Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chau
- chau-sía;
- to copy out.
- chau pêh;
- make a fair copy.
- chau ùaⁿ-kẁn;
- to write the records of a case.
- chau phoi-gṳ́;
- copy an official decision.
- chau chut lâi úa thóiⁿ;
- copy it for me to see.
- cía jī sĭ chíu chau kâi, a sĭ ìn kâi?
- Is this written or printed?
- ô̤h bîe, ô̤h sêk lío, cìaⁿ ô̤h chau;
- when you have learned to trace the letters well through thin paper, you may then learn to write from a copy.
- lô̤h hieⁿ chau hùe;
- go to the hamlets begging, as a mendicant priest does.
- chau ke;
- search and seal up a house, as when it is confiscated.
- kiaⁿ-chau;
- the Peking Gazette.
- chau-lôk cò̤ cêk pńg;
- transcribe into one volume.
- chau līen; chau în;
- to drill troops.
- tōa chau;
- a grand review of troops.
- thóiⁿ chau;
- to review the troops.
- tìo chau;
- summon to a review.
- cóng-tok chut sûn-thóiⁿ chau;
- the governor reviewed the army.
- chau sim căi;
- careworn.
- m̄ káⁿ chau lṳ́ kâi hûai;
- dare not put you to so much trouble.
- màiⁿ khṳ̀ chau-jío i;
- do not trouble him about it.
- cháu-bâk;
- vegetable productions.
- cháu hue;
- flowering plants.
- cháu-mo̤ⁿ;
- ferns.
- cháu-po;
- a meadow.
- hue-cháu;
- herbs.
- cheⁿ-cháu;
- herbage.
- kuah suaⁿ cháu;
- cut wild grass.
- taⁿ bé cháu;
- carry fodder for horses.
- cîah cháu;
- feeds on grass.
- tĭu-kó̤-cháu;
- rice straw.
- bêh-kó̤-cháu;
- wheat straw.
- phò-kha seⁿ cháu;
- the grass grows on his shop steps.
- cháu-phûeh;
- turf.
- sin hue-cháu;
- fresh vegetation.
- cháu sek;
- grass green.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ thóiⁿ i cháu-cháu;
- do not consider his being in dishabille.
- bōi cháu-chài;
- sells greens.
- pun huang à-phah tîeh, bŏi seⁿ cháu;
- it is so exposed to the wind that the grass will not grow there.
- cháu-thâu lío cò̤ kâi mâk jī: ci kâi jī sĭ tŏ̤ cháu pŏ, a sĭ tŏ̤ mâk pŏ?
- This character has the one for grass above and the one for eye below: which of the two is its radical?
- seⁿ cháu;
- grassy.
- cúi-cháu;
- rushes.
- kîam cháu;
- salt marsh grass.
- i kâi cháu-thâu cĭu hó̤, i kâi jī-nâng m̄-hó̤;
- his chief wife is an amiable person, but his inferior wife is not.
- cháu-chîeh;
- straw matting.
- mîaⁿ-ke ūe cháu-thâng;
- is skillful in the delineation of insects.
- cháu-méⁿ;
- a grasshopper.
- cháu chù;
- a thatched house.
- cháu lîo;
- a straw wigwam.
- cháu khṳn;
- a clump of grasses.
- cháu-thâu kit-hwt;
- the chief wife.
- gû tó̤ hwn cháu;
- the cattle are chewing the cud.
- pâk kâi cháu nâng;
- make a scarecrow.
- 螳螂cháu-kau504
- An insect, the common mantis.
- cháu-kâu phīⁿ;
- the point carved in the shape of a mantis.
- hái cháu;
- sea-weed.
- cúi cháu;
- aquatic weeds, such as duck-weed, pond-weed, and their like.
- i kâi sṳ̀-cháu īam-lĭ;
- his expressions are apt and elegant.
- chàu căi;
- very ill smelling.
- chùi chàu;
- a foul breath.
- chàu mîaⁿ;
- disreputable.
- m̄ cai phang chàu;
- does not know the difference between a sweet and an offensive odor.
- i ka-kī m̄ cai gūa-kháu kâi mîaⁿ-sek chàu;
- he is not aware how bad a reputation he has abroad.
- chàu mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
- ill smelling stuff.
- chàu kùe sí-nâng;
- stinks worse than a dead carcase.
- chàu ko̤h-tháng-ĕ hìen;
- an offensive odor from the armpits.
- phīⁿ tîeh kâi chàu bī;
- smelled a bad smell.
- chàu-cheⁿ;
- noisome.
- chàu-khì;
- fumes.
- chàu káu;
- a worthless dog.
- chàu tong-si;
- a scamp.
- chûn cêk cho̤h àu-àu chàu-chàu kâi mûeh;
- had some rotten ones left.
- chàu kàu ūe koiⁿ;
- smells so as to scent the whole place.
- tâng chiⁿ bōi kàu ien, tâng ien bōi kàu chàu;
- sells it from the time it is prime till it becomes tainted and from the time it becomes tainted till it is rotten.
- màiⁿ thiaⁿ i kâi chàu ūe;
- do not listen to his obscene talk.
- to ŭ cêk cho̤h chàu sṳ̄;
- there is always some nasty affair on hand.
- bŏi phang bŏi chàu;
- it has no odor.
- hó̤ ûn cē hieⁿ-châ lâi phek tīo chàu-khì;
- burn some incense to drive away the unpleasant odor.
- cak-chàu;
- fixed rules of conduct.
- sêng-peh kâi cak-chàu;
- as firm as a pine tree.
- piaⁿ-sng kâi cak-chàu;
- chaste as ice.
- kang-chàu;
- dried up.
- chùi kang-chàu;
- the mouth parched.
- âu-lêng kang-chàu;
- the throat dry and husky.
- chùi ko-chàu;
- the mouth dry.
- chàu-jîet kâi mûeh m̄-hó̤ cîah;
- do not eat things which make the mouth dry.
- chùi-lîm-phûe cio-chàu;
- parched lips.
- kip-chàu;
- testy.
- chàu-pău;
- prone to anger.
- chàu-chàu pău-pău.
- hot tempered.
- phû-chàu; hasty; touchy, phû-chêng chàu-khì;
- irrasible.
- cêk-kṳ́ cêk-tŏng phû-phû chàu-chàu, chŵn m̄ thîm-cĕⁿ;
- at the least thing he flies into a rage and there is no pacifying him.
- sim lăi cio-chàu;
- in a rage.
- àu-chàu;
- quick-tempered; out of temper.
- m̄ cìaⁿ, tîeh châu i cìaⁿ;
- it is not set squarely, and must be moved about till it is.
- lêng-ūaⁿ châu-pàng hṳ́ kháu;
- shift it back and set it outside the door again.
- íⁿ châu khṳ̀ cē;
- move the chair a little farther off.
- chn̂g châu-bûa;
- move the table nearer.
- châu un;
- a thoroughfare for boats.
- châu hô̤;
- the Grand Canal.
- châu cûn;
- a transport boat.
- châu-un cóng-tok sĭ cóng kẃn châu-hô̤ tang kâi châu-cûn un-cài nîe-bí kâi sṳ̄, īa siet ŭ châu-tău hun lí;
- the Imperial Commissioner of grain controls the transport of grain through the Grand Canal, and appoints deputies who assist him in his office.
- cía sĭ thíen-châu ŭ mĕng kâi;
- this is what the gods have commanded.
- cí kâi sĭ i kâi châu-hŵt;
- this is his lurking place.
- châu-hŵt kien-kù căi;
- his den was very secure.
- châk-châu;
- a robber's resort.
- sĭang-kó châu-kṳ;
- an ancient haunt.
- chāu-nău;
- clamor.
- chāu-jíang;
- altercation.
- tăi chāu-nău cêk tieⁿ;
- a great uproar.
- i ke lāi m̄ hûa, ē-ē chāu-chāu nău-nău;
- they are not a harmonious family, they have a row every now and then.
- kío-thà kàu i chāu-chāu nău-nău;
- incited them on till they came to have a regular brawl.
- i hiaⁿ-tĭ-kíaⁿ thiaⁿ nâng kà-so, cĭu chāu-chāu nău-nău;
- the brothers listened to those who would set them at variance, and so had a row.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cĭu tì-kàu chāu-nău, m̄ hiah;
- thus it was that there was a continual rumpus.
- khǹg-kòi i màiⁿ chāu-nău;
- advised him to make no disturbance.