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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hṳ

From Wikisource


  • hṳ2273011
  • * To breathe softly; to speak well of.
say a good word for; to breathe on.
khṳt i cē chue-hṳ nâng cū sùaⁿ khṳ̀;
as soon he opened his mouth to speak they dispersed.
pài tho̤h lṳ́ kio úa chue-hṳ tīo cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
I trust that you will speak a good word for me in this matter.
  • hṳ2271416
  • Vacant; untrue; unsubstantial.
empty; unoccupied.
vague; nonsensical.
hṳ ké;
untrue; unfounded.
hṳ ūe;
idle prating.
sim hṳ;
cò̤ châk kâi nâng sim hṳ;
the thief is ever in fear of danger.
chêng-hêng sĭ hṳ kâi, cṳ kiaⁿ-ùi ŭ cŭe;
if the evidences presented are false, there is danger of incurring guilt.
cêk nâng thŵn hṳ, peh nâng thŵn sît;
the falsehood told by one, is repeated as truth by a hundred.
hṳ-mîaⁿ hṳ lĭ;
vain is fame, empty are riches.
khì hueh kŭ hṳ;
a feeble constitution.
chìn sî phû hṳ húe;
hot flashes, as of fever, in cold weather.
i kâi ūe kù-kù hṳ, bô̤ sît;
his words are wholly unfounded, there is no truth in them.
an area where fairs are held.
àiⁿ lâi khṳ̀ tàu hṳ;
is going to the fair to be sold.
saⁿ jît hṳ;
a fair held once in three days.
kúaⁿ-méⁿ khṳ̀ hù hṳ;
hurry on to be in time for the fair.
tī tiang-sî tùi hṳ?
At what time is the fair held?
kíaⁿ-jît tùi hṳ mē?
Is this a day when a fair is held?
cĭeⁿ hṳ lâi bōi;
take it to the fair and sell it.
lâi khṳ̀ hṳ tèng bói;
let's go to the fair and buy some.
  • hṳ́6101634
  • That; there; then; those.
hṳ́ tiang-sî; sî;
at that time.
hṳ́ jît;
that day.
hṳ́ kò̤;
that place.
hṳ́ kâi;
that one.
hṳ́ kâi nâng;
those men.
hṳ́ cêk nâng;
that individual.
hṳ́ pńg cheh;
that book.
hṳ́ ciah cûn;
that boat.
hṳ́ khí îeh;
that kind of medicine.
hṳ́ īeⁿ mûeh;
that sort of thing.
hṳ́ koiⁿ chù;
that house.
hṳ́ cêk sî, sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;
at that moment I could not think of it.
cí kâi hó̤ a hṳ́ kâi hó̤?
Which is the better this or that?
màiⁿ pàng hṳ́-kò̤;
do not set it down there.
hṳ́ nŏ̤ⁿ kò̤ sûi lṳ́ sẃn;
take whichever you choose of those two pieces.
hṳ́ ciah chíu bŏi khîeh pit;
he cannot hold the pen with that hand.
i khṳ̀ hṳ́ kháu kò̤;
he has gone outside there.
i tŏ̤ hṳ́ lăi;
he is in there.
pàng hṳ́ tói;
put it inside there.
tŏ̤ hṳ́ hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤;
away off there.
tŏ̤ hṳ́ chn̂g tèng;
on the table there.
  • hṳ́2281494
  • Grant; assent to; accede.
to grant.
m̄ hṳ́ i;
did not permit him to.
úa m̄ cêng hṳ́ lṳ́;
I have not acceded to what you request.
lṳ́ hṳ́ kùe úa kâi;
what you promised me.
cí kâi cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ íⁿ-keng hṳ́ kè lío;
this damsel is already promised in marriage.
cí kâi cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ hṳ́-phùe khṳt i;
this girl is betrothed to him.
lṳ́ màiⁿ hṳ́ i;
do not acquiesce in what he wishes.
ŭ hṳ́ i a bô̤?
Did you accord it to him or not?
a fisherman.
pha hṳ̂ cûn;
a fishing boat.
kim hṳ̂; kim-lí;
lîah hṳ̂;
catch fish.
pha hṳ̂;
fish with a casting net.
áu hṳ̂;
fish with a lifting net.
cah hṳ̂;
catch fish by a weir.
tìeⁿ hṳ̂;
catch fish with a hook.
chǹg hṳ̂;
spear fish.
mông hṳ̂;
catch fish with the hands.
lí hṳ̂;
hái hṳ̂;
sea fish.
khoi hṳ̂, tî hṳ̂, ùn hṳ̂;
fish from rivers, pools, or ponds.
the skate.
kha ;
ôi-tói hṳ̂;
the sole.
sĭen hṳ̂;
cêk tīn hṳ̂; cêk khûn hṳ̂;
a school of fish.
the book moth.
  • hṳ̄9151493
  • To commission; to commit to; to entrust.
kìa-hṳ̄ i cêk kù ūe;
entrust him with a message to carry.
kìa-hṳ̄ lṳ́ hàm i lâi;
commission you to tell him to come.
cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tîeh tó̤ kìa-kìa hṳ̄-hṳ̄, kang-khó căi;
the thing must be committed to various persons one after another, making it troublesome in the extreme.
the noise made by one shivering with cold.
chêng-ngw̆n tó̤ hṳ̄-hṳ̄-tie, to m̄ khṳ̀ chēng ke kâi hîuⁿ;
will stand and shiver with cold, and not go and put on another wadded tunic.