Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chah
- chah pie;
- to stick in a label.
- chah chíu;
- insert the hand.
- chah hue-bâk;
- to stick flowers into a crevice by their stems.
- chah hieⁿ;
- to
- set the lower end of incense sticks into the ashes of the incense pot; to worship the gods.
- chah cháu ûi pie;
- to stick in a spear of grass as a label.
- chah kî;
- to set up a flag.
- chah hĭⁿ cìⁿ;
- put an arrow through the ear, as a punishment.
- ŏi chah jîp khṳ̀, bŏi pôih chut lâi;
- can stick it in, but cannot pull it out.
- chah m̄ jîp;
- cannot insert it.
- chah sit pue khṳ̀;
- put on some wings and fly off.
- chah cò̤ hō̤;
- insert something as a mark.
- chah ki thâu-chah;
- insert an ornamental hair pin.
- chah ki hue;
- wear a spray of flowers in the hair.
- chah i khí lâi;
- put the hand under his arm and lift him up.
- lṳ́ tîeh chah i;
- you must support him by the arm.
- chah bŏi tit khí;
- cannot pull him up.
- chah tŏ̤ i ko̤h-tháng-ĕ, kiaⁿ-ùi pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- upheld him by putting the hand under his arm, fearing that he would fall.
- i kâi chíu méⁿ-méⁿ cū lâi chah;
- his hand was quickly extended to support her.
- jṳ̂ châh-châh; châh-châh jṳ̂;
- all in a tangle; mingled with no regard to order; in the utmost confusion.
- cêk koiⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂ châh-châh, cn̂g kâi m̄ tît;
- the whole place is turned upside down, and nothing is in order there.