Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/si
- tong-si;
- east and west; all between the east and west; anything; frequently used as a term of reproach.
- hṳ́ khí nâng m̄ sĭ tong-si;
- such people are of no account; they are of no use in the world; they are nobody.
- hía, àu tong-si;
- they are worthless trash.
- kâi sĭ sĭm-mih tong-si?
- What sort of thing is it?
- cò̤ si;
- compose verses.
- cêk siu si;
- one stanza.
- sŏng si; ngîm si;
- to sing or chant hymns.
- si kó̤; si chó̤;
- the rough draft of a poem.
- si tôi;
- the title or prelude of a poem.
- sì kù si;
- verses of four lines.
- si nêk;
- the ode itself.
- si bûn kŭ hó̤;
- the odes are excellent.
- cêk tîo si;
- a poem or hymn.
- tôi si;
- improvise a stanza.
- hŏ̤ si;
- match rhymes.
- úa cò̤ tîo si lṳ́ hŏ̤;
- I will compose an ode, and you compose another having the same rhymes throughout.
- khîeh pńg si ūn lâi chê;
- get a book of standard rhymes and see whether this is a correct rhyme.
- si-ong;
- a poet.
- si kiaⁿ;
- a classic poem.
- si sṳ̂ ko̤ hù;
- verses, ditties, odes and songs.
- si íu;
- a fellow rhymester.
- kó si;
- ancient poetry.
- ngó ngân si, chit ngân si;
- verses with five or with seven words in a line.
- pâi-lût si;
- a canto, a long poem.
- chit-lût si;
- a sonnet of eight lines with seven words in a line.
- chit cô̤h si;
- a stanza of four lines, with seven words in a line.
- ngŏ cô̤h si;
- a stanza of four lines with five words in a line.
- chì-thiap si;
- poems given in at the examinations.
- si kù;
- four lines of rhyme.
- i kâi si sit lîam kâi jī;
- his poem has one false rhyme in it.
- hó̤ si-hù;
- a good song.
- chiam si;
- an oracular response in verse, obtained by drawing a lot referring to a number on the table of oracular verses in a temple.
- lô̤-si;
- screwlike; spiral; a cork-screw.
- lô̤-si khak;
- spiral shells.
- lô̤-si teng;
- a screw.
- lô̤-si jẃn;
- a nut which works upon a screw.
- lô̤-si m̄ kah, jẃn m̄ lô̤h;
- the screw does not fit, and will not go in when turned.
- i kâi teng ēng ŭ lô̤-si a bô̤?
- Has the lamp a screw at its top?
- cí kâi cun-chùi ēng ŭ lô̤-si;
- the top of this flask screws on.
- lô̤-si khàm;
- a top that screws on.
- lô̤-si kùa;
- a cover that screws on.
- si-ham;
- the ribbed scallop.
- lô̤-si khah siap, jẃn m̄ chut;
- the screw works with such friction that I cannot screw it out.
- sí-si; sin-si; si-síu; sí hâi;
- a corpse.
- sin-si tī-tîang khṳ̀ siu i?
- Who has gone to bring in the bodies?
- ngĭam si;
- hold an inquest.
- si chin khṳ̀ kò̤ kuaⁿ;
- the relatives of the dead went to complain to the magistrate.
- ngĭam tîeh kâi si bô̤ sieⁿ;
- found no wounds on the body at the inquest.
- î si thû-lūa;
- remove a corpse to another person's house in order to implicate him in the murder.
- cieh si hŵn hûn;
- borrowed another body, his own having been buried, and returned to life.
- ngŏ lō pun si;
- to pull a person in pieces by attaching oxen to drag in five different directions.
- cang i kâi si pàng sîaⁿ gūa hō̤-nīa;
- put the corpse outside the city wall as a warning to the people.
- 絲si1208359
- Silk as it comes from the cocoons; silk in general; the fibers of nettle hemp and other plants; silky; fine, flossy; small, minute; to sew with silk; a cord, a line, a fiber, a wire; veins in wood; in decimals, a hundred thousandth, or the hundredth part of a cash; stringed instruments of music.
- chôiⁿ si;
- the silk of silkworms.
- i sĭ hû-si kheh, lâi bói hû-si kâi;
- he is a silk buyer who has come to buy raw silk.
- si-mîⁿ;
- silk wadding, used for linings or in shrouds.
- pue si eng-tîeh mâk;
- a gossamer thread floating in the air, got into his eye.
- côih cò̤ nêk-si;
- cut it up into shredded meat.
- thoah chài-thâu si;
- grate turnips into shreds.
- thiu si;
- reel silk from the cocoons.
- ti-tu si;
- a spider's web.
- lî hâu si hut;
- the very least particle.
- tâng si;
- fine copper wire.
- só̤ chēng sĭ si tîu lîn tn̄g;
- dresses in silks and satins.
- si-sùaⁿ;
- sewing silk.
- si cháu;
- silk goods.
- koi si mīⁿ;
- chicken stew.
- ngṳ̂n si;
- fine silver wire.
- ngṳ̂n si-mīⁿ;
- white vermicelli.
- côih cêk si cêk si;
- cut it up in fine strips.
- thì kàu sòi-si sòi-si;
- pick it into shreds.
- si hâu bŏi khueh-khìam;
- does not lack a particle.
- khang si kùe mêh;
- stretch a silken thread to test the pulse upon.
- kă-tîeh seⁿ si;
- it is stringy when you bite into it.
- i kâi nūaⁿ seⁿ si;
- his saliva is ropy.
- phùi chut lâi, i kâi thâm tèng tòa ŭ hueh-si;
- when he expectorates, there are flecks of blood in the phlegm.
- cheⁿ si;
- raw silk.
- sêk si;
- twisted silk.
- ńng si;
- slackly twisted silk.
- ngĕ si;
- hard twisted silk.
- i sĭ cîah thîo-si, a sĭ cîah cho-si?
- Does he use coarse or fine cut tobacco?
- pêh si hun;
- pale colored fine cut tobacco.
- kim si; n̂g si;
- fine cut yellow tobacco.
- bé búe si;
- horsehair used as thread.
- tùe ŭ tio si tŏ̤-kò̤;
- a thread is hanging to it.
- khîeh khṳt chôiⁿ keⁿ si;
- let the silk-worms spin silk over it.
- ti-tu tūi si lô̤h khṳ̀;
- the spider lets himself down by a filament.
- sap kàu si-si;
- hash it up fine.
- thiu lâi khah tōa si;
- shaved it up into too large strips.
- seⁿ si;
- is stringy.
- thó-si cí;
- seeds of the dodder, a medicinal plant, used as a tonic.
- 司si835302
- To control, to manage, to preside over; a commissioner, a superintendent, an officer; a court or office; a subdivision of a district, like a township.
- ang-chak-si;
- the provincial judge.
- îam-ūn-si;
- the salt commissioner.
- pù-cèng-si;
- the commissioner of the revenue.
- saⁿ si;
- the three commissioners, (above named).
- líang si;
- the minister of justice, and the salt commissioner.
- phah kuaⁿ-si;
- engaged in a lawsuit.
- si-gêk;
- the jailor.
- kak pŏ kâi si-ŵn;
- directors in the various Boards.
- kong si;
- a public company, like the old East India Company; a mercantile firm; a managing committee of officers.
- si mĕng càu sîn;
- the god of the kitchen.
- tī-tîang tó̤ si sṳ̄?
- Who has the direction of the affair?
- tī-tîang tó̤ cò̤ si-sṳ̄?
- Who acts as superintendent?
- chì mn̄g i só̤ si hô̤ sṳ̄;
- inquire what he superintends.
- si ṳn khṳt;
- favor him.
- khîu i si ṳn;
- besought him to show mercy.
- sok-sok si kîaⁿ;
- speedily grant that it be so.
- si cú;
- benefactor.
- tōa si cú;
- great benefactor.
- si sía;
- beshow in charity.
- si cì;
- give alms.
- si cîah;
- distribute food.
- si kuaⁿ-bâk;
- to give away coffins.
- si-pun kúi cîah;
- feed destitute spirits.
- si tê, si îeh, si cîⁿ, si bí, si kûe-lôih, si phùa-hîuⁿ;
- distribute tea, medicine, cash, rice, splint hats, and old clothing.
- jûah thiⁿ-sî si kûe-sìⁿ, chìn thiⁿ-sî si húe-thang;
- in hot weather give away palm-leaf fans, in cold weather, braziers.
- si ui;
- contribute funds for paying physicians.
- i cū bô̤ si ûi lí;
- he can do no more.
- kí só̤ put àiⁿ, màiⁿ si i nâng;
- what you dislike others to do to you, that do not do to them,.
- si hue-sua-thô, pi-cîeh;
- to aid by giving mortar to build the tomb and a grave-stone.
- cêk chiet si-cì kâi sṳ̄ tŏ̤ nâng kâi lâk;
- alms-giving must be according to one's ability.
- 尸si754440
- An effigy of an ancestor; living persons were anciently dressed to personate them, and were then worshipped.
- khì kàu saⁿ si sîn pău-thìo;
- danced and hopped about from the excess of his rage.
- kó-cá kâi cì có, sip-lìp ŭ kâi si, tǹg cò̤ có, chēng i có kâi hôk-sek;
- in the ancient worship of ancestors, an image was made to represent the ancestor, and wore the ancestor's clothing.
- sì-si;
- a genealogy.
- i kâi sì-si kio nín sie tâng mē?
- Is his genealogy the same as yours?
- ēng si-cháu lâi si kâi khùe;
- take milfoil and try what the lot will show.
- 始sí761385
- The beginning; opening; a start; to commence; the earliest; to be first; as an initial, then, at that time, was.
- khí-sí;
- the first.
- sí cong bŏi pìen-êk;
- from beginning to end there is no variation.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ kâi sí-mŵt lṳ́ tàⁿ úa thiaⁿ;
- relate the whole affair to me from beginning to end.
- cía sĭ tī-tîang chàng-sí kâi?
- Who invented this?
- sí-có;
- the founder of the family.
- cṳ̆ sí cì cong;
- from beginning to end.
- kàu taⁿ sí cai i sĭ hó̤;
- know now for the first time that it is excellent.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ ŭ sí bô̤ cong;
- in whatever one does he should not make a commencement and reach no termination.
- 死sí836782
- To die; dead; death; ghastly; mortally; dangerous; fearless to the death; a superlative after a verb or an adjective; urgent; intense; fixed, not movable.
- phah sí;
- beat to death.
- hāi sí nâng;
- be the death of somebody.
- m̄ cai sí;
- reckless; knows no fear.
- i kâi sim būe sí;
- he has not yet become indifferent to it.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ i kâi sim cìaⁿ sí;
- thus his desire for it will die out.
- sí lō;
- a dangerous road.
- i būe hío sèⁿ sí mn̂g;
- he does not yet know in which way safety or danger lies.
- m̄ pat sí, so̤h cò̤ gû(illegible text);
- did not know what death was, and mistakenly thought she was asleep.
- khì sí nâng;
- vex one to death.
- sí lâu, sí cúi;
- stagnant water.
- hṳ́ kâi tī-hng sĭ sí tī;
- that is dangerous ground.
- sí nâng khut;
- a beastly hole.
- i sĭ pēⁿ sí, m̄ sĭ khṳt nâng thâi sí;
- he died of disease, not by violence.
- kiaⁿ sí;
- scared almost to death.
- ló sí;
- mortal hatred.
- hĕng sí; hṳ̆n sí;
- exceeding dislike.
- khṳt i poh sí khṳ̀;
- worried to death by him.
- cōi kíaⁿ gō̤ sí pĕ;
- numerous progeny bring starvation to the father.
- àiⁿ sí, bōi tit sí;
- is anxious to die as soon as possible.
- cía hāu-peh-cheh sĭ àiⁿ cò̤ sí kâi a ûah kâi?
- Do you wish to have these shutters made with movable or immovable slats?
- sí cŭe;
- a capital crime.
- i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sí hŵn-lío khah tâk khṳt i;
- he deserves a heavier punishment than death.
- cŭe put cì sí;
- a crime not punishable by death.
- i pēⁿ kàu àiⁿ sí;
- he is sick unto death.
- kă sí m̄ hàuⁿ pàng;
- sets his teeth into it with deathly grip, and will not let go.
- tûi sí m̄ jīn;
- though beaten to death, will not confess.
- seⁿ sí pìaⁿ kàu sêng;
- redouble the exertions, and thus win in a straggle between life and death.
- m̄ ngw̆n sí;
- not willing to risk his life for it.
- tàⁿ tîeh i ngŵn sí;
- says he is willing to die for it.
- màiⁿ wn-khut sí nâng;
- do not oppress people intolerably.
- i bŏi sí;
- he is not going to die.
- àiⁿ sí àiⁿ ûah; àiⁿ tùe nâng seⁿ sí;
- will cast in his lot with such an one whether it be to live or to die.
- tùi nâng sí;
- oppose to the death.
- sí kàu ngĕ-ngĕ;
- stone dead.
- thâi sí tṳ;
- to kill hogs.
- khùaⁿ-ûah sí;
- die a peaceful death.
- chám sí;
- die miserably.
- khó sí i;
- pester him to death.
- i hó̤ sí lío;
- he might as well die now.
- cìu sí cūa;
- swear to die for an object.
- kúi līu sí;
- throttled by a demon.
- tĕⁿ sí;
- kill by choking with the hand.
- tèⁿ sí; ké sí; cuang sí; tieⁿ cò̤ sí kâi;
- to feign death.
- hṳ̂ sí mâk m̄ khoih;
- a fish does not close its eyes when dying.
- sì lío mâk kim-kim;
- after he was dead his eyes remained wide open.
- lṳ̂ sí to bô̤ ēng;
- yon may kill yourself by your exertions and all will be of no use.
i sí sí kīo, kĭo kàu jī-ke phok khṳ̀;
- he will incite them to mortal strife, till both parties are exterminated.
- teh sí;
- crush to death.
- kek sí;
- suffocated.
- sie sí;
- burned to death.
- thòi i sí;
- die in his stead.
- pûah sí;
- killed by a fall.
- káu sí, cêk seⁿ;
- ten to one he will die.
- sì khùi;
- the four seasons.
- sì sî kâi kúe-cí to hó̤ cîah;
- the fruits of all the seasons are edible.
- sì-pang;
- four sided, square or oblong.
- sì kak;
- quadrangular.
- sì cieⁿ, sì thói;
- the limbs; the whole body.
- sì mâk bô̤ chin;
- a stranger among strangers.
- sì cì;
- environs.
- jîh-sì;
- twenty-four.
- sì-ciu-ûi;
- all around.
- múaⁿ sì-chù;
- in every direction.
- sì ûi to sĭ suaⁿ;
- there are mountains on all sides.
- sì phìⁿ bô̤ hûang-gāi;
- no obstacle in any direction.
- sì mīn;
- every quarter.
- sì hái;
- all the world.
- sì lâk chù ŭ;
- it is to be found in ever so many places.
- sì mn̂g pêⁿ kín;
- all the gates barricaded.
- sì lō nĕ tît-tit̂;
- straight roads in all directions.
- sì lō thîo-tît;
- a straight course everyway.
- saⁿ sì hûe;
- three or four times.
- sì ngŏ tńg;
- four or five times.
- cò̤ kàu sì pêⁿ poih ún;
- made plain and safe in all quarters.
- sì thong poih tâk;
- opens out in all directions, (as a passage).
- sì tāi thien ûang;
- four demon kings whose images are placed at the doors of monasteries.
- sì-put-sĭang;
- unlike every body else, a name of the Elephurus davidii*.
- sì mâk sie tùi;
- stand and look at each other and do nothing.
- sì chîo tăi-láu;
- holding office during the reigns of four emperors.
- sì thĭo;
- the letters denoting the time of one's birth.
- cĭeⁿ sì hú, ĕ sì hú;
- the officials of the upper and lower portions of the province.
- 世sì76314
- An age, a generation; the world; mankind; times; life; seasons; experience of life; hereditary; successively; to enfeoff; during the times of; from age to age; perpetual; in divination refers to diagrams which denote one's self.
- sì-kang;
- the world.
- cêk sì nâng;
- all my life; one life time.
- sì tō̤;
- generations.
- seⁿ chut sì;
- born into the world.
- kùe sì;
- to die.
- kim seⁿ kim sì;
- the present age.
- sì cīeⁿ;
- now-a-days.
- sì-cīeⁿ nâng; sì-kang nâng;
- people of the present time.
- sì-kài hó̤ a m̆-hó̤?
- How go the times with you?
- i cn̂g kâi m̄ hío sì-chêng;
- he does not at all understand the circumstances in the case.
- phûeh sì-chêng;
- talking about the condition of things.
- i kâi nâng sì-chêng căi;
- he has great knowledge of the world.
- i kio i sĭ sì hiaⁿ-tĭ, m̄ sĭ sì cek-tîet;
- he is of the same generation as they, not of a succeeding one.
- sì kau;
- friends of many generations.
- sì-sîp kâi kuaⁿ-ciak;
- a hereditary office and title.
- sì ke;
- an old and honorable family.
- sîp-sêk sì kù;
- become acquainted with the world.
- thŵn kàu taⁿ jîeh cōi sì;
- has been handed down through many generations.
- jī sì có;
- the son of the founder of the family.
- 勢sì7651911
- Power, authority, influence; pomp, dignity, grandeur; strength, or that wherein it lies; resources; virility; air, exterior, figure, condition, state of.
- sì-lâk;
- vigor, prowess, force.
- ŭ sì-lâk kâi nâng;
- a man of influence.
- ui-sì sît-căi tōa;
- has really great dignity.
- khŵn-sì;
- authority.
- hó̤ sì-thâu;
- a good omen.
- heh-sì;
- to brow-beat.
- to s̆i sì lĭ kâi nâng;
- is one who fawns on the rich.
- sit sì;
- to lose influence.
- lâi-sì sĭm sĭ hiong;
- has a savage look.
- i mih sṳ̄ to àiⁿ sái sì;
- he likes to exercise his authority in every thing.
- i kâi sì khah tōa, nâng m̄ chap i;
- he is too authoritative and people will not associate with him.
- cía sĭ sì só̤ pit-jîen;
- this is something that I am compelled to insist upon.
- hêng-sì;
- aspect, position (said of places or buildings).
- sêng sì, jīo khṳ̀;
- improve the occasion and drive them out.
- i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ pí khûn sì;
- the two are showing off their skill in boxing.
- kè-sì;
- the style in which a thing is done; the adaptation of the manner to the circumstances.
- i kâi kè-sì pí khṳ̀ hó̤;
- he displayed his skill to good advantage.
- mŏng lâi bô̤ kè bô̤ sì;
- brandished (his weapons) without skill.
- kò̤ cûn, kò̤ lâi bô̤ kè bô̤ sì;
- rowed the boat in a very awkward way.
- cò̤ lâi sĭ sì;
- does it as if he knew how.
- cúi-sì kàu cí-kò̤ kín căi;
- the current is very rapid at this point.
- hùe-sì tó̤ sĕng, phah m̄ cŭ;
- the fire is increasing its fury, and they cannot stop it.
- kah nâng kah nâng kai chíu sì;
- each has his own way of doing things.
- cŏ lâi bè-sì hó̤;
- he sits well on a horse.
- kúaⁿ cí kâi sì cìaⁿ kōi cò̤;
- take advantage of the drift in that direction and yon can do it easily.
- tô̤ kâi sì cū thìo kùe khṳ̀;
- get an impetus by starting at a little distance away, and then jump across.
- cĭa i ke-cú kâi sì;
- depends on his master's power.
- i kâi uá tī-tîang kâi sì?
- Whose influence does he rely on?
- i ŭ sì hó̤ khṳt-nâng úa;
- he has authority on which people may depend for help.
- tîeh cieh-sì cieh-sì nē;
- must not place too much confidence in its strength.
- ŭ sì màiⁿ cĭn sái;
- do not lay out all your strength.
- i bŏi sío-lí úa-cĭang tha nâng kâi sì cū tó̤ ui-hong;
- he is not ashamed to put on an appearance of great dignity, relying wholly on the power of other people for sustaining it.
- sŭn i kâi sì;
- follow its drift; go according to the grain.
- cĭu sì phah sì;
- meet force with force.
- i bô̤ mih sì;
- he is not very influential.
- i kâi sì sĭ cîah tùi hṳ́-kò̤ khṳ̀;
- its force trends in that direction.
- pēⁿ-sì căi-seⁿ?
- What is the tendency of the disease?
- thóiⁿ i kâi sṳ̄ sì sĭ jû hô̤;
- see what shape the matter takes.
- sî sì;
- fashionable; stylish.
- lṳ́ khṳ̀ kàu thóiⁿ sì;
- you go and see how much force there is to be overcome.
- sì ngĕ, sì ńng;
- aggressive force or defensive force.
- kè-sì lîam căi;
- the aptitude acquired by practise is very great.
- huang sì;
- the force of the wind.
- cêk ngân kì chut sì bé lâng tai;
- when a word is once spoken four horses cannot bring it back.
- sì bé thua chia;
- a four horse chariot.
- i kâi chù cò̤ sì-bé-thua-chia khí;
- his house is built with two pairs of rooms in front of the main hall.
- i khṳ̀ sî i;
- he has gone to decline his proposal.
- sî i m̄ khṳ̀;
- cannot refuse his offer.
- sî-pîet cèng nâng;
- take leave of them all.
- sie sî;
- take leave of each other.
- i bô̤ sie bô̤ sî cū khṳ̀;
- he went off without bidding any one good-by.
- chui sî;
- to excuse one's self from doing a thing.
- sî kîaⁿ thiap;
- a p. p. c. card.
- m̄ sî lâu-khó;
- does not shirk labor.
- ngē sî i;
- firmly declined his offer.
- i íⁿ-keng sî sṳ̄;
- he has already withdrawn from the affair.
- sî kuaⁿ;
- resign office.
- sî ceh;
- resign a post.
- tíen-síu put lêng sî tit ceh;
- the one in charge cannot lay aside the responsibility of his position.
- cêk ki sî;
- one spoon.
- thng-sî;
- a soup spoon.
- tê-sî;
- a tea-spoon.
- cêk kah thng-sî;
- a set of ten spoons.
- cúi sî;
- a spoon used in wetting ink.
- hue-sî;
- a trowel.
- só̤-sî;
- a key.
- 時sî759726
- Time; a season; a period; a Chinese hour; a quarter of a year; an occasion; an opportunity; now; timely; convenient; recent; in season; to time rightly; to take a fit time for; to be; when.
- while, during;
- as; then; at that time; sometimes.
- cêk jît câp-jī kâi sî-sîn;
- each day is divided into twelve Chinese hours.
- cêk kâi sî poih khek;
- each Chinese hour is divided into eight periods.
- suî-sî;
- immediately.
- ciet-sî;
- forth-with.
- cêk-sî cū àiⁿ;
- want it at once.
- cîeⁿ-sî;
- the other time.
- ĕ sî;
- next time.
- cìeⁿ-sî;
- lately.
- cí īeⁿ mûeh sî-heng căi;
- this sort of thing is quite the fashion.
- cīu-sî;
- straight-way.
- thiⁿ sî;
- the weather.
- cí hûe sĭm-mih sî-hāu?
- What time is it now?
- sî-sî khek-khek bô̤ lî-khui;
- do not leave it for an instant.
- i m̄ sek sî-bŭ;
- he is unacquainted with the world.
- soiⁿ tiang-sî;
- formerly.
- hīn sî;
- at present.
- tī tiang-sî?
- When?
- hṳ́ sî; pí sî; hṳ́ cêk sî;
- at that time.
- sî-sî, sîeⁿ-sî;
- constantly; always.
- siap-sî-kang;
- a little while.
- ke cêk siap sî;
- after a while.
- úa sî kang cū lâi;
- I came a moment later.
- bô̤ cêk sî ôiⁿ;
- have not a moment's leisure.
- sî sîeⁿ;
- all the time.
- hâh sî a m̄ hâh sî;
- seasonable, or unseasonable.
- sî-thâu, sî búe, sî tong;
- the beginning, the end or the middle, of a period.
- mih sî jît?
- At what time?
- hṳ́ kâi sî-coih;
- at that period.
- sì sî kâi hue-bâk lóng-cóng cèng ŭ;
- have all the vegetation of all the four seasons.
- tng sî; tng khî sî;
- at the time.
- i sî put sî lâi i kò̤;
- he comes to their house off and on at all times.
- sî-ceng;
- a clock.
- sî-pie;
- a watch.
- cá sî;
- aforetime.
- kó sî;
- ancient times.
- ŭ sî ŭ, ŭ sî bô̤;
- sometimes there are, and sometimes there are not.
- tàu sî put tíam, tíam sî put tàu;
- when he is there it is not roll-call, and at roll-call he is not there; when he is there he is not wanted, and when he is wanted he is not there.
- m̄ tùi sî;
- untimely.
- m̄ tit sî;
- not suited to the occasion.
- hù sî;
- in time.
- tîeh hù sî;
- must be in time.
- cṳ́ sî thíu sî, în sî, sut sî, hăi sî;
- the twelve hours of the day from 11 P.M. to 11 A.M.
- 氏sĭ763830
- A family; it once denoted the head of a clan, but now indicates that the person is a woman.
- sèⁿ sĭ;
- the clan.
- lô̤ sĭ;
- of the Lo family.
- huang mn̂g lí sĭ;
- Mrs. Huang née Li.
- kai sĭ;
- the said female.
- sek sĭ;
- the Buddhists.
- tieⁿ sĭ ke-bīe;
- the ancestral hall of the Tie family.
- tùi chi mih sĭ?
- What is his wife's family name?
- sûn-sĭ;
- to visit.
- i kâi mâk kṳ̆n-sĭ;
- she is short sighted.
- khin sĭ;
- to despise.
- míoⁿ-sĭ;
- regard with contempt.
- châk tó̤ kui-sĭ i;
- thieves are reconnoitering it.
- tîeh ēng kâi nâng lâi hôk-sĭ;
- must employ some one to reconnoiter.
- sĭ sì khi-hŭ năng;
- rely on his protection in imposing upon people.
- sĭ châi ûi táⁿ;
- trust in riches for audacity.
- cṳ̆-sĭ;
- self-confident.
- cía m̄-hó̤ sĭ;
- is not to be relied on.
- sĭ-tio, sĭ-phwt;
- impudent and audacious.
- sĭ-cái;
- a butler.
- hok-sĭ;
- to wait on; to serve.
- sĭ-n̂ng;
- a gentleman in waiting; a Vice-President of a Board.
- 是sĭ762725
- To be; it is so; it is proper, denoting a quality of truth rather than mere existence; right, correct; that which the mind approves.
- sĭ a m̄ sĭ?
- Is it so or not?
- sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- that is the case; that is all there is to say about it.
- sĭ; sĭ ā;
- yea.
- m̄ sĭ;
- no; not so.
- sĭ kâi put lêng á cò̤ m̄ sĭ;
- what is so cannot be made otherwise by argument.
- sĭ hó̤ sī khiap cò̤ cē tŏ̤ cí;
- good or bad, they are all here together.
- sĭ cin a sĭ ké?
- Is it real or artificial?
- khá sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
- How can it be so?
- sĭ hóⁿ kâi úa tàⁿ cai;
- whether so or not, tell me.
- sĭ sît;
- in very truth.
- i lâi pûe put sĭ;
- he came to correct a mistake.
- i sĭ tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ saⁿ nî;
- he was there three years.
- m̄ cai sĭ nâng a sĭ kúi;
- do not know whether it was man or demon.
- i sĭ pēⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;
- he is sick.
- i sĭ m̄ cêng ŭ kíaⁿ;
- she has no children.
- i sĭ lṳ́ kâi tī-tîang?
- What relation of yours is he?
- i sĭ lâi jîp ún kâi cĭa kâi;
- he has been naturalised among us.
- in ā sĭ ŭ li, cieh lâng-ló̤;
- if they have any, borrow a little.
- in sĭ châk;
- they are thieves.
- 示sī7631130
- To show; to make known the will of heaven to mankind; to signify; an edict or notice from an official; a manifestation or revelation a prognostic or sign.
- chut kò̤-sī;
- issue a proclamation.
- kà-sī;
- to instruct.
- kê tŏ̤ sîaⁿ-mn̂g-kha sī cèng;
- wearing the cangue at the city gate, as a warning to all.
- cì-sī;
- to indicate; to intimate; to suggest.
- ŭ chut sī, a būe ŭ?
- Has any notice of it yet been issued?
- sī-îu;
- soy.
- tāu-sī-pô;
- bean catsup.
- hiang-sī;
- spiced catsup.
- kaⁿ-ná sī;
- olives stoned and salted.
- ô̤ sī;
- dried salt oysters.
- hwt sī;
- take an oath.
- tng thiⁿ mêng sī;
- I swear it before Heaven.
- pŭe sī;
- to break an oath.
- sī put líang lip;
- there are no two ways of keeping an oath.
- suaⁿ mêng hái sī;
- an oath as unalterable as the hills and seas.