Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/o̤
[edit]- suaⁿ o̤;
- a glen.
- 讚美o̤-ló̤945
- To praise ; to land.
- o̤-ló̤ i cheng-khih sìeⁿ;
- praised her neatness.
- o̤-ló̤ i hó̤;
- says it is excellent.
- sît-căi hó̤ o̤-ló̤;
- really worthy of praise.
- sìang sĭm-mih nâng o̤-ló̤ i;
- consider what sort of people those are who extol him.
- 猗娜o̤-nô̤272
- Pliant; limber.
- o̤-o̤ nô̤-nô̤ nē;
- very lithe.
- i kâi īeⁿ thóiⁿ tîeh ío o̤-nô̤;
- he appears to be more agile.
- o̤-ke;
- a receiver of stolen goods.
- bô̤ nâng káⁿ o̤-châng cí kâi nâng;
- no one dare afford concealment to this man.
- i phwn i cò̤ o̤-ke;
- he, in order to harm him, acknowledged that he was the one who received the stolen goods.
- o̤ hṳ̂, o̤ chài;
- hawks fish or vegetables.
- koi-thîo mòng-êk kâi nâng, ciu jīt o̤ mûeh, o̤ kàu chìu sng;
- pedlars who carry their goods on their shoulders, hawk their goods all day, and bawl till their throats ache.
- i sì khùi ó̤-kùa hak kàu côi;
- he has riding jackets for all the four seasons.
- ó̤ li thâh kùa;
- put the short riding jacket on over the robe.
- cûn jîp ò̤, khṳ̀ pī huang;
- the boat entered the cove to escape the wind.
- cûn tó̤ siu ò̤ ku-ā jît;
- the vessel lay there for shelter several days.
- lâm-ò̤;
- Namoa Island.
- ò̤-mn̂g;
- Macao.
- ô̤ hîeh;
- the leaf of the water-lily. (The name is frequently used do designate other things of its shape).
- ô̤ khak;
- oyster shells.
- ô̤ sĭ;
- dried oysters.
- kĭo ô̤;
- to gather oysters.
- khà ô̤;
- to open oysters.
- chiⁿ ô̤;
- fresh oysters.
- ô̤ cu;
- pearls from oysters.
- ô̤ mông tăi ṳn;
- am indebted to you for your great favors.
- kám-ô̤ i kâi nâng-chêng;
- am duly sensible of his kindness.
- sĭ ô̤;
- for which I will thank you, (a closing phrase on letters).
- cŏ̤ ŏ̤ m̄ uaⁿ;
- whether sitting or lying, I am uncomfortable.
- pâng kêh cò̤ nŏ̤ kûeh, ău kûeh cò̤ ŏ̤ pâng;
- the room is partitioned off into two parts, the back being a bedchamber.
- ō̤, sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- Oh, that is the way it is.
- ŏ̤, sĭ lṳ́;
- Oh, it is you.
- ŏ̤, úa li m̄ cai;
- Oh, I was not before aware of it.