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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/T

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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 (1945)
the United States War Department
4400945Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 — T1945the United States War Department


  • tabaco tobacco; cigar; cigarettes.
  • taberna saloon, tavern, dive.
  • tabla board, plank ¿Tiene Ud. una tabla de planchar? Have you an ironing board?  list, table (of contents, prices, etc) Quiero ver la tabla de precios. I want to see the price list.
     salvarse en una tabla to have a narrow escape.  tablas [f pl] stage (theater) Es gente de las tablas. They belong to the theatrical world.  draw (in a game) El partido terminó en tablas. The game ended in a draw.
  • tablado outdoor stage, platform.
  • tacha fault Es una persona sin tacha. He is a person without any faults.
  • tachar to cross out Tache Ud. esa palabra. Cross out that word.
     tachar de to accuse of being Le tacharon de ladrón. They accused him of being a thief.
  • taco taco (Mexican dish) Quiero un taco de puerco. I want a pork taco.  heel (of a shoe) [Am] Usa tacos muy altos. She wears very high heels.
     echar tacos to swear, curse [Sp] .  taco de billar billiard cue.
  • tacón [m] heel (of shoe).
  • táctica tactics; policy, way of doing Tendremos que emplear otra táctica. We'll have to use different tactics.
  • tacto touch, sense of touch Esta tela es muy suave al tacto. This cloth is very soft to the touch.  tact Tiene mucho tacto para tratar a sus amigos. He's very tactful with his friends.
  • tajada slice (usually meat).
  • tal such Jamás se ha visto tal cosa. Never has such a thing been seen.  such (a) thing Ud. me dijo eso y no hay tal cosa. You told me that, but there's no such thing.
     con tal que provided that Con tal que me lo haga Ud. bien no importa el precio. Provided you do it well the price doesn't matter.  el tal, la tal that (contemptuous) No me gustó la tal comedia. I didn't like that comedy.  tal como just as Siga tal como empezó. Go on just as you started.  tal cual as Me gusta tal cual es. I like it as it is.  so-so [Mex] "¿Cómo está Ud.?" "Tal cual." "How are you?" "So-so."  tales y tales such and such Me dijo: Pregunte a tales y tales personas . . . . He said to me: Ask such and such persons . . . .
     tal para cual two of a kind Son tal para cual. They're two of a kind.  un tal a certain ¿Conoce Ud. a un tal Pérez? Do you know a certain Pérez?
    || ¿Qué tal? How do you do? or How's everything?
  • talabartería leather workshop, harnessmaker's shop.
  • taladro drill, bit.
  • talante [m]  mal talante bad humor, bad disposition.
  • talento talent, brains.
  • talla carving Se ha dedicado a la talla en madera. She devoted herself to wood carving.  size Deseo un traje de la talla cuarenta. I want a suit size forty.  height (of humans) Un hombre de talla elevada. A man of great height.  prominence Un escritor de talla. A prominent writer.
  • talle [m] waist, figure Esa muchacha tiene un lindo talle. That girl has a pretty figure.
  • taller [m] workshop; factory, mill.
  • tallo stem (of plant).
  • talón [m] heel (of foot).  stub (of a check, receipt) No pierda Ud. el talón de los cheques. Don't lose your check stubs.
  • talonario check book, receipt book, stub book, book of tickets.
  • tamal [m] tamale [Am].
  • tamaño so great, such a big Es imposible creer tamaña mentira. It's impossible to believe such a big lie.  [m] size ¿De qué tamaño? What size?
  • también also, too El también irá con nosotros. He also will go with us.
  • tambor [m] drum.
  • tampoco neither, not either Yo tampoco la he visto. I haven't seen her either.
  • tan [before adj or adv] (see tanto) so No le esperaba a Ud. tan temprano. I didn't expect you so early.
  • tanate [m] bundle [Am] Haré un tanate con esta ropa. I'll make a bundle of these clothes.
  • tanda turn Como somos muchos, almorzaremos por tandas. Since there are so many of us, we'll take turns at lunch.  batch.  performance, session [Am] Iremos a la primera tanda. We'll go to the first performance.
  • tango tango.
  • tanque [m] tank (military); tank (for liquid).
  • tantear to estimate, consider Hay que tantear la situación antes de decidir. The situation must be considered before deciding.  to judge, estimate [Am] Tantee Ud. el peso de esto. Estimate the weight of this.  to feel out Tantéelo Ud. antes de hablarle claro. Feel him out before speaking plainly to him.  to feel, test Tantearnos el piso para, ver si era fuerte. We tested the floor to see if it was strong.
  • tanteo computation, calculation; points, score.
  • tanto so, much He comido tanto que ya no tengo hambre. I've eaten so much that I'm no longer hungry.—No debe Ud. trabajar tanto. You shouldn't work so much.  so many Ha ido tantas veces que conoce muy bien el lugar. He has gone so many times that he knows the place very well.—Eran tantos que faltó comida. There were so many that there wasn't enough food.  so long No tardará tanto si va en auto. He won't take so long if he goes by car.  so often Yo no voy tanto al teatro como mi hermano. I don't go to the theater as often as my brother does.  [m] part [Am] Mezclaba tres tantos de cal por cinco de arena. He mixed three parts lime with five of sand.  point (in games) Ganaron por dos tantos a cero. They won two to nothing.
     entre tanto meanwhile Entre tanto sentémonos. Meanwhile let's sit down.  estar al tanto to keep informed, be on the alert Yo estaba al tanto. I was on the alert.  no ser para tanto not to be so serious No es para tanto el asunto. It's not such a serious matter.  por lo tanto so, therefore Es tarde, por lo tanto debemos irnos ya. It's late so we ought to go now.  tanto como as much as Sabe tanto como su hermana. He knows as much as his sister.  tanto más cuanto que so much more since Tanto más cuanto que yo no lo esperaba. So much more since I didn't expect it.  tanto mejor so much the better Si llega Ud. antes, tanto mejor. If you get there before, so much the better.  tener al tanto de to keep one posted or informed Téngame al tanto de lo que pase. Keep me informed of what's happening.  un tanto rather, somewhat Llegó un tanto cansado. He arrived rather tired.
    || ¡Se lo he pedido tanto! I've asked him so many times! || ¡Tanto bueno por aqui! It's good to see you here!
  • tapa lid Dónde está la tapa de la caja? Where's the lid of the box?  cover Las tapas de este libro están manchadas. The covers of this book are stained.
  • tapado lady's overcoat [Am].
  • tapar to cover Tape el café para que no se enfríe. Cover the coffee so it won't get cold.  to obstruct (or block) one's view No puedo ver porque me tapa esa columna. I can't see because that pillar blocks my view.  to cover up for Su madre le tapa todas sus diabluras. His mother covers up all his deviltries.
     taparse to bundle up, wrap (oneself) up Tápese bien que hace frío afuera. Bundle up for it's cold outside.  to cover oneself Se tapó la cara con las manos. She covered her face with her hands.
  • tapete [m] small rug; cover for a table.
  • tapia wall, brick fence.
  • tapioca tapioca.
  • tapiz [m] tapestry; carpet (without pile).
  • tapón [m] cork, stopper; fuze.
  • taquigrafía shorthand.
  • taquilla ticket office, ticket window.
  • tarantín [m] kitchen utensils [Am] Hay muchos tarantines en esta cocina. There are many utensils in this kitchen.
  • tardanza delay, slowness, lateness, tardiness.
  • tardar to delay, be long No tarde mucho. Don't be long.  to take (time) Tardaron varios meses en hacer el trabajo. They took several months to do the work.
     a más tardar at the latest A más tardar, vendré el'sábado. I'll come Saturday at the latest.
  • tarde [m] afternoon, early evening Estaré en casa por la tarde. I'll be at home in the afternoon.  [adv] late Más vale tarde que nunca. Better late than never.
     de la tarde (at a certain hour) in the afternoon. Venga Ud. a, las tres de la tarde. Come at three in the afternoon.  hacerse tarde to become (or get) late Se hace tarde y no estamos listas. It's getting late and we're not ready.  por la tarde afternoon Nos veremos el lunes por la tarde. We'll get te gether Monday afternoon.  tarde o temprano sooner or later Tarde o temprano lo sabrá. He'll find out sooner or later.
    || Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. or Good evening.
  • tarea task.
     por tarea against time [Am] Está trabajando por tarea. He's working against time.
  • tarifa rates, tariff; list or schedule of prices, taxes, etc.
  • tarjeta card; visiting card; filing card.
  • tata [m] papa.
  • taz  taz con taz equal, the same, side by side [Am] Quedaron taz con taz. They were equal.
  • taza cup.
  • tazón [m] bowl (utensil).
  • [m] tea ¿Quiere una taza de té? Do you want a cup of tea?
  • te you, to you; yourself, to (for) yourself Te buscan. They are looking for you.—Te lo daré cuando lo encuentre. I'll give it to you when I find it.—¡Cuidado, no te cortes! Careful, don't cut yourself!
  • teatro theater.
  • techo ceiling; roof.
  • técnica technique.
  • tecolote [m] owl [Mex].
  • tecomate [m] gourd, canteen [Am].
  • teja roof tile.
  • tejado roof.
  • tejer to weave; [Am] to knit.
  • tela cloth, material No me gusta la tela de este traje. I don't like the material in this dress.
     tela metálica screen wire; wire fencing.
  • telefonear to telephone, phone.
  • telefonista [m, f] telephone operator.
  • teléfono telephone.
     teléfono automático dial telephone.
  • telegrafiar to telegraph, send a telegram.
  • telégrafo telegraph.
  • telegrama [m] telegram.
  • telón [m] theater curtain.
  • tema [m] subject, topic, theme.
  • temblar [rad-ch I] to tremble, shiver Está temblando de frío. He's shivering with cold.  to quake [Am] En ese país tiembla mucho. There are many earthquakes in that country.
  • temblor [m] tremor.
     temblor de tierra earthquake.
  • tembloroso trembling.
  • temer to fear, be afraid of.
  • temerario rash; unwise.
  • temible [adj] fearful, terrible.
  • temor [m] fear.
  • temperamento temperament.
  • temperatura temperature.
  • tempestad [f] storm, tempest.
  • templado brave, courageous Es un tipo muy templado. He's a courageous fellow.  temperate Francia está en la zona templada. France is in the temperate zone.  mild Hoy hace un día templado. It's a mild day today.  tuned El violin no está bien templado. The violin isn't tuned.  tepid, lukewarm Déme Ud. agua templada. Give me some tepid water.
  • templar to tune.
     templarle la gaita a uno to humor one.
  • templo temple, church.
  • temporada spell, period of time, season Pasaremos tina temporada en la playa. We'll spend some time at the beach.  season ¿Ha empezado ya la temporada de ópera? Has the opera season started yet?
  • temporal temporary Tengo tin trabajo temporal. I have a temporary job.  [m] storm El temporal duró varios días. The storm lasted several days.
  • temprano [adj, adv] early
  • tenaz tenacious, persevering Es muy tenaz en sus propósitos. He's very persevering.  stubborn La resistencia fué tenaz. Resistance was stubborn.
  • tenaza pliers, tongs.
  • tendencia tendency.
  • tender [rad-ch I] to stretch, spread out Estaba tendiendo el mantel sobre la mesa. She was putting the tablecloth on the table.  to hang (clothes) Tienda Ud. esa ropa al sol. Hang that wash out in the sun.  to extend, offer (one's hand) Al verlo le tendió la mano. When he saw him he offered him his hand.  to build (engineering) Tendieron un puente y una línea ferroviaria. They built a bridge and a railroad.
     tenderse to stretch out, lie full length Se tendieron sobre la arena. They stretched out on the sand.
  • tendero, tendera shopkeeper.
  • tendón [m] sinew, tendon.
  • tenedor [m] holder; keeper; fork.
     tenedor de libros bookkeeper.
  • tener [irr] to have, possess Tengo un automóvil nuevo. I have a new car.  to hold Téngalo Ud. por los brazos. Hold him by the arms.  to have, contain Cada caja tiene veinticuatro pildoras. Each box contains twentyfour pills.  to have, carry, sell ¿Tienen aquí libros en español? Do you carry Spanish books here?  to have, entertain Hoy tendremos invitados. We're going to entertain some guests today.  to be, live (in a place) Tenemos muchos años de vivir aquí. We've lived here many years.
     no tener razón to be wrong.  tener . . . años to be . . . years old Creo que tiene veinticinco años. I think he's twenty-five years old.  tener buena cara to be looking well ¿Cómo estás, María? Tienes buena cara. How are you, Mary? You're looking well.  to look good Tiene buena cara ese pastel. That cake looks good.  tener con cuidado to worry Su ausencia me tiene con cuidado. His absence worries me.  tener cuidado to be careful.  tener en cuenta to take into consideration.  tener gana(s) de to feel like.  tener frío to be cold. Tengo frío. I'm cold.  tener gracia to be funny ¡Tendría gracia que eso pasara! It would be funny if that happened.  tener gusto to be pleased, be glad Tengo mucho gusto en conocerle. I'm very glad to meet you.  tener hambre to be hungry.  tener (la) costumbre de to be used to Tengo costumbre de levantarme temprano. I'm used to getting up early in the morning.  tener miedo to be afraid.  tener presente to bear in mind Tendré presente lo que Ud. me ha dicho. I'll bear in mind what you've told me.  tener prisa to be in a hurry.  tener que to have to, be obliged to Tengo que irme ya. I have to go now.  tener que ver to have to do with Eso no tiene que ver con lo que digo. That has nothing to do with what I'm saying.  tener razón to be right.  tener remedio to be able to be remedied or helped Esta situación no tiene remedio. This situation can't be helped.  tenese (en pie) to keep on one's feet, stand, remain standing Apenas podía tenerse en pie. He could hardly stand.
  • teniente [m] lieutenant.
  • tenis [m] tennis.
  • tensión [f] tension.
  • tentación [f] temptation.
  • tentar [rad-ch I] to touch, feel; to tempt.
  • tentativa attempt.
  • teñir [rad-ch III] to dye.
  • tequila tequila (plant, drink) [Mex].
  • tercer [adj] (see tercero) third Este es mi tercer viaje a este país. This is my third trip to this country.
  • tercero [adj] third Vive en el piso tercero. He lives on the third floor.  [m] third person, mediator Necesitamos un tercero para resolver esto. We need a third person to decide this.  third one Era el tercero de su clase. He was third in his class.
  • tercio one-third; Spanish Foreign Legion.
  • terciopelo velvet.
  • terco stubborn.
  • terminación [f] termination, completion.
  • terminar (de) to end, finish Terminó de hablar. He finished speaking.
  • término end.
     en último término in the last analysis.  poner término a to put an end to.  término medio compromise, middle road.  término municipal township.
  • termómetro thermometer.
  • ternera female calf; calfskin; veal.
  • ternero male calf.
  • ternura tenderness, fondness.
  • terquedad [f] stubbornness, obstinacy.
  • terraza terrace.
  • terremoto earthquake.
  • terreno piece of ground, lot; ground, soil.
  • terrible terrible Hace un calor terrible. It's terribly hot.  wonderful, terrific Nos divertimos de una manera terrible. We had a terrific time.
  • territorio territory.
  • terrón [m] lump (of sugar); clod (of earth).
  • terror [m] terror.
  • tertulia conversation, gabfest, gathering.
  • tesorería treasury.
  • tesorero, tesorera treasurer.
  • tesoro treasure.
  • testamento will (document).
  • testarudo stubborn, hardheaded.
  • testificar to testify.
  • testigo [n] witness.  [m] testimony.
  • tetera teapot.
  • texto text; textbook.
  • tez [f] complexion.
  • ti [Fam; used only with a preposition] you Esta carta es para ti. This letter is for you.—No me lo dijo a mí, sino a ti. He didn't say it to me, but to you.
  • tía aunt; old woman.  no hay tu tía [Fam] there are no excuses, nothing doing No hay tu tin; tienes que ir. Nothing doing; you have to go yourself.
  • tibio tepid, lukewarm.
  • tiempo time, period, epoch Esto fué construido en tiempo de la colonia. This was built in colonial times.  time No'sé si tendré tiempo de ir con Ud. I don't know whether I'll have time to go with you.  weather El tiempo está muy malo desde ayer. The weather has been very bad since yesterday.  a tiempo on time Llegué a tiempo. I arrived on time.  con tiempo in time Avíseme con tiempo. Notify me in time.  en otro tiempo formerly.  ganar tiempo to save time.  hacer buen (or mal) tiempo to be good (or bad) weather.  hacer tiempo to while away the time.  hace tiempo long ago.  hace (or hacía) tiempo que it is (or was) a long time since Hace tiempo que estuve allí. It's a long time since I was there.  los buenos tiempos the good old days; one's youth.  matar el tiempo to kill time.  mucho tiempo a long time.  perder el tiempo to waste time.  poco tiempo a short time.  ¿(por) cuánto tiempo . . .? (for) how long . . .? ¿Cuánto tiempo duró la representación? How long did the show last?
  • tienda shop, store.
     tienda de campaña tent.
  • tierno tender, soft Esta carne de vaca está muy tierna. This beef is very tender.  tender, affectionate Le lanzó una mirada tierna. He looked at her affectionately.
  • tierra earth ¿Cómo parece la tierra desde tin avión? How does the earth look from an airplane?  ground El avión cayó en tierra. The plane fell to the ground.  land Están arando la tierra. They are plowing the land.  soil, dirt Ponga tierra en la maceta. Put some soil in the flowerpot.  native land, country Pronto regresaré a mi tierra. Soon I'll return to my country.
     caer por tierra to fall to the ground.  echar por tierra to overthrow, ruin Le echaron por tierra sus proyectos. They ruined his plans.  echar tierra a to forget, hush up Le echaron tierra al asunto. They hushed up the matter.  por tierra overland, by land La única manera de llegar allí es por tierra. The only way to get there is by land.
  • tigre [m] tiger.
  • tijera  cama de tijera day bed, cot.
     tijeras [pl] scissors, shears.
  • timbre [m] electric bell; seal, tax stamp.
  • timidez [f] shyness, bashfulness.
  • tímido timid, shy, bashful.
  • timo fraud, swindle Ud. ha sido víctima de un timo. You've been the victim of a swindle.
  • timón [m] helm; rudder.
  • tino good aim; tact.
     hablar sin tino to chatter incessantly.  sin tino without rhyme or reason, aimlessly.
  • tinta ink.
  • tinte [m] shade, tint; dyeing; dry cleaning shop.
  • tinterillo shyster lawyer [m].
  • tintero inkwell.
     quedársele a uno algo en el tintero to forget completely Se me ha quedado en el tintero. I completely forgot about it.
  • tinto wine colored.
     café tinto black coffee [Col].
  • tintorería dry cleaning shop; combination laundry and dry cleaning establishment [Arg].
  • tío uncle Llegó con su tío. He came with his uncle.  fellow, guy Me lo dijo el tío ese. That fellow told me so.
  • típico typical, characteristic ¿Cuál es el traje típico de esta región? What is the typical dress here?—Eso es típico de ellos. That's typical of them.
  • tiple [m] treble.  [f] soprano.
  • tipo type, pattern Ese tipo de letra es muy moderno. That's very modern lettering.  type Limpie los tipos de la máquina de escribir. Clean the type on the typewriter.—Tiene tipo latino. He's a Latin type.  guy (derogatory), character ¿Quién es ese tipo? Who's that guy?
     buen tipo good figure or physique Tiene buen tipo. He has a good physique.  mal tipo bad egg Es muy mal tipo. He's a bad egg.  poor physique Tiene mal tipo. He has a poor physique.  tipo de interés rate of interest Han subido el tipo del interés. The rate of interest has gone up.
  • tiquete [m] ticket [Am].
  • tira narrow strip.
  • tirador, tiradora marksman, good shot.
  • tiranía tyranny.
  • tirano tyrant.
  • tirante tight, taut Ponga la red bien tirante. Make the net good and tight.  tense La situación era muy tirante. The situation was very tense.
     tirantes [m pl] suspenders Compró unos tirantes. He bought susponders.
  • tirar to throw Tiró la pelota más lejos que todos los otros. He threw the ball farther than all the others.  to throw away, discard Este cinturón ya no sirve; hay que tirarlo. This belt is no longer any good; we have to throw it away.  to shoot, fire (gun) Estaban tirando al blanco con rifle. They were shooting at the target with rifles.  to draw Tire Ud. una línea recta. Draw a straight line.  to squander, waste Ha tirado su herencia. He's wasted his inheritance.  to print Tirarán muchos ejemplares. They'll print a large edition.
     tirar a los dados to shoot craps,  tirar coces to kick Está tirando coces el caballo. The horse is kicking.  tirar de to pull Tira de la cuerda. Pull the cord.  tirar de la oreja a Jorge to gamble Fueron encarcelados por tirar de la oreja a Jorge. They were imprisoned for gambling.  tirarse to throw oneself, hurl oneself Se tiró por la ventana. He threw himself out the window.  to jump Vimos como se tiraban los paracaidistas. We saw the parachutists jump.
  • tiritar to shiver.
  • tiro drive, shot Su tiro de revés es mejor que su tiro de derecha. His backhand drive is better than his forehand.  shot El tiro atravesó la pared. The shot went through the wall.  team of horses Caballo de tiro. Draft horse.
     (de) al tiro right away, immediately [Am] .  errar el tiro to miss the mark Ha errado Ud. el tiro. You missed.  ni a tiros for love or money No lo haremos ni a tiros. We won't do it for love or money.
    || ¡Lindo tiro! Good shot!
  • titubear to hesitate, waver No titubea nunca. He never hesitates.
  • título title, name ¿Cuál es el título del libro? What's the title of the book?  headline (newspaper) Sólo he leído los títulos. I've only read the headlines.  diploma, degree, title Tiene el título de maestra normal. She has a teacher's diploma.
     a título de que on whose authority ¿A título de qué hace ella eso? On whose authority is she doing that?  título de propiedad deed (of property) ¿Dónde están los títulos de su propiedad? Where are the deeds to your property?
  • toalla towel No tengo toalla. I haven't got a towel.
  • tobillo ankle.
  • tocador [m] boudoir; dressing table.
  • tocante a concerning.
  • tocar to touch No me toque Ud. Don't touch me.  to play (an instrument) Estaba tocando el piano. He was playing the piano.  to knock Toqué a la puerta. I knocked at the door.  to get a share Nos tocarán par-tes iguales. We'll get equal shares.  to draw Le tocó el número premiado. He drew the prize-winning number.  to call (at a port) El barco no tocará en Veracruz. The ship won't call at Veracruz.
     por lo que a mí (él, etc) toca as far as I'm (he's, etc) concerned.  tocarle a uno to be one's turn Le toca jugar. It's his turn to play.  to concern Eso no le toca a ella. That doesn't concern her.
  • tocino bacon.
  • todavía still ¿Todavía tienes hambre? Are you still hungry?  yet Todavía no ha llegado. He hasn't arrived yet.  even Ella es todavía más buena que él. She's even kinder than he is.
     todavía no not yet Todavía no he comido. I haven't eaten yet.
  • todo [adj] all Este pollo es todo huesos. This chicken's all bones.  full Pasaron a toda velocidad. They tore past at full speed.  [m] all, the whole ¡Eso es todo! That's all!  everything Le gusta probarlo todo. He likes to try everything.
     ante todo first of all Ante todo dígame Ud. a que hora llegan. First of all tell me what time they're coming.  así y todo in spite of all Así y todo me gusta estar aquí. In spite of all that, I like being here.  a todo all out, to the limit Iban a todo correr. They were going at full speed.  con todo still, however Con todo prefiero no ir. Still, I prefer not to go.  del todo wholly, completely Se le olvidó del todo. He completely forgot.  jugarse el todo por el todo to bet everything Se están jugando el todo por el todo. They're betting everything.  ser el todo to be the whole El es el todo del equipo. He's the whole team.  sobre todo especially, above all Me gusta el café, sobre todo si está caliente. I like coffee, especially if it's hot.  todo bicho viviente every living soul Se lo contó a todo bicho viviente. He told every living soul.  todo cuanto all that Todo cuanto Ud. dice me interesa. All that you tell me interests me.  todo el día all day Todo el día estuvo jugando. He was playing all day.  todo el mundo everybody Todo el mundo lo sabe. Everybody knows it.  todos everybody Todos lo quieren. Everybody likes him.  todos los every Todos los años im a la montaña. He goes to the mountains every year.
    || Todos son unos. They're all the same.
  • toldo awning; tarpaulin.
  • tolerancia toleration, tolerance.
  • tolerante tolerant.
  • tolerar to overlook, tolerate Le tolera sus faltas. She overlooks his faults.  to tolerate No podemos tolerar eso. We can't tolerate that.
  • tomada [Am] plug (electrical).
  • tomar to take Tomaré el que más me guste. I'll take the one I happen to like best.—Tomaremos el avión esta tarde. We'll take the plane this afternoon.—No lo tome Ud. en ese sentido. Don't take it that way.  to drink, eat, have Tomaremos café al regresar. We'll have coffee when we return.  to take, hire Tomemos un taxi. Let's take a taxi.  to take, adopt Ha tornado las costumbres de aquel país. He has adopted the customs of that country.  to take, capture Tomaron la ciudad por la noche. They captured the city during the night.
     sin tomar aliento in a great hurry Vino sin tomar aliento. He came in a great hurry.  tomar a bien to take the right way (to put the correct interpretation upon) Lo tomarán a bien. They'll take it the right way.  tomar a broma to take as a joke Tomémoslo a broma. Let's take it as a joke.  tomar a mal to take offense.  tomar a pecho to take to heart No lo tome Ud. a pecho. Don't take it to heart.  tomar asiento to sit down, take a seat ¿Quiere Ud. tomar asiento? Won't you sit down?  tomar cariño a to become attached to, fond of Me tomaron mucho cariño. They became very much attached to me.  tomar el gusto to begin to like Ya le estoy tomando el gusto a este juego. I'm beginning to like this game.  tomar el sol to sun oneself Salieron para tomar el sol. They went out to sun themselves.  tomarla con uno to pick on, ride La ha tomado conmigo. He picked on me.  tomar la responsabilidad to take (assume) responsibility El tomó la responsabilidad del trabajo. He assumed the responsibility for the work.  tomar las de Villadiego to take to one's heels.  tomar nota to take note Tomaron nota de todo. They took note of everything.  tomar por to consider, take for Lo toman por tonto. They take him for a fool.  tomar por, tomar hacia to turn, go in the direction Al llegar a la esquina tomó hacia su casa. When he reached the corner he went in the direction of his house.  tomar precauciones to take precautions Están tomando todas las precauciones necesarias. They're taking all the necessary precautions.  tomarse to take Se tomó unas horas para decidirlo. He took a few hours to decide.  tomarse alas to take liberties; to get too big for one's breeches.  tomar (una or la) resolución to resolve, decide Tomó la resolución de hacerlo. He decided to do it.
    || ¡Tome Ud.! Here you are!
  • tomate [m] tomato.
  • tomo volume Esta obra tiene varios tomos. This work is in several volumes.
  • tonada tune, song.
  • tonel [m] cask, barrel.
  • tonelada ton.
  • tono tone, note Desafina casi medio tono. She's nearly a half-note off pitch.  manner Me lo dijo con mal tono. He told me in a rude manner.  shade ¿No tiene otro tono de rojo? Haven't you another shade of red?
     bajar el tono to lower the pitch Baje Ud. el tono de voz. Lower your voice.  darse tono to put on airs Se da tono de gran persona. She puts on the airs of a great lady.  en todos los tonos in every possible way Se lo he dicho en todos los tonos. I've told him in every way I know.
  • tontería foolishness, nonsense Eso es una tontería. That's nonsense!
  • tonto silly, foolish, stupid, dumb No es tan tanto como Ud. cree. He's not as dumb as you think.  [n] fool ¡Qué tonto! What a fool!
     a tontas y a locas thoughtlessly, haphazard Todo lo hace a tontas y a locas. Everything he does is crazy.  hacerse el tonto to play the fool.  pasar las horas en tonto to pass the time doing nothing.  tonto de capirote blockhead Es un tonto de capirote. He's a blockhead.
  • topar to butt, strike against.
     topar con to stumble upon, find, come upon Topé con él en la calle. I came upon him in the street.
  • toque [m] touch Unos cuantos toques más y estará terminado.  few more touches and it will be finished.
     toque de corneta bugle-call.  toque de diana reveille.  toque de tambor beat of drum.
  • torbellino whirlwind.
  • torcer [rad-ch I] to twist Está torciendo el alambre. He's twisting the wire.  to turn El camino tuerce hacia el río. The road turns toward the river.
     no dar el brazo a torcer to be stubborn Nunca da su brazo a torcer. He never gives in.  torcerse to sprain, dislocate Se ha torcido un pie. He's sprained his foot.
  • torcido crooked Arregle el cuadro que está torcido. Straighten the picture; it's crooked.  bent El clavo está torcido. The nail is bent.  twisted Este alambre está torcido. This wire is twisted.  unlucky [Am] Es muy torcido en el juego. He's very unlucky at gambling.
  • torero bullfighter.
  • tormenta storm.
  • tormento torment, pain.
  • tornarse to turn, become Se tornó muy amargo. He became very bitter.
  • torneo tournament.
  • tornillo screw Necesitamos un clavo, no un tornillo. We need a nail, not a screw.
     faltarle a uno un tornillo to have a screw loose A ese muchacho le falta algún tornillo. That boy has a screw loose.
  • toro bull.
  • torpe slow; stupid.
  • torre [f] tower.
  • torta cake.
  • tortilla omelet; [Mex] pancake.
  • tortuga turtle.
  • tos [f] cough.
  • tosco rough Es un trabajo muy tosco. It's a very rough job.  coarse, uncouth Es un hombre tosco. He's a coarse fellow.
  • toser to cough.
  • tostada toast En el desayuno tomo café con tostadas. I have coffee and toast for breakfast.
  • tostado tanned (by the sun).
  • tostar [rad-ch I] to toast.
  • tostón [m] tostón (coin for half a peso) [Mex].
  • total [adj; m] total ¿Cuál es el total de la suma? What's the total amount?
     en total in a word, in short En total, lo que pasó fué esto. In a word, what happened was this:  total que the upshot of it was that Total que no podía verla. The upshot of it all was that I didn't get to see her.
  • trabajador industrious Era honrado y trabajador. He was honest and industrious.  [n] worker Han aumentado el número de trabajadores. They've increased the number of workers.
  • trabajar to work Trabaja en una compañía de transportes. He works with a transport company.  to work, strive Ha trabajado mucho para conseguir lo que quería. He's worked hard to get what he wanted.  to till Están trabajando la tierra. They're tilling the land.
  • trabajo work El trabajo está muy bien hecho. The work is very well done.  labor Van a cambiar la ley del trabajo. They're going to change the labor laws.
     costar mucho trabajo to be difficult, hard Me costó mucho trabajo arreglar el asunto. It was quité a job for me to get the matter straightened out.  pasar trabajos to experience hardships, have a hard time Está pasando muchos trabajos. He's having a hard time.  trabajos forzados hard labor (penal).
  • trabar  trabar amistad to strike up a friendship Trabaron amistad en un viaje. They struck up a friendship on a trip.  trabarse la lengua to stammer Se le traba la lengua cuando habla ligero. When he speaks fast he stammers.
  • tradición [f] tradition.
  • tradicional traditional.
  • traducción [f] translation.
  • traducir [-zc-] to translate ¿Quién tradujo esto? Who translated this?
  • traer [irr] to bring He traído una carta para Ud. I brought a letter for you.  to wear Ella traía un lindo abrigo. She wore a lovely coat.  to bring, serve Espere que traigan el café. Wait until they serve the coffee.  to carry, have El periódico hoy trae tin artículo sobre el Señor X. Today's paper has an article on Mr. X.  to have No traigo la pluma conmigo. I haven't my pen with me.
     traer y llevar to talk about someone, gossip Le gusta mucho traer y llevar. He likes to gossip.
  • tráfico traffic En esta ciudad hay poco tráfico. Traffic is very light in this city.
  • tragar to swallow.
  • tragedia tragedy.
  • trágico tragic.
  • trago swallow, drink.
     echar un trago to take a drink, to have a shot.
  • traición [f] treason.
  • traicionar to betray.
  • traidor [m] traitor.
  • traje [m] dress Llevaba un lindo traje. She was wearing a pretty dress.
     traje de baño bathing suit.  traje de etiqueta formal dress Todos vestían traje de etiqueta. They were all wearing formal dress.  traje largo evening dress Las señoras iban de traje largo. The ladies were in evening dress.  traje sastre tailored suit Siempre usa traje sastre. She always wears tailored suits.
  • trámite [m] business transaction.
  • trampa trap Pusieron algunas trampas para los ratones. They set several rat traps.
     hacer trampas to cheat Hace trampas cuando juega. He cheats when he plays.
  • trance [m]  a todo trance at any cost Está resuelto a hacerlo a todo trance. He is determined to do it at any cost.  en trance de at the point of Estaba en trance de muerte. He was at the point of death.
  • tranquilidad [f] rest, peace, tranquillity.
  • tranquilizarse to be reassured Me he tranquilizado con lo que Ud. me ha dicho. What you have told me has reassured me.  to calm oneself, be calmed ¡Tranquilícese! Calm yourself!
  • tranquilo [adj] quiet.
  • transacción [f] settlement; transaction.
  • transcurrir to pass, elapse Transcurrió mucho tiempo sin que le volviera a ver.  long time passed without her seeing him again.
  • transeúnte [adj] transient.  [m] passer-by.
  • transferir [rad-ch II] to transfer.
  • transformar to transform.
  • transición [f] transition.
  • transigir to settle, compromise ¡Con eso no transijo! I won't compromise on that!  to agree Transigieron en hablarle. They agreed to talk to him.
  • tránsito passage Se prohibe el tránsito. No thoroughfare.
     de tránsito in transit Estaba de tránsito. He was passing through.
  • transmisión [f] transmission; broadcast(ing) La transmisión del programa de radio será a las ocho de la noche. The program will be broadcast at eight P.M.
  • transmisora broadcasting station.
  • transmitir to transmit; to broadcast.
  • transparente transparent.  [m] window shade.
  • transportar to transport, carry.
  • transporte [m] transport; transportation.
  • tranvía [m] street car.
  • trapero rag picker.
  • trapo piece of cloth.  rag Déme Ud. el trapo para limpiar la mesa. Give me the rag to clean the table.
     a todo trapo to beat the band Estaban charlando a todo trapo. They were talking to beat the band.  poner como un trapo to insult, skin alive.
    || Siempre están charlando de trapos. They're always discussing clothes.
  • tras after La policía andaba tras él. The police were after him.  behind Estaba tras la puerta. It was behind the door.
     tras de behind Iba tras de ella. He was walking behind her.
  • trasero [adj] rear, back La parte trasera del automóvil. The rear part of the automobile.  [m] rear, hind part.
  • trasladar to transfer La trasladaron a otro departamento. She was transferred to another department.
     trasladarse to move (change place of residence or work) Se han trasladado a otra ciudad. They've moved to another city.
  • trasnochador [m] night-owl.
  • trasnochar to be up all night.
  • traspasar to go through, pierce El balazo le traspasó el corazón. The bullet pierced his heart.  to transfer, sell (a business) Traspasó la tienda muy ventajosamente. He sold the business very profitably.
  • traspatio back yard [Am].
  • trastornado (see trastornar) crazy, insane.
  • trastornar to upset, disturb Trastornó toda la habitación. He upset the whole room.  to drive insane El disgusto la trastornó. The misfortune drove her insane.
  • tratado treaty; treatise.
  • tratamiento medical treatment; courteous form of address.
  • tratante [m] dealer (in cattle or grain) Es un tratante en granos. He's a grain dealer.
  • tratar to treat Lo trataron con desprecio. They treated him with contempt. —

El médico la trató por mucho tiempo. The doctor treated her for a long time.  to handle Trate eso con cuidado. Handle that with care.
 tratar de to deal with (a subject or thing) Vamos a tratar de ese negocio. Let's deal with that business.  to try Trataron de resolver el problema. They tried to solve the problem.  to call Lo trató de loco. She called him a madman.  tratarse (con) to deal with (person), be on good or intimate terms (with) No me trato con Juan. I'm not on good terms with John.—Juan y Pedro no se tratan. John and Peter are not on good terms.  tratarse de to be the subject of, be a question of Se trata de hacerlo lo mejor posible. It's a question of doing it in the best possible way.

  • trato treatment Le dieron a él muy buen trato. They treated him very well.  behavior, manners Su trato es muy correcto. His manner is very correct.  pact, agreement, deal (commercial) Hicieron un trato. They had an understanding.  close friendship Parece que tienen mucho trato. They seem to be very close friends.
     tener buen trato to be pleasant, be nice.
  • través  a través de through, across Fueron a través del bosque. They went through the woods.  de través sidewise, out of the corner of the eye Me miró de través. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye.
  • travesía voyage.
  • travesura prank, antic.
  • traviesa railroad tie [Sp].
  • travieso mischievous, prankish.
  • trayecto distance, stretch, line.
  • traza looks, appearance.
     buena traza good appearance.  mala traza evil look Ese hombre tiene mala traza. That man looks dangerous.  tener trazas to show signs Esto no tiene trazas de terminarse. This doesn't seem te be anywhere near finished.  tener trazas de to look like Tiene trazas de mendigo. He looks like a beggar.
  • trazar to draw Trazó un croquis rápidamente. He quickly drew a sketch.  to draw up Trazaron planes para el futuro. They drew up plans for the future.
  • trazo line, stroke Con unos trazos de lápiz hizo una caricatura. With a few strokes of his pencil he made a caricature.
  • trébol [m] clover.
  • trece thirteen.
  • trecho space, stretch Hay un trecho de mal camino. There's a stretch of bad road.
     de trecho en trecho at intervals Han plantado árboles de trecho en trecho. They have planted trees at intervals.
  • tregua truce, lull Hubo una tregua en la lucha. There was a lull in the fighting.
     sin tregua without rest Trabaja sin tregua. He works without rest.
  • treinta thirty.
  • tremendo terrible, dreadful Hubo un accidente tremendo. There was a terrible accident.  huge, tremendous Ocasionó tremendos gastos. It entailed tremendous expense.
  • tren [m] train El tren viene atrasado. The train is late.  pomp, show Con ese tren de vida se van a arruinar. They'll go broke with such extravagant living.
     tren correo mail train.  tren de mercancías freight train Pasaron un tren de mercancías. They passed a freight train.  tren de viajeros passenger train Hay un tren de viajeros cada dos horas. There's a (passenger) train every two hours.  tren expreso (or rápido) express train.  tren mixto freight and passenger train.
  • trenza braid, tress.
  • trepar to climb Trepó al árbol con gran dificultad. He climbed the tree with great difficulty.
  • tres three.
  • triángulo triangle.
  • tribu [f] tribe.
  • tribuna rostrum, reviewing stand El orador subió a la tribuna. The speaker mounted the rostrum.  gallery Desde las tribunas ovacionaron a los diputados. The galleries cheered the delegates.
     la tribuna the bar; politics (profession).  tribunas grandstand Las tribunas estaban llenas de espectadores. The grandstand was filled with spectators.
  • tribunal [m] court (of justice); examining board.
     llevar alguien a los tribunales to sue.
  • tribuno orator.
  • trigo wheat.
  • trinchadora sideboard.
  • trinchante [m] carving knife.
  • trinchar to carve (meat).
  • trinchera trench; ditch; trench coat.
  • trineo sled; bob sled.
  • tripa tripe; intestines; belly.
  • triple triple, treble.
  • tripulación [f] crew.
  • triste sad.  sad, sorry Hizo un triste papel. He cut a sorry figure.  gloomy, dismal El día está muy triste. It's a gloomy day.
  • tristeza sadness, sorrow.
  • triunfar to triumph, succeed Triunfaron sus proyectos. His plans succeeded.  to win Ha triunfado en el campeonato. He won the championship.
     triunfar de to triumph over Pudo triunfar de toda la oposición. He was able to triumph over all opposition.
  • triunfo triumph, victory El triunfo sobre el enemigo fué completo. The victory over the enemy was complete.  trump card Echó un triunfo. He played a trump.
     costar un triunfo to be exceedingly difficult Nos costó un triunfo conseguirlo. It cost us a lot of effort to get it. or It was no easy matter to get it.
  • triza small piece.
     hacer trizas to tear to bits Hizo trizas el papel. He tore the paper to bits.
  • trompa horn; elephant's trunk.
  • trompeta [f] trumpet, bugle.  [m] bugler.
  • tronar [rad-ch I] to thunder Ha estado tronando durante toda la noche. It's been thundering all night long.
     por lo que pueda tronar as a precaution Lo llevaré por lo que pueda tronar. I'll take it along as a precaution.
  • tronchado (see tronchar) broken.
     estar tronchado to be all in.
  • tronchar to break.
     troncharse to split one's sides with laughter [Slang].
  • troncho stalk, stem (of garden plants).
  • tronco trunk, stalk, stem El tronco del árbol es muy grueso. The tree has a large trunk.  team Un hermoso tronco de caballos tiraba del carro. The carriage was drawn by a handsome team of horses.  stock Procede de viejo tronco. He comes from very old stock.
  • trono throne.
  • tropa troop Las tropas desfilaron por la calle. The troops marched through the streets.
  • tropel [m] bustle, confusion (of people) ¿Por qué hay tanto tropel en la calle? Why is there so much confusion in the street?
     en tropel boisterously, in a throng Entraron en la casa en tropel. They entered the house boisterously.  tropel de caballos herd of horses.
  • tropelía excess, excessive act; outrage Los soldados cometieron tropelías. The troops committed many outrages.
  • tropezar [rad-ch I] to stumble Tropezó y cayó al suelo. He stumbled and fell.
     tropezar con to run into, come upon Tropecé con él en la calle. I came upon him in the street.  tropezar en to trip over Tropecé en el bordillo de la acera. I tripped over the curb.
  • tropical tropical.
  • trópico tropic (al).  [m] tropics.
  • tropiezo obstacle, hitch.
  • trotar to trot Los caballos trotaban a través del campo. The horses were trotting across the field.  to hustle Me he pasado la mañana trotando. I've been on the go all morning.
  • trote [m] trot El caballo tiene muy buen trote. The horse has a good trot.
     al trote in haste Me llevaba al trote. He kept me on the run.
  • trozo piece Déme Ud. un trozo de pollo. Give me a piece of chicken.  part Un trozo de la calle está en mal estado.  part of the street is in bad shape.  fragment Está hecho con trozos de tela. It's made out of odds and ends of cloth.  selection, passage (of books) Léame un trozo de ese libro. Read me a selection from that book.
     trozo de madera wooden block El niño juega con trozos de madera. The child is playing with wooden blocks.  trozo musical musical selection Es un lindo trozo musical. That's a beautiful piece of music.
  • trucha trout.
  • trueno thunder Hubo truenos y relámpagos durante la tormenta. There was thunder and lightning during the storm.
     trueno gordo big scandal Esa noticia será un trueno gordo. That news will create a big scandal.
  • trusa bathing suit [Antilles].
  • tu pl tus [adj; Fam] your Aquí tienes tus guantes y tu bastón. Here are your gloves and your cane.
  • tu [pron; Fam] you María, tu irás conmigo. Mary, you'll go with me.
     tratar de tú to use tú in addressing, be on intimate terms with ¿Le trata Ud. de tú? Are you on intimate terms with him?
  • tubo tube, pipe.
  • tuerca nut (hardware)
  • tuerto one-eyed.
  • tumba tomb.
  • tumbar to knock down Lo tumbó al primer golpe. He knocked him down with the first punch.
     tumbarse to tumble Se tumbó en la cama. He tumbled into bed.
  • tumbo tumble, somersault Andaba dando tumbos. He was turning somersaults.
  • tumor [m] tumor.
  • tumulto mob, noisy crowd.
  • tuna prickly pear [Am].
  • tunante [m] rake, rascal, rogue ¡Es un tunante! He's a rascal!
  • túnel [m] tunnel.
  • tupido (see tupir) thick; close-woven; stopped up, clogged.
  • tupir to pack tight Se me han tupido las narices. My nose is stopped up.
  • turba crowd, mob.
  • turbación [f] confusion.
  • turbar to disturb, upset; to confuse.
  • turbio muddy Esta agua está turbia. This water is muddy.  blurred, indistinct Veo todo turbio. I see everything blurred.
  • turista [m, f] tourist.
  • turno turn Espere que le llegue su turno. Wait your turn.
     de turno on duty Estaba de turno aquella noche. He was on duty that night.
  • turquesa turquoise.
  • turrón [m] nougat.
  • tutear to use the familiar tú in addressing a person.
  • tutor, tutora tutor.
  • tuyo yours, of yours [Fam] ¿Es tuyo esto? Is this yours?—Creía que eran amigas tuyas. He thought they were friends of yours.