Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/peh
[edit]- lṳ́ kâi mâk peh tōa cē;
- open your eyes a little wider.
- i kâi màk m̄ cai sĭm-mih măuⁿ-pēⁿ, m̄ káⁿ peh khui;
- do not know what is the matter with his eyes, it hurts him to open them.
- mâk peh m̄ khui;
- cannot open his eyes.
- hṳ́ khí mâk táng i peh kàu tōa-tōa lîap, tìeⁿ kàu hāiⁿ-hāiⁿ, hŵn sĭ m̄ tit nâng ùi;
- let him bung out his eyes as much as he pleases, nobody is afraid of him.
- cêk pôiⁿ mâk peh khui, cêk pôiⁿ mâk tìeⁿ bûa;
- open one eye and shut the other.
- cek pek hiaⁿ tĭ;
- sons of brothers.
- i sĭ ún a-peh;
- he is our uncle.
- peh pĕ;
- my dear uncle.
- thâng a-peh;
- father's cousin.
- lău peh; peh kong;
- great uncle.
- cok lăi kâi a-peh;
- a senior of the same clan.
- hôk lăk lăi kâi a-peh;
- a senior, so near of kin that mourning would be worn for him should he die.
- peh ḿ;
- uncle and aunt.
- a-cek a-peh hùe;
- uncles.
- peh îa;
- a god usually having its shrine on a hill.
- sêng-peh;
- the fir tree.
- n̂g-peh;
- bark of the Pterocarpus flavus*, used to dye silks yellow.
- cek-peh;
- the arbor-vitæ.
- peh lí hn̆g;
- a hundred miles away.
- peh-sèⁿ;
- the people; the masses.
- peh cîⁿ cêk kṳn;
- a hundred cash per catty.
- kĭaⁿ, cêk peh ngṳ̂n;
- a hundred dollars apiece.
- i kâi peh-peh-chap;
- he is very meddlesome.
- cêk tńg kìⁿ peh tńg;
- seeing it once is the same as seeing it a hundred times.
- peh hwt, peh tòng;
- every shot tells.
- peh mûeh to chî-pĭ;
- all things are in readiness.
- peh sṳ̄ hío;
- understands all sorts of affairs.
- peh cío chîo hûang;
- all the birds go to the court of the phenix.
- peh nî hâi láu;
- grow old together for a hundred years.
- peh nî cṳ ău;
- when a hundred years have passed; after this life.
- bûn bú peh kuaⁿ khṳ̀ chîo-hō;
- all the officials, civil and military, went to congratulate him.
- kuaⁿ-si kâi sṳ̄ peh pìen;
- litigation takes numberless shapes.
- cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ peh pìⁿ;
- young girls undergo constant transformation.
- peh puaⁿ jôk-mēⁿ;
- reviled him with every vile term he could think of.
- peh bô̤ cêk;
- not one in a hundred.
- peh ke sèⁿ;
- the clan names.
- cîah cîaⁿ peh hùe;
- lived to be about a hundred years old.
- pùaⁿ peh;
- half a hundred.
- chò kàu peh;
- make it up to a hundred.
- m̄ kàu cêk peh;
- not so many as a hundred.
- m̄ khéng cêk phe;
- not so few as a hundred.
- hàm i kâi chùi peh khui;
- tell him to open his mouth.
- peh cò̤ nŏ̤ kò̤;
- break it into two portions.
- peh pôiⁿ; peh cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;
- break it in halves.
- peh kaⁿ;
- divide oranges, using the hands only.
- mīⁿ-pau peh kàu chùi-chùi;
- break the bread in small fragments.
- peh khui nŏ̤ nâng kâi chíu;
- separate two who are fighting.
- peh kàu chap-chap-chùi;
- clawed in pieces.
- mīn khṳt i peh hueh lâu;
- her face was clawed by him so that it bled.
- peh phùa mīn phûe;
- clawed the skin off his face.
- màiⁿ khṳt ngio kâi jío peh tîeh;
- do not let the cat claw you.
- hóⁿ peh ăm;
- carries his head on one side, (as if a tiger had clawed his neck).
- i khau-khau peh-peh cìaⁿ ŏi tit sêng ke;
- it is by raking and scraping that he has been able to support a family.
- i peh m̄ khí;
- he cannot climb up there.
- peh cĭeⁿ chù-téng;
- climb up on the roof.
- lṳ́ màiⁿpeh chîeⁿ, peh piah;
- do not clamber over the walls.
- peh cĭeⁿ suaⁿ-téng;
- scaled the mountain.
- hĭaⁿ peh cĭeⁿ chn̂g téng;
- the ants have got up on the table.
- 戲謔peh-gêh180
- To jest; to divert one's self.
- i sĭ tó̤ peh-gêh;
- he is joking.
- i ciu-jît to sĭ tó̤ peh-peh gêh-gêh, tàⁿ bô̤ kù cìaⁿ-keng ūe;
- he jokes all the time, and never says a word in sober earnest.
- sek pêh; sek cùi pêh;
- light colored.
- sĭ àiⁿ pêh sek kâi, a sĭ àiⁿ chiah sek kâi?
- It is a white one or a brown one that is wanted?
- so̤h pêh;
- snowy white.
- seⁿ lâi so̤h-so̤h pêh;
- naturally of a snowy whiteness.
- thong sin pêh-theh pêh-theh;
- pure white all over.
- chùi-lîm-phûe pêh-chîh-chôiⁿ;
- his lips are white.
- seⁿ pêh tìeⁿ;
- has white blotches or blisters.
- pìe pêh kâi pò sĭ cang cúi pak kàu pêh-pêh;
- bleached cloth is frequently wet with water until it is white.
- sói kàu khiet-khiet pêh;
- wash it clean and white.
- pêh tek cúa;
- white writing paper.
- buah kàu cêk mīn hún pêh-pêh;
- smear it on till the whole face is white with powder.
- úa àiⁿ îu cò̤ pêh kâi;
- I want it painted white.
- chēng pêh, kùaⁿ hà;
- wear white as mourning.
- pêh cia;
- a white screen, used to separate women from men at funerals.
- chēng pêh saⁿ pêh khò;
- dress in white.
- ún cí kò kâi nâng īa sĭ pâk pêh kûn cū sĭ tòa hà;
- if people here wear white skirts, they are in mourning.
- âng pêh âng pêh;
- pink and white.
- hek pêk hun mêng;
- black and white distinctly divided.
- phah pêh cŭang;
- a sharper who looks about while he pretends to seek a friend.
- thàu tn̄g pêh jît;
- in broad daylight.
- pêh-pêh cū khṳt lṳ́;
- let you have it for nothing.
- pêh cîah;
- a free meal.
- cîah kàu pêh-pêh;
- ate it all up clean.
- pêh chíu sêng ke;
- self made.
- tìeⁿ khí lâi mâk-ciu kaik-kiak pêh;
- bulged out his eyeballs.
- sĭ tàⁿ pêh ūe a sĭ tàⁿ kuaⁿ ūe?;
- Are they speaking the vernacular or the court dialect?
- i àiⁿ chíaⁿ kâi nâng lâi kà pêh ūe;
- he wishes to get some one to come and teach the local dialect.
- i lâi m̄ cĭeⁿ sì kâi gûeh cū pat pêh ūe;
- before he had been here four months he could speak the vernacular.
- i kâi pêh ūe pat khṳ̀ ío chim;
- he understands the spoken language very well indeed.
- i kâi pêh ūe tàⁿ kio pńg tī nâng cêk īeⁿ;
- he speaks like a native.
- tîaⁿ pêh;
- the spoken parts of a play, or those not sung.
- sía pêh jī;
- write words by their sound, and not according to
- their meaning.
- sía cêk kâi pêh cúi jī àiⁿ phah cêk ē chíu tói;
- for each letter you write by its sound, I shall ferule you one stroke.
- thâk pêh bûn;
- read the simple text.
- cí kâi nâng sĭ pêh sin;
- this is a commoner.
- úang lâi bô̤ pêh teng;
- among those who went and came there were no commoners, all were people of rank.
- âng sṳ̄, pêh sṳ̄;
- a happy affair or a grevious affair; a marriage or a funeral.
- tng mīn chíeⁿ pêh;
- I got the better of him in that argument.
- pêh cîah pêh tàⁿ;
- gasconade; bragging.
- pêh ok chut kong kheng;
- a plain family has produced a great statesman.
- mêng-pêh;
- clearly.
- tàⁿ ūe kàu mêng-mêng pêh-hêh;
- speaks very plainly.
- i tó lăi mêng-pêh; i sim lăi mêng-pêh;
- he is well informed.
- úa thiaⁿ m̄ mêng-pêh;
- I do not understand clearly what is said.
- pío pêh chut lâi;
- clearly set forth.
- sueh pêh;
- explain clearly.
- pêh-cŭang;
- a counter snatcher.
- 謊唐pèh-cíaⁿ253
- ; pêh-cíaⁿ; pêh-lô̤h;
- to tell falsehoods.
- i tŏ̤ pêh-lô̤h, màiⁿ thiaⁿ;
- he is telling what is untrue, pay no hoed to him.
- i tó̤ tōa pêh-cíaⁿ;
- he is telling lies.
- pò pêh;
- silken fabrics.
- châi-pêh;
- riches.
- châi-pêh-cheⁿ;
- the god of wealth.
- pâk pêh;
- wear a white silk badge of mourning.