Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kam
- kam-thâng;
- intestinal worms.
- so̤h sí i kâi kam-thâng;
- destroy the intestinal worms.
- thò cêk tîo kam-thâng chut lâi;
- vomited up a worm.
- cí īeⁿ îeh hó̤ tī kam-thâng;
- this is a good vermifuge.
- kam-cêk;
- pot-bellied.
- sǐang hó̤ kâi kam-cek-îeh;
- an excellent vermifuge.
- sĭ kam-cek-píaⁿ, a sĭ kam-cek-ko̤, a sǐ kam-cek-thn̂g?
- Is it worm medicine in lumps, in lozenges, or in powder?
- i kâi a-nôⁿ kam-cek hǔam-ngan tǎng cǎi;
- her child has worms so badly as to produce indistinctness of vision.
- gê-kam;
- a gum-boil.
- i sĭ seⁿ cáu bé gê-kam;
- he has the galloping canker sore mouth.
- lîah khṳ̀ siu kam;
- seize and imprison.
- tŏ̤ kam lǎi ah jîeh kú?
- How long has he been kept in custody?
- kìm kam;
- to imprison.
- jû tó̤ cǒ̤ kam, cŏ̤ lô̤;
- like being in a dungeon.
- cáu kam hǔam;
- an escaped prisoner.
- pw̆n kam;
- to break out of prison.
- thî-lô̤ kah kìm-cí sĭ kẃn kam kâi nâng;
- the sheriff and the turnkey are those who control the jail.
- tîeh ŭ cêk kâi nâng tó̤ kam i cò;
- there must be one person to force him to do it.
- kam lîm kuaⁿ;
- the overseer of the prison.
- cí īeⁿ bī ío kam;
- this flavor is more agreeable.
- cîah tîeh âu tói ǒi kam; chùi búe ǒi tòa kam;
- it leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth.
- cía sĭ kam-kam kâi;
- this is a very sweet one.
- cîah tîeh kam-kam;
- it tastes delicious.
- hó̤-hó̤ kâi hǒ kìe-cò̤ kam-lîm;
- a refreshing rain is called a timely rain.
- i m̄ kam pun náng;
- he is not pleased to let us have it.
- i àiⁿ khṳ̀, úa m̄ kam khṳt i khṳ̀;
- he wants to go, but I am unwilling to part with him.
- khó cǐn, kam lâi;
- when the bitter is exhausted, the sweetness comes.
- soiⁿ khó ǎu kam;
- first the bitter then the sweet.
- kǔ kam kit;
- a voluntary agreement.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ i sí īa kam sim;
- thus he is resigned to death.
- cía sĭ i kam-sim chêng-ngw̆n kâi;
- this is what he voluntarily does.
- kam-cháu;
- liquorice.
- kam-cháu hûa peh bī;
- liquorice compounded with a hundred other sorts of savory things.
- sieh kàu m̄ kam phah i;
- loved him so much she would not punish him.
- i cò̤ kam hāi nâng?
- How can he willingly injure people?
- i kam-ngw̆n sǐu khó;
- she is willing to undergo hardship.
- ēng bí-kam-cúi khṳ̀ sói;
- take rice water and wash it.
- cía àiⁿ ēng bí-kam-cúi lâi cì;
- rice water is to be used in mixing this.
- lṳ́ kâi sin-hūn lîang, tîeh cîah cò̤ bí-kam-tê, m̄ hó̤ cîah tê hîeh;
- your system is depleted, and you must drink coffee made from browned rice, you should not drink tea.
- kám-sīa lṳ́;
- thank you.
- kám lṳ́ kâi ṳn;
- appreciate your kindness.
- úa kâi sim kâm-keh cṳ cì;
- I am exceedingly grateful.
- kám-hùe nâng kâi sim;
- stir the heart to repentance.
- i thiaⁿ tîeh kâi sim cū kám-tǒng;
- when he heard it he was much moved.
- kám-mǎuⁿ huang hâng;
- affected by the weather.
- sieⁿ-huang têng kám;
- his ailment relapsed.
- im îang kâi khì cē kau-kám, cū hùe-seⁿ bw̄n mûeh;
- the dual powers exerting a reciprocal influence, produce all things.
- kám-èng sîn sok;
- bring an appropriate recompense from the gods.
- kám i kâi tek;
- thankful for his goodness.
- kiaⁿ kàu phǔe kám miⁿ-miⁿ;
- so afraid that he hid himself under his coverlet.
- lṳ́ kâi phǔe m̄-hó̤ kám thâu kám hîah;
- do not cover your head with your coverlet.
- kám lío khah hip tîeh;
- after covering up I was too hot.
- tì cêk kâi kám thâu;
- wore a veil, as in mourning.
- chìn li khṳ̀ kám phǔe;
- if you are cold go and get under the quilt.
- cheⁿ-ûah lîah khṳ̀ kám;
- seize and bury alive.
- kám tǒ̤ thô̤ tói;
- bury it in the ground.
- kám lío chah ki mûeh cò̤ kì-hō̤;
- bury it, and insert something as a mark by which the spot may be identitied.
- i kâi cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n kám lô̤h thô tói, bô̤ nâng cai;
- buried his money in the earth, where uo one knew of it.
- heng-kám;
- the chest.
- heng-kám kut;
- the breast bone.
- i teh sieⁿ tîeh heng-kám;
- he bore a burden so heavy as to injure his chest.
- heng-kám thìaⁿ;
- a pain in the chest.
- lǎu-îa kàm tê;
- the god enjoys the tea.
- lṳ́ pat thòiⁿ-kìⁿ lǎu-îa kàm cíu mē?
- Have you seen the gods accept the wine?
- kàm-tok;
- to oversee.
- ka-kī tó̤ kàm-tok;
- he is himself superintending the job.
- sîn-mêng kàm-chak;
- the gods supervise.
- kàm-seng sĭ tŏ̤ kok-cṳ́-kàm thâk cṳ̄ kâi nâng;
- the national students are those who study in the National Academy.
- jîp kàm thâk cṳ̄;
- go to the National Academy to study.
- khim-thien-kàm sĭ lí thien-bûn kâi sṳ̌;
- the Board of Astronomy regulates astronomical affairs.
- thài-kàm sǐ hûang-tì kâi nôⁿ-pôk;
- the eunuchs are the servants of the Emperor.
- côiⁿ kṳ khó̤ kàm;
- you can see what you will come to by so doing.
- thóiⁿ kang kàm;
- consider historical precedents.
- i chîang thóiⁿ thong kàm;
- he considers precedents.
- kâm cêk chùi cúi;
- hold a mouthiul of water in the mouth.
- lṳ́ kâi chùi kâm sǐm-mûeh tǒ̤?
- What have you got in your mouth?
- cí kǐaⁿ muêh thóiⁿ tîeh kâm cúi kâm cúi nē, téng ǔ tǎng;
- this seems to be saturated with water, and weighs heavily.
- cí cêk ki pit ío ǒi kâm bâk;
- this pen holds the ink better.
- kâm pit cňg bâk kâi nâng;
- one who follows literary pursuits.
- kim-kâm;
- sugar plums.
chùi tèng
- kâm lîap kim-kâm;
- holding a sugar-plum in his mouth.