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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/R

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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 (1945)
the United States War Department
4400943Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 — R1945the United States War Department


  • rábano radish.
     tomar el rábano por las hojas to misinterpret.
  • rabia rabies El perro tiene rabia. The dog has rabies.  rage, fury.
     dar rabia to make furious, to anger Me da rabia no haber ido. It makes me furious that I didn't go.  tener rabia to have a grudge against Le tengo una rabia tremenda. I've a terrible grudge against him.  tomar rabia to develop a grudge against Le tomó rabia sin tener porqué. He developed a grudge against him for no reason at all.
  • rabiar to be mad, be furious, to rage.
  • rabioso furious, enraged; rabid.
  • rabo tail (without hair or feathers) El ratón se cogió el rabo en la ratonera. The mouse's tail got caught in the trap.
     (con el) rabo entre (las) piernas crestfallen Volvió con el rabo entre las piernas. He came back crestfallen.
  • rabona  hacer rabona to cut or skip (class, etc); to play hookey.
  • racha streak, string, series Ha habido una racha de crímenes. There's been a series of crimes.
     buena racha streak of good luck.
  • racimo cluster, bunch.
  • radiador [m] radiator.
  • radio [f in Sp & Arg, m in rest of Am] radio El radio dio la noticia. The news came over the radio.  [m] radium.
     radio de acción range El radio de acción de aquella emisora era muy extenso. That transmitter had a very long range.
  • radiograma [m] radiogram.
  • raído frayed, threadbare.
  • raíz [f] root Este árbol tiene las raices muy hondas. This tree has very deep roots.
     arrancar de raíz to uproot.
  • raja split, crack; slice (of food).
  • rajar to split, rend.  to slice Hay que rajar el melón. The melon has to be sliced.  to chatter, gossip [Slang].
     rajarse to crack El cristal del reloj se rajó. My watch crystal cracked.  to hold back Siempre se raja a última hora. He always holds back at the last moment.
  • ralo thin, sparse; [Antilles] weak (of infusions).
  • rama branch, twig, bough ¡No te cuelges de esa rama! Don't hang from that branch!  branch Aquel apellido era de otra rama de la familia. That name came from another branch of the family.

a year.  atender a razones to listen to reason.  dar razón to give information Se alquila. Darán razón en la portería. For rent. See the janitor for information.  tener razón to be right.  no tener razón to be wrong.  tomar razón de to make a record of.

  • razonable reasonable.
  • razonar to reason.
  • reacción [f] reaction; political conservatism; reactionary force.
     entrar en reacción to warm oneself, warm up Encendió la estufa para entrar en reacción. He lit the stove to warm himself.
  • real real, actual La situación real no ha cambiado. The actual situation hasn't changed.  royal Pertenecía a la familia real. He belonged to the royal family.  [m] real (Sp coin worth about 25 cents) Esta revista cuesta un real. This magazine costs one real.
  • realidad [f] reality, fact.
  • realización [f] realization, execution La realización de los planes durará por lo menos un año. The execution of the plans will take at least a year.  sale El lunes pasado hubo una realización de todas las mercancías. There was a sale of all the merchandise last Monday.
  • realizar to accomplish Esto no es difícil de realizar. This isn't hard to accomplish.  to carry out Realizaron el plan con todos sus detalles. They carried out the plan in every detail.  to sell out Realizaron todas las existencias. They sold out all the goods in stock.
  • reanimar to cheer up, encourage; to revive.
  • rebaja reduction.
  • rebajar to reduce, lower Han rebajado un poco los precios. They've reduced the prices a little.  to reduce (in weight) He rebajado diez libras. I've reduced ten pounds.
     rebajarse to lower oneself No me rebajaré a hacer tal cosa. I won't lower myself to do such a thing.
  • rebelde rebellious.  [n] rebel.
  • recadero, recadera messenger.
  • recado message; errand.
  • recaída relapse.
  • recámara bedroom [Mex].
  • recambio  pieza de recambio spare part.
  • receloso distrustful, suspicious.
  • recepción [f] reception, formal gathering La recepción fué muy lucida. It was a very brilliant reception.  reception Les hicieron una recepción muy calurosa. They were given a very warm reception.
  • receta prescription (medicine).
     receta de cocina recipe (cooking).
  • rechazar to discard, reject, turn down Rechazó la idea de ir al campo. He turned down the idea of going to the country.  to drive back El enemigo fué rechazado a sus posiciones. The enemy was driven back to his positions.
  • recibir to receive Recibió Ud. ayer alguna visita? Did you receive any visitors yesterday?
     recibirse to graduate [Am] Se recibió de doctor. He graduated as a doctor.  ser bien (or mal) recibido to be (or not to be) well-taken Fué trial recibida su opinión. His opinion wasn't well-taken.
  • recibo receipt.
  • recién recently, newly Ese café está recién hecho. That coffee hasn't been made very long.  just, recently [Am] Recién me entero. I just found out.
     recién casados newlyweds.  recién llegado newcomer.
  • reciente new, fresh La pintura estaba reciente. The paint was fresh.  recent ¿Son estas noticias recientes? Is this news recent?
  • reclamación [f] reclamation; complaint; claim.
  • reclamar to claim Ud. ya no puede reclamar ese dinero. You can no longer claim that money.
     reclamar en juicio to sue.
  • reclamo advertising; claim [Am]; decoy.
  • recluta [m] recruit, rookie.
  • recobrar to recover, regain.
  • recoger to get Voy a recoger los papeles que dejé en mi despacho. I'm going to get the papers I left in my office.  to collect Han recogido mucho dinero para la Cruz Roja. They've collected a lot of money for the Red Cross.  to collect, gather up Recoja Ud. todas esas cosas y póngala en orden. Gather up all those things and put them in order.  to pick up Recoja Ud. eso que se te ha caído. Pick up what you dropped.  to take in, shelter Han recogido varios huérfanos. They've taken in several orphans.
     recogerse to go home, retire Se recoge muy tarde. He keeps late hours.
  • recomendación [f] recommendation.
  • recomendar to recommend ¿Me puede Ud. recomendar un buen restaurant? Can you recommend a good restaurant to me?  to recommend, advise Le recomiendo a Ud. que lo haga de prisa. I advise you to do it quickly.
  • reconocer to inspect, examine El paciente fué reconocido cuidadosamente. The patient was carefully examined.  to recognize Cuando le vi de nuevo, no le reconocí. When I saw him again, I didn't recognize him.  to acknowledge, admit ¿Reconoce Ud. su falta? Do you acknowledge your mistake?  to acknowledge, be grateful for Estoy reconocido a sus atenciones. I'm grateful for your kindness.
  • reconstruir to rebuild, reconstruct.
  • recordar [rad-ch I] to remember ¿Recuerda Ud. lo que le dije? Do you remember what I told you?  to remind Me recuerda mucho a su padre. He reminds me very much of his father.
  • recorrer to cover, travel Ayer recorrimos diez millas. Yesterday we covered ten miles.
  • recorrido route, course, run Ese cartero tiene un recorrido muy largo. That postman has a very long route.
  • recorte [m] scrap, cutting; clipping (newspaper).
  • recreo recreation.
  • recto [adj] straight Todo el camino era recto. The road was straight all the way.  just, fair Era un hombre recto. He was a just man.
     ángulo recto right angle.
  • recuerdo remembrance, memory Guardo muy buenos recuerdos de mi amistad con él. I have very happy memories of my friendship with him.  souvenir, memento Estos son recuerdos de nuestro viaje por Italia. These are souvenirs of our trip through Italy.
     recuerdos regards Dé Ud. recuerdos a su familia de mi parte. Give my regards to your family.
  • recurso means, argument Empleó todos los recursos para convencerle. He used every argument to convince him.
     recursos resources, means Estaba materialmente sin recursos. He was practically without means.
  • red [f] net Los pescadores tendieron la red. The fishermen spread out the net.  snare, trap Cayó en la(s) red(es) que le tendieron. He fell into the snare they set for him.
  • redacción [f] editorial staff Entró en la redacción de una revista. He joined the editorial staff of a magazine.  composition La redacción de esta carta es mala. This letter's badly written.
  • redactar to compose, frame in writing Esta carta está muy bien redactada. This letter's very well put.
  • redondo [adj] round.
     en números redondos in round numbers.
  • reducción [f] reduction, decrease.
  • reducir [-zc-] to reduce Redujo el presupuesto en su departamento. He reduced the budget in his department.
     quedar reducido a to be reduced to, be brought to a condition of El edificio quedó reducido a escombros. The building was reduced to rubble.  reducir a la obediencia to compel to obey.
  • reemplazar to replace.
  • reexpedir to forward (mail).
  • referencia reference ¿Cuáles son sus referencias? What are your references?
     dar referencias to inform.  hacer referencia a to refer to, mention Hizo referenda a un autor muy famoso. He referred to a very famous author.
  • referir [rad-ch II] to relate Refirió el caso con muchos detalles. He related the matter in great detail.
     referirse a to refer to ¿A qué se refiere Ud. cuando dice eso? What are you referring to when you say that?
  • reforma alteration.
     cerrado por reformas closed for alterations.
  • refrán [m] proverb, saying.
  • refrescar to cool Hay que refrescar el agua. The water must be cooled.  to get cool or cooler Esta refrescando la tarde. The afternoon's getting cooler.
     refrescar la memoria to refresh one's memory.  refrescarse to cool off Vamos a refrescarnos a la sombra de los árboles. Let's cool off in the shade of the trees.
  • refresco refreshment, cold drink Tomó un refresco para aplacar la sed. He took a cold drink to quench his thirst.
  • refrigerador [m] refrigerator.
  • refugiarse to take shelter.
  • regalar to present, give (gift) ¿Qué me vas a regalar por mi cumpleaños? What are you going to give me for my birthday?
  • regalo present, gift Recibió un buen regalo. He received a nice gift.
     con regalo in luxury Vivía con regalo. He lived in luxury.
  • regañar to scold Siempre me esta regañando. He's always scolding me.
  • regaño scolding, reprimand.
  • regar [rad-ch I] to water, irrigate.
  • regateo bargaining, haggling.
  • régimen [m] regime, political system El régimen de aquel país era muy democrático. The political system of that country was very democratic.  diet El médico lo puso a régimen. The doctor put him on a diet.
  • región [f] region.
  • regir [rad-ch III] to rule, govern ¿Quién rige esos territorios? Who rules those territories?  to be in effect Aun rige ese decreto. That decree's still in effect.
  • registrar to search La policía registró su casa. The police searched his house.  to examine (baggage).  to record, keep a record of Registraba en aquel libro las compras y ventas. He kept a record of purchases and sales in that book.
     registrarse to register (oneself) Es preciso registrarse en el Consulado. You have to register at the Consulate.
  • regla rule, regulation Tiene Ud. que obedecer las reglas. You have to obey the rules.  ruler (for drawing lines) ¿Puede dejarme la regla? Can you leave me the ruler?
     en regla in order ¿Todo está en regla? Is everything in order?  por regla general as a general rule.
  • regocijo joy, gladness.
  • regreso return, coming or going back.
  • regular regular, orderly, regulated Llevaba una vida muy regular. He led a very regular life.  moderate, so-so Esta mañana me siento regular nada más. This morning I only feel so-so.
     por lo regular as a rule, ordinarily Por lo regular le'veía todos los días. Ordinarily I saw him every day.
  • regularidad [f] regularity.
  • reina queen.
  • reinar to reign Luis diez y seis reinó en Francia en el siglo dieciocho. Louis the Sixteenth reigned in France in the eighteenth century.  to prevail, reign Durante la guerra reinó el terror. Terror reigned during the war.
  • reino kingdom.
  • reir(se) [rad-ch III] to laugh No se ría Ud. Don't laugh.
     reírse a carcajadas to laugh heartily, guffaw.  reírse de to laugh at ¿De qué se ríe Ud.? What are you laughing at?  to make fun of, ridicule Estaban riévdose de él. They were making fun of him.
  • reja bars, iron window grating.
  • relación [f] story, account Toda aquella relación era interesante. The whole story was interesting.
     con relación a about, with regard to No'sé nada con relación a ese asunto. I don't know anything about that matter.  entrar en (or establecer) relaciones con to establish (business) relations with.  relaciones relations, dealings No existían entre ellos ningunas relaciones. They had no dealings with each other.  tener relación con to have connection with, have relation to Eso no tiene ninguna relación con el asunto que estamos tratando. That has no relation to the subject we're discussing.  tener relaciones to have connections Tiene muy buenas relaciones. He has very good connections.
  • relacionar to relate, connect, establish a relation between En su conferencia relacionó los dos hechos históricos. In his lecture he established a relation between the two historical facts.  to introduce (make acquainted) Mi prima nos relacionó. My cousin introduced us.
     relacionarse con to have dealings with No se relacione con tales gentes. Don't have any dealings with such people.
  • relajamiento laxness, laxity, looseness.
  • relajo disorder, confusion, mix-up [Am].
  • relámpago lightning.
  • relatar to relate, tell.
  • religión [f] religion.
  • religioso religious.  [n] member of a religious order.
  • reloj [m] clock, watch.
     andar (or marchar) como un reloj to be in perfect trim.  reloj de pulsera wrist watch.
  • relucir [-zc-] to shine, glisten, glitter.
  • rellenar to refill; to fill up; to stuff.
  • relleno stuffed, filled.  [m] stuffing.
     pimientos rellenos stuffed peppers.
  • remar to row (a boat).
  • remate [m] auction.
     de remate completely Estaba loco de remate. He was completely crazy.
  • remediar to remedy, repair Tenemos que remediar el daño. We'll have to repair the damage.
     no poder remediar not to be able to help No pudo remediar lo que pasó. He couldn't help what happened.
  • remedio remedy, medicine Se le dieron al enfermo varios remedios caseros. Various home remedies were given to the patient.
     ni para un remedio for love or money No pude encontrar un taxi ni para tin remedio. I couldn't get a taxi for love or money.  no hay más remedio que there's nothing to do but No hay más remedio que dejarle marchar. There's nothing to do but let him go.  no tener más remedio que to have no recourse but No tuve más remedio que ir. I had no recourse but to go.  no tener remedio to be beyond repair Lo que has hecho no tiene remedio. What you've done's beyond repair.  sin remedio hopeless, beyond hope Es un caso sin remedio. He's a hopeless case.
  • remendar [rad-ch I] to mend, patch, repair.
  • remiendo patch.
  • remitir to remit, send.
  • remo oar; [Slang] leg.
  • remolacha beet.
  • remolcar to tow.
  • remontar to go up Remontaron el curso del río. They went up the river.
     remontarse to get excited, be excited Procure Ud. no remontarse tanto. Try not to be so excited.  remontarse a to go back to En su conferencia el profesor se remontó a fechas muy lejanas. The professor went back to very early times in his lecture.  to date from, date back to Ese hecho se remonta al siglo dieciseis. That event dates back to the sixteenth century.
  • remordimiento remorse.
  • remover [rad-ch I] to dig up, loosen (soil) Removió la tierra para sembrar la semilla. He dug up the ground to plant the seeds.  to stir Remueva Ud. la sopa. Stir the soup.  to shake La explosión removió la casa. The explosion shook the house.
     remover (de un cargo or puesto) to dismiss (from a post or office) Removieron a todos los empleados. All the employees were dismissed.
  • rendir [rad-ch III] to yield, produce Esta hacienda rinde muy poco. This farm produces very little.  to conquer, win (over) Con sus amabilidades la rindió. With his attentions, he conquered her.  to surrender El general rindió la plaza al enemigo. The general surrendered the city to the enemy.
     estar rendido to be all in.  rendir cuentas to give (or render) an account Tuvo que rendir cuentas. He had to render an account.  rendirse to become exhausted, be worn out Se rindió de tanto correr. He became exhausted from running so hard.  to surrender, give up Después de seis días se rindió la plaza. After six days the garrison surrendered.  to yield, give in No quería rendirse a la evidencia. He didn't want to yield to the evidence.
  • rengo lame [Arg].
  • renguear to limp, hobble [Arg].
  • renquear to limp, hobble.
  • renta rent No hemos pagado la renta de la casa este mes. We haven't paid this month's rent on the house.  income; interest (from a bank account) ¿Qué renta anual le produce su capital? What's the annual income on your capital?
  • rentar to rent for ¿Cuánto renta ese cuarto? How much does that room rent for?  to produce, yield Estos valores rentarán mucho en el futuro. These stocks will yield a great deal in the future.
  • renuncia resignation; renunciation.
  • renunciar to resign Tuvo que renunciar a su puesto. He had to resign from his position.  to refuse, reject Renunció a aquel honor. He refused that honor.  to give up, renounce Hay que renunciar a esos planes. Those plans have to be given up.
  • reñido (see reñir) on bad terms Estamos reñidos. We're on bad terms.
  • reñir [rad-ch III] to wrangle, quarrel, argue Le gustaba reñir por cualquier cosa. He'd quarrel about anything.  to scold No le riña Ud. más. Don't scold him any more.
  • reorganizar to reorganize.
  • reparar to repair Había que reparar el edificio. The building had to be repaired.
     reparar en to consider No reparó en las consecuencias. He didn't consider the consequences.  to notice No reparó en el saludo que le hice. He didn't notice my greeting.
  • reparo objection Los reparos de Ud. no son razonables. Your objections aren't reasonable.
     poner reparo(s) to make objection(s) ¿Puso algún reparo a aquella carta? Did he make any objections to that letter?
    || Es un hombre de muchos reparos. He's a very discreet man.
  • repartir to distribute.
     repartirse to share, divide Nos repartimos el pastel. We divided the cake among ourselves.
  • reparto sharing, distribution; delivery (of goods, mail).
  • repasar to check Repase Ud. esa cuenta detenidamente. Check that account carefully.  to review Repase Ud. las lecciones. Review your lessons.  to mend Había que repasar aquella ropa. Those clothes had to be mended.
  • repaso review (of a lesson); mending.
  • repente [m] sudden impulse Tuvo un repente y se declaró. He had a sudden impulse and proposed to her.
     de repente suddenly, unexpectedly Llegó de repente. He arrived unexpectedly.
  • repentino sudden.
  • repetición [f] repetition El informe estaba lleno de repeticiones. The report was full of repetitions.  encore El público entusiasmado pidió la repetición. The enthusiastic audience asked for an encore.
  • repetir [rad-ch III] to repeat Haga el favor de repetir esa palabra. Please repeat that word.
  • replicar to reply, answer back; to argue.
  • replicón insolent (of children or servants).
  • reponer [irr] to replace Repuso de fondos su cuenta corriente. He replaced the funds in his current account.  to repair Hay que reponer este ventilador. This electric fan has to be repaired.
     reponerse to recover (health) Se marchó al campo para reponerse. He went to the country to recover his health.
  • reposar to rest.
  • reposo rest.
     sin reposo ceaselessly, endlessly Habla sin reposo. He talks endlessly.
  • representación [f] performance (usually of a play) ¿A qué hora empieza la representación? What time does the play begin?
     en representación de representing, as a representative of Fué a México en representación de su país. He went to Mexico as his country's representative.
  • representante [adj] representative.  [m] traveling salesman, agent.
  • representar to represent; to perform.
  • represión [f] repression, suppression Medidas de represión. Repressive measures.
  • reprimir to suppress, repress Reprimieron la sublevación. They suppressed the revolt.
     reprimirse to repress oneself, control oneself No pudo reprimirse por más tiempo. He could control himself no longer.
  • reprochar to reproach.
  • reproducción [f] reproduction (biology).  reproduction Aquel instrumento servía para la reproducción del sonido. That instrument was used to reproduce the sound.  reproduction, copy Hizo una buena reproducción de un cuadro de Velazquez. He made a good copy of a Velazquez painting.
  • reproducir [-zc-] to reproduce.
  • república republic.
  • republicano [adj; m] republican.
  • repuesto See reponer.
     de repuesto extra, spare (of a part).
  • repugnante repugnant; repulsive.
  • repugnar to cause disgust (or loathing) in Me repugna esa sopa. I loathe that soup.—Me repugna hacerlo. I hate to do it.
  • requerir [rad-ch II] to summon Lo requirieron para declarar. They summoned him to testify.  to require Este trabajo requiere cuidado. This work requires care.
  • requisito requisite, requirement.
  • res [f] head of cattle.
  • resaltar to stand out (by contrast).
  • resbaladizo slippery.
  • resbalar(se) to slip Tenga cuidado no vaya a resbalarse. Be careful you don't slip.
  • resbaloso slippery [Am] El camino era muy resbaloso. The road was very slippery.
  • rescate [m] ransom; exchange (of prisoners).
  • reserva secrecy, discretion Se aconseja reserva en este asunto. Discretion's advisable in this matter.  reserve Estaba en la reserva militar. He was in the military reserve.  guardar reserva to use discretion, be discreet Por favor, guarde Ud. reserva en esto. Please be discreet about this.
  • reservado (See reservar) reserved Era muy reservado. He was very reserved.
  • reservar to reserve Le reservó la habihasta su regreso. She reserved the room for him until his return.  to keep in reserve Reserve Ud. ese dinero, puede hacerle falta. Keep that money in reserve; you may need it.
     reservarse to keep for oneself Se reservó el mejor asiento. He kept the best seat for himself.
    || Reservado el derecho de admisión. Catering to a restricted clientele.
  • resfriado cold (sickness).
  • resfriarse to catch cold.
  • residencia residence, house; student's boarding house.
  • residente [adj] resident.
  • residir to reside, live.
  • resignarse to be resigned.
  • resistencia resistance; strength, stamina.
  • resistente strong; resistant.
  • resistir to resist, put up resistance Resistieron en la ciudad durante un mes. They resisted in the city for a month.
     resistirse a to refuse to Se resistió a comer. He refused to eat.
  • resolución [f] decision, resolution; courage, resoluteness.
  • resolver [rad-ch I] to decide Era necesario resolver con toda urgencia.  decision had to be made immediately.  to solve Resolvió el problema. He solved the problem.
     resolverse to bring oneself to the point (of) No se resuelve a tomar una decisión. He can't bring himself to the point of making a decision.
  • respaldar to indorse Respalde Ud. este documento. Indorse this document.  to back, support El jefe respaldaba sus actos. The chief supported his actions.
  • respaldo back (of a seat).
  • respecto  (con) respecto a with respect to, with regard to.
  • respetable respectable Era un hombre respetable. He was a respectable man.  considerable Le debía una cantidad respetable. I owed him a considerable sum.
  • respeto respect.
  • respiración [f] respiration Le faltó la respiración. He got short of breath.
  • respirar to breathe Respire Ud. fuerte. Breathe deeply.
  • responder to answer, respond No respondió riada. He didn't answer anything.  to respond, react Ha respondido muy bien al tratamiento. He responded very well to the treatment.  to be the result, be due Esa ley responde a una necesidad pública. That law's the result of a public need.  to repay, requite.
     responder de to answer for ¿Quién responde de los daños? Who answers for the damages?  to back (up) ¿Quién responde de él? Who backs him up?
  • responsable responsible, reliable Es un hombre muy responsable. He's a very responsible man.
     ser responsable to be in charge Quién es la persona responsable aquí? Who's in charge here?  ser responsable de to be responsible for, be to blame for Ese hombre es responsable del incendio. That man's responsible for the fire.
  • responsabilidad [f] responsibility.
  • respuesta answer, reply.
  • resquebrajado cracked.
  • resta subtraction.
  • restar to subtract.  to be left, remain No resta nada que hacer. Nothing remains to be done.
  • restaurante [m] restaurant.
  • resto remainder, balance, rest Es el resto del dinero. It's the rest of the money.  pile, stack (of chips in playing cards) Le juego mi resto. I bet my pile.
     echar el resto to do one's best Echó el resto por conseguir trabajo. He did his best to get a job.  restos leftovers Esa cocinera sabe aprovechar los restos. That cook knows how to use leftovers.  restos (mortales) (mortal) remains Trasladaron los restos al cementerio. They took the remains to the cemetery.
  • restorán [m] restaurant.
  • resuelto (see resolver) determined, resolute Es un hombre muy resuelto. He's a very determined man.
  • resultado result.
  • resultar to result, turn out La fiesta resultó muy bien. The party turned out very well.  to wear, last ¿Qué traje le ha resultado mejor? Which suit wore better?
  • resumen [m] summary, abstract, resume.
     en resumen in brief, in short.
  • retener [irr] to withhold Le retuvieron el sueldo aquel mes. They withheld his salary that month.  to keep, remember, retain (in one's mind) No podía retener las fechas en la cabeza. He couldn't remember dates.  to hold, keep Retuvieron aquella colina dos días más. They held that hill two more days.
  • retirada retreat, retirement, withdrawal.
  • retirar to withdraw Puede Ud. retirar esa cantidad del Banco. You may withdraw that amount from the bank.  to pull back, put aside Retire un poco la silla para que se pueda pasar. Pull the chair aside a little so there'll be room to pass.  to retire Lo retiraron a los setenta años. They retired him at seventy.
     retirarse to withdraw, retreat Las fuerzas se retiraron. The forces withdrew.  to retire Se ha retirado de los negocios. He's retired from business.
  • retiro retirement (from social life, business, or profession).
  • retrasar to postpone Retrasaron la fecha de la reunión. They postponed the date of the meeting.  to delay Ciertos asuntos me retrasaron. Some business delayed me.  to set back Retrasó el reloj. He set back his watch.
     retrasarse to run slow El reloj se retrasa. That clock runs slow.  to be late Siento haberme retrasado tanto. I'm sorry to be so late.
  • retratar to portray; to take a picture of.
  • retrato portrait, painting, photograph.
  • retrete [m] toilet (room) [Sp].
  • retroceder to go back, come back Retrocedió unos pasos para reunirse con nosotros. He came back a few steps to join us.  to back up El auto retrocedió hasta quedar enfrente de la puerta. The car backed up until it was in front of the door.  to draw back, go back (on) No podía retroceder de su decisión. He couldn't go back on his decision.
  • reunión [f] meeting, gathering, assembly, party.
  • reunir to unite, gather, bring together Reunió todos sus amigos en una fiesta. He brought all his friends together at a party.  to collect Reunieron mucho dinero en la función benéfica. They collected a lot of money at the benefit.
     reunirse to meet Se reúnen en su casa todos los miércoles. They meet at his home every Wednesday.  to unite, gang up Se han reunido todos contra mí. They've all ganged up on me.
  • revelación [f] revelation.
  • revelar to reveal, show Revela gran talento. He shows great talent.  to develop ¿Reveló Ud. ya las fotografías? Have you developed the pictures yet?
  • reventar [rad-ch I] to burst, bust La cañería reventó. The water main busted.  to annoy (to death), irritate Ese tipo me revienta. That fellow annoys me to death.  to burst, be full Reventaba de salud. He was bursting with health.  to exhaust, knock out La caminata me reventó. The long walk exhausted me.
     estar reventado to be exhausted, be knocked out Después de esa caminata estoy reventado. After that long walk I'm knocked out.  reventarse to blow out, explode Se reventó un neumático. A tire blew out.
  • revés [m] wrong side, reverse side Ese es el revés de la tela. This is the wrong side of the material.  slap (with back of hand).  backhand shot Fué un buen revés. It was a good backhand shot.
     al revés the contrary, the opposite No es así, precisamente es al revés. It's not like this; it's just the opposite.  the wrong way, wrong Todo le salía al revés. Everything he did went wrong.  del revés inside out, wrong side out La chaqueta está del revés. The jacket's wrong side out.
  • revisar to revise; to review, examine.
  • revisor [m] conductor (on train) [Sp].
  • revista review Se pasó revista a los soldados. The soldiers were reviewed.  magazine Es una revista muy cara. It's a very expensive magazine.
  • revolución [f] revolution, revolt; revolution, turn.
  • revolucionario [adj; m] revolutionary.
  • revólver [m] revolver, pistol.
  • revolver [rad-ch I] to revolve.  to stir Revuélvalo Ud. con una cuchara. Stir it with a spoon.  to turn upside down El niño lo revolvía todo en la casa. The child was turning the house upside down.
  • revuelta revolt Lo revuelta empezó en un cuartel. The revolt started in one of the barracks.  turn Al llegar a la revuelta del camino, paró. He stopped when he reached the turn in the road.
  • revuelto (see revolver) [adj] topsy-turvy.
  • rey [m] king.
  • rezar to pray, say (prayers) Rezaba todos los días sus oraciones. He said his prayers every day.
     rezar con to concern or affect La orden no reza conmigo. The order doesn't concern me.
  • rezo [m] praying.
  • rico rich, wealthy Era el más rico del pueblo. He was the richest man in the town.  rich (in) Hay vegetales muy ricos en vitaminas. Some vegetables are very rich in vitamins.  delicious ¡Qué más rico el sabor de esta carne! What a delicious flavor this meat has!  cute ¡Qué niño más rico! What a cute child!
  • ridículo ridiculous Su aspecto era ridículo. His appearance was ridiculous.
     poner en ridículo to put in a ridiculous position La conducta de su mujer lo puso en ridículo. The conduct of his wife put him in a ridiculous position.
  • ridiculizar to ridicule.
  • rienda rein Sujete Ud. bien las ríendas. Hold on to the reins.
     a rienda suelta without restraint Se rió a rienda suelta. He laughed without restraint.  dar rienda suelta a to give free rein to Dio rienda al llanto. She gave free rein to her tears.
  • riesgo danger, risk Corrió mucho riesgo. He ran a big risk.
  • rifar to raffle.
  • rígido stiff, rigid; severe, stern.
  • rigor [m] rigor, severity.
     en rigor in fact.  ser de rigor to be indispensable.
  • riguroso rigorous, strict, severe.
  • rincón [m] (inside) corner Ponga Ud. la silla en el rincón. Put the chair in the corner.  remote spot Buscó un rincón donde vivir tranquilo. He looked for a remote spot where he could live quietly.
  • riñon [m] kidney.
  • río river.
  • riqueza wealth; abundance.
  • risa laugh, laughter La risa es contagiosa. Laughter's contagious.
     cosa de risa a laughing matter No es cosa de risa. It's not a laughing matter.
  • risueño smiling, cheerful.
  • rizador [m] curler, curling iron.
  • rizo curl.
  • robar to rob, plunder Ese hombre roba a todo el mundo. That man robs everybody.  to steal Robó el dinero. He stole the money.  to draw (in cards) Ahora le toca a Ud. robar. Now it's your turn to draw.
  • roble [m] oak.
  • robo robbery, theft.
  • robusto robust, vigorous, hale.
  • roca rock; cliff.
  • rodar [rad-ch I] to roll La piedra rodaba cuesta abajo. The stone was rolling downhill.  to wander about, roam Empezó a rodar por el mundo. He began to roam around the world.  to roll in Ahora rueda el dinero más que nanea. Now the money rolls in more than ever.
     rodar una película to shoot a movie Se empezó a rodar la película. They started shooting the picture.
  • rodear to surround, encircle El río rodeaba la ciudad. The river surrounded the city.—La casa está rodeada de árboles. The house is surrounded with trees.  to take the long way around.
     rodearse to surround oneself Procuró rodearse de buenos amigos. He tried to surround himself with good friends.
  • rodeo turn, winding Ese camino da un rodeo muy grande. The road makes a wide turn.  roundup Hubo rodeo la semana pasada. There was a roundup last week.
     dejarse de rodeos to stop beating around the bush Déjese de rodeos y conteste claramente. Stop beating around the bush and give me a straight answer.
  • rodilla knee Póngase Ud. de rodillas. Get down on your knees.  dusting cloth, rag Limpie Ud. con esa rodilla. Clean it with that rag.
  • rogar [rad-ch I] to request, beg Me rogó que le esperara. He begged me to wait for him.  to plead Le rogó y le rogó pero no consiguió convencerle. He pleaded and pleaded but couldn't convince him.
  • rojo red.
     al rojo red-hot, to red heat.
  • rollo roll, anything rolled up.
  • romance [m] ballad, poem.
  • romántico romantic.
  • romper [irr] to break Rompió el vaso. He broke the glass.  to break, break off relations Han roto con esa familia. They've broken with that family.
     al romper el día, al romper el alba at dawn, at daybreak.  romper a to start to Rompió a hablar cuando nadie lo esperaba. He started to talk when nobody expected it.  romper la marcha to lead the march Rompía la marcha un escuadrón de caballería.

A squadron of cavalry led the march.  romperse to break ¡Cuidado que puede romperse! Be careful, it may break!  to fracture, break (bone) Se rompió una pierna. He broke his leg.  to be torn Se le ha roto el traje. Your dress is torn.

  • roncar to snore.
  • ronco hoarse.
  • ropa clothes Voy a planchar la ropa. I'm going to iron the clothes.
     a quema ropa point-blank Le disparó a quema ropa. He fired at him point-blank.  ropa blanca linen.  ropa hecha ready-made clothes.  ropa limpia clean laundry.  ropa sucia soiled laundry.
  • ropero closet, wardrobe.
  • rosa rose.
     color de rosa pink.
  • rosario rosary.
  • rosca thread (screw); spiral.  ring (bread or cake).
     hacer la rosca to flatter.
  • rostro face.
  • roto (See romper) broken La silla estaba rota. The chair was broken.—El compromiso quedó roto. The engagement was broken.  tear Tiene Ud. un roto en el pantalón. You have a tear in your trousers.
  • rótulo sign.
  • rozadura chafed spot, sore spot.
  • rozar to clear (ground) Empezó a rozar la tierra. He began to clear the ground.  to graze, rub El avión rozó ligeramente el suelo. The airplane grazed the ground.
    || No le gustaba rozarse con nadie. He didn't like to have anything to do with anybody.
  • rubia [f] blonde.
  • rubio [adj] blond (e), fair.
  • rúbrica flourish, mark, distinctive flourish after a signature.
  • rudo rude, rough Aquel hombre era muy rudo. That man was very rude.  hard La jornada fué muy ruda. The journey was very hard.
  • rueda wheel.
  • ruego plea, request.
  • ruido noise ¿Qué ruido es ese? What's that noise?  comment, discussion Aquel suceso dio mucho ruido. That event caused a lot of comment.
    || Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Much ado about nothing.
  • ruidoso noisy.
  • ruina ruin, decline Aquel negocio fué su ruina. That business was his ruin.
     en ruinas in ruins La ciudad quedó en ruinas. The city was left in ruins.
  • ruinoso ruinous.
  • rumba rumba (dance).
  • rumbo direction Salió con rumbo a Europa. He left for Europe.
     fiesta de rumbo lavish party.
  • rumor [m] murmur Un rumor confuso salió del público. A confused murmur arose from the crowd.  rumor Corre el rumor de que va a cambiar la política. Rumor has it that there'll be a change of policy.
  • rústico rustic, rural.
  • ruta route, way.