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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chong

From Wikisource


  • chong102412811
  • Intelligent; clear headed.
chong-mêng, tì-hŭi;
clear headed and sagacious.
hĭⁿ chong, mâk m̄ mêng;
has good hearing but dim eyesight.
  • chong109103
  • To fulfill; to act in the place of; to become.
chong-múaⁿ; chong-cok;
to fill up.
chong kong;
become public property.
chong-tng che-hîah;
act as constable.
phōiⁿ i khṳ̀ kháu gūa chong-kun;
banished beyond the frontier to become a camp-follower.
ké chong kuaⁿ-tíeⁿ;
assume the style of an official.
sêng chong;
discharge the duties of an office.
i sĭ chong tī nâng kâi khueh?
Whose place is he filling?
  • chong109154
  • To rise up; to rush upon; to pour hot water upon and infuse.
chong thiⁿ;
to rise up to the heavens.
ẁn-khì chong thiⁿ;
his wrath waxed so as to fill the sky.
nō̤ hwt chong kwn;
in his anger his hair rose on end so as to lift his cap.
chong thiⁿ tit pue;
can fly into the clouds.
i káⁿ tōa phit bé tît-tît chong-jîp châk îaⁿ lăi;
he dared to rush alone straight into the enemy's camp.
chong phùa khṳ̀;
rushed against and broke it.
kíaⁿ-jît kâi jît-cí sie chong;
to-day will be untoward.
sî-jît sit chong;
the time is adverse.
chong tîeh i kâi pn̄g mīaⁿ;
unfavorable to his own fate.
chong cŭang;
to disagree with.
tàⁿ ūe chong tîeh i;
said what offended him.
chong ceng tê lâi cîah;
infuse a cup of tea to drink.
chong cho̤h ngŏ-hún;
make some arrow-root porridge.
chong ieh-bûah;
steep medicinal powder.
chong cho̤h nêk-kùi;
steep some cinnamon.
chong săi-píaⁿ;
pour hot water on dried persimmons.
i kâi bī cĭu chong khí lâi;
its flavor escapes in the steam rising from it.
húe-kuang chong thiⁿ;
the fire illuminates the sky.
in chong khí lâi;
the steam rises.
chong lâi m̄ sêk;
it is not steeped enough.
chong cíu, chong cúi;
steeped in wine or water.
  • chong1024615
  • Hurried; agitated.
lṳ́ chong-chong àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī kò?
What are you going in such haste?
cêk sî chong-chong put kîp kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;
the time is too hurried for me to tell you about it now.
lṳ́ màiⁿ chong-chong mâng-mâng, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ lí;
do not be in haste about it, arrange it at your convenience.
  • chong109614
  • Sorrowful; mourning.
i cí hûe kâi sim chong-chong;
at this time her heart is very sad.
to bother, to perplex, to entangle.
i cong-kṳ́ tó̤ chòng-tîⁿ i;
she is always bothering him.
chòng-tîⁿ kàu nâng kang-khó căi;
involved to such an extent as to be greatly distressed.
chòng-chòng tîⁿ-tîⁿ;
much hampered.
  • chông110468
  • To reverence; to approach with respect.
i cun-chông i cò̤ tōa;
he treats him within the respect due a superior.
  • chông1024608
  • To follow; to comply with; from; whence; since.
thiaⁿ chông;
heedfully regard.
sŭn chông;
obediently follow.
sìn chông;
trustfully follow.
cun chông;
respectfully follow.
tùe chông;
follow on behind.
chông mĕng;
follow his instructions.
chông lĕng;
follow orders.
i sĭ chông tī cêk kà?
Of what sect is he?
chong sim só̤-àiⁿ;
follow his own wishes.
bô̤ chông jîp chíu;
there is no way to carry it out.
lṳ́ àiⁿ chông úa a m̆?
Are you going to comply with my wishes or not?
jĭm chông lṳ́;
do as you like.
khut chông;
comply by constraint.
ngw̆n chông;
willing compliance.
sam chông sì-tek tŏ̤ ke chong pĕ, chut kè chông hu, hu sí chông cṳ́: hŭ-jîn sì tek, îong-mău, kang-hu, tàⁿ-ūe, pin-hĕng;
the three feminine duties are to obey one's father before marriage, to obey one's husband after marriage, and to obey one's son in widowhood: the four feminine virtues, are neatness in dress, diligence in work, carefulness in speech, and propriety in conduct.
cṳ̆ chông úa lâi kàu taⁿ;
from the time when I came until now.
chông kim íⁿ ău;
from this time forth.
chông m̄ pat cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it has never been so before.
chông sòi kàu tōa;
from infancy to age.
lṳ́ chông tī-kò̤ lâi?
Where do you come from?
àiⁿ chông tī-kò̤ khṳ̀?
Where are you going?
chông-chông îong-îong;
chông-îong cē;
give a little more freedom.
chông lṳ́ kâi ì;
follow your idea.
íⁿ-keng chông lìang lío;
has already reformed.
chông tăng ngí cŭe;
judge the offense severely.
thiⁿ m̄ chông nâng ngw̆n;
heaven does not comply with human wishes.
chông tī-kâi sî-hāu cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
Since what time has it been thus?
chông tī-kò̤ thóiⁿ chut?
At what point did you discover this?
chông tī-kâi sin-seⁿ thâk-cṳ?
With what teacher did you study?
lṳ́ kim-nî tó̤ chông tī-tîang?
Whose school do you attend this year?
chông-chṳ́ cĭu siang-hó̤;
since that time they have been on good terms with each other.
chông thâu kàu búe tàⁿ úa thiaⁿ;
relate it to me from the beginning to the end.
chông gūa phah jîp;
go in from the outer surface.
chông lâi hwt chut;
springs up from the interior portions.
chông hṳ́ tói khí lâi;
comes up from the bottom of it.
chông cṳ-ce lâi;
came from school.
chông sòi ŭ tōa;
great results from small beginnings.
chông-côiⁿ sĭ cò̤-nî?
How was it formerly?
chông-kó būe ŭ kâi;
there never before was any such thing.
chông-kó m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
never saw it before.
chông kûiⁿ thóiⁿ kĕ;
look down from a great height.
tùe chông i kâi īeⁿ;
follow his example.
chì mn̄g lṳ́ kâi sin chông tī-kò̤ lâi;
ask you to consider whether you are doing your duty to those who bore you.
chông-lâi bô̤ kâi;
there has been none such hitherto.
chông kó;
from olden times.
chông kim íⁿ ău lṳ́ tîeh ô̤h hó̤;
henceforth you must learn to do well.
chông lṳ́ cĭu sĭ;
that is what I will do, I will comply with your wishes.
bó̤ chông cṳ́ kùi;
the mother is ennobled through her son.
chông sĭen jû lîu;
follows righteousness as water its channel.
chông pùe-ău khṳ̀ thóiⁿ;
looking backward.