Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/meⁿ
- meⁿ cho̤h îam;
- take a handful of salt.
- meⁿ ke pé mīⁿ-hún lô̤h khṳ̀;
- put in another handful of flour.
- màiⁿ meⁿ sua-îa;
- do not scatter it around in taking it up.
- méⁿ-méⁿ cū tîeh lâi;
- must come with the utmost speed.
- cò̤ méⁿ cē;
- do it more quickly.
- màiⁿ khah méⁿ;
- do not be in too great haste.
- bŏi kîaⁿ méⁿ;
- cannot walk any faster.
- àiⁿ méⁿ pìⁿ cò̤ māng;
- the more haste the less speed.
- méⁿ khṳ̀, méⁿ lâi;
- the sooner you go, the sooner you will get back.
- àiⁿ jîeh méⁿ?
- How soon do you want it?
- ío méⁿ;
- speedier.
- 猛méⁿ610948
- Fierce; violent; determined; inhuman; severe; hot, as fire; biting, as wind; excessive in any way.
- hîong piaⁿ, méⁿ cìang;
- valorous soldiers and a daring leader.
- suaⁿ tèng kâi méⁿ sìn cōi;
- there are many savage beasts among the mountains.
- méⁿ hóⁿ lô̤h suaⁿ;
- a ferocious tiger descended from the mountains.
- húe méⁿ;
- the fire is burning fiercely.
- húe phuah i méⁿ cē;
- fan the fire and make it hotter.
- méⁿ huang, méⁿ hŏ
- violent wind and heavy rain.
- khuang huang, méⁿ hŏ;
- high wind and driving rain.
- cháu-méⁿ;
- a grasshopper.
- cháu-méⁿ kha-thúi;
- spindle shanks.
- cheⁿ-méⁿ;
- blind.
- i sĭ cheⁿ-mêⁿ kâi nâng;
- he is a blind man.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ-kíaⁿ;
- a blind fellow.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ sin-seⁿ;
- a blind fortune-teller.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ ŭ mâk-ciu-kng hùe khang;
- the blind have those who can see to lead them.
- i sĭ tâng chut sì cheⁿ-mêⁿ, a sĭ cí ău cheⁿ-mêⁿ?
- Was he blind from birth, or has he lately become blind?
- i cí kúi jît cioh-mêⁿ;
- he has been night-blind for these last few days.
- koi-cioh-mêⁿ;
- night-blindness.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ koi to̤h tîeh sí nío-chṳ́;
- a blind fowl happened to peck into a dead rat; hit upon a good thing by mere chance.
- kâi sĭ cheⁿ-mêⁿ!
- Your eyes are of no use to you!
- khṳt i ui cheⁿ-mêⁿ khṳ̀;
- was made blind by taking his medicine.
- a-mêⁿ;
- that blind fellow.
- mêⁿ-kùa;
- in the night.
- mêⁿ tn̂g căi;
- the nights are very long.
- mêⁿ tŏ̤ cí cĭam-cĭam tó̤;
- the nights from this time on gradually become shorter.
- cò̤ mêⁿ kang;
- do night work.
- cîah mêⁿ mûeⁿ;
- take a night draught of congee.
- cîah mêⁿ-hng pn̄g;
- eat supper.
- mêⁿ cĕⁿ kâi sî-hāu;
- in the stillness of night.
- hṳ́ cêk mêⁿ úa cin-kìⁿ lṳ́;
- I dreamed of you that night.
- kim mêⁿ;
- to-night.
- cò̤ mêⁿ hì;
- have night performances in a theatre.
- cá mêⁿ bŏi ût;
- I could not sleep last night.
- côiⁿ jît mêⁿ;
- night before last.
- tōa côiⁿ jît mêⁿ;
- the night before night before last.
- mùaⁿ mêⁿ;
- to-morrow night.
- ău-jît mêⁿ;
- day after to-morrow night.
- mêⁿ-mêⁿ; pái mêⁿ; múiⁿ mêⁿ;
- every night.
- pùaⁿ mêⁿ;
- midnight.
- cêk mêⁿ; cong mêⁿ;
- all night.
- thàng mêⁿ;
- throughout the night.
- jît thòa mêⁿ;
- all day and night.
- làng mêⁿ, làng mêⁿ;
- on alternate nights.
- pê mêⁿ;
- night watchmen outside a camp.
- chê mêⁿ; sûn mêⁿ;
- patrol at night.
- hûang mêⁿ-tău;
- beware of night thieves.
- tíam mêⁿ teng;
- night-lamps.
- saⁿ keⁿ, pùaⁿ mêⁿ;
- late at night.
- mêⁿ-hng, cá-khí;
- early and late.
- keh mêⁿ;
- to spend the night.
- m̄ hó̤ keh mêⁿ;
- it cannot be kept over night.
- lâu i keh kâi mêⁿ;
- keep overnight.
- cíeⁿ mêⁿ;
- night watch.
- hó̤ mêⁿ chêng;
- comfortable nights for sleeping.
- ciu mêⁿ khà khok;
- sounds the rattle throughout the night.
- thâk mêⁿ cṳ;
- study at night.
- i hiah tŏ̤ mêⁿ-tìam;
- he stopped at a lodging house.
- hiah kúi mêⁿ;
- stayed several nights.
- cí nŏ̤ mêⁿ gûeh kng căi;
- the moon has been very bright these last two nights.
- mêⁿ-nî;
- next year.
- i mêⁿ-nî àiⁿ tńg lâi;
- he is coming back next year.
- cí ki to̤ ío ŭ mêⁿ;
- this knife has a sharper edge.
- ēng kàu bô̤ mêⁿ, tîeh khîeh khṳ̀ bûa;
- when you have used it till the edge is worn off, you should go and grind it.
- bûa kàu ŭ sîam-mêⁿ cìaⁿ lāi;
- grind it till it takes a keen edge, then it is sharp.
- húe-mêⁿ;
- sparks of fire.
- húe-mêⁿ ko;
- a fire-fly or glow-worm.
- káng cho, lŏ̤ chò̤, mēⁿ nâng;
- reviles people, using obscene words.
- sie mēⁿ;
- to berate each other.
- i cò̤-nî m̄-ùi tōa nâng mēⁿ?
- How is it that she does not fear the scolding she will get from the elders in her family?
- jw̆n mēⁿ;
- scold without just provocation.
- thèng mēⁿ nâng;
- abuse people without cause.
- mēⁿ kàu bô̤ kò̤ hó̤;
- rail at mercilessly.
- ki chùi kau-kau mēⁿ;
- her jaw never ceases.
- cìu-mēⁿ;
- to curse.
- nīo i mēⁿ;
- let him scold.