Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kuak
- sîaⁿ kuak;
- the outer defenses of the city gates.
- hĭⁿ kâi lûn-kuak ngía;
- the rim of the ear is well shaped.
- ŭ kuaⁿ bô̤ kuak;
- has a coffin but no case.
- lăi kuaⁿ, gūa kuak;
- the inner and outer coffins.
- khîeh khí lâi li-li kûak lô̤h khṳ̀;
- took it up and gulped it down without pause.
- âu ta căi, khṳ̀ kûak nŏ̤ chùi chìn cúi;
- was very thirsty, and went and drank two swallows of cold water.
- kûak m̄ lô̤h;
- can't swallow it.