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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kia

From Wikisource


  • kia350193
  • To add ; to superadd ; to increase ; to confer ; to promote ; to charge as interest.
kia ke cêk cho̤h;
put in some more.
kia-hong i kâi kuaⁿ;
promote him in office.
ŭ kia bô̤ kíam;
there is increase, but no diminution.
sĭ kia it thiu a sĭ kia jī thiu?
Is it to be increased by one tenth or by by two?
cía sĭ kia hâm kâi, m̄ sĭ sît ceh;
this is his nominal rank, not his real office.
kia ṳn;
confer favor.
kia ceng;
to superimpose.
  • kia35196
  • Beautiful and good.
ŭ sĭm-mih kia im?
What good news is there?
lṳ́ kâi kia cak khîeh lâi khṳt úa pài thâk cē;
bring your elegant composition and let me have the reading of it.
i kâi bĭ sĭm kia;
its flavor is very fine.
kia-jîn phûe châi-cṳ́;
a beautiful lady matched with a talented man.
cĭam jîp kia kéng;
gradually enter into the beautiful scenery of the region.
  • kia3513011
  • To commend ; to eulogize.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sît căi khó̤ kia;
this is really praiseworthy.
chîo-thêng cêng kia-cìang i kâi kong-lâu;
the government commended his public spirit.
  • kía35299
  • Supposing that; if; for instance; to transfer; leave of absence; a furlough.
lṳ́ kía-jû àiⁿ lâi li soiⁿ tàⁿ;
should you make up your mind to come, then let us know beforehand.
kía-sái i ā m̆ le cò̤-nî nē?
Supposing that he will not do it, what then?
kía chíu khṳt pât nâng cò̤;
transfer it to another person, that he may do it.
thiⁿ kía cṳ ŵn;
heaven gave the chance.
hû kía hóⁿ ui;
the fox takes advantage of the tiger's majesty.
kò kía;
ask leave of absence.
kía-jîak ā-sĭ ŭ lṳ́ àiⁿ mē?
If there should be some, do you want them?
kía múaⁿ lío;
his furlough has expired.
  • kìa339408
  • To hand over to another to carry ; to deliver into the charge of another; to remain awhile in a house.
kìa sìn;
send a letter.
cí kò̤ sìn khîeh khṳ̀ kìa;
take this letter and post it.
àiⁿ kìa sìn khṳ̀ chù mē? àiⁿ li, úa kò̤ sìn thòa kìa lṳ́;
Are you going to send a letter home? If so, I will send one along with it.
lṳ́ cīeⁿ jît kìa kâi sìn, úa cih tîeh lío;
I have received the letter you sent the other day.
lṳ́ ŭ tah kha nâng hó̤ kìa mē?
Have you given it to any one to post?
lṳ́ cīeⁿ jît sĭ kìa câp níe ngṳ̂n lâi a m̄ sĭ?
You sent ten taels the other day did you not?
úa hŵn-lío kìa ŭ nŏ̤ kĭaⁿ mûeh tŏ̤ kò̤, cò̤-nî bô̤ siu tîeh?
I sent two articles besides, and why were they not also received?
cí kò̤ sìn khîeh khṳ̀ kìa húe-cûn, cí kò̤ kìa tō-cûn, cí kò̤ kìa pàng sìn-kêk-kò̤;
take this letter and put it on board the steam-boat to be carried, take this one and forward it by the ferry boat, and take this one and put it in the post-office.
i kìa kháu sìn lâi kāng úa tàⁿ;
he sent a letter to tell me.
lṳ́ īa àiⁿ khṳ̀ li úa àiⁿ kìa-hṳ̄ lṳ́ nŏ̤ kṳ̀ ūe;
if you are going I want to entrust a short message to you to carry.
úa cí kĭaⁿ mûeh kìa tho̤h lṳ́;
I entrust this to you to carry.
cí kĭaⁿ mûeh sĭ pât nâng kìa bōi kâi;
this is something some one else commissioned me to sell.
nâng kìa úa bói cho̤h mûeh būe cêng bói;
some one asked me to buy some things for him, which I have not yet bought.
i ŭ kìa cîⁿ khṳ̀ chṳ̀ mē?
Has he sent any money home?
nâng kìa ŭ kò̤ phoi khṳt lṳ́;
some one has sent an epistle to you.
kìa kò̤ hwn phoi khṳt i a-hiaⁿ;
dispatch a foreign letter to his brother.
kìa ui;
send paper clothing to a departed friend, by the spirit of one who has more lately died.
kìa-ngŏ̤ tŏ̤ i hâng lăi;
lodge temporarily in his warehouse.
i sǹg sĭ kìa kṳ kâi;
he is a transient visitor.
  • kĭa342468
  • Steep; sheer; precipitous.
cí kâi suaⁿ kĭa, o̤h peh;
this mountain is steep, and hard to climb.
kùe kàu cí kâi kĭa-kĭa kâi nía;
crossed to this abrupt descent.
a precipice.
cí tîo lō ío kĭa;
this road is rather steep.
kĭa kùe piah, peh căi tit khí?
It is steeper than a partition wall, and how can it be climbed ?

  • kĭa69417313
  • To make a crashing noise; a clap.
a-kong kĭa leh, m̄ cai sĭ ŭ khà sí sĭm-mûeh;
the god of thunder is making an uproar, peradventure something has been killed.
hó̤-hó̤ sĭ-sĭ lûi-kong kĭa leh;
when there was nothing to indicate its coming, there was a sudden clap of thunder.
a-kong àiⁿ kĭa leh lṳ́ tieh cai;
it is going to thunder and I forewarn you.