Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/liu
[edit]- lō li kût, kîaⁿ lío liu pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- the road was slippery, and he slipped and fell when walking.
- i liu pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ tǹg tîeh ie-ciah-kut;
- he slipped down and struck upon the end of his spine.
- liu-pûah kàu cêk sin cĕng-cĕng thô;
- slipped and fell down, thereby covering himself all over with mud.
- cĕ liu cū tǹg cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀;
- slipped up, and sat down with a thud.
- kha tâh hó̤-hó̤ bŏi liu;
- set your feet down carefully and then you will not slip.
- kha tîeh liu;
- his foot slipped.
- liu-liu kût;
- muddy and slippery.
- hŏ lô̤h lío, cêk lō liu-liu-kût;
- since the rain, the road is very slippery.
- tî-kîⁿ kò̤ kût-liu-liu, tîeh kîaⁿ hó̤-hó̤;
- the margin of the pool is very slippery, you must step carefully.
- cang chíu lô̤h khṳ̀ khang tói kò̤ líu chut lâi;
- put your hand down into the hole and gather it up and lift it out.
- chùi liôih, hṳ́ tòi li khuah, jw̆n líu, líu m̄ tîeh;
- the mouth is narrow, and the space below is broad, howsoever I turn and twist it, I cannot get it out.
- khîeh ki sî lô̤h pàng po̤-lî cun tói kò̤ líu, cìaⁿ líu tit chut;
- take a spoon and put it down into the glass bottle, and then you can lift it out.
- líu chīu;
- willows.
- hue âng, líu lêk;
- the red of flowers and the green of willows; gay; resplendent; variegated.
- líu hîeh bâi;
- arched eye-brows.
- îang líu ie;
- a slender waist; lithe, graceful.
- hue líu tī-hng; hue koi líu háng;
- haunts of gaiety and dissipation.
- khǹg-kòi i máiⁿ hàuⁿ hue-líu;
- exhort him not to cherish a fondness for gaiety.
- tâng-líu;
- the aspen.
- cí kò̤ châ tōiⁿ căi, hó̤ lâi líu cò̤ châ-khŭ;
- this block of wood is very solid, it will be well to scoop it out and make a mortar of it.
- i kò̤ kâi chù sĭ cang tek phùa lío, líu tīo mâk, lâi khàm cò̤ chù hĭa;
- in making their houses, they take a bamboo, split it, dig out the knots, and lay on the half cylinders thus made, in the place of tiles.
- líu tīo i kâi mâk-ciu;
- gouge out his eyes.
- líu i kâi sim-kuaⁿ chut lâi;
- tear out his vitals.
- cêk líu jông;
- a skein of floss.
- cí líu sùaⁿ jîeh cōi tîo?
- How many threads in this skein of silk?
- nán kâi sùaⁿ kàu líu, tîo-siaⁿ sĭ tīaⁿ-tîeh kâi;
- our thread is in skeins, having an exact number of threads in each.
- i kâi cûn sái lô̤h lìu khṳ̀;
- their vessel sailed into the whirlpool and went down.
- lìu kâi cúi sĭ li-li ká-cn̄g lô̤h khṳ̀, só̤-íⁿ ŏi tit lô̤h bŏi tit chut;
- the water of the whirlpool goes round and round and eddies downward, therefore there it no getting out of it.
- lìu pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- slipped down.
- lìu-lìu kût;
- glairy.
- tâng hṳ́ téng khṳt i lìu kàu cí ĕ lô̤h lâi;
- slid from up there down to this point at one stretch.
- lîu-lî;
- a vitreous, strass-like composition, used for cups, bangles and colored glaze.
- 旒lîu548709
- Strings of pearls, which anciently hung before and behind crowns, their length and number indicating the wearer's rank; they are now seen only on idols.
- cu-pûaⁿ kâi cu àiⁿ cò̤ jîeh cōi lîa?
- Of the beads on the coronet, how many strings do you want put on?
- 硫磺lîu-n̂g549
- Brimstone.
- ngói cò̤ lîu-n̂g bûah;
- triturate it and make flour of sulphur of it.
- 流lîu549857
- To go from place to place; to abscond; to transport criminals; roving, vagrant, shifting; a class, a set.
- lîu mîn;
- migratory tribes.
- chîang lîu cúi;
- an everflowing stream.
- to sĭ hṳ́ cêk lîu nâng;
- they are that sort of people.
- kíu lîu;
- all sorts of employments.
- ńng lîu;
- womankind.
- phōîⁿ cò̤ lîu cŭe;
- sentenced to transportation.
- lîu lô̤h gūa hng;
- transported to distant lands.
- hĭa lîu;
- the vulgar.
- sì hái kâi hùe-mûeh lîu-thong;
- the goods of all countries are in general circulation.
- i tó̤ khui lîu-kíaⁿ tǹg;
- he keeps a pawn shop where vagabonds may dispose of goods.
- lûn lîu;
- to take turns at.
- kúi nâng cìe lûn-lîu;
- several persons spell each other at it.
- sieh-lîu;
- the pomegranate.
- cèng câng sieh-lîu;
- plant a pomegranate.
- sieh-lîu khí;
- pomegranate seeds.
- cí kâi sieh-lîu pit kàu chìe-chùi chìe-chùi;
- this pomegranate has burst, and thus displays a smiling mouth.
- nâm-ò̤ lîu ío hó̤;
- the Namoa pomegranates are best.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ lîu sim;
- he does not fix his mind on what he is doing.
- i sĭang lîu sim lí sṳ̄;
- he manages matters in a very thoughtful way.
- i chŵn m̄ lîu-lw̄n ke-hieⁿ;
- he cannot tear himself away from home.
- 僂儸lîu-lô̤551
- The braves among banditti; rebel troops; outlaws; ruffians.
- chiu ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi lîu-lô̤?
- How many braves has he under his command?
- chī cêk khûn lîu-lô̤;
- keeps a band of miscreants in his employ.
- i kâi ăm tèng seⁿ kâi lîu;
- she has a tumor on her neck.
- hueh lîu;
- a vascular tumor.
- nêk lîu;
- a fleshy tumor.
- khì lîu;
- a purient tumor.
- ceng mîⁿ-mîⁿ, cìaⁿ hó̤ līu cap;
- pound it to a pomace, then squeeze out the juice.
- khîeh îeh-pho̤h khṳ̀ līu cap;
- take the settlings of the medicine, and go and squeeze out the liquid that remains in them.
- sìu-līu;
- graceful, elegant, as the step of a stately stag; fair and beautiful.
- cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ seⁿ lâi sìu-līu căi;
- this child is beautifully proportioned.
- seⁿ kàu sìu-sìu līu-līu, kio cṳ-nîe kâi hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- is very finely moulded, with a feminine delicacy of proportion.
- līu kim;
- wash with gold.
- sĭ kim kâi a sĭ līu kim kâi?
- Is it solid gold or is it merely washed with gold?
- līu kim sai-pĕ;
- a goldsmith.
- līu sí;
- to put to death by hanging.
- kúi līu i kâi âu;
- a demon throttles him.