Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kham
- m̄ kham cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- not worthy of it.
- cía put kham căi;
- very unworthy of this.
- m̄ kham tit tîeh i kâi síeⁿ;
- undeserving of his rewards.
- kham ēng cò̤ kuaⁿ;
- fit to make use of as an officer.
- sĭu khó lâng kham;
- have greater suffering than can be borne.
- kham-kai o̤-ló̤;
- worthy of praise.
- kham-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- deserving of this.
- kham àiⁿ uaⁿ-pàng tī-kò̤?
- Where will you set up the shrine?
- nŏ̤ phìⁿ kham mn̂g;
- the two doors of a large cupboard in which the ancestral tablets are kept.
- i kâi có-kong sái tŏ̤ kham tèng;
- his ancestral tablets are set up in the shrine.
- cwn cò̤ cêk kâi kham lâi săi láu-îaⁿ;
- make to order a shrine to set gods in.
- cí kâi sîn-kham tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ siu-sîp;
- this shrine for idols must be renovated.
- i cìeⁿ-sî khám-khó̤;
- he is now not at all well.
- cìeⁿ-sî khám-khám khó̤-khó̤ to m̄ jû-ì;
- now in the midst of difficulties, with everything adverse to his wishes.
- kût kâi khám;
- dig a dangerous pit.
- khám khùe sĭ sok cúi;
- the second of the eight diagrams pertains to water.
- khám chīu lîah cío;
- fell a tree in order to catch the bird that is in it.
- i kâi to̤ cū khám khṳ̀, khám sieⁿ tîeh i kâi chíu;
- in bringing down his knife it slipped and wounded his hand.
- khám m̄ lô̤h;
- cannot chop with it.
- thek che khṳ̀ khàm;
- dispatch an officer to examineinto the case.
- chê-khàm mêng-pêh lío;
- have investigated the case thoroughly.
- chíaⁿ kuaⁿ lâi khàm-thóiⁿ;
- invite an official examination.
- sĭ úi úi-ŵn lâi khàm a sĭ cìaⁿ-tn̂g ka-kī lâi khàm?
- Was a deputy sent to take the evidence, or did the magistrate himself come to personally examine into the case?
- khàm mn̄g;
- cross question.
- m̄ kàu tī-hng kò̤ khàm to m̄ hó̤ tẁn;
- without going to the place to compare the evidence, the case cannot be decided.
- khṳt gṳ̄-sṳ́ bûa khàm chut lâi;
- it was ferreted out by the censor.
- nŏ̤ nâng lâi tùi khàm cū cíe tāⁿ;
- if both come together and compare the texts there will be fewer mistakes.
- cĭang-khàm châng-bó;
- remeasure the extent of the field.
- khàm-au;
- a large covered bowl.
- sĭ àiⁿ khàm-au-kíaⁿa sĭ àiⁿ tōa khàm-au?
- Is it a small or a large covered bowl that is wanted?
- lâi hĕcêk tōa khàm-au cut-bí pn̄g;
- go and offer (to the gods) a large bowl of boiled glutinous rice (as a gift after the birth of a son).
- chù-téng cêng khàm hĭa a būe?
- Are the tiles laid in the roof yet?
- khṳt chīu hîeh khàm kàu miⁿ-miⁿ;
- wholly concealed by the overhanging foliage.
- thiⁿ-sî jûah căi, tîeh lâi khàm pò-phâng;
- the weather is very hot, and we must have an awningput up.
- cí kâi khàm khah sòi, khàm m̄ miⁿ;
- this conical cover is too small, it does not fit tightly.
- khîeh tíaⁿ-khàm khṳ̀ khàm;
- put the cover on the iron pan.
- cúi kng tîeh cai khàm miⁿ;
- be sure and cover the water jar closely.
- bói kâi cúi-kng khàm;
- buy a water-jar cover.
- cí kâi khàm sĭ pīn bói kâi, a sĭ cwn cò̤ kâi?
- Was this cover a ready made one, or was it made to order?
- lêng-sn̂g-khàm khàm khṳ̀ cū sĭang miⁿ;
- if you cover it with the steamer cover, it will exactly fit.
- bói kâi tăng-thâu puah lâi khàm tăng-thâu;
- buy a pot cover to cover the pickle pot.
- tŭm-puah, īa sĭ m̄ khàm, pû căi tit sêk?
- If you do not cover the wide mouthed pot, how can the things cooking in it be thoroughly cooked?
- khàm phŭe toaⁿ;
- cover with the coverlet cover.
- hṳ́-kò̤ ŭ khàm-phâng a bô̤?
- Is there any awning there?
- khàm lío khah àm;
- when it was roofed in it was too dark.
- thiⁿ khàm tī;
- the heavens cover the earth.
- khîeh kâi tê-au lâi khàm;
- take a covered cup and cover it.
- tin-tò̤ khàm;
- invert it and use it for covering.
- khîeh kâi úaⁿ khṳ̀ tò̤-khàm;
- cover it with an inverted bowl.
- khàm tŏ̤ i sît ĕ;
- sheltered under its wings.
- būe kàu khàm kha;
- has not yet reached the bank.
- hṳ́-kò̤ sĭ kĭa khàm;
- there is a steep bank there.
- khĭa tŏ̤ khàm kha tó̤ táng;
- stood waitingon the bank.
- châng khàm;
- a ledge beside a field.
- tó̤ khoi khàm-kha tèng tìeⁿ hṳ̂;
- on the bank of the river fishing with hook and line.
- tōa lô̤-kó sĭ pôih lô̤, sì khăm;
- in a large brass band there are eight gongs, and four pairs of cymbals.
- phah toā khăm, phah lío khŏm-khŏm-kìe;
- sound the great cymbals, and hear their clash.
- màiⁿ khăm mn̂g;
- do not bang the door.
- tì-kó̤ kâi mn̂g khăm-khăm-kìe?
- What door is it that is banging?