Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/liang
- kau-lîang cíu;
- strong spirits made from sorghum.
- kau-lîang kó̤;
- sorghum stalks.
- bô̤ hăng-lĭang;
- boundless, illimitable, measureless.
- mih sṳ̄ to tîeh ŭ kâi hăng-lĭang;
- all things must be kept within fixed limits.
- cíu lĭang;
- capacity to drink wine without going beyond the limits where intoxication supervenes.
- i chŵn m̄ cṳ̆-lĭang;
- he has no self-esteem.
- cṳ̆-lĭang căi;
- has great self-esteem.
- m̄ cṳ̆ m̄ lĭang;
- no conceit of self.
- lĭang-tō;
- capacity.
- m̄ pí cn̂g kâi bô̤ lĭang-tō;
- not like one who is wholly destitute of capacity.
- nâng tîeh ŭ lĭang;
- one must keep himself within bounds.
- ŭ hía lĭang cía ŭ hía hok;
- one's bliss is according to one's capacity.
- lĭang tōa, hok tōa;
- where there are great powers, there is great enjoyment.
- hái-lĭang;
- immense capacity.
- tó-lĭang khuah;
- broad-minded, liberal.
- bô lĭang;
- illiberal.
- lṳ́ lĭang-tâk-thóiⁿ jû hô̤?
- What do you make it, in your estimate of it?
- ciak-lĭang;
- to deliberate upon.
- iak-lĭang;
- thereabouts.
- iak-lĭang sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- that is about it.
- hŭam sṳ̄ tîeh thí-lĭang nâng;
- in all things one must be considerate of others.
- lĭang-pit sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- I am pretty certain that is the case.
- lĭang i m̄ káⁿ;
- do not think he will dare.
- lĭang i cò̤ tit lâi, cìaⁿ hó̤ khṳt i cò̤;
- supposing that he can do it then let him.
- lĭang se;
- lustrous gauze.
- i kâi sek to m̄ lĭang;
- its color is not clear.
- i kâi mīn-sek lĭang căi;
- her complexion is very clear.
- siaⁿ-im tàⁿ lâi híang-lĭang;
- his voice is very sonorous.
- nĕ lĭang-lĭang;
- resonant.
- thang-thang lĭang-lĭang;
- luminous.
- ut kàu līang-līang-tît;
- bend it till you get it perfectly straight.
- pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ līang-līang-tît;
- fell down flat.
- cò̤ kàu sì-piⁿ līang-līang-tît;
- make the four sides perfectly straight and without the least cant either way.