Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/co
- chù co, châng co, phò co;
- the rent of a house, field, or shop.
- siu co;
- collect rents.
- siu kang co;
- collect rent due in money.
- siu châng co;
- collect rent due in produce.
- co cîⁿ, cò̤ ngṳ̂n;
- money received as rent.
- tī co;
- ground rent.
- lâp jîeh cōi co?
- How much rent do you pay?
- co koiⁿ chù lâi tīu;
- rent a house to live in.
- tîeh lâp tī co;
- ground rent must be paid at stated times.
- khìam co;
- owes rent.
- hâiⁿ co;
- pay the rent.
- thó̤ co;
- dun for rent.
- co súaⁿ;
- lease one's property.
- ceng co;
- raise the rent.
- kíam co;
- diminish the rent.
- co kuah-pun pât nâng siu;
- transfer the rent to another person for collection.
- tîeh ŭ nâng tam co;
- there must be some one to guarantee the rent.
- soiⁿ kùe phò co;
- prepay the rent of the shop.
- cí koiⁿ hâng cêk nî co jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
- For how much per year is this warehouse rented?
- hŭe co;
- give a lease as security for a debt.
- pài có;
- worship ancestors.
- ke có;
- one's ancestors.
- lĕng có;
- your ancestors.
- có pĕ;
- grandfather.
- ceng có;
- great grand-father.
- ceng có bó̤;
- great grandmother.
- kau có;
- great grandfather's father.
- thài kau có;
- great grandfather's grandfather.
- sí có;
- the founder of a family.
- soiⁿ có;
- my late grandfather.
- thài sí có;
- first emperor of a dynasty.
- kong có tōa nâng;
- Your Excellency, my grandfather.
- có bīe;
- ancestral temple.
- có sṳ̂;
- ancestral hall.
- có ngîap;
- family estate.
- có tī;
- family inheritance in land.
- có thŵn kâi;
- an heirloom.
- tâng có thŵn lô̤h lâi kâi;
- inherited from ancestors.
- sêng có kâi nâng;
- sêng nâng kâi có; become the head of a house or tribe.
- cŏ-jîen m̄ kìⁿ khṳ̀;
- suddenly missing.
- cŏ-jîen cū lô̤h hŏ;
- suddenly began to rain.
- put-lêng cŏ-jîen cū ŏi kâi;
- it is not a thing that can be done suddenly.
- m̄-hó̤ cŏ;
- do not be abrupt about it.