Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ce
- cṳ-ce;
- a student's room.
- cŏ̤ cṳ-ce, ha sie tê;
- sit in the study and blow hot tea; elegant leisure.
- tiang-sî khui cṳ-ce?
- When will the school begin?
- cîah ce;
- to live solely on vegetables, as do many devout Buddhists.
- ce-kài;
- to live as a vegetarian.
- tiang-sî pîet ce?
- When does the fast end?
- cîah tn̂g ce;
- fast perpetually.
- cîah hue ce;
- fast at certain fixed periods.
- kíaⁿ-jît tùi ce-khî;
- to-day is a fast-day.
- cîah ce pó cêk ak;
- fast as an offset to wickedness.
- cía píaⁿ sĭ ce kâi a sĭ cho̤ kâi?
- Is this sort of cake lenten fare or not?
- cí īeⁿ chài ŭ nâng tàⁿ sĭ ce kâi, ŭ nâng tàⁿ sĭ cho̤ kâi;
- some say this vegetable is lenten fare, and some say it is not.
- ce tn̂g;
- a temple whose inmates fast.
- ce má;
- women who abstain from animal food.
- cò̤ māng-ce, a sī cò̤ kong-tek?
- Is it to be a private or a public funeral?
- cé-mūe;
- sisters.
- ke cé;
- my sister.
- lĕng cé;
- your sister.
- tōa cé, jī cé;
- the eldest and the next to the eldest sister.
- cé hu;
- an elder sister's husband.
- sin bói kâi a-cé kíaⁿ;
- a newly bought concubine.
- sôk sin kâi a-cé;
- a concubine taken out of a brothel.
- chiah-kha cé;
- a natural footed concubine or slave.
- khìam cè;
- owe a debt.
- hâiⁿ cè;
- pay a debt.
- cè-cú;
- creditor.
- cè-kíaⁿ;
- debtor.
- cîⁿ-cè;
- the money due.
- jû thó̤ lău cè;
- as difficult as the collecting of an old debt.
- khìam nâng kâi cè;
- to owe some one.
- côiⁿ seⁿ côiⁿ sì khìam lṳ́ kâi cè!
- In a former life I died indebted to you I suppose!
- thó̤ cè;
- demand what is due.
- pàng cè;
- lend money; shave notes.
- thó̤ cè kúi;
- a troublesome imp.
- thó̤ cè kíaⁿ;
- a bad child of mine, sent to me as a punishment for sin.
- cîⁿ-cè sòi kù;
- the debt is of little consequence.
- cè hôiⁿ ŵn;
- the debt is paid in full.
- lap nâng cêk sin cè;
- owes a debt that it will take all his life to pay.
- cîⁿ-cè lap pīn mâk;
- in debt up to his eyes.
- cîⁿ-cè bô̤ thang hó̤ hâiⁿ;
- not wherewith to pay the debt.
- cè m̄ kio i thó̤;
- would not demand the amount due from him.
- cí tîo cîⁿ-cè cău-hùe i lîen tîeh úa, m̄ kio úa thó̤;
- peradventure he may have pity upon me, and not demand the amount of this debt.
- cè hâiⁿ būe cheng, hok sĭ phoi tŏ̤ sìo tèng, hok sĭ phah siu-toaⁿ khṳt nâng;
- when the debt is paid in part only, perhaps the amount paid will be entered on the account, or perhaps a receipt will be given for it.
- cē thóiⁿ cĭu pat;
- knew it at one glance.
- cē thâk cĭu pat;
- knew it after once reading it.
- cē ô̤h cĭu ŏi;
- having learned you will be able.
- jī cē sía cĭu sêk;
- by writing the letters you become familiar with them.
- chùi cē tàⁿ kú cĭu kût;
- by saying them over constantly you get so that you can pronounce them easily.
- cē lâi cĭu ŭ tōa-bó̤-mûeh nâng;
- when they once come there will be a host of people.
- cē khṳ̀ cĭu hìeⁿ kú;
- when he does go he stays a long time.
- cē cò̤ cĭu sêng;
- as soon as he began he accomplished it.
- cē pēⁿ cĭu bŏi cîah;
- on becoming ill he could not eat.
- cē sĭeⁿ tîeh cĭu khì;
- whenever he thinks of it he becomes angry.
- cē tàⁿ cĭu hàuⁿ;
- as soon as it was spoken of he consented.
- cē khîu cĭu khéng;
- as soon as it was asked for he assented.
- hŏ cē lô̤h cĭu lô̤h m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;
- when it once begins to rain, it rains as if it would never stop.
- màiⁿ cē cò̤ cĭu cò̤ m̄ hiah;
- do not go on forever when you have once begun.
- úa cē thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ, lṳ́ cĭu cáu;
- whenever am not looking, you run off.
- úa cē bô̤ tŏ, lṳ́ cò̤-nî cĭu m̄ thâk?
- Why is it that you stop studying, whenever I am absent?
- úa cē chut koi, lṳ́ kâi mn̂g tîeh cíeⁿ hó̤-hó̤;
- when I am gone out, you must watch the door carefully.
- màiⁿ cē cîah cĭu cîah kàu cìeⁿ cōi;
- when you do eat, do not eat so much.
- úa cē tàⁿ cĭu sĭ cìe-seⁿ;
- when I have once said a thing I adhere to it.
- úa cē hàm, lṳ́ cĭu tîeh lâi;
- when I call you, you must come.
- i cē chìe lṳ́ cĭu so̤h cò̤ ké kâi;
- when he laughed you mistakenly thought it was untrue.
- cē kau-chap cĭu cai;
- while associating with him you will find out.
- cē thiaⁿ cĭu ìn;
- answered as soon as I heard.
- cò̤ hó̤ cē;
- make a better one.
- khùe cē;
- speedier.
- sòi cē;
- smaller.
- tăng cē;
- heavier.
- tâm cē;
- wetter.
- chit ta cē;
- wipe it dryer.
- thiu kng-kût cē;
- plane it smoother.
- sói cheng-khih cē;
- wash it cleaner.
- sàu pêh cē;
- sweep it cleaner.
- cṳ̆-sòi cē;
- be more careful.
- ùaⁿ cē;
- later.
- cá cē;
- earlier.
- 一下cē183
- A contraction of cêk ē; once; a little while; for a while.
- khṳt úa thóiⁿ cē;
- let me take a look at it.
- thĕng cē;
- wait a bit.
- táng úa cē;
- wait for me an instant.
- hìⁿ cē;
- give it a shake.
- khṳt i phâk cē;
- let it sun a little.
- îaⁿ cē;
- barracks.
- suaⁿ cē;
- a hill fortress.
- châk cē;
- a bandit's hold.
- kiap cē;
- to plunder a post.
- cē cú;
- the owner of a stockade.
- hieⁿ cē;
- a fortified village.
- cē câh;
- the gates of a fortress.
- cē mn̂g;
- the entrance to a hold.
- cē chîeⁿ;
- the wall of a stronghold.
- cē lăi;
- within a guarded retreat.