Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ciah
- 隻ciah691722
- A classifier applied to animals, boats, furniture, and to things in pairs or sets when one is individualized.
- ciah koi, ciah gû, ciah nío-chṳ́;
- a hen, an ox, and a mouse.
- ciah cûn;
- a boat.
- ciah íⁿ, ciah chn̂g;
- a chair and a table.
- ciah ôi;
- a shoe.
- tok ciah bûeh;
- a single stocking.
- tok ciah mâk;
- one-eyed.
- toaⁿ ciah chíu;
- single handed.
- cêk ciah chíu-cńg-thâu;
- one finger.
- cêk ciah kha;
- one leg.
- sang ciah chíu kio i cih;
- received it from him in both hands.
- kuah tīo ciah hĭⁿ;
- cut off an ear.
- cêk ciah ku;
- a tortoise.
- cêk ciah pît-pô̤;
- a bat.
- cûn ciah cōi căi;
- a great number of boats.
- nŏ̤ ciah kha kîaⁿ kàu sng căi;
- my feet ache badly from walking so far.
- cêk ciah cúi-tháng;
- a water bucket.
- chûn bô̤ kúi ciah tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- have but very few left.
- ka-ciah;
- the back.
- ie-ciah-kut;
- the back bone.
- ie-ciah-kut cŏ̤ kú sng;
- my back aches from sitting so long.
- ka-ciah ău;
- behind the back.
- kîaⁿ tŏ̤ i ka-ciah ău;
- walked behind him.
- khĭa tŏ̤ i ka-ciah ău;
- stood behind him.
- hui-tńg ka-ciah ău khṳ̀ thóiⁿ;
- turned back and looked.
- pì tŏ̤ ka-ciah ău;
- carried it tied upon his back.
- hó̤ úa ka-ciah;
- good to lean back upon.
- piah ka-ciah ău;
- skulk behind one.
- sie úa ka-ciah;
- leaning on each other, back to back.
- kha-ciah;
- footprints.
- chŵn bô̤ hûn-ciah;
- there is no trace of it.
- bô̤ íaⁿ bô̤ ciah;
- no evidences of it.
- ŭ íaⁿ ciah;
- there is circumstantial evidence of it.
- hêng-ciah khó̤-gî;
- a suspicious appearance.
- pen̆g bô̤ cong ciah;
- I can find out nothing about him.
- màiⁿ mûeh seⁿ hûn-ciah;
- do not get it scratched or stained.
- lṳ́ kâi saⁿ cò̤ ŏi kâi ciah kâi ciah?
- Why is your jacket spotted like that?
- hóⁿ kha-ciah;
- the tracks of a tiger.
- sîn kâi sṳ̄ ciah;
- evidences of supernatural power; miracles.
- chut khî ko̤h īeⁿ kâi sṳ̄ ciah;
- marvellously strange effects.
- tâh i kâi kha-ciah;
- tread in his footprints.
- tùe i kâi kha-ciah;
- follow in his steps.
- bô̤ cong bô̤ ciah;
- no clue to it.
- bô̤ ciah hó̤ chūe;
- nothing whereby to trace it.
- chûn ŭ cêk īeⁿ kó ciah;
- an old landmark remains.
- mùa-khí-cá lâi thit-thô̤ hṳ́ kui kâi kó-ciah;
- come to-morrow to play by those old ruins.
- chûn kâi kū ciah;
- a vestige remains.
- khṳt hŏ lāu-tih lío seⁿ ciah;
- worn by the dropping of the rain.
- nâng kîaⁿ ŭ kha-ciah, cío pue ŭ lô̤h mô̤ⁿ;
- a person passing by leaves tracks, a bird flying over drops a feather.
- i kâi mīn cò̤-nî cêk kâi ciah cêk kâi ciah: sĭ àiⁿ thái-ko̤ a m̄ sĭ?
- Why is his face blotched: he is going to have leprosy is he not?
- tu si, bé ciah;
- a concatenation.
- thóiⁿ tîeh kâi ciah kâi ciah;
- appears to be scarred.
- mûaⁿ-ciah-cío;
- a swallow.
- lîah mûaⁿ-ciah su ēng khîm hóⁿ lâk;
- in catching a swallow you have to use the same skill as in catching a wild beast.
- 鴣ciah-ko39
- A partridge or grouse.
- kâi suaⁿ thâu cêk ciah ciah-ko;
- each mountain has its champion partridge.
- ciah-ko bô̤ nêk, kut īa so;
- though a partridge have little meat, its bones are crisp.
- cîah pn̄g, ciah píaⁿ, ciah kúe-cí;
- eats rice, cakes, and fruit.
- cîah cúi, cîah tê, cîah cíu;
- drinks water, tea, and whiskey.
- cîah ce, cîah cho̤;
- to live on vegetables, or to eat animal food.
- cîah hun;
- to smoke tobacco.
- cîah a-phìen;
- to smoke opium.
- cîah pá;
- to eat a full meal.
- cîah pá a būe?
- Have you eaten enough yet?
- cîah kàu pá-pá;
- eat till the appetite craves no more.
- ciah būe pá;
- has not yet eaten a full meal.
- i tó̤ cîah;
- he is eating.
- cîah hó̤ lio;
- has finished his meal.
- cîah pùaⁿ pak;
- had eaten half a bellyfull.
- cîah pùaⁿ kûeh cĭu ngŏ̤ tîeh i lâi;
- when they were half through the meal, he happened to come.
- màiⁿ cîah khah pá;
- do not eat too much.
- i ío sòi, sĭ cîah nĭ, bŏi cîah pn̄g;
- he is rather small, and eats milk since he cannot eat rice.
- i hŵn cîah nĭ;
- he is not yet weaned.
- cêk ceng cêk ceng cîah ho̤h cōi;
- cup by cup he drank a great quantity.
- m̄ kàu i cîah;
- there is not as much as he wants to eat.
- i m̄ kàu cîah;
- she has not enough to eat.
- chíaⁿ i cîah to̤h;
- invite him to supper.
- cîah phîⁿ-hun;
- take snuff.
- cîah cheⁿ hun;
- smoke green tobacco.
- cîah cúi-hun;
- smokes strong tobacco.
- mih hun to̤ cîah;
- smokes any sort of tobacco.
- i sĭ cîah hun-kuah;
- he lives on sweet potatoes; he is very poor.
- thâng cîah thâng;
- tōa thâng cîah sòi thâng; animals live on animals, the larger eating the smaller.
- lṳ́ sî cîah cú-nâng a sĭ cîah ka-kī?
- Does your employer board you or do you board yourself?
- khṳt nâng cîah tōa-bó̤-mûeh cîⁿ khṳ̀;
- he had a large amount of money made away with by somebody.
- kōi cîah húe;
- it easily ignites.
- cîah nâng cíu nêk, kāng nâng cò̤ hok;
- be a comfort to those whose meat and wine sustain you.
- bô̤ kong m̄ ká cîah lôk;
- dare not partake of the imperial rations unworthily.
- úa kwt m̄ cîah ngân;
- I shall certainly not eat my own words.
- tōa cîah, sòi cîah;
- large and small eaters.
- chùi siap bŏi cîah;
- has no appetite for food.
- chùi kût cîah ke;
- has a good appetite.
- ūi khui, ŏi cîah;
- has a relish for food.
- cîah tit lô̤h, sio tit khṳ̀;
- if you can eat it you can digest it.
- cîah m̄ lô̤h;
- cannot eat it.
- cîah lío màiⁿ kéⁿ tîeh;
- do not let it stick in your throat when swallowing it.
- cîah lío kṳ̆ tîeh;
- choked in eating it.
- hàuⁿ cîah;
- fond of it.
- ka-kī cîah ka-kī;
- he feeds himself.
- keh-cîah;
- indigesttion.
- hó̤ cîah a m̄ hó̤ cîah;
- whether good to eat or not.
- ŭ hó̤ cîah;
- has food.
- bô̤ hó̤ cîah;
- has nothing to eat.
- pn̄g cîah cîⁿ;
- an allowance for food.
- pêh cîah;
- eats it out of hand.
- thau cîah;
- pilfers food.
- cîah kàu pûi-pûi;
- has become very stout.
- cò̤-nî cîah kàu ìeⁿ sáng?
- How is it that he has become so thin?
- cîah li ŏi cîah, tōa li bŏi tōa;
- he eats without growing.
- sĭ cîah sieⁿ a m̄ sĭ?
- He has marasmus has he not?
- cêk sim àiⁿ tùe kíaⁿ cîah, cêk sim àiⁿ kha tâh chut;
- her mind was divided between remaining with her children, and marrying again.
- ŭ thang hó̤ cîah;
- is provided with food.
- bô̤ thang hó̤ cîah;
- has nothing to eat.
- cîah līo;
- bread-stuffs; victuals.
- cîah tû;
- a food-safe.
- cîah pn̄g chn̂g;
- a dining table.
- cîah sîah;
- to feast.
- cîah kúe-cí sṳ tîeh ki;
- when you eat the fruit remember the branches.
- cí cîah cûn cĭu cîah chim cúi;
- this boat draws much water.
- cêk jît cîah saⁿ tǹg;
- eats three meals a day.
- cîah lō cúi;
- gets the dew upon it.
- cîah i kâi khì;
- takes in its exhalations.
- só̤ cîah sĭ suaⁿ-tien hái-bī;
- eats of the fat of the land.
- ùi cîah îeh;
- loathes medicine.
- i m̄ cîah;
- he does not eat it.
- i m̆ cîah;
- he will not eat it.
- kò nâng lâi pa-lói cîah;
- hire some to do the cooking.
- i pa-lói kâi mûeh ío hó̤ cîah;
- what she prepares is delicious.
- cîah tíam sim;
- to stay the stomach; to take a bite.
- cîah píaⁿ tîeh nŭaⁿ ka-lio;
- you can't eat biscuit without saliva to moisten it.
- bói cho̤h mûeh-cîah;
- buy something to eat.
- bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ bói cîah;
- there is no place in which one can buy victuals.
- siu-sîp cîah;
- prepare the meal.
- lău cîah swt;
- one who sponges his food.
- cîah cúi m̄ ta;
- got into hot water.