Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ho
- cí cho̤h cúi hàm nâng lâi hò taⁿ;
- call some one to bale out all this water.
- hò-táu;
- a bucket for baling.
- i hò kàu i cêk sin cúi;
- he baled till he was wet all over.
- hong hô;
- to raise to the rank of marquis.
- cu hô;
- a feudal prince.
- hô chiu;
- a full beard.
- câp hô káu put jîu;
- of ten bearded men, nine are uncharitable.
- chiu li hô-hô;
- his beard is very bushy.
- 葫蘆hô-lô222
- A flagon shaped ornament, commonly seen on the apex of pagodas.
- hô-lô pû;
- the bottle gourd.
- i-īeⁿ ūe hô-lô;
- imitate the gourd in its shape and marks.
- m̄ cai i hô-lô tói bōi sĭm-mih îeh;
- do not know what medicine he sells out of his gourd; do not know what he is around here for.
- châ hô-lô;
- wooden floats, tied on boat children to keep them afloat in the water.
- 泥鰍hô-liu1001
- Fresh water eels.
- hô-liu àiⁿ pû a àiⁿ chá?
- Do you want the eels boiled or fried?
- 狐狸hô-lâi223
- A fox.
- hô-lâi ciaⁿ;
- the fox brownie, or vampire fairy.
- hô-lâi phûe;
- a fox's pelt.
- hô-lâi phûe hîuⁿ;
- a tunic of fox fur.
- i chin-chĭeⁿ hô-lâi ciaⁿ, mîaⁿ-ke mîⁿ nâng;
- he is as expert as the fox elfin in bewitching people.
- hô-lâi ngio;
- a weasel.
- 蒼蠅hô-sîn1107
- A house-fly.
- kim hô-sîn;
- a horse-fly; a glossy fly.
- hô-sîn hng-hng-kìe;
- flies buzz.
- màiⁿ khṳt hô-sîn tó̤ cn̂g;
- do not let the flies get at it.
- hô-sîn-hóⁿ;
- a small spider that weaves no web and pounces upon flies.
- 螞蟥hô-khî572
- A leech; a bloodsucker.
- cêk tîo hô-khî tah tŏ̤ i kha tèng cuh hueh;
- a leech fastened upon his leg and was sucking the blood.
- hô-khî tah;
- an iron staple.
- cìm cúi hô-khî;
- a leech in the water; a noxious person in quiescense.
- hô-khî hó̤ ēng cò̤ phùa hueh îeh;
- leeches are used in medicine to make stagnant blood circulate.
- hô-khî bûeh;
- elastic stockings.
- lô̤h hŏ; hŏ lô̤h;
- it rains.
- tōa hŏ;
- a heavy rain.
- hŏ tōa;
- it rains heavily.
- hō sòi;
- the rain lessens.
- hŏ mûiⁿ-kíaⁿ;
- a drizzling mist.
- hŏ êng;
- it sprinkles.
- hŏ tōa tíam lâi lío;
- it rains in large drops.
- màiⁿ khṳt hŏ phuah tîeh;
- do not get splashed by the rain.
- khṳt hŏ ak kàu lok-lok;
- drenched by the rain.
- hŏ câng kàu cêk sin;
- the rain poured all over me.
- hŏ chiu phùn tîeh;
- spattered by the rebounding drops.
- khîu hŏ;
- pray for rain.
- phû hûn hŏ;
- a sudden shower.
- tōa huang hŏ;
- a rain-storm.
- cìⁿ cîeh jû hŏ;
- a shower of stones and arrows.
- chèng cí jû hŏ lîap;
- shot fell like rain.
- hŏ-sùaⁿ; hŏ-cia;
- umbrellas.
- hŏ i;
- rain-cloaks.
- saⁿ nî bô̤ hŏ;
- there was no rain for three years.
- kú hŏ;
- a long rain.
- hŏ lâi;
- it is going to rain.
- hŏ cêⁿ lío;
- the rain has ceased; it is clearing.
- hŏ lô̤h m̄ hiah;
- it rains incessantly.
- lô̤h hŏ hiah úa cū àiⁿ khṳ̀;
- if it stops raining I shall go.
- thiⁿ-sî ŭaⁿ căi: ku-ā kâi gûeh bô̤ hŏ;
- the weather is very droughty: for many months there has been no rain.
- hŏ lô̤h hŏ tih;
- it is raining.
- lô̤h hŏ mûiⁿ so̤h;
- cold fine rain.
- īu chut jît īu lô̤h hŏ; jît kio hŏ sie phah;
- it rains and the sun shines.
- oi ke mn̂g-hŏ chê;
- stop at all the doors in succession and examine, (as in taking a census).
- sĭm-mih hŏ-thâu kâi?
- Of what family and locality is he?
- phò-hŏ;
- shopmen.
- cûn-hŏ;
- dwellers in boats.
- ŭ jîeh cōi hŏ-kháu?
- What is the population?
- mn̂g-hŏ tîeh thóiⁿ-síu hó̤;
- keep careful watch at the door.
- hŏ pó;
- the Board of Population.
- hŏ pâng;
- the revenue department in a prefect's yamun.
- sĭang hŏ;
- the wealthiest families.
- ûang-hŏ;
- a queen.
- huâng-hŏ;
- the empress.
- hûang thài hŏ;
- the empress dowager.
- thài hûang thài hŏ;
- the emperor's grandmother.
- hûang thiⁿ hŏ thó;
- imperial heaven and earth.
- thien hŏ sìaⁿ bó̤;
- the goddess, “Queen of Heaven.”