Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ngien
[edit]- ngien kìu;
- expound minutely.
- ngien sím;
- adjudicate with the utmost nicety.
- ngîen kìu;
- examine so as to be able to expound.
- lṳ́ tîeh khṳ̀ sòi ngîen; cìaⁿ cai hṳ́ tói kâi ì-bī;
- you must go and examine into it minutely, then you will know its inward meaning.
- tn̂g-tn̂g khṳt kuaⁿ cē ngîen sím, sṳ̄ chêng cū lò chut lâi;
- as session by session it comes before the magistrate for trial, the facts of the case will be disclosed.
- 譏誚ngîen-síen334
- To scoff at; to deride.
- i kâi ngîen-síen i mih sṳ̄?
- Why do they gibe at him?
- to sĭ tó̤ ngîen-ngîen síen-síen i;
- is always satirizing him.