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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ji

From Wikisource

  • 720106
  • A child; an infant.
i bô̤ kíaⁿ bô̤ jî;
she is childless.
a son.
a daughter.
a young child.
jî sun múaⁿ tn̂g;
a houseful of children.
an infant.
lâm-jî kâi cì-khì;
a boy's resolves.
cía sĭ âng hăi-jî;
this is a young reprobate.
lṳ́ màiⁿ thóiⁿ cò̤ jî hì;
you need not look upon this as child's play.
kíaⁿ-jî cōi;
has many children.
jî-sài; jî-hu;
a husband.
  • 837413
  • Public chambers, or halls.
am-kẁn jī-īⁿ;
monasteries and their attachments.
tăi-lí jī-kheng;
Court of Appeals.
thài-pôk-jī cìaⁿ-kheng;
the chief judge in the Court of Appeals.
jī īⁿ;
fanes and temples.
  • 72170
  • Second; two; twain; duplicate.
jī gûeh câp-jī a jîh-jī?
Is it the twelfth or the twenty-second day of the second month?
kíaⁿ-jît sĭ chiu-jī;
to-day is the second of the month.
i sĭ tŏiⁿ jī kâi;
he is the second.
i àiⁿ jī-câp ngṳ̂n, úa li hâiⁿ i câp-jī;
he wanted twenty dollars and I gave him twelve.
bô̤ jī kṳ̀;
no two words about it.
it lâi sĭ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i kâi mīn-hūn, jī lâi sĭ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lṳ́ kâi mīn-hūn;
I first consider his interests, and next yours.
thâu chṳ̀ sĭ i lâi, jī chṳ̀ sĭ lṳ́ lâi, cí chṳ̀ jī-ke cò̤-pû lâi;
the first time it was he who came, the next time it was you who came, and this time you have both come together.
jī ke pêⁿ-pêⁿ huaⁿ-hí;
both parties are equally pleased.
jī hûe úa m̄ it-tit;
the second time I forgot it.
jī keⁿ a būe?
Is it the second watch yet?
jī chèng híang lío;
the gun which announces the second watch has already sounded.
cía sǹg sĭ jī-tang hùe;
this may be reckoned as second-hand goods.
i sĭ tó̤ tng jī-îaⁿ a sĭ tng sam-îaⁿ?
Is he the servant of an officer, or the servant of an officer's servant?
nín jī ūi chíaⁿ cŏ̤;
you, who occupy the second rank, please be seated.
jī nâng;
the wife next in rank to the chief wife.
chūa kâi jī-pâng; chú kâi jī-pâng;
take a second wife.
nín sĭ tōa pâng a sĭ jī pâng?
Are you the chief or the second wife?
úa sĭ sêng i kâi jī pùaⁿ;
I buy from his wholesale stock.
i sĭ cò̤ úa kâi jī chíu;
he is my first assistant.
lṳ́ àiⁿ thâu hō̤ a jī hō̤ kâi?
Do you want the best or the second best?
cêk kâi jī;
one letter.
cêk cūe jī;
a column of characters.
cêk tieⁿ jī;
a written sheet.
the radicals.
sĭm-mih jī pôiⁿ, sĭm-mih jī thâu, sĭm-mih jī ĕ?
What is the radical at the side, at the top, and at the bottom?
sît jī, chó̤ jī, tw̆n jī;
three methods of writing, the square character, the running hand, and the seal character.
a dictionary.
sĭ ûah jī a sĭ sí jī?
Is it a noun or a verb? Is it movable or fixed type?
hṳ jī, sît jī;
characters which represent other words than nouns, and those which represent objects.
jī ngân;
a set phrase.
jī ûeh;
the strokes in a letter.
jī im;
the sound of a letter.
jī ngĭ;
meaning of a letter.
tah jī;
a letter pasted on.
khek jī;
an engraved letter.
sía jī;
to write.
kìa jī;
to send a note.
chau jī;
copy letters.
bîe jī;
trace letters through thin paper.
jī hō̤;
the label.
ŭ hûe jī a bô̤?
Is there an answer to be returned per bearer?
bô̤ hûe jī;
no answer.
ŭ hûe jī;
an answer is to be returned.
  • 7201846
  • To bait; an allurement.
aiⁿ tìeⁿ cía hṳ̂ tîeh cang sĭm-mûeh lâi cò̤ jī?
What should be used for bait in catching this fish?
i cū lâi cîah jī;
he takes the bait.
khîeh ngṳ̂n khṳ̀ jī i;
allure him with silver; catch him with a silver hook.
jī thóiⁿ i àiⁿ mē;
see if you can tempt him with this.
i sái jī-cak khṳ̀ khŏiⁿ i;
he gave him a punch with his elbow.
phah jī-cak;
to elbow.
i phah-ìn mîaⁿ-ke ēng jī-cak;
in playing shuttle-cock, he uses his elbow with great skill.
  • 63113012
  • Delicate; soft; fine; exact.
fine and delicate.
mông tîeh ìuⁿ-jī căi;
it feels very soft and fine.
úa thóiⁿ i kâi nêk ío ìuⁿ-jī, i kâi nêk ío cho;
it appears to me that her complexion is the more delicate, and hers the more coarse.
cí īeⁿ hṳ̂ kâi nêk sĭang ìuⁿ-jī;
the flesh of this fish is very delicate.
i mih sṳ̄ sòi-jī căi;
he is very fastidious about everything.
i kâi tàⁿ ūe sòi-sòi jī-jī, chŵn bô̤ thèng tàⁿ;
his mode of speech is very precise, and he says nothing carelessly.