Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ai
- ko ai cṳ́;
- an orphan.
- ai-khàu;
- to weep.
- ai-chám;
- distressing.
- ai khîu;
- to supplicate.
- ai-lîen;
- to compassionate.
- ai cāi!
- Alas!
- u hū ai cāi!
- Alas, how sad!
- pui ai;
- sympathy.
- ai khṳ́n;
- beseech.
- hi, nē, ai, lâk;
- the four emotions, satisfaction, anger, grief, joy.
- i kâi tó̤ ái mih sṳ̄?
- What is he groaning about?
- áa thiaⁿ-kìⁿ i cong-kú tó̤ ái, ái;
- I hear him grunting all the time.
- ái, khó̤-lîen i!
- Oh, how I pity him!
- i sĭ ái-kìe ka-kī kâi sṳ̄, a sĭ ái-kìe pât nâng kâi sṳ̄?
- Is he sighing over his own affairs, or over those of some other person?
- ái-mŭe;
- underhand.
- cía sǹg sĭ ái-mŭe kâi sṳ;
- this is acting in an underhand way.
- 愛ài619619
- The exhibition of humanity in the actions; to love; fond of; tender toward; sparing of; beloved.
- ài-sieh,
- kindness.
- chin-ài;
- friendship.
- jîn-ai; benevolent.
- lĕng ài;
- your daughter.
- mông lṳ́ kùe ài;
- many thanks for your great kindness.
- nek-ài;
- blind love.
- hó̤ ài-sieh;
- lovable.
- khó̤-ài;
- lovely.
- ài-sieh ka-kī īu su ài-sieh pât nâng;
- love others as well as yourself.
- ài nâng kip mûeh;
- love people rather than things.
- ài-sieh tŏ̤ sim, màiⁿ ài-sieh tŏ̤ mīn;
- love in reality rather than in appearance.
- ài mîn jîak cṳ́;
- loved the people as if they were his children.
- ài-sieh thài kùe;
- too indulgent affection.
- ài-sieh kuang-im;
- sparing of time.
- ài-kháu;
- a gorge.
- híam ài;
- a dangerous pass.
- cū sĭ i kâi âi;
- it is his mother.
- chin âi;
- an own mother.
- ău âi;
- a step-mother.
- ăi-ă;
- an exclamation denoting surprise.