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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/phwn

From Wikisource


  • phwn46296
  • To give in evidence; to testify against; to falsely accuse in order to harm.
phwn táng;
to turn state's evidence.
phwn chîu, bô̤ phwn táng;
one testifies against his enemies, not against his accomplices.
châk tng tn̂g phwn i cò̤ o̤ ke;
the robber testified in open court that he was a receiver of stolen goods.
cía sǹg sĭ chîu phwn kâi;
this is the testimony of an adversary.
  • phwn1247014
  • A funeral banner.
cie-hûn phwn;
a banner used in leading home the spirit of a dead person.
the treasurer of a province.
hong cò̤ phwn-uang;
made a feudal prince.
  • phẁn654185
  • To judge; to decide; a verdict.
to try a case and give a verdict.
to give sentence.
a syndic in an inferior department under a sub-prefect.
a Decider of Life in hades; the Chinese Atropos.
  • phẁn654855
  • The semi-circular pools before provincial colleges.
cía tùi-lîu sĭ hō̤ i kâi kíaⁿ jîp phẁn kâi;
this pair of matched scrolls is sent as a present to congratulate him upon bis son's entrance into college.
kak ̤̂oh kâi ô̤h-keng lăi to ŭ phẁn-keng tî;
every college has the semi-circular pool within its grounds.
i hiaⁿ tĭ tâng nî cìn phẁn;
the two brothers entered the public school the same year.
  • phŵn65310810
  • To take at a fixed rate; to buy goods for retailing; in detail.
phŵn mn̄g;
to interrogate.
cē phŵn-po̤h, i kâi cin chêng cū chut hīn;
as soon as be was cross-questioned, the real facts were made apparent.
phŵn-chê kang-sòi;
inquire into carefully and judicially.
tong-kok sĭ phŵn-kó khí-thâu cò̤ hûang-tì;
Panku was the first emperor of China.
phŵn bùi;
fare; travelling expenses.
sĭ i chut lâi phŵn sŵn;
he takes the lead in entertaining the guests.
i lâi phŵn cí hâng lăi kâi hùe-mûeh khṳ̀ bōi;
he comes to this warehouse and gets goods to dispose of at retail.
i kâi hùe to sĭ tŏ̤ cí kò̤ phŵn kâi;
be gets his goods here.
  • phŵn65314212
  • To coil around.
phŵn lêng thĭo;
a pillar with a bas-relief representing a dragon coiled around it.
kî-kuaⁿ tèng phŵn ŭ lêng;
the flag-staff has a dragon coiled around it.
chīu ki tèng phŵn ŭ cûa tŏ̤ kò̤;
there is a snake coiled around a branch of the tree.
tîo thâng phŵn tŏ̤ hue-ki tèng;
a worm is coiled around the flower-stalk.
  • phŵn4521578
  • To contract or double up the limbs.
phŵn thúi cŏ̤;
sit cross-legged.
phŵn khí kha;
to cross the legs.
nŏ̤ ciah chíu li phŵn tŏ̤ koiⁿ-thâu tèng;
the arms crossed, with the hands resting on the shoulders.