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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chak

From Wikisource


  • chak9878511
  • The varnish or lacquer tree; viscid or resinous juices used in varnishing; to varnish.
lṳ́ sĭ àiⁿ îu a sĭ àiⁿ chak?
Will you have it painted or have it varnished?
  • chak94011
  • To inquire into judicially; to observe closely.
to scrutinize.
chak tŵt;
to inquire into and decide a case.
examine into.
sòi chak;
examine minutely.
to criticise.
sîn-mêng kàm-chak;
the gods exercise a censorship.
lṳ́ tîeh chak mêng-pêh;
you must get at the truth of the matter.
a provincial judge.
  • chak10041678
  • In disorder; to make a mistake.
chŵn bŏi cha-chak;
there is no mistake in it.
màiⁿ chak-câp;
do not get it confused.
lṳ́ cha úa chak;
you are astray and so am I.
  • châk100616719
  • A chisel; a punch; to chisel or punch out; to dig out.
a chisel.
châk kâi khang;
to punch out a hole.
to bore out.
châk sie-lîn-thàng;
to dig through to the other side.
khak-khak châk-châk ŭ cèng-kŭ;
there is indisputable proof of it.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ khak-châk;
this matter is thoroughly sifted.
châk bŏi tit lô̤h;
cannot dig into it.
màiⁿ châk khah chim;
do not chisel it too deeply.
châk chim cē;
chisel it deeper.
châk khuah cē;
dig it out a little wider with the punch.
căm châk;
to carve out with chisel and punch.
  • châk358648
  • To dig the nails into; to claw.
i khṳt i kâi chíu-cńg-kah châk tîeh;
she was clawed by his finger nails.
i kâi chíu-cńg-kah châk kàu i hueh lāu;
she dug her nails into him till the blood ran.
  • châk9571546
  • A thief; a robber; insurgents.
cò̤ châk;
to turn thief.
lîah châk;
to seize a thief.
sàng châk;
to conduct a thief to court.
phah châk;
to punish thieves.
jīo châk;
to pursue thieves.
ûi châk;
surround the thieves.
huang châk;
beware of thieves.
ùi châk;
afraid of thieves.
cau châk;
encounter robbers.
cáu châk;
to escape from thieves.
ngŏ̤ tîeh châk;
to fall among thieves.
phùa châk;
to disperse a band of robbers.
jíang châk; toah châk;
to call out “Thief, Thief.”
péⁿ châk;
to head off an escaping thief.
khún châk;
bind a thief.
chau châk;
extirpate thieves.
châk-thâu; châk-síu;
a rebel chieftain.
a rebel follower.
cíⁿ châk-kíaⁿ;
a young rebel.
suaⁿ châk;
hái châk;
kiap châk;
chiap châk;
a petty thief.
hẃn châk;
pw̆n kut châk;
híang-bé châk;
mounted highwaymen.
châk piaⁿ;
the rebel force.
chṳ́ châk;
a sly thief.
châk tun-ke;
one who harbors thieves.
a den of thieves.
châk sèⁿ;
châk hĕng;
châk mâk;
a sly expression of the eyes.
châk sim-tn̂g;
a reprobate.
thong châk; ín châk;
an accomplice of thieves.
pun châk thau khṳ̀;
stolen by a thief.
kâi châk lâi thau i kâi mûeh, thau m̄ kùe chíu;
a thief came to steal his things but did not get them.
íⁿ châk kong châk;
take a thief to catch a thief.
châk cng;
lîah châk cĭu cng;
when the robbers are caught their prey is not far off.
cng cin, châk bīn;
when the booty is discovered the thief is found.
bói tîeh châk cng;
buy stolen goods.
gō bói châk cng;
buy stolen goods unwittingly.
tōa pang kâi châk lîen kuaⁿ-piaⁿ i to m̄ ùi, lîen kuaⁿ-hú kâi mûeh i káⁿ kiap;
a great band of robbers is not afraid of the regular troops, and dare take even the magistrate's goods.
tī-pó̤ kio sît cú khṳ̀ jīn thóiⁿ sĭ châk cng a m̄ sĭ;
the person held responsible for the good order of the place, took the owner of the lost articles to see whether those were the stolen goods.
kang châk;
a harmful ruler.
châk-sì sue;
the strength of the insurgents is broken.
châk cìen kuaⁿ-piaⁿ m̄ kùe;
the rebels cannot withstand the loyal troops.
châk pìⁿ-cò̤ hó̤ nâng;
a reformed thief.
khṳt châk thau khîeh;
it was stolen.
châk ce;
a robber's hold.
châk îaⁿ;
the rebel camp.
àu châk;
a wretch.
piaⁿ kau, châk īa kau;
when the loyal meet, the disloyal are among them.
châk cûn;
a pirate ship.
cí tîo lō seⁿ châk-bé;
there are highwaymen along this route.
the scouring rush.
phêng châk;
to quiet the insurgents.
lîah tîeh kâi châk, khún lío, tìo tŏ̤ chīu tèng;
caught a thief and after binding him hung him to a tree.
châk-sèⁿ bŏi kói;
the ungrateful do not repent.
kói-pìⁿ lío bô̤ cò̤ châk;
after reformation he is no longer a thief.
châk phûa;
a female thief.
châk sim-sṳ;
thievish intentions.
kok châk;
an embezzler of the public funds.
mîn châk;
a defrauder of the people.
châk châu;
a retreat of brigands.
châk tâu-sêng;
the rebels return to allegiance.
châk cie uaⁿ;
the rebels sue for peace.
châk kâi kî-hō̤;
the rebel banner.
lău châk ké cioh-mêⁿ;
the old thief affects night blindness.
cò̤ châk bŏi sí, tŏiⁿ ît seng-lí;
successful rebellion is the most profitable business.
  • châk846413
  • To spear, to thrust, to punch.
châk tîeh chíu;
ran it into my hand.
châk phùa theng;
broke the window by punching it.
khîeh ki mûeh tŏ̤ hái tèng châk sĭ châk sĭm-mih hṳ̂?
What sort of fish are they spearing there in the sea?
châk phùa kâi khang;
punched out a hole.
châk kàu hueh lāu;
thrust it in so that it made the blood run.
màiⁿ châk tîeh mâk;
do not thrust it in your eye.
lṳ́ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tîeh kŭa âu-lêng châk phùa khṳ̀;
if you do like that you will drive it into your own throat.
cang chieⁿ châk i;
took a spear and drove it into him.
  • ⿰窄刂châk9501810
  • To bruise or abrade by coming in violent contact with something.
âng-le châk tîeh;
bruised by a potsherd.
mīn khṳt chīu-ki châk kàu hûeh lāu;
had his face barked by a branch so that it bled.
khṳt ki tek-kíaⁿ châk tîeh kha-lîam;
barked his shin on a small bamboo.
híam-híam châk sie-lîn-thàng khṳ̀;
came very near cutting it clear through by running against something.