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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/piⁿ

From Wikisource


  • piⁿ6871779
  • A whip; a lash; to lash.
a horsewhip.
i pun i piⁿ-phah cèk peh ē;
he received a hundred lashes from him.
phûe piⁿ;
a leathern whip.
sái sang piⁿ;
wield a pair of bludgeons.
  • piⁿ68616215
  • On the border or side; the margin.
lâi cŏ̤ pàng úa sin-piⁿ;
come and sit beside me.
châng piⁿ châng, chù piⁿ chù;
their fields and houses adjoin.
cêk piⁿ co̤h chîeⁿ nŏ̤ piⁿ kng;
the party who builds the partition wall, makes both sides of it smooth.
i cò̤-nî jĭm hàm m̄ bûa piⁿ?;
Why does he not come when he is called?
tŏ̤ hìeⁿ pôiⁿ piⁿ;
on the other side.
kàu cìeⁿ pôiⁿ piⁿ;
has reached this side.
hue piⁿ ngṳ̂n;
the milled dollar.
hût piⁿ ngṳ̂n;
dollars having a head on one side.
tói piⁿ;
the inner face.
gūa piⁿ;
the outer face.
i chùi piⁿ seⁿ lîap kì;
he has a mole on the side of his mouth.
cí kâi sĭ i sin-piⁿ kâi nâng;
this is his companion or concubine.
pĭⁿ piⁿ;
plait the queue.
i kâi piⁿ ŭ ciap cáng a bô̤?;
Does he wear false hair in his queue?
i cang piⁿ hiuh i;
he struck her with his queue.
cáng i kâi piⁿ;
clutched his queue.
cêk nâng túi piⁿ, cêk nâng peⁿ kha;
one dragged him by the queue
and the other by his feet.
pĭⁿ nŏ̤ kí píⁿ-kíaⁿ;
braid two little queues.
piⁿ jṳ̂ căi;
his queue in unkempt.
khŵn piⁿ;
wind the queue around the head.
piⁿ tá cò̤ cang-kíaⁿ-lô̤;
coil up the queue in a knot at the back of the head.
siu piⁿ;
comb the queue.
lâu piⁿ;
let the hair grow out to form a queue.
i thì tīo piⁿ khṳ̤̀ cò̤ hûe-sīeⁿ;
he shaved off his queue and became a priest.
piⁿ búe so̤h;
the silk braided into the queue.
  • píⁿ687635
  • Flat; thin.
cêk kò̤ cîeh píⁿ-píⁿ;
a thin slab of stone.
i kâi mīn seⁿ lâi pô̤h-píⁿ;
her face is very thin.
teh kàu nĕ píⁿ-píⁿ;
pressed down very flat.
iⁿ m̄ cîaⁿ îⁿ, píⁿ m̄ cîaⁿ píⁿ;
it is all out of shape.
i kâi chài-pó tâh kàu píⁿ-píⁿ;
his dried turnips are trampled down flat.
  • pìⁿ68914916
  • To transform; to change; a mutation from one state of being to another or to the original condition.
pìⁿ mīn;
to change countenance.
i ŏi pìⁿ cò̤ nâng;
it is metamorphosed into a human being.
i ŏi kōi pìⁿ a bŏi?;
Is it apt to change?
cong-kú bŏi pìⁿ;
never changes.
pìⁿ cò̤ kúi;
turns into a demon.
i bô̤ tau bô̤ tah, cū pìⁿ mīn pìⁿ súi;
he changes countenance when there is not the least occasion for it.
i hŵn lío pìⁿ būe chŵn;
its transformation is not yet complete.
jĭm sói bŏi pìⁿ sek;
will endure washing without changing its color.
cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ câp-poih pìⁿ;
a young girl goes through many transformations.
i cí ău pìⁿ kàu hó̤ căi;
he is lately much changed for the better.
ŭ khi sua-hṳ̂ ŏi pìⁿ cò̤ hóⁿ;
there is a species of shark that changes into a tiger.
  • pĭⁿ68912014
  • To braid; to plait; braid.
pĭⁿ cò̤ cêk tio so̤h;
plait it and make a rope of it.
pĭⁿ piⁿ;
braid the queue.
phah pĭⁿ;
make braids.
hue pĭⁿ;
flowered braid.
kim pĭⁿ;
gold braid.
pĭⁿ àiⁿ pĭⁿ kín a pĭⁿ khùaⁿ?;
Do you wish to have the braid plaited tightly or loosely?
  • pĭⁿ68814914
  • To dispute; to argue; to wrangle for a notion.
to argue the point; to force a construction; to dispute a proposition.
i m̄ khéng sù-hôk, cong-kú tó̤ póiⁿ-pĭⁿ;
he is unwilling to submit, and is forever arguing the point.
mih hō̤ ūe i to póiⁿ-pĭⁿ ŭ lâi;
he will take the contrary side in whatever one advocates.