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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/im

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  • im1083858
  • To overflow; to inundate.
hue-bâk pun cúi im lío cìm sí;
the shrubs were covered by the water and killed by soaking.
chù khṳt cúi im kàu kŭa chù-téng thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
the house was overflowed by the water so that even the roof was invisible.
cúi im kàu pùaⁿ suaⁿ;
the water has risen to half the height of the hills.
khṳt cúi im cìeⁿ kú mih mûeh to sí khṳ̀;
being so long innundated, everything died.
cí kò̤ cúi ío chíen, im būe kàu kha-thâu-u;
the water here is shallower and scarcely comes up to the knees.
kháu im;
thó im;
the local pronunciation.
cìaⁿ im;
the correct pronunciation.
pêh im;
the pronunciation as it is in plain text.
kuaⁿ im;
the pronunciation as it is in the court dialect.
im ūn;
im ūn cheng-chó̤;
clear and harmonious rythm.
lṳ́ kâi im ío hó̤;
your enunciation is the better.
siaⁿ im;
sound; voice.
poih im;
poih im ceng;
a harmonium.
úa tó̤ mō̤ⁿ lṳ́ kâi hûe im;
I await your response.
jī im;
initial sounds.
kia im;
sweet sounds.
hó̤ im sìn;
good news.
mío bô̤ im sìn;
no news for a long time.
kháu im áu m̄ tńg;
cannot pronounce it.
cîh im, tûn im, gê im;
linguals, labials, and dentals.
âu im;
sounds produced in the larynx.
  • im10991708
  • Obscure; hades; the inferior of the dual powers in Chinese philosophy; the female or the receptive in nature.
thài im;
the moon.
kuang im;
duration, time.
im si; im hú;
the abodes of the dead.
im îang;
the dual powers.
im kang;
im lîang;
cool and shady.
chīu im;
hue im;
flowery shades.
thîⁿ-sî o im;
the weather is dull.
chùn im;
im tek;
im kong;
inconspicuous merit.
im hûn; im lêng;
the disembodied spirit.
im îang chíu;
one hand palm upward and the other hand palm downward.
im cò̤ îang ûi;
to do behind one's back what would be repudiated before one's face.
ko-im put seⁿ;
vacancy produces nothing.
im-hṳ hwt jîet;
exhaustion produces fever.
khah kùe im;
too much obscured.
im kang;
dried in the shade.
im îang phùe hâh;
the correlation of the dual powers.
îang lâi im sĭu;
reciprocity of action in the dual powers.
  • ím11021844
  • To drink; to quaff.
ím cíu;
to quaff wine.
hàuⁿ ím cíu;
  • ìm110314011
  • To shelter; to protect; to shade.
sĭ i tó̤ phî-ìm;
it is he who is screening him.
phî-ìm kàu cèng nâng hó̤-hó̤;
protect so completely that all will be sheltered.
hok ìm;
secretly countenance and aid.
hok ìm cêk kâi tī-hng khṳt i;
gave him hidden help in getting a place.
ìm tāu-gê;
cover up beans till they sprout.
cò̤ ìm-si;
to make soy, by keeping the mixture long sheltered in a warm place.
  • ìm11031169
  • A cellar; dark.
ìm hŵt;
the cavity in which a coffin is to be laid in a grave.
cí kò̤ tī sĭ ìm-hŵt a sî chien-ciah?
Is this grave one in which a coffin is to be buried, or is it one from which the body has been removed?
kâi sĭ kó ìm kâi;
it is one dug long ago, and still unused.
tâng i a-kong ìm kâi, kàu taⁿ cìaⁿ peh nî bô̤ ēng;
it was dug in the days of his grandfather, a hundred years ago, and has not been used until now.
the mound with its enclosed cavity, made ready to receive a coffin.
tok kâi ìm-tu tŏ̤ kò̤;
has the grave made ready.
  • îm1101858
  • Excess; licentiousness; lewd; to drench.
kîaⁿ kang-îm;
commit adultery.
i kâi sèⁿ îm;
he is of a licentious disposition.
îm lw̆n;
pá lẃn sṳ îm-îok;
fullness of bread and ease beget lustful desires.
îm nâng chi-nńg, chi-nńg nâng îm;
those who debauch the wives and daughters of others, will have their own wives and daughters debauched.
kìm îm hì;
forbid lewd plays.
îm hŭ;
a lewd woman.
sie tīo îm cṳ;
burn up obscene books.
îm hŏ;
a drenching rain.
hàuⁿ sek put îm;
be not inordinately enamoured of what is beautiful.