Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/bo
- ang bó;
- husband and wife.
- bó kíaⁿ;
- wife and children.
- chūa bó;
- marry a wife.
- sieh bó;
- be kind to a wife.
- ùi bó;
- afraid of a wife.
- cháu-thâu kâi bó;
- his first wife.
- ki chú kâi bó;
- ciap ki kâi bó; inferior wife.
- ău bó;
- second wife.
- soiⁿ kâi bó hó̤, ău kâi bó m̄-hó̤;
- his former wife was a good one, his present wife is not.
- cang cáu-kíaⁿ kè khṳt i cò̤ bó̤;
- gave his daughter to him to be his wife.
- chūa i kâi a-ko cò̤ bó;
- married his aunt.
- i kâi bó sĭ ún kâi píe kâi;
- his wife is our cousin.
- bó kâi cí-mūe kìe-cò̤ chi-î;
- a wife's sisters are called sisters-in-law.
- 畝bó5881025
- The Chinese acre, which is 733 1/3 square yards, or about one sixth of an English acre.
- chân bó;
- rice fields.
- cêk bó tī;
- an acre of land.
- cêk khẃn sĭ cêk peh bó;
- the largest land measure is one hundred acres.
- nín hak ŭ jîeh cōi bó chân-hn̂g?
- How many acres of arrable land do you own?
- cí-kò̤ kâi chân, ke hùe, hak ŭ jîeh cōi bó?
- Of the fields about here, how many acres are owned by those who own the most?
- bó tī, cìa ká ŭ jîeh cōi thn̂g?
- How much sugar can you get from an acre of sugar cane?
- cîaⁿ câp bó tī hún-kuah;
- about ten acres of sweet potatoes.
- cí kò̤ chù-tī ŭ câp bó khuah;
- this building lot contains ten acres.
- cí kâi tī cìeⁿ khuah, cêk nî ēng lâp jîeh cōi bó chân nîe?
- On a piece of land as large as this how much must be paid annually in taxes?
- ŵn-nîe sĭ cìe bó sǹg-sìo;
- government taxes are reckoned according to the number of acres.
- ún cí-kò̤ kâi tī pí nín kò̤ ío hó̤ cèng-co̤h, cêk bó siu ke cêk ûe;
- our land here is better than is yours for agriculture, and we can get twice as much from it.
- cí kò̤ chân thóiⁿ tîeh bó-siaⁿ ío ôih;
- I should think this lot the smaller.
- bó-toaⁿ;
- the peony.
- bó-toaⁿ phûe;
- the bark of the peony, used in medicine.
- ìn kâi cńg-thâu bô;
- to set one's signature by pressing the inked thumb on a document.
- cù tíaⁿ kâi tíaⁿ-bô;
- the molds used in casting iron pans; thô bô; a clay mold.
- cîeh bô;
- a stone mold.
- am-bô;
- over-arching; rounding upward; a space hollowed out.
- i kâi īeⁿ am-bô am-bô;
- it is of a vaultlike shape.
- màiⁿ cò̤ khah am-bô;
- do not make it so that it rounds upward too much.
- bō sĭ sôk câp thien-kang. cí câp kâi sĭ thien-kang, sôk îang; hṳ́ câp-jī kâi sĭ tī-ciⁿ, sôk im;
- these ten are the heavenly cycle, and pertain to the male principle in nature; those twelve are the earthly cycle and pertain to the female principle in nature.
- câp thien-kang, lâi phùi câp-jī tī-ciⁿ, sǹg kàu lâk-câp kâi cū kàu;
- the cycle of ten reckoned ten times, matches the cycle of twelve reckoned five times.