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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/io

From Wikisource


  • io1074384
  • A fairy, fay, or hobgoblin.
an elf.
a fairy.
io-ciaⁿ kúi-kùai;
fays and imps.
an apparition.
thóiⁿ tîeh io-khì sĕng căi;
saw throngs of bogies.
i kâi io huap tōa;
his spells are forceful.
chíaⁿ i lâi siu io;
ask him to come and control the elves.
tṳ̂ io-kùai;
remove the elfins.
khu-tôk io-sîa;
drive out the imps.
cìe io kìaⁿ;
a mirror in which fairies may be seen.
to ogle; to try to be fascinating.
  • io107516213
  • To ask; to engage to do.
io úa khṳ̀ thit-thô̤;
he asked me to go out for recreation with him.
io lṳ́ cò̤-pû lâi khṳ̀;
ask you to go along with them.
àiⁿ io i tâng khṳ̀ a m̆?
Are you going to ask him to go too?
  • io1075520
  • The ace in dice; minute; atomic.
io jī saⁿ sì ngŏ lâk;
the spots upon dice.
pûah tîeh lâk kâi io;
threw six aces.
microscopic; very minute.
  • io1075303
  • To cry out; to shout.
bawl out.
io tn̂g;
call the court to order.
cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀ cē io tn̂g, i cū kiaⁿ kàu tó̤ tòng;
when they sat down and called the court to order, he was so frightened that he trembled.
io-io toah-toah;
yelling and shouting.
  • io3341842
  • Hungry; famished.
i kâi tó io;
he is half-famished.
io-gō̤ kúi;
a hungry imp.
tó io, cū kōi cîah;
when the stomach is empty, eating is easy.
  • io10771463
  • To make an agreement; to be bound; to restrict; to seek for; to expostulate with; to examine into.
kú io put bûang;
do not disregard the old agreement.
i sĭ ŭ io-khîu kâi sim;
he has an inquiring mind.
to force a course by threats of consequences; to take a stand from which there can be no further demur.
  • io6101634
  • An interrogative particle, implying dissent.
cêk īeⁿ cṳ́ keⁿ io ŭ nŏ̤ īeⁿ bī;
one mess of pottage cannot have two different flavours.
io ŭ ko̤h īeⁿ?
How can there be any different sort?
io ŭ cí kâi tŏ̤-lí?
How can that be right?
io hó̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ; m̄ hó̤;
why should you do that; it will not do.
io hó̤ kẃn-thăi i cìeⁿ-seⁿ!
Why should you treat him like that!
  • ío7461157
  • Rather; slightly; for the most part; somewhat more.
taⁿ ío tōa lío;
is now somewhat larger.
ío kûiⁿ;
rather taller.
chūe kâi ío sòi kâi kèng hó̤;
to seek out a smaller one would be better.
cá m̄ pat, hīn-kim ío pat;
formerly he did not understand, but now he partially understands.
hṳ́ tiang-sî ē-ē àiⁿ phah i, taⁿ ío sieh i;
she then frequently beat him, but now she is kinder to him.
seⁿ lâi ío-thío căi;
she is naturally very refined.
thóiⁿ tîeh i ío-ío thío-thío cū huaⁿ-hí;
when he saw that she had a refined appearance, he rejoiced.
  • ío1077784
  • To die young.
thóiⁿ m̄ chut i hìeⁿ ío sīu;
one would not have thought that he was to be so short lived.
i a-pĕ tiang-sî ío sīu, cìaⁿ cîah saⁿ-câp hùe;
his father was short lived and lived but about thirty years.
  • ío3461513
  • An interrogative particle, implying a strong negative; how can it be?
úa ío ùi i? úa ío ùi kàu i?
Why should I be afraid of him?
ío tì-kàu i cáu khṳ̀ m̄ cîaⁿ?
How can he abscond?
lṳ́ ío kîeⁿ kùe i, háⁿ?
You are superior to him, are you?
  • ío4061176
  • At last, finally, only, nothing but, then.
i ío m̄ cai;
he knows nothing at all about it.
i ío pí lṳ́ jú hío;
he understands it better than you do after all.
kiaⁿ-ùi i mó̤, khṳ̀ kàu ío sĭm sĭ hó̤;
feared he was bad, but on arriving found he was after all very excellent.
  • ìo10771463
  • Important; necessary; urgent.
ŭ chiet-ìo a bô̤ chiet-ìo?
Is it important or unimportant.
sĭang chiet-ìo;
of the utmost importance.
ío chiet-ìo;
more important.
bô̤ sĭm-mih chiet-ìo;
of no great importance.
tōa chiet-ìo;
of great importance.
m̄ ìo-kín;
not pressing.
sĭang-téng ìo-kín cū sĭ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
what is most necessary of all is this.
ŭ ìo sṳ̄;
has urgent business.
ìo sìn;
an important letter.
ìo lō, ìo tī;
important roads and places.
híam-ìo kâi tī-hng kìe-cò̤ ìo kháu;
very important defiles are called passes.
ío hŭam;
a criminal whose arrest is important.
ìo mîaⁿ kâi châk;
a well known and doughty robber.
  • îo107614910
  • A made up tale; rumour; report.
sĭ cin-sît kâi a sĭ îo-ngân kâi?
Is it true or is it only a rumour?
lṳ́ màiⁿ thìaⁿ koi-chĭ kâi îo-ngân;
do not listen to floating rumours.
sĭ hong-îo kâi ūe;
it is only a rumor.
àiⁿ lîah cò̤ îo-ngân kâi nâng;
will seize the one who made up this report.
thông îo;
a childish tale.
pù-sùaⁿ îo-ngân;
spread idle tales.
  • îo10756410
  • To agitate; to disturb; to stir.
nâng sim îo-tŏng;
people's hearts are stirred.
hṳ́ kâi tī-hng îo-tŏng;
that country is disturbed.
m̄ hó̤ îo-tŏng kun sim;
do not agitate the minds of the soldiery.
îo-îo pái-pái;
thâu kîaⁿ thâu îo-pái;
swaggering as he walked.
cio îo cŭang phìen;
pass one's self off by swaggering and bragging.
  • îo994388
  • Graceful; supple; pliant.
kûiⁿ kàu îo-îo;
tall and graceful.
sáng-tîo sáng-tîo, îo-îo;
slender and very graceful.
  • ĭo10787214
  • Luster; bright; to shine.
cìe ĭo;
hok ĭo;
the happy star's brightness.
chit ĭo;
the sun, moon, and five planets.
cap-it ĭo;
the heavenly bodies.
ak ĭo; suah ĭo;
a baleful luster.
  • 耀ĭo107812414
  • Refulgence; glory.
kuang có, ĭo cong;
illustrious ancestry and glorious clan.