Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/bun
- o bun;
- black gnats.
- seⁿ bun;
- breeds gnats.
- bun kău căi;
- the gnats are very thick.
- bun máng;
- buzzing insects.
- bô̤ bun bô̤ máng;
- no gnats nor mosquitoes.
- khṳt bun kă kàu kâi lâu kâi lâu;
- bitten by gnats till he was all blotches.
- thóiⁿ bô̤ bun hìeⁿ tōa;
- considered him as insignificant as a gnat.
- bun táⁿ;
- cowardly.
- cŭ bun sêng lûi;
- if you get enough gnats together their noise will be as loud as thunder.
- bun hng-hng-kìe;
- gnats buzz.
- cêk tu bun;
- a swarm of gnats.
- bun kíaⁿ;
- sand flies.
- lí kàu ŭ tîo put bún;
- to manage so that there be no entanglement; to straighten out in distinct lines.
- bŏi bún-lŭan;
- is not confused or disordered.
- mih sṳ̄ tîo-tît tîo-tît, cn̂g kâi bŏi bún-lŭan;
- everything is set straight, and there is no complication.
- i cē kiaⁿ cū bùn jîp khang tói;
- as soon as he is frightened he scratches his way into his hole.
- cíeⁿ-seⁿ tṳ-kíaⁿ bùn tit kùe mē?
- Can the pigs wriggle through?
- khang khah khuah, khṳt cío bùn cáu khṳ̀;
- the interstices were too wide, and the bird got through and escaped.
- i bùn lâi bùn khṳ̀, bùn bòi tit chut;
- he tried his best, but could not work his way though so as to get out.
- koi-lam kâi khang hìeⁿ sòi, koi cò̤-nî ŏi bùn chut lâi?
- Since the interstices in the coop are so small, how could the fowls push their way through?
- bùn lô̤h thô tói;
- wriggle down into the mud, as eels or crabs do.
- koi cong-kú tó̤ bùn;
- the hens keep trying all the time to get out.
- bûn bâk;
- literary.
- bûn ngía;
- intellectual or refined.
- bûn huap;
- grammar.
- bûn pit;
- the pen of a ready writer.
- bûn chái;
- scientific.
- bûn cieⁿ;
- an essay.
- kó bûn;
- ancient literature.
- sî bûn;
- modern literature.
- sṳ bûn;
- an elegant style.
- bûn-sek;
- a specious appearance.
- ngŵn bûn;
- the original text.
- bûn-cieⁿ kó̤; bûn-cieⁿ chó̤;
- the original draft.
- pêh bûn;
- plain text.
- sueh bûn;
- to explain the text.
- cò̤ bûn;
- make a draft.
- tâu bûn;
- deliver a dispatch.
- kong bûn;
- public documents.
- bûn cṳ;
- documents.
- kìa bûn-cṳ;
- î bûn; send dispatches.
- tòa bûn cṳ;
- bear a dispatch.
- m̄ tâk cêk bûn cîⁿ;
- it is not worth a cash.
- bûn bú;
- civil and military.
- bûn bīe;
- a Confucian temple.
- kháu bûn kháu bú;
- examination of scholars and cadets.
- bûn tîeⁿ;
- the arena for literary contests.
- bûn kháu;
- the examinations, civil and military.
- lêng bûn, lêng bú;
- an able scholar and soldier.
- bûn bú chŵn châi;
- familiar with both books and weapons.
- bûn kuaⁿ;
- civil ofiicers.
- ô̤h cò̤ bûn;
- learn to be scholarly.
- khǹg sì bûn;
- exhortations to morality.
- bûn ùaⁿ;
- civil bureau.
- thien bûn;
- astronomy the hosts of heavenly bodies.
- thien bûn seng;
- astronomers.
- kwn thien-bûn;
- observe the stars.
- bûn-lí;
- the literary style of writing.
- bûn-thông;
- a student.
- i sĭ bûn sìu-câi a bṳ́ sìu-câi?
- Is he a literary or a military graduate?
- 玫瑰bûn-kùi584
- A red gem; a red rose.
- bûn-kùi lō;
- rose water.
- bûn-kùi îu;
- attar of roses.
- nín kâi bûn-kùi lō kâi ngṳ̂n kúi ki?
- How many bottles of rosewater do you give for a dollar?
- bun ngṳ̂n;
- sycee, pure silver.
- thŵn bŭn;
- a tradition; to repeat a report.
- hong bŭn;
- a rumor.
- thiaⁿ-bŭn;
- to hear.
- húang bŭn;
- ascertain by hearing.
- mîaⁿ bŭn sì-hái;
- famed throughout the empire.
- úa tŏ̤ hú-sîaⁿ cū bŭn-kìⁿ cía sṳ̄;
- I heard this at the Departmental City.
- sin-bŭn-cúa;
- a newspaper.
- úa bŭn mîaⁿ kú lío;
- I have long been acquainted with your name.
- iu-būn;
- grieved.
- chô-būn;
- sorrowful.
- būn-būn nē;
- very unhappy.
- kói būn; sùaⁿ būn;
- to dissipate grief.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ iu-būn;
- do not be distressed.