Este automóvil tiene arranque automático. This car has a self-starter.
- arrastrado (see arrastrar) low, contemptible ¡Qué tipo tan arrastrado! What a heel! ▲ bootlicker, yes-man [Am] Consigue todo porque es muy arrastrado. He gets everything because he's a bootlicker.
- arrastrar to drag, drag along Le arrastró la corriente. He was dragged along by the current. ▲ to touch the floor or ground, drag Cuidado, le arrastra el abrigo. Be careful, your coat's dragging.
○ arrastrarse to crawl, creep, drag oneself Salieron de la cueva arrastrándose. They crawled out of the cave. - arreglar to arrange, adjust, settle ¿Está todo arreglado para el viaje? Is everything arranged for the trip? ▲ to fix Creo que arreglarán el radio esta tarde. I think they'll fix the radio this afternoon.
○ arreglarse to tidy up, dress, put make-up on Arréglate un poco y valuónos al cine. Tidy up a bit and we'll go to the movies. ○ arreglárselas para to manage to ¿Cómo me las arreglaré para terminar a tiempo? How can I manage to finish on time? - arreglo arrangement, settlement, agreement; alteration.
○ con arreglo a according to, in accordance with Lo hicimos con arreglo a sus instrucciones. We did it according to your instructions. - arrendar [rad-ch I] to rent, let ¿Quiere Ud. arrendar su casa? Do you want to rent your house? ▲ to rent, hire Necesito arrendar una habitación. I want to rent a room.
- arrepentirse [rad-ch II] to be sorry for, regret Se arrepentirá Ud. de esto. You'll be sorry for this.
- arrestar to arrest, imprison.
- arriba up, above Viven dos pisos más arriba. They live two flights up. ▲ upstairs Los dormitorios están arriba. The bedrooms are upstairs.
○ arriba de beyond, past (on higher level) Es más arriba de la plaza. It's past the square. ○ boca arriba, panza arriba, patas arriba face up, on one's or its back. ○ cuesta arriba uphill. ○ de arriba abajo from top to bottom, from head to foot Le miró de arriba abajo. He looked him up and down. ○ desde arriba from above Desde arriba se veía el río. From above one could see the river. ○ hacia arriba up, upwards El coche iba hacia arriba. The car was going up. ○ para arriba up, upward Vamos para arriba. Let's go up. ○ por arriba at or around the top, up there El sombrero estaba sucio por arriba. The hat was dirty around the top. - arriesgar to risk, hazard No le importa arriesgar la vida. He doesn't mind risking his life.
○ arriesgarse to take risks Si no nos arriesgamos no haremos nada. If we don't take risks we'll never get anything done. - arrimar to place or put near or close No arrimes tanto la mesa a la pared. Don't put the table so close to the wall.
|| ¡Arrima el hombro! Give me a hand! - arrinconar to neglect; to pigeonhole; to corner.
- arrodillarse to kneel.
- arrogante arrogant, haughty, proud.
- arrojar to throw, hurl, cast Se prohibe arrojar objetos por la ventanilla. Don't throw things out the window.
- arrollar to coil Hay que arrollar esa cuerda. That rope has to be coiled. ▲ to trample, run over Fueron arrollados por la multitud. They were trampled by the crowd.
- arroyo brook.
- arroz [m] rice.
- arrugar to wrinkle, crumple.
- arruinar to ruin (financially) Ese hombre los ha arruinado completamente. That man ruined them completely.
○ arruinarse to be ruined (financially) Con esos negocios se ha arruinado. He was ruined by that business. - arte [m or f] art ¿Le interesa el arte? Are you interested in art?—Las bellas artes. Fine arts. ▲ skill Presenta sus argumentos con mucho arte. He presents his arguments with great skill. ▲ craft, cunning.
- arteria artery.
- articulación [f] joint.
- artículo article, news article Lea el artículo de la página dos. Read the article on page two.
○ artículos things, goods Venden artículos de deportes. They sell sporting goods. - artificial artificial.
- artista [m, f] artist.
- artístico artistic.
- arveja green pea [Am].
- as [m] ace, star; ace (cards).
- asado See asar. ▲ [m] roast.
- asaltar to assault, attack, hold up.
- asamblea assembly, convention.
- asar to roast Vamos a asar las castañas. Let's roast the chestnuts.
○ asarse to be roasting, be uncomfortably warm Se asa uno en este cuarto. It's roasting in this room. - ascender [rad-ch I] to ascend, go up El globo ascendió lentamente. The balloon went up slowly. ▲ to be promoted Ascendió tres veces en un año. He was promoted three times in one year.
○ ascender a to amount to La cuenta ascendía a cuatrocientos pesos. The bill amounted to 400 pesos. - ascensor [m] (passenger) elevator.
- ascensorista [m, f] elevator operator.
- asco nausea, disgust Rechazó la comida con asco. He refused the food with disgust.
○ dar asco to disgust Esas cosas me dan asco. Those things disgust me. ○ estar hecho un asco to be very dirty, be filthy No te acerques, estás hecho un asco. Don't come near me; you're filthy. ○ hacer ascos to turn up one's nose Le hace ascos a todo. He turns up his nose at everything. - asegurar to secure, fasten (with rope or strap) Aseguró con una cuerda la carga del caballo. He fastened the horse's pack with a rope. ▲ to assure Le aseguro que todo estará preparado a tiempo. I assure you everything will be ready on time. ▲ to affirm, maintain Asegura que es cierto. He maintains it's true. ▲ to insure El equipaje está asegurado. The baggage is insured.
○ asegurarse to make sure Asegúrense primero de que la información es cierta. First make sure the information's correct. ▲ to get insured Se aseguró contra accidentes. He took out accident insurance. - asesinar to murder.
- asesinato murder.
- asesino assassin, murderer.
- así so, that way Así es. That's the way it is. ▲ in this manner, this way Lo debe Ud. hacer así. You must do it this way. ▲ therefore, and so Así, decidieron actuar inmediatamente. And so they decided to act immediately.
○ así, así so so ¿Cómo está Ud.?" "Así, así." "How are you?" "So so." ○ así como así without reason No lo digo así como así. I don't say it without reason. ○ así que as soon as, after Así que llegue le avisaré. I'll let you know as soon as I get there. - asiento seat, chair Tome Ud. asiento. Take a seat.
- asilo orphanage; home (for aged).
- asimismo likewise, too, in the same way Asimismo lo creo yo. I think so too.
- asistencia attendance, presence Su asistencia no es necesaria. Your attendance isn't necessary. ▲ assistance, help.
- asistir to assist, help, take care of Le asistí en su enfermedad. I took care of him during his illness.
○ asistir a to attend, be present at ¿Asistió Ud. a la reunión? Were you present at the meeting? - asno ass, donkey.
- asociación [f] association, club.
- asociado See asociar. ▲ [n] associate, partner.
- asociar to associate.
- asolear to dry in the sun Hay que asolear la ropa. The wash'll have to be put in the sun to dry.
○ asolearse to take a sun bath [Am] Estuvieron asoleándose en la playa. They were taking a sun bath on the beach. - asomar to put out (one's head, hand, etc) Asomó la cabeza por la ventana. He put his head out of the window.
○ asomarse a to lean out of Se prohibe asomarse al exterior. It's forbidden to lean out of windows. - asombrar to astonish, amaze Asombra a todo el mundo por su ingenio. He amazes everybody by his cleverness.
○ asombrarse de to wonder at, be astonished by, be amazed at Me asombra que diga Ud. eso. I'm amazed that you say that. - asombroso wonderful, astonishing.
- áspero rough, harsh Esa tela es muy áspera. That cloth's very rough.
- aspiración [f] ambition.
- aspirar to aspire.
- asqueroso filthy, nasty, mean, low.
- astilla chip; splinter.
○ astillas [pl] kindling. - astucia [f] cunning.
- astuto astute, crafty.
- asumir to assume, take on Asumió todas las responsabilidades. He assumed full responsibility.
- asunto subject ¿Cuál es el asunto de esa comedia? What's the subject of that play? ▲ affair, business No se meta Ud. en mis asuntos. Don't meddle in my affairs. or Mind your own business.
- asustar to frighten Me asustaron sus gritos. Your screams frightened me.
○ asustarse to be frightened Se asusta de los ruidos fuertes. She's frightened by loud noises. - atacar to attack.
- atado See atar. ▲ [m] bundle, parcel [Am].
- atajar to overtake, catch up with Por este camino les atajaremos. If we go this way we'll catch up with 'em. ▲ to interrupt, cut short Le atajó cutiéndole que no. He cut him short by saying no.
- atajo short cut, shorter road.
- ataque [m] attack, assault; attack, fit.
- atar to tie, lace, bind Átate bien los zapatos. Lace your shoes up tight.
○ atar cabos to put two and two together Aoírlo, até cabos. When I heard that I put two and two together. - atarantado dizzy He bailado tanto que estoy atarantada. I've danced so much that I'm dizzy.
- atareado busy.
- ataúd [m] coffin, casket.
- atención [f] attention El anunciador pidió atención. The announcer called for attention.
○ atenciones [pl] kindness Nunca olvidaré sus atenciones. I'll never forget your kindness. ○ llamar la atención to attract attention Le gusta llamar la atención. She likes to attract attention. ▲ to reprimand Le llamé la atención por su falta de respeto. I reprimanded him for his insolence. - atender [rad-ch I] to attend, wait on El dependiente los atendió en seguida. The clerk waited on them immediately. ▲ to pay attention Haz el favor de atender a lo que te digo. Please pay attention to what I'm saying. ▲ to look after, take care of Atiende muy bien a sus invitados. He takes very good care of his guests.
- atenerse a [irr] to depend on, rely on (accept as valid) No sé a que atenerme. I don't know what to depend on.
- atentado assassination (attempted or successful); attempt (to overthrow by violence) Se cometió un atentado contra la vida del presidente. There was an attempt on the life of the president.
- atento polite, courteous; attentive.
|| Su atento seguro servidor. Very truly yours. - aterrar to terrify.
- atinar to hit the mark. ▲ to guess (right) Atinó el dinero que yo tenía en el bolsillo. He guessed the amount of money I had in my pocket.
○ atinar a to succeed in No atinó a explicar lo que quería. He didn't succeed in explaining what he wanted. ○ atinar con to find (hit upon) No atino con el ojo de la cerradura. I can't find the keyhole. - atleta [m, f] athlete.
- atlético athletic.
- atmósfera atmosphere.
- atol, atole [m] atol, atole (a hot non-alcoholic drink widely used in Mexico and Central America).
- atolondrado scatter-brained No he visto una persona más atolondrada. I've never seen such a scatterbrain.
- atontado foolish, stupid No seas atontado. Don't be so foolish.
- atormentar to torment, torture.
- atornillar to screw, turn a screw.
- atracción [f] attraction.
- atractivo attractive, charming ¡Que mujer tan atractiva! What an attractive woman! ▲ [m] charm, appeal Es muy bonita pero no tiene atractivo. She's very pretty but she has no appeal.
- atraer [irr] to attract, charm.
- atrás back Está allí atrás con unos amigos. She's back there with some friends.
○ dar marcha atrás to go into reverse, back up No dé marcha atrás que hay un árbol. Don't back up; there's a tree behind you. ○ hacia atrás back, backward Miró hacia atrás. He looked back. ○ quedarse atrás to stay behind, fall behind Se ha quedado atrás con unos amigos. She stayed behind with some friends. - atrasado (see atrasar) backward, behind (in work, studies, etc).
- atrasar to delay, detain Esto atrasa mucho mi viaje. This'll delay my trip a long time. ▲ to put back (watch or clock) Tengo que atrasar mi reloj, está muy adelantado. I have to set my watch back; it's very fast. ▲ to go or be slow, lose time Mi reloj atrasa diez minutos al día. My watch loses ten minutes a day.
○ atrasarse to remain or get behind, lose time Creo que nos atrasamos en este trabajo. I think we're getting behind in this work. - atraso backwardness El atraso de ese paí es bien conocido. The backwardness of that country's well known. ▲ delay.
- atravesar [rad-ch I] to pierce La bala le atravesó el brazo. The bullet pierced his arm. ▲ to cross He atravesado el Atlántico varias veces. I've crossed the Atlantic several times.
○ atravesarse to stop crosswise Se atravesó un camión en la carretera. A truck stopped crosswise in the middle of the road. - atreverse to dare, venture No se atreve a decírmelo. He doesn't dare to tell me.
- atribuir to attribute.
- atrocidad [f] atrocity; horrible or terrible thing ¡Qué atrocidad! What a horrible thing!
- atropellar to run over, knock down Le atropello un auto. An automobile ran over him.
○ atropellarse to rush through Si quiere Ud. hacer el trabajo bien, no se atropelle. If you want to do a good job, don't rush through it. - atropello abuse, outrage No podemos tolerar tal atropello. We can't tolerate such an outrage. ▲ accident (in which a pedestrian is injured) Tres peatones fueron víctimas de un atropello. Three pedestrians were victims of an accident.
- atroz terrible, atrocious ¡Fué una cosa atroz! It was a terrible thing!
- aturdir to rattle Me aturde tanto ruido. So much noise rattles me.
○ aturdirse to be stunned Se aturdió y no supo que contestar. He was stunned and didn't know what to answer. - audacia audacity, boldness.
- audaz bold, daring.
- auditorio audience, listeners.
- aumentar to increase Han aumentado los sueldos. They've increased the salaries.
- aumento increase.
- aun, aún still Aun podemos llegar a tiempo. We can still get there on time. ▲ even Ni aun ahora sería posible. Even now it wouldn't be possible. ▲ yet No ha venido aún. He hasn't come yet.
○ aun cuando even though, even if Aun cuando no venga tendremos que empezar. Even if he doesn't come we'll have to begin. - aunque though, even if Aunque no he nacido en el país, lo conozco muy bien. Though I wasn't born in the country, I know it very well.
- ausencia absence.
- ausentarse to leave, absent oneself Se ausentó de la clase porque se sentía enfermo. He left the class because he was feeling sick.
- ausente absent. ▲ [n] one who is absent.
- auténtico authentic.
- auto auto, car ¿Hay bastante sitio en el auto para todos? Is there enough room in the car for everybody?
- autobús [m] bus ¿Qué es más barato, el autobús o el tranvía? Which is cheaper, the bus or the street car?
- automático automatic. ▲ [m] snap (for clothing).
- automóvil [m] automobile.
- autor [m] author.
- autora authoress.
- autoridad [f] authority, power No supo mantener su autoridad. He couldn't maintain his authority.
○ autoridades authorities, government Han dado parte a las autoridades. They reported it to the authorities. - autorizar to authorize.
- auxiliar to aid, help, assist.
- avanzar to move forward El coche avanzaba muy despacio. The car moved very slowly. ▲ to advance, make progress, get ahead No avanzamos nada en nuestro trabajo. We're not making any progress in our work.
- avaro stingy, miserly. ▲ [n] miser.
- ave [m] bird, fowl.
- avena oats.
- avenida avenue. ▲ flood Las avenidas han estropeado la cosecha. The floods ruined the crops.
- avenirse [irr] to agree Se avino a lo que le dijeron. He agreed to what they said.
- aventajado promising Es un muchacho muy aventajado. He's a very promising young man.
- aventajar to get ahead, to surpass Aventaja a todos en el trabajo. He gets ahead of everybody in his work.
- aventura adventure; risk, chance.
- aventurar to risk, hazard ¡No se aventure! Don't risk it!
- aventurero adventurous; adventurer.
- avergonzar [rad-ch I] to shame, to make (someone) ashamed Avergonzó a toda su familia con su conducta. He shamed his whole family by his conduct.
○ avergonzarse to be ashamed Después de decirlo se avergonzó. After he said it, he was ashamed. - avería damage El mecánico arregló la avería sin demora. The mechanic repaired the damage without delay.
- averiarse to be damaged, be spoiled Con la lluvia se averió el cargamento. The shipment was damaged by the rain.
- averiguar to find out.
- aviación [f] aviation.
- aviador [m] aviator.
- ávido eager, anxious Estaba ávido de noticias. He was eager for news.
- avión [m] airplane, plane.
- avisar to notify, inform Hay que avisar a la policía. We have to notify the police. ▲ to warn, advise, counsel Es la última vez que te aviso. I'm warning you for the last time.
- aviso announcement, notice, warning Aviso al público. Notice to the public.
- avispa wasp.
- avivar to revive (make bright) Avivaron el fuego echando más leña. They revived the fire by putting on more wood.
○ avivar el ojo to keep one's eyes open, look sharp ¿Por qué no avivas el ojo? Why don't you keep your eyes open? ○ avivar el paso to step lively Avive el paso; es muy tarde. Step lively; it's very late. ○ avivarse to wake up, to cheer up Avívate; estás como dormido. Wake up; you're half asleep. - ¡ay! oh! ouch!
- ayer yesterday.
- ayuda help, aid, assistance Necesito ayuda en esto. I need help with this.
- ayudar to aid, help, assist Quiero ayudarle a llevar los paquetes. I want to help him carry the packages.
- ayunar to fast.
- ayunas ○ en ayunas hungry, fasting, on an empty stomach No fume en ayunas. Don't smoke on an empty stomach.
- azada hoe.
- azafate [m] tray [Am].
- azafrán [m] saffron.
- azahar [m] orange blossom.
- azar [m] chance, risk Corramos ese azar. Let's take that chance. ▲ chance Le gustan los juegos de azar. He likes games of chance.
○ al azar at random Los escogió al azar. He chose them at random. - azarar to embarrass, confuse Esto azara a cualquiera. This would embarrass anyone.
○ azararse to be embarrassed Cuando se lo dije se azaró mucho. When I told him that he was very much embarrassed. - azote [m] whipping; spank; lash.
- azteca [adj; n] Aztec.
- azúcar [m or f] sugar.
- azucarera sugar bowl. ▲ [adj] pertaining to sugar La industria azucarera. The sugar industry.
- azucena white lily.
- azufre [m] sulfur.
- azul [adj; n] blue.