Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/khia
- sĭ sang a sĭ khia?
- Is it an even or an odd number?
- khia jît màiⁿ thó̤, sang jît màiⁿ hâiⁿ, thĕng-thăi úa hwt châi li, cêk kâi hâiⁿ nŏ̤ kâi;
- on the odd days of the month you do not dun, on the even days I do not pay: wait till I get rich and then I will pay you double.
- khia jît;
- a common designation of the seventh day after death, when the spirit is supposed to leave the body.
- khia-pô̤h;
- scrawny; meager.
- i a-tĭ seⁿ lâi khia-pô̤h, m̄ kău-tăng;
- his younger brother is very scrawny, not plump.
- i kâi phīⁿ khah khia-pô̤h;
- his nose is too peaked.
- ang-cía nŏ̤ nâng seⁿ lâi lóng-cóng khia-khia pô̤h-pô̤h;
- husband and wife are both very thin.
- koiⁿ-thâu khìa-khìa;
- high shouldered.
- koiⁿ-thaû kûiⁿ-khìa kûiⁿ-khìa;
- chuckle-headed.
- hĭⁿ khìa-khìa;
- ears attent; to prick up the ears.
- i hĭⁿ khìa-khìa tó̤ thiaⁿ;
- he is listening with his ears alert.
- cí ciah káu cêk mêⁿ hĭⁿ khìa-khìa, lêng-ceng căi;
- this dog keeps his ears pricked up all night, and is very watchful.
- sĭ khîa bé lâi a cŏ̤ kīe lâi?
- Did you come on horseback or in a sedan chair?
- khîa cĭeⁿ bé sin cū tîeh pháu;
- if you mount a horse you must ride him.
- i mîaⁿ-ke khîa sīa;
- he is expert in shooting at a mark from on horseback.
- khîa gû;
- bestride an ox.
- khîa bé cŏ̤;
- sit astride.
- khîa koi bé;
- ride on one's shoulder.
- khîa kî;
- to plant a flag.
- khîa kî-kuaⁿ;
- to raise a flag staff.
- khîa ûi;
- to set up a mast in a vessel.
- khîa nŏ̤ ki cîeh cek tŏ̤ phûn-mŏⁿ côiⁿ;
- set two stone candles in front of the grave.
- khîa sĭm-mih kî hō̤?
- What flag do they fly?
- khîa thĭo;
- erect a pillar.
- khîa têng;
- raise a portal.
- i khîa kò̤ cîeh pi tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ cò̤ tī-kài;
- he set a slab of stone there to mark the boundary.
- pit tîeh khîa sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
- the pen must be held straight.
- cêk nâng khîa to̤, cêk nâng khîa chieⁿ;
- one carried a knife and the other a spear.
- khîa sìⁿ;
- carry a fan.
- khîa kúai-cĭang;
- carry a cane.
- sang-khîa-bé ūe;
- language susceptible of two different interpretations.
- i to bô̤ tît-tît tàⁿ, to sĭ tàⁿ sang-khîa-bé ūe;
- he never speaks in a straight forward way, but always uses language having two meanings.
- khĭa khui cē;
- stand further off.
- khĭa khí lâi;
- get up and stand still.
- khĭa tît-tît;
- stand up straight.
- khĭa sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
- stand erect.
- tīam-tīam khĭa;
- stand perfectly still.
- khĭa tŏ̤ cêk pôiⁿ;
- stand on one side.
- khĭa tŏ̤ sang pôiⁿ;
- ranged on the two sides.
- ho̤h cōi nâng tŏ̤ sang pôiⁿ khĭa;
- a great many people were standing on each side.
- kîaⁿ sĭ kîaⁿ, khĭa sĭ khĭa;
- if you walk, walk, and if you stand, stand; behave properly.
- khĭa m̄ ún;
- it does not stand firmly.
- khĭa m̄ tùe;
- it won't stand up.
- khĭa kàu kha sng;
- stood till tired.
- khĭa îang khí lâi;
- stand erect and hold up your head.
- kha thìaⁿ bŏi khĭa;
- his foot is so sore he cannot stand upon it.
- bŏi khĭa kú;
- cannot stand long.
- khĭa tŏ̤ suaⁿ téng mō̤ⁿ sì-phìⁿ;
- stood on the hill top and looked all around.
- bŏi cŏ̤ bŏi khĭa;
- can neither sit nor stand.
- khĭa tīam tó̤ táng;
- stood still and waited.
- khĭa tīam cē;
- stop a moment.
- khĭa tŏ̤ mn̂g kha tó̤ thóiⁿ nâng;
- stood at the door looking at people.
- i bô̤ sṳ̄, khĭa-khí tŏ̤ chù;
- he has no business requiring his attention and he stays at home.
- m̄ cai i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ tī kò̤;
- I do not know where he is staying.
- i àiⁿ khṳ̀ móng kò̤ khĭa-khí;
- he is going to a certain place to live.
- i ŭ tŏ̤ hṳ́ khĭa ke a bô̤?
- Has he settled his family there?
- i soiⁿ-tiang-sî khĭa-khí tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤;
- he formerly resided there.
- bô̤ kò̤ khĭa-khí;
- has no place of abode.
- tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ khĭa ŭ nî gūa lío;
- has been there over a year already.
- pàng khīa, màiⁿ pàng sia;
- set it upright, not inclining.
- màiⁿ pàng khīa, pàng i ût lô̤h khṳ̀;
- do not set it upright, lay it down.