Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/mioⁿ

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  • míoⁿ5921154
  • A second in a degree; a ten thousandth; a minute.
gûeh sĭ sîh chit hun kah sì míoⁿ lâk hut;
in the eclipse of the moon, the shadow extended over seven minutes, four seconds and six tenths of a second.
  • míoⁿ592384
  • Cleverness.
penetration; sharpness of insight.
i kâi khìo-mîoⁿ hó̤ căi;
has great quickness and depth of penetration.
i sui-sĭ sòi, sĭm sĭ khìo-míoⁿ;
though he is small he is very astute.
bô̤ khìo bô̤ míoⁿ;
has no insight.
  • míoⁿ592859
  • Vast; vague; boundless.
míoⁿ-míoⁿ mâng-mâng, bô̤ suaⁿ bô̤-sṳ̆;
a boundless expanse with no land in view.
  • míoⁿ1076754
  • Obscure, somber; mysterious.
míoⁿ-mâng kâi sṳ̄;
a mystery.
míoⁿ-míoⁿ mâng-mâng;
unintelligible; dark and vague; nothing to be guided by.
  • míoⁿ59214014
  • To look down on; to treat haughtily.
míoⁿ-sĭ nâng;
look upon people with disdain.
i khah míoⁿ-sĭ i;
he treated him too contemptuously.
míoⁿ-sĭ nâng thài sĭm;
excessively supercilious toward people.
  • mîoⁿ5911405
  • Descendants; progeny.
cí kâi sĭ i kâi mîoⁿ-ī;
these are his descendants.
sái kàu i bŏi tn̆g-có̤h kṳn-mîoⁿ;
so that he may not be without posterity.
the aborigines in Kwei-chau.
half civilized aborigines.
cheⁿ mîoⁿ;
savage aborigines.
  • mîoⁿ10769410
  • A wild dog, or jackal; applied by the Cantonese to a tribe of aborigines living in the north-west

of the province, and reputed to have tails.

mîoⁿ-jîn; mîoⁿ-cṳ́; mîoⁿ kíaⁿ;
the aborigines of Canton province.
  • mĭoⁿ592384
  • Wonderful; mysterious; subtle.
hard to fathom; occult.
mĭoⁿ ă!
It is wonderful!