Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hok
- hok im;
- glad tidings.
- hok im tn̂g;
- a church or chapel.
- ŭ hok-khì;
- to be blessed.
- hok tōa căi;
- very great felicity.
- cí kâi ŭ hok, hṳ́ kâi bô̤ hok;
- this one is happy and that one is not.
- kṳ̆n-lâi mng nap hok?
- Have you been quite well lately?
- hok tī;
- a favored spot.
- hok cìang;
- a lucky commander.
- híang hok;
- to enjoy happiness.
- hok hun tōa;
- highly favored.
- hwt châi hwt hok;
- grow rich and prosperous.
- cêk lō hok cheⁿ;
- may a happy star light your way.
- ngŏ hok;
- the five blessings, long life, riches, soundness of body and mind, love of virtue, and a peaceful end.
- ŭ lĭaug cū ŭ hok;
- to have right principles is to have good fortune.
- pô̤h hok kâi nâng;
- one who has little prosperity.
- hok cêk căi;
- greatly blessed.
- i tó̤ hok nŏ̤;
- he is highly prospered.
- hok lôk sīu chŵn;
- fortune, honors, and longevity, all bestowed.
- hẃn hok; hẃn-hẃn hok-hok;
- ruined.
- thien hwn tī hok;
- the overthrow of heaven and earth.
- ūe ngó hok;
- to paint or draw five bats in various positions.
- têng-hok;
- repeated; duplicated.
- tàⁿ ūe têng-hok;
- to reiterate.
- hẃn hôk; hẃn-hẃn hôk-hôk;
- repeatedly.
- hôk sìn;
- the reply to a letter.
- hôk mĕng;
- to report upon, as a commission.
- lṳ́ àiⁿ cò̤-nî hûe-hôk i?
- What reply are you going to make to him?
- hôk tong-heng;
- to revive and prosper.
- hôk chîu;
- to pay off a grudge.
- hôk-tńg ngŵn īeⁿ;
- revert to the original species.
- hôk ûah;
- to return to life.
- khiok-hôk sîaⁿ-tî;
- to recover the city.
- kàu cṳ́ sî cū hôk îⁿ;
- at midnight it will again be full-orbed.
- hôk i kâi lói;
- reciprocate his courtesy.
- cang sĭm-mûeh lâi hôk i kâi nâng-chêng?
- In what way shall we reciprocate his kindness?
- chê hôk;
- examine and report on.
- pín hôk;
- reply that an order is performed.
- pau-hôk; pau-kó̤;
- a bundle wrapped in a square cloth.
- pau-hôk phûe; pau-kó̤ phûe;
- a strong square cloth for wrapping bedding or clothes.
- hôk-lĕng;
- the medicine known as China root.
- hôk-lĕng ko̤;
- a kind of cake made of China root.
- thó hôk-lĕng; thó-hôk;
- the root of the Smilax chinensis*.
- pêh hôk; chiah hôk;
- white and flesh colored fungus.
- úa pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ sai-hôk bŭn-kìen-lôk;
- I have seen a book of travels in the outlying western regions.
- cô̤h hôk;
- border states.
- ĭ hôk;
- strange lands.
- nán kâi kùi kok kiang-hôk ŭ jîeh khuah?
- How extensive are the boundaries of your noble country?
- hôk piaⁿ;
- troops in ambush.
- hôk piaⁿ khí lâi côih-tn̆g i kâi lō;
- the ambushed soldiers rose up and cut off his retreat.
- màiⁿ hôk piaⁿ bé tŏ̤ chīu-lîm lăi;
- do not conceal the mounted troops in the thicket.
- hok ti chiaⁿ cue;
- bow down and ask for punishment.
- hṳ́-kò̤ hok ŭ nâng-be to ko;
- there are people lying there in ambush,
- saⁿ hok jit;
- three decades in summer, when people hold themselves in retirement; dog-days.
- úa hôk-cía àiⁿ lâi;
- I may perhaps come.
- hôk sĭ lṳ́ àiⁿ lâi li cá cē;
- if you come, come early.
- lṳ́ ak-hôk m̄ lâi li soiⁿ kio úa tàⁿ;
- if you are not coming, tell me beforehand.
- hôk ŭ nâng mn̄g lṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ ìn;
- if anyone should ask you, you must thus answer.
- cí īeⁿ hôk ā-sĭ bô̤ li bói cò̤ hṳ́ īeⁿ;
- if there should be none of this sort, then buy that sort instead.
- hôk sĭ ŭ hôk sĭ bô̤ li kio úa tàⁿ tīaⁿ-tîeh;
- should there be any, or should there not be any, in any case tell me definitely.
- sim lăi gî-hô̤k;
- suspicious.
- màiⁿ sái nâng gî-hôk;
- do not make people distrust.
- i sĭ kōi mîⁿ-hôk kâi nâng;
- he is easily gulled.
- sîa kà to sĭ bû sì hôk mîn kâi ūe;
- evil teachings are what unsettle and delude the people.
- cang cía kâi lâi mîⁿ-hôk nâng sim;
- made use of this to lead people's minds astray.
- có̤ tău hôk cèng;
- false doctrines mislead all.
- íu-hôk;
- to beguile.
- màiⁿ khṳt i íu-hôk khṳ̀;
- do not be deluded by him.
- i-hôk;
- clothing.
- hôk-sek;
- apparel.
- hà hôk;
- mourning garments.
- bô̤ hôk;
- destitute of clothing.
- cĭeⁿ chîo cū chēng chîo-hôk;
- when one goes to court he wears a court dress.
- ôiⁿ sî khṳ̀ ke li chēng pĭen hôk;
- when one goes home in intervals of labor, he may wear his working dress.
- kong hôk;
- one's best clothes.
- saⁿ nî hôk;
- garments worn during the three years of mourning for a parent.
- hôk îeh bô̤ hāu;
- there is no merit made in taking medicine.
- ēng cîah kúi hôk îeh cìaⁿ hó̤;
- after a few doses of medicine you will be well.
- cêk hôk îeh cū chŵn-jú;
- got well after one dose of medicine.
- su-hôk;
- to wait on; to yield submission.
- hôk-sṳ̆;
- to serve.
- síe sim hôk-sṳ̆;
- carefully attend upon.
- m̄ hôk cúi thó;
- not acclimated; not accustomed to the place.
- m̄ hôk kà-hùn;
- intractable.
- m̄ khéng hâng-hôk i;
- would not submit to him.
- cìeⁿ-sî kâi nâng bô̤ mih su-hôk;
- the people of the present time are not docile.
- siu-cīeⁿ m̄ su-hôk;
- his disease does not yield to treatment.
- cí cho̤h îeh cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ su-hôk căi;
- after taking this medicine the desired effect followed.
- i m̄ hôk i lău;
- he is not willing to be regarded as old; does not succumb to his years.
- cîeh-hôk;
- an orchid, used as a tonic medicine.
It grows on the rocks in southern China.
- kim-thoi cîeh-hôk;
- a species of orchid which turns yellow when dried.