Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ie
- cêk ie khò;
- a pair of trowsers.
- i pâk cêk ie âng kûn;
- she wears a red petticoat.
- hâ ie;
- gird the loins.
- ie-tòa;
- a girdle.
- ku ie;
- round shouldered.
- thŏiⁿ ie;
- hunchbacked.
- thŏiⁿ heng, thŏiⁿ ie;
- humpbacked and humpbreasted.
- ie cí;
- the kidneys.
- ie-ciah kut; ie kut;
- the backbone.
- nău tîeh ie;
- strained his back.
- cûah tieh īe-ciah-kut;
- sprained his back.
- tǹg tîeh ie-ciah-kut;
- dislocated his spine.
- tǹg cîh ie-ciah-kut;
- broke his back.
- pûah cîh ie-ciah-kut;
- fell and broke his back.
- lṳ́ sĭ bô̤ ie-ciah-kut a m̄ sĭ!
- Have not you got any back-bone!
- úa ie;
- lean the back against.
- pâk ie;
- tie around the waist.
- pâk īe tòa;
- tighten the girdle.
- phang-ie;
- small waisted, like a bee.
- lin-liang ie;
- a waist like a wasp's.
- īe cám;
- cut in two in the middle, as a punishment.
- pīn pùaⁿ ie côih lô̤h khṳ̀;
- cut it in two in the middle.
- pâk ui-ie;
- wear a loin cloth.
- liu ie;
- a slender supple waist.
- ha ie;
- bow by bending at the waist only.
- ie thìaⁿ;
- backache.
- tûi ie;
- beat the back to ease pain.
- lám i kâi ĕ ie;
- lift him off his feet, clasping him around the waist.
- íe cho̤h cúi;
- dip out some water.
- khîeh ki kóng khṳ̀ íe;
- take the dipper and bale it out.
- bô̤ mûeh hó̤ íe;
- have nothing to dip with.
- hĭa îe; sie hĭa îe;
- a kiln where tiles and bricks are baked.
- kih kâi hĭa îe;
- build a kiln.
- hûi îe;
- a kiln for baking pottery.
- îe mn̂g;
- the mouth of the kiln.
- tīu phùa îe;
- lives in an old kiln; a vagrant.
- îe ló;
- work a scull.
- îe búe;
- wags his tail.
- îe leng;
- ring a hand bell.
- îe thâu;
- to shake the head.
- i cē thiaⁿ tîeh, thâu îe búe hìⁿ;
- as soon as he heard it his head wagged and his tail flopped.
- lṳ́ kîaⁿ lō màiⁿ îe-a-îe;
- do not swagger when you walk.
- i kîaⁿ lō to sī îe koiⁿ sin kîaⁿ;
- he always sways to and fro as he walks.
- huang cē chue cū tó̤ îe;
- whenever the wind blows it swings to and fro.
- tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ, îe câk;
- full measure, shaken down.
- hàm bōi ĭe kó kai, lâi bói sùaⁿ;
- call the rattle man here, and buy some sewing silk.
- bói kâi ĭe-nâ lâi ĭe a-nôⁿ;
- buy a cradle to rock the baby in.
- lâi khṳ̀ ĭe hŭe;
- let's form a loan association.
- ĭe chiam pok khṳ̀e;
- shake the tallies and divine.
- tâh tîeh ĭe-ló;
- if you step on it, it rattles.
- ĭe i chéⁿ;
- shake him and waken him.
- tîeh soih kàu bŏi ĭe-ló;
- you must prop it so that it won't joggle.
- cîah lău, khí cū ĭe-ló;
- when old the teeth are loose.
- khṳt i hó̤ ĭe thit-thô̤;
- let him amuse himself by rattling it.
- ĭe i lok-lok-kìe;
- shook it and made it rattle.
- m̄ hó̤ ĭe;
- do not joggle it.
- ĭe lío cū àiⁿ hẃn cúi;
- if you joggle it will turn to water.
- ĭe tîeh hṳ ́tói hŵn-lío ŭ;
- can tell by shaking it that there is still some inside.
- kô cúa-īe;
- make a paper kite.
- cí kâi cúa-īe pàng lâi kûiⁿ căi;
- the kite has been sent very high.
- khùe kùe īe;
- swifter than a kite.