Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/huaⁿ
- lṳ́ huaⁿ-hí i mē?
- Are you pleased with him?
- huaⁿ sim;
- a merry heart.
- huaⁿ thiⁿ hí tī;
- extravagant joy.
- huaⁿ-huaⁿ hí-hí;
- delighted.
- i thiaⁿ tîeh sĭm sĭ hí-huaⁿ;
- when he heard it he was greatly pleased.
- i huaⁿ-hí cí kâi nâng;
- he is pleased with this person.
- huaⁿ thâu hí chìe;
- gleefull.
- hāi i huaⁿ-hí sí;
- kill him with joy.
- huaⁿ-hí kàu thìo;
- jumped for joy.
- i tōa huaⁿ-hí;
- he is greatly pleased.
- hùaⁿ nâng cò̤-pû lâi;
- they all came together.
- hùa nâng khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
- Where have they all gone?
- hùaⁿ kâi cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
- What did they all say about it?
- hùaⁿ kâi sṳ̄ lí ŵn a būe?
- Is the business all finished up yet?
- hùaⁿ kâi mûeh cò̤ hó̤;
- all the things are finished.
- hùaⁿ kâi to̤ tùi tī-kò̤ khṳ̀?
- Where have all the knives gone to?
- hùaⁿ kâi ūe lóng-cóng tîeh;
- all that was said was right.
- mài hûaⁿ-hûaⁿ nē;
- do not dilly-dally.
- i to sĭ hûaⁿ-hûaⁿ nē;
- he is very easy going.
- ût kàu tó̤ hûaⁿ;
- asleep and snoring.
- lṳ́ hûaⁿ kàu úa bŏi ût;
- you snore so that I cannot sleep.
- 凭hūaⁿ700166
- To steady the footsteps by leaning upon a prop; to lean upon or against; to rest lightly upon.
- hàm kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ khṳt-i hūaⁿ chíu;
- call one of the children for her to lean on.
- ŭ ki sam hó̤ hūaⁿ ío kōi kîaⁿ;
- with a cross-bar to stay one's hand against, it would be easier to walk over.
- i hūaⁿ tŏ̤ lâng-kang kò̤;
- she leans on the balustrade.
- hūaⁿ tŏ̤ i koiⁿ-thâu;
- stay your steps by leaning upon his shoulder.
- úa kâi chíu khṳt lṳ́ hūaⁿ;
- lean upon my arm.
- i mîaⁿ-ke hūaⁿ-ke;
- she is expert in the management of a household.
- cêk ke, kúi câp nâng, khṳt i hūaⁿ kàu iap-iap thiap-thiap;
- the whole family, consisting of several tens of persons, is kept in the most complete order by her.
- cía sṳ̄ sī tī-tîang tó̤ hūaⁿ?
- Who has the management of this affair?
- hūaⁿ seng-lí;
- manages the business.
- hūaⁿ tŏa;
- attend the helm; steer the thing through.
- hūaⁿ sìo;
- take charge of the accounts.
- cía ngṳ̂n pàng kò̤ hūaⁿ ke;
- leave this money to be laid out for the support of the family.
- i kâi gûeh ēng jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n hūaⁿ ke?
- How much is required per month to keep the family?
- co̤h cêk tîo hūaⁿ;
- make a dike.
- kîaⁿ tùe cí tîo hūaⁿ kò̤ khṳ̀;
- walk along this bank.
- múa-tī-kò̤ kâi toi-hūaⁿ co̤h kàu khìang-khìang, cúi tōa cìaⁿ bŏ̤i pang;
- the dikes everywhere are strongly made, and when the waters rise will not give way.
- cĭeⁿ pàng cúi cí tîo hūaⁿ khṳt i im khṳ̀, taⁿ tîeh lâi co̤h kûiⁿ ce;
- when the waters were last let off, this dike was overflown, and we must now make it higher.
- co̤h tîo hūaⁿ pàng hái-kiⁿ;
- make a bund.
- châng hūaⁿ;
- narrow raised paths between rice fields.
- co̤h ke cêk tîo châng hūaⁿ;
- make another dividing path between the rice plots.
- châng hūaⁿ siak kú sòi tîo;
- the path is narrowed by long hoeing off.
- tùi cí ío tōa tîo kâi hūaⁿ kùe khṳ̀;
- go by this wider path.
- hūaⁿ i sie cîah;
- solder them together.
- hūaⁿ khṳ̀ m̄ sie cîah;
- it is not soldered firmly.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ hūaⁿ khṳ̀ m̄ tōiⁿ;
- in that way the solder does not hold.
- tîeh cang cía lâi hūaⁿ, cìaⁿ kien-ku;
- you must use this in soldering it and then it will be firm.
- ēng hūaⁿ-thâu lâi hūaⁿ;
- take solder and solder it.
- bói phêng-seⁿ lâi kap hūaⁿ-thâu;
- buy borax and make solder.