Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kim
- 鰥kim47319510
- A huge fish found in the Yellow River and reported to be large enough to fill a cart: the story is that it cannot close its eyes and never sleeps.
- cêk mêⁿ, mâk kim-kim, cn̂g kâi bŏi ût;
- did not close my eyes the whole night, and was wholly unable to sleep.
- mâk kim-kim;
- eyes staring and unwinking.
- kim jît;
- to-day.
- hīn-kim;
- now.
- cṳ̆ kó kàu kim;
- from ancient times till now.
- kim ău;
- after this.
- cṳ̆ kim íⁿ ău;
- from this time forth.
- kim nî;
- this year.
- kim sî;
- the present time.
- chiah kim;
- red gold.
- pêh kim;
- silver.
- ngŏ kim;
- all the metals.
- kim hîeh;
- gold plate.
- kim tîo;
- bars of gold.
- kheng cò̤ kim khò̤-thâu-si;
- make it into shoes of gold.
- kim hue piⁿ;
- gold pieces.
- kim pô̤h;
- gold-leaf.
- tûi cò̤ kim pô̤h;
- beat it into gold leaf.
- kim ngṳ̂n;
- wealth; money.
- cí hú phîn-tìeⁿ àiⁿ sía lûi kim kâi, a sĭ tah kim pô̤h cū hó̤?
- Do you want the letters on this pair of screens written with pulverized gold, or will it do to make them by laying on gold-leaf?
- khí tîo kim sùaⁿ;
- make a gilded molding.
- thiaⁿ lṳ́ kâi hó̤ kim ngân;
- listen to your instructive words.
- cok kim; câp cok kâi kim;
- pure gold.
- cí kâi kim ío kĕ;
- this gold is adulterated more.
- phah tîo kim līen;
- make a gold chain.
- lṳ́ sî-pie-līen sî kim kâi, a sĭ ngṳ̂n khṳ̀ līu kim kâi?
- Is your watch-chain of gold, or is it silver washed with gold?
- i chah ki kim jû-ì, kah kùa sang kim hĭⁿ-kau;
- she wore a gold ornament in her hair, and a pair of gold ear-rings.
- cĕng-cĕng sĭ kim kâi;
- it is wholly of gold.
- kim gêk;
- gold and precious stones; valuable; precious.
- i kâi nâng kim-kim gêk-gêk;
- he is a very refined person.
- kim cheⁿ;
- the planet Venus.
- cheⁿ kim cîeh;
- malachite.
- kim hue;
- brass-leaf ornaments, made like flowers, and used as offerings.
- kim sek;
- golden.
- choiⁿ kim;
- your daughter.
- kim kang cǹg;
- a probe.
- cū sî kim-kng, úa īa àiⁿ khàng i kò̤ thô;
- though he were the gods that guard the temple gates I would treat him as if he were clay.
- sì mīn kim thĭo, sûi nâng siah;
- a pillar having its four sides of gold, does not mind which side is hewed at.
- kio kim-hô-sîn hìeⁿ-seⁿ, phī-phī pue;
- like a green fly fluttering along; a fine and glittering presence, and nothing besides.
- câp kím kâi úaⁿ tîh;
- painted chinaware.
- tàⁿ kàu jû hue sṳ̆ kím;
- speak in a very flowery style.
- khang kím pĭⁿ;
- trim with flowered braid.
- pù-kùi m̄ kui kū hieⁿ, jû ì kím mêⁿ kîaⁿ;
- to be rich and not return to one's native village, is like wearing brocade at night, (when no one sees it).
- lîah i khṳ̀ kìm;
- seize and imprison him.
- i sĭ kìm tŏ̤ kam a kìm tŏ̤ ki?
- Is he shut up in the jail, or in the lockup of the yamun?
- kím i màiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
- forbid his doing thus.
- kìm nâng bô̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- prohibit people from so doing.
- chut kìm-tîo lâi tah, khṳt nâng cai;
- issue a prohibitory placard to be stuck up, to let people know.
- kìm sîaⁿ;
- the Forbidden City, the Closed Citadel, His Majesty's residence.
- cía sĭ hŭam-kìm kâi mûeh;
- this is a contraband article.
- kìm tī;
- forbidden places.
- i tó̤ cò̤ kìm-cí;
- he acts as turnkey.
- uî kìm;
- disregard a prohibition.
- chêng put cṳ̆ kìm;
- the passions do not restrain themselves.
- mih sṳ̄ bô̤ kìm bô̤ kĭ;
- under no restraint in any way.
- tīam-tīam kìm tŏ̤ pâng lăi;
- kept constantly in the inner appartments, and not allowed to come out.
- cía put kùe khṳ̀ cṳ-ce kìm-tīam cē;
- this one merely goes to school that he may be kept quiet there.
- ciu-jît kìm tŏ̤ cṳ-ce lăi, bô̤ i chut lâi;
- shut him up all day in the school room, and would not let him out.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ khah kìm khùi, tîeh tháu i thong khì cē;
- this is too close for breathing, there must be an aperture made for ventilation.
- kím-cì suang-jíang;
- forbid vociferation.
- koi lîah khṳ̀ kìm;
- catch the hens and shut them up.
- lêng-ūaⁿ bói kâi koi-lam hó̤ kím koi;
- buy another coop to keep the fowls in.
- cío kìm tŏ̤ cío-lâng lăi;
- the bird is confined in a cage.
- i kâi tṳ kìm tŏ̤ tṳ-lô̤ tói;
- her pigs are shut up in a pen.
- kìm bô̤ nâng á cìa;
- forbid the breaking off of the sugar canes; no trespass allowed on this cane patch.
- kìm bô̤ nâng tiah kúe-cí;
- prohibits the picking of this fruit.
- kìm-kháu lĭ;
- dysentery and difficulty in swallowing.
- lĭ-cît sĭang-téng kĭ kìm-kháu, kìm kháu kâi cū o̤h ui;
- the dysentery which is most to be dreaded is that in which there is difficulty in swallowing, as this kind is difficult to cure.
- bó̤ kĭm;
- mother's brother's wife.
- chi kĭm;
- wife's brother's wife.
- lău kĭm;
- great uncle's wife.