Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chien
- m̄ cai li, so̤h cò̤ thàng bw̄n-chien;
- did not know, but supposed he would gain millions by it.
- chien-îⁿ;
- go elsewhere to live.
- chien suaⁿ;
- to remove a grave.
- kói kùe, chien sĭen;
- to reform.
- chien-ĭen sî-jît;
- to postpone the day.
- ah-chien;
- to evict.
- pìen chien;
- much changed on account of removals.
- m̄ cai chim chíen;
- does not know the depth.
- hâk-mn̄g chíen;
- the questions were easy.
- chíen kṳ̆n;
- superficial.
- chíen sek;
- a pale color.
- sĭm chíen;
- the simplest.
- cĭu chíen-chíen nē, sueh khṳt nâng thiaⁿ;
- explain it in just the easiest way.
- hāi nâng put chíen;
- it was no slight injury.
- cúi chíen kàu hó̤ ĕ kùe khṳ̀;
- the water is so shallow that you can wade across.
- cúi khah chíen, cûn m̄-hó̤ kiaⁿ;
- the water is too shallow, and the boats cannot run.
- tó-tn̂g chíen;
- shallow minded.
- chíen mô̤ⁿ;
- short fur.
- i kien ŭ chîen-thêng a bô̤?
- Did his contributions to the support of the government bring him promotion to office or not?
- i thàng kàu ŭ cîⁿ khṳ̀ kien chîen-thêng;
- he has gained so much that he has money wherewith to purchase an official position.