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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/khun

From Wikisource


  • khun4941958
  • A sea-monster, like a kraken or sea-serpent.
pak hái tèng ŭ īeⁿ khun-hṳ̂ tōa căi, ŏi pien cò̤ tōa phâng-cío;
in the northern seas there is a species of sea-monster that changes into a roc.
khun phêng pìen-hùe;
the transformations of the leviathan into the roc.
  • khun495325
  • What is inferior and should be obedient; the eighth diagram.
khun cău;
a girl’s horoscope.
seⁿ tîeh kíaⁿ ŭ khîen-khun cò̤ pĕ-bó̤ cṳ thí-mīn;
a son of remarkable talent is the distinction of his parents.
  • khún4961697
  • A gateway; inner apartments.
i hīn-khek tó̤ cò̤ to-khún-hú;
he is now acting as commander of the garrison.
màiⁿ tàⁿ nâng kui khún kâi àm-cĕⁿ sṳ̄;
do not talk about what people do when they have returned to the inner apartments.
  • khún4951598
  • A cylinder that is rolled in divination.
khṳ̀ khah khún, khah tîeh hó̤ a mó̤;
go and divine by rolling the cylinder, and thus see whether it is well to do so or not.
  • khún4961207
  • To cord up; to tie up; a bundle; a bale.
khún cò̤ cêk tōa khún;
tie them up in a big bundle.
cí cêk khún pò jîeh cōi phit?
How many pieces are there in this bale of cloth?
kâi nâng taⁿ nŏ khún;
a man carries two bales.
khún kàu nĕ tōiⁿ-tōiⁿ;
bind it up very firmly.
khîeh tîo so̤h lâi khún;
take a rope and cord it up.
kâi i lîah lâi khún;
seize him and bind him.
khún-pâk kàu kín-kín;
tied up very tightly.
cía tîeh khún, lâi phah;
this one must be tied up and whipped.
khún lío lâi tìo pàng chīu tèng;
bind him and hang him on a tree.
khún lío, phit-phah cē lío, pàng i khṳ̀, màiⁿ lîah khṳ̀ sàng kuaⁿ;
bind him and then beat hin a little and let him go, withont delivering him over to the magistrate.
khûn kâi châk khṳ̀ sàng;
bind a thief and take him into custody.
kuaⁿ tieh i khún-sàng lāng-cái;
the magistrate called him a rascal and a villain.
  • khùn496314
  • Exhausted; weak, weary; to render subject to; to victimize; to impoverish; to distress.
nâng khùn-kw̆n;
am weary.
khùn-khùn kw̆n-kw̆n;
jaded out.
cí kúi jît kâi nâng khùn-tŏaⁿ căi;
these last few days I have felt very languid.
nâng cē khùn-khùn tŏaⁿ-tŏaⁿ to cū bŏi lí sṳ̄;
when one is fagged ont be cannot attend to business.
cìeⁿ-sî i kâi nâng thóiⁿ tîeh khùn-khùn, sĭ ŭ pēⁿ a m̄ sĭ?
He appears very feeble lately, he is ill is he not?
ûi-khùn i kâi sîaⁿ-tî;
surrounded and hemmed in their city.
khùn kàu sîaⁿ lăi cn̂g kâi bô̤ bí nîe;
pent them up there till the city was utterly destitute of provisions.
pĭ châk khùn cêk kâi gûeh, ūi cìaⁿ kói;
were hemmed in by the rebels for a month, and then the siege was raised.
i cêk ē tó̤ khùn un, sṳ̄ cū cò̤ bô̤ kĭaⁿ sêng;
if the luck once turns against him, he will not accomplish a single thing.
khùn sîaⁿ khùn ku-ă kâi gûeh;
surrounded and afflicted the city for several months.
un-khì khùn căi;
the luck is bad.
un kàu cē khùn le, lîen hìa sêng-sêng kâi sṳ̄ to̤ jṳ́ tīo khṳ̀;
when the luck turns against one, even that which has been fully brought to a consummation is destroyed.
  • khṳ̀n3341842
  • Empty; hungry; famished.
tó ŏi khùn a bŏi?
Are you hungry?
cí-hûe tó khùn căi;
I am now very hungry.
tó īu ŏi khùn, īu cîah m̄ lô̤h;
I feel faint from lack of food and still cannot eat.
tó li khùn, mâk li siap;
hungry and sleepy.
tó khùn sí;
almost starved.
tó cē khùn cū bô̤ lâk;
as soon as one’s stomach is empty his strength departs.
  • khùn4221812
  • An instant, a moment; presently.
in a moment.
ke khṳ̀n i cū lâi;
he will come presently.
ŭ khùn;
a little while.
  • khûn452646
  • (Also called kûn). The fist; to double up the hand; boxing; fisticuffs.
the fist.
lĭm khûn-thâu;
to double up the fist.
phah khûn-thâu;
to box.
cía jī-ke tó̤ sò̤ khûn-thâu, khûn-thâu-bó̤ tōa kâi cū îaⁿ;
the two were sparring, and the one that had the largest fist beat.
i sĭ kà khûn-thâu kâi sṳ-hŭ;
he is a boxing-master.
ciu-jît kîaⁿ khûn hue, khṳt hía lâi ô̤h khûn kâi nâng thóiⁿ;
he performs all day with his fists, that those who are learning boxing may see how it is done.
pí cē khûn-sì khṳt nâng thóiⁿ;
exhibit some feats of skill in boxing.
i kâi khûn chim căi;
his knowledge of boxing is profound.
i kâi khûn-céng sĭ nng-sì-khûn a sĭ ngĕ-sì-khûn?
Does his strength as a boxer lie in defense or in assault?
i thû-thû cang sang chíu tó̤ phah khang khûn cò̤ hìeⁿ kōi phah;
he has nothing but empty hands with which to fight, and it is not so easy to gain a victory.
khûn kẃn;
a boxing school.
  • khûn4201237
  • A flock; a herd; a concourse.
cêk khûn îeⁿ;
a flock of sheep.
cíⁿ cêk khûn îeⁿ-khûn sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ cíeⁿ nē?
Who takes care of this flock of sheep?
cêk khûn bé;
a stud of horses.
hùaⁿ kâi gû cò̤ cêk khûn tńg-lâi;
all the cows came back in one herd.
cêk khûn tó̤ pue;
flying in one flock.
cí khûn ah àiⁿ jīo khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
Where are you going to drive this drove of ducks?
ûi cêk khûn nâng tó̤ thóiⁿ sĭm-mûeh?
What are all those people gathered in a circle, looking at?
cêk khûn hĭa tó̤ cn̂g;
a multitude of ants are eating it.
cêk khûn cêk khûn tùi cí-kò̤ kùe;
they passed by here in companies, making many in all.
khûn chîn hùe bô̤ cêk kâi káⁿ kàng;
of the whole crowd of courtiers, not one dared remonstrate.
sit khûn kâi cío;
a bird that has lost the rest of the flock.
ko cío jîp nâng khûn;
a solitary bird seeking companionship among men.
to sĭ hṳ́ hùaⁿ kâi hû khûn, káu táng;
it is that same rascally set of fellows.
cîaⁿ khûn, cîaⁿ tīn;
in regular squads and files.
cṳ-nîe hùe īa kàu khûn

kàu khûn khṳ̀ thóiⁿ hì;

the women folk go in squads to see the play.
tâng khûn kâi ah tōa sòi cûah tōa-bó̤-mûeh;
ducks of the same drove differ greatly in size.
i kâi châi-chêng bú-gōi thìo khûn;
his talent and military skill excel those of all the others.
nín kàu khûn kàu táng àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
Where are you all going in troops and bands?
cêk khûn a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ;
a group of children.
cêk tōa khûn nâng;
a great throng of people.
cn̂g khûn lóng-cóng lâi;
the whole gang came.
chap m̄ lô̤h khûn;
could not work his way into the clique.
nín kak nâng m̄ thâk cṳ, saⁿ ûi khûn, sì ûi táng tó̤ sńg;
you do not study each at his book, but form parties of three and four for play.