Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hai
- hái, khó̤-sieh căi;
- alack, it is a pity.
- hái, i ā sĭ thiaⁿ úa tàⁿ cū mín cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- ah, if he had heeded what I said, this would not have happened.
- hái cúi;
- sea water.
- hái hṳ̂;
- salt water fish.
- hái thô;
- mud from the sea shore.
- hái cûn;
- sea-going vessels.
- hái lō;
- routes at sea.
- hái táu;
- a rock in the sea.
- hái phîaⁿ;
- flats on the margin of the sea, left dry at low tide.
- hái kîⁿ;
- the sea-shore.
- hái tói mông cam;
- searching in the sea for a needle.
- hái-lìang;
- broad minded.
- hái hâm;
- magnanimous.
- sì hái cṳ lăi;
- within the four seas; all the world, or China.
- chut hái;
- go to sea.
- hái châk;
- pirates.
- hái khò;
- freebooters.
- suaⁿ tien hái bī;
- dainties from land and sea.
- kùe hái;
- cross the sea.
- keh hái;
- across the sea.
- chut hái gūa;
- gone beyond the seas.
- lăi hái;
- inland seas.
- hái mīn;
- the surface of the sea.
- hái chĭ;
- a mirage at sea.
- hái lêng ûang;
- the Dragon Sea King, the Chinese Neptune.
- tōa hái úaⁿ;
- a very big bowl.
- hok jû tang hái;
- may your happiness be like the eastern sea.
- hái-káu;
- a sea-lion.
- hái-bé;
- the sea-horse.
- chim kùe hái;
- deeper than the sea.
- hûa hâi;
- of one mind.
- peh nî hâi láu;
- an aged couple.
- khue-hâi kâi ūe;
- a joke.
- cí kâi nâng hàuⁿ khue-hâi;
- this person is fond of joking.
- khue-khue hâi-hâi;
- laughing and joking.
- tâng bô̤ khue-hâi tàⁿ chut kàu ŭ khue-hâi;
- from earnestness to jesting.
- kut-hâi;
- a skeleton.
- si-sía kuaⁿ-bâk sĭ míen-ēng nâng kâi si-hâi tó̤ pău-lo;
- coffins are given away that the dead may not be seen.
- thóiⁿ i tieⁿ sĭm-mih hêng-hâi chut lâi;
- see what appearance he presents.
- ĕ-hâi;
- the chin.
- chíu thèⁿ ĕ-hâi;
- supporting the chin on the hand.
- ĕ-hâi chîo-chîo;
- a projecting chin.
- ĕ-hâi ciam-ciam; ĕ-hâi ciam-cĭ ciam-cĭ;
- a very pointed chin.
- ĕ-hâi lō̤-thō̤ lō̤-thō̤;
- a very heavy chin.
- chin-chĭe ke cêk têng ĕ-hâi;
- having a double chin.
- ĕ-hâi kíaⁿ ka-lâuh khṳ̀;
- dislocation of the jaw.
- ĕ-hâi nap-kâi-uh;
- a very receding chin.
- bô̤ ĕ-hâi;
- a very short chin.
- hăi nî, hăi gûeh, hâi jît, hăi sî,
- the last year, month, day, or hour in the cycle of twelve.
- 獬豸hăi-căi187
- A fabulous animal, half deer, half unicorn. It dwells in the desert and gores wicked men when it sees them.
- hăi-căi pó-sim;
- an embroidered unicorn worn on the breast by officials of a certain rank.
- kăi-ĭ;
- startled.
- hăi-phàⁿ;
- scared.
- kiaⁿ-hăi;
- frightened.
- úa m̄ hăi-phàⁿ lṳ́;
- I do not wish to frighten you.
- khì hăi;
- arms.
- hăi-tò;
- to fight with weapons.
- kak hieⁿ hăi-tò;
- every village is involved in a feud.
- líang ke hăi-tò?
- the two parties are fighting with weapons.
- kuaⁿ chut mn̂g khṳ̀ phōiⁿ hăi-tò kâi ùaⁿ;
- the magistrate has gone out to adjudicate those cases in which there has been fighting.
- hăi-jî;
- a young child.
- âng hăi-jî;
- a malicious infant.
- hŵn-lío hăi-thông khì;
- is still a child in character.
- saⁿ-cap būe kùe sĭ hăi-thông;
- one is a child until he is thirty years old.
- hăi-tăi;
- inefficient, remiss.
- hăi-hăi tăi-tăi;
- very shiftless.
- cí hûe cò̤ khang-khùe lío nâng hăi-tăi căi;
- now that the work is done I am very tired.
- nâng hăi-tăi nē;
- am very much jaded.
- hùi-hāi;
- to spoil.
- phùa-hāi;
- spoil by breaking.
- lŏng hāi khṳ̀;
- spoiled by handling.
- ô̤h i kâi īeⁿ, o̤h hāi khṳ̀;
- follow his example, and follow it to destruction.
- lṳ́ hāi tîeh úa kâi sṳ̄;
- you spoil my plans.
- pĭ i cù-hāi khṳ̀;
- undermined by him.
- àu-hāi;
- spoiled by rotting.
- pāi-hāi ke-siaⁿ;
- disgrace the family.
- khṳt i ēng kàu hāi khṳ̀;
- has been used by him till it is worn out.
- cí kĭaⁿ mûeh ŏi cîah hāi nâng;
- this will injure those who eat it.
- chìn ŏi chìn hāi nâng, jûah ŏi jûah hāi nâng;
- cold and heat both injure people, each in its own way.
- hāi sṳ̄ lío;
- there, it is all spoiled.
- khṳt lṳ́ hāi tîeh;
- injured by you.
- hāi i pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ sĭ lṳ́;
- it was you who made him fall down.
- hāi sí nâng;
- kill anybody.
- pun i hāi bŏi sí;
- just escaped being killed by him.
- siet kòi hām-hāi;
- lay a plan to injure.
- hāi bó hāi kíaⁿ;
- a disgrace to his family.
- sieⁿ hāi;
- to mar.
- hāi thong sîaⁿ;
- a disgrace to the whole city.
- hāi-phàⁿ;
- frightened; made afraid.
- hāi pât nâng cū sĭ hāi ka-kī;
- if you injure others you injure yourself.
- châng-hāi peh-sèⁿ;
- injure the people.
- ûi hāi put chíen;
- no slight injury has been done.
- heng lĭ, tṳ̂ hāi;
- to cause that which is useful to prosper, and to remove that which is hurtful.
- hāi kàu nâng chi-chám;
- occasions distress.
- úa cò̤-nî hāi tîeh lṳ́?
- In what way have I harmed you?
- lī-hāi;
- harmful.
- bŏi lī-hāi;
- is not injurious.
- sim sĭ lī-hāi;
- is very malicious.
- khṳt i hāi kàu chit tien poih táu;
- was set all at sixes and sevens by him.
- tṳ̂ tīo cí tī-hng kâi tăi hāi;
- eradicate what is most harmful in this region.
- pĭ nâng só̤ hāi;
- injured by some one.
- seⁿ hāi nâng, sí hāi nâng;
- harmful whether alive or dead.