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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ha

From Wikisource


  • ha215305
  • To breath upon, to warm with the breath.
ha i sie;
warm it by breathing upon it.
ha i ńng;
soften it by breathing on it.
màiⁿ khàu, úa kio lṳ́ ha cē;
don't cry, I will breath on the hurt spot to assuage the pain for you.
ha ie;
to bow.
kìⁿ tîeh cū ha ie;
on seeing him she bowed low.

  • 193394
  • Mourning apparel.
cĭeⁿ hà;
put on mourning.
thut hà;
put off mourning.
tòa hà;
in mourning.
i tòa tī-tîang kâi hà?
For whom is he in mourning?
chēng hà hôk;
wear mourning garments.
i kâi hà-hôk múaⁿ a būe?
Is his mourning suit completed yet?
hà-hôk khin;
light mourning.
hà-hôk tăng;
deep mourning.
hà tn̂g;
drape a hall in mourning.
cêk-côi cĭeⁿ hà;
assemble and put on mourning simultaneously.
  • 779753
  • To gird; to cord up; to bind.
hâ ie;
gird the loins.
àiⁿ sṳ̆-lí cîah tîeh khîeh kò̤ ûi-ie khṳ̀ hâ;
when you prepare supper you must put on an apron.
cí hìeⁿ cōi ki hâ cò̤ cêk ē;
bind all these in one sheaf.
tîeh hâ-bûa cìaⁿ kōi khîeh;
tie them in a bunch, then you can carry them easily.
hâ thâu pò;
a turban.
hâ īe tòa;
a girdle.
  • 779753
  • The noise of a crowd; a clamor; a disturbance.
hā-hā jíang;
to vociferate with many voices at once.
hā-hā-kìe cheⁿ-soi bûa khṳ̀;
to shout and press forward, as to an attack in battle.
kó cē híang, hā-cē-kìe cheⁿ-soi khṳ̀;
when the drum sounds yell and rush forward to the attack.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ hā-hā siaⁿ, m̄ cai nâng jîeh cōi;
heard the clamor of many voices, but did not know how many persons there were.