Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/iong
- iong cu;
- carbuncles and cancers.
- seⁿ pùe iong;
- has a carbuncle on his back.
- seⁿ thûe pó̤ seⁿ îong;
- have a boil to save having a carbuncle.
- íong-íen;
- forever.
- íong-kú bŏi pìⁿ;
- it will never change.
- íong-sì m̄ kio i tàⁿ ūe;
- I will never speak to him again.
- íong-iak; íong-íong iak-iak;
- leap for joy.
- íong-iak khṳ̀ cò̤;
- do it with joyous eagerness.
- íong-méⁿ;
- intrepid.
- íong sṳ̆;
- a brave.
- íong-càng;
- lusty.
- sṳ̀ íong hō̤;
- confer a military title.
- íong-káⁿ;
- daring.
- hùn-íong;
- valiant.
- hàuⁿ-íong;
- fond of showing off prowess.
- hueh-khì cṳ íong;
- the fearlessness of youth.
- phah kĭ íong;
- exhibit feats of strength.
- i sĭ íong căi;
- he is very brave.
- tăi íong jîak khiap;
- resolute determination appears like fear.
- tì íong sang chŵn;
- possesses both wisdom and courage.
- cí kâi put kùe sĭ phit hu cṳ íong;
- this is only the courage of a common man.
- íong-lâk kùe nâng;
- surpasses others in prowess.
- mŏ̤ⁿ íong cū sĭ cie íong-càng: ŭ nâng kìe-cò̤ kò íong;
- to recruit soldiers, is to call together the valiant and strong: some people call it hiring braves.
- cúi lō ìong-sak khṳ̀;
- the water-course is obstructed.
- màiⁿ ìong-sak tîeh lō;
- do not obstruct the road.
- nâng-mûeh ìong-sak kàu m̄ hó̤ kîaⁿ, jîet căi;
- people obstruct the way so that one cannot go on and there is much bustle.
- kau-lō ìong-sak, tîeh cai pê thong;
- the sewer is stopped up, and it must be raked out.
- nâng-mûeh ìong-cìⁿ;
- the crowd presses.
- hùaⁿ nâng cêk ìong cĭeⁿ côiⁿ;
- all press forward simultaneously.
- côiⁿ u, ău ìong;
- those going before halloo, and those behind crowd up.
- cía sĭ îong-ṳ̂ kâi mûeh;
- this is overplus.
- ŭ îong-ṳ̂ cîⁿ úa cū àiⁿ bói;
- if I have money left I will buy it.
- tong-îong kâi cṳ sĭ lŭn tong-cìaⁿ phêng-sîeⁿ kâi tŏ̤-lí;
- ordinary books discuss ordinary doctrines.
- îong-îong lôk-lôk kâi nâng;
- commonplace people.
- îong ui suah nâng;
- kill people by quackery.
- îong-îong, bô̤ khì;
- it is no rarity.
- keng-îong;
- to calculate the ways and means.
- i mîaⁿ-ke keng-îong seng-lí;
- he is a shrewd business man.
- kak nâng kak nâng khṳ̀ keng-îong;
- each one went to reckon the means for himself.
- keng-îong ke kòi;
- to regulate family affairs.
- keng-îong cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n;
- to calculate how to get money for the purpose.
- cang cí īeⁿ seng-lí îong seⁿ;
- gets a living by this sort of business.
- bô̤ sṳ̄ hó̤ îong seⁿ;
- no way of getting a living.
- àiⁿ cò̤-nî îong-ui?
- What can we do?
- îong-īo;
- refulgence.
- îong-kuang;
- glory.
- îong-hûa pù-kùi;
- illustrious, rich and honored.
- bô̤ kwn îong jôk;
- regardless of glory or shame.
- îong-măuⁿ;
- appearance.
- i cìeⁿ-sî pēⁿ kàu sit îong;
- he is much changed by his late illness.
- thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ nō̤ îong;
- he appears surly.
- i cìeⁿ-sî cò̤-nî ŭ iu îong?
- Why does he lately appear sorrowful?
- îong úa tàⁿ kù ūe;
- allow me to speak a word.
- cŭe-ak lâng îong;
- his wickedness is inexcusable.
- m̄ îong i cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- will not tolerate that in him.
- i thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ chìe îong;
- he smiled at it.
- chông-îong kúi jît cē;
- put up with it for a few days.
- chông-chông îong-îong khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ cò̤;
- act in a forbearing and gentle manner.
- hue îong, gûeh măuⁿ;
- graceful and affable.
- bô̤ hìeⁿ îong-kōi kâi sṳ̄;
- not so easy a matter.
- îong-îong kōi-kōi, bŏi o̤h;
- facile, not difficult.
- bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ îong sin;
- no place big enough to hold me.
- chíen cúi îong m̄ tit tōa hṳ̂;
- shallow waters cannot accommodate big fish.
- i kâi cŭe-ak kẁu îong;
- the sum of his iniquities is full.
- îong-múaⁿ;
- full.
- îong-kang;
- hirelings.
- i sĭ îong-kang kâi nâng;
- he is an hireling.
- îong kang tō jît;
- live by the day's work.
- ĭong cîⁿ;
- commission, or contingent expenses.
- thàng ĭong cîⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- earned only the commission.
- pĕng ĭong, jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
- How much is the amount, including commission?
- káu poih ĭong;
- a commission of two dollars on the hundred.
- i sĭ tó̤ sĭu ĭong;
- he is enjoying his possessions.
- i bô̤ thang hó̤ sĭu ĭong;
- he has no chance to enjoy what he has.
- sĭ káu-poih ĭong a sĭ káu-ngŏ ĭong?
- Is it two or five per cent that is taken out of the sum total, as an allowance to the agent?
- bōi cía hùe sĭ ŭ lăi gūa ĭong;
- in selling these goods there is a commission paid both to those they are bought from and to those who retail them.
- bói īa tîeh ĭong, bōi īa tîeh ĭong;
- in buying there is a percentage paid on the value, and in selling there is a percentage made on the value.