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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/sieⁿ

From Wikisource


  • sieⁿ7911189
  • A box, coffer, chest, trunk,
a trunk for clothing.
i-sieⁿ hêng-lí;
cêk kha sieⁿ;
one chest.
kè cáu-kíaⁿ kè ŭ kúi kha sieⁿ?
In marrying off their daughter, how many boxes of clothing did they send with her to her husband's house?
phûe sieⁿ;
a leathern trunk.
châ sieⁿ;
a wooden box.
tek sieⁿ;
a bamboo trunk.
cang sieⁿ;
a coir trunk.
cím-thâu sieⁿ; cím-sieⁿ;
a box which may be used as a pillow.
cuang lô̤h sieⁿ;
pack them away in the box.
tê sieⁿ;
a tea-chest.
an opium chest.
húe-sît sieⁿ;
a partitioned box or tray, for carrying edibles in processions.
ui sieⁿ;
a paper trunk, burned as an offering to the dead.
  • sieⁿ739911
  • To injure; to wound; to hurt.
sieⁿ hong pāi sôk;
injure the public morals.
sieⁿ huang;
to catch cold.
sieⁿ hâng;
ailments arising from exposure to cold.
lăi sieⁿ kâi pēⁿ;
internal disease.
i phah sieⁿ nâng;
he injured some one by beating him.
sieⁿ sún;
to wound.
bô̤ sieⁿ sún;
no harm done.
cŭang lío sieⁿ-sún tîeh;
came in colision and were injured thereby.
ka-lâuh lío bŏi sieⁿ bŏi sún;
was not injured at all by being dropped.
líang pôiⁿ sieⁿ sí jîeh cōi nâng?
How many were killed and wounded on each side?
ngŏ nâng tăng sieⁿ, ngŏ nâng khin sieⁿ;
five were severely wounded, and five were slightly wounded.
ui sieⁿ kháu;
heal the wounds.
a scar from a wound.
sieⁿ khṳ̀ tùi mīaⁿ;
dangerously wounded.
sieⁿ khṳ̀ tì mīaⁿ;
fatally wounded.
sieⁿ tîeh sú;
had a sun-stroke.
ngīam sieⁿ;
officially inspect the injuries.
sieⁿ sim;
grieved at heart.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ tīaⁿ-tîeh tì-kàu sieⁿ chêng sit ngĭ;
that will certainly lead to wounded feelings and loss of self-respect.
têng sieⁿ têng kám;
catching another cold before recovering from the last one.
sieⁿ tîeh hûa-khì;
lessen the general harmony.
  • sieⁿ79116717
  • To inlay, or overlay; to veneer; to coat or plate; to clamp on; to set as a jewel; to let in; to inchase.
sieⁿ kŭa po̤-lî;
to inlay with pieces of glass.
sieⁿ ngṳ̂n kâi tṳ̂;
chopsticks inlaid with silver.
sieⁿ ceng, gê tṳ̂;
inlaid cops and ivory chopsticks.
sieⁿ siak;
overlaid with pewter.
bō̤ tèng sieⁿ cêk kò̤ gêk;
has a jade ornament on her cap.
sieⁿ cêk lîap sw̄n;
inlay a precious stone.
sieⁿ kim;
emboss with gold.
tìn-tang tèng sieⁿ lîap cu;
a pearl was.set in the centre.
sieⁿ kò̤ pó̤-cîeh tŏ̤ hṳ́ tói;
inlaid with a precious stone.
  • sieⁿ739308
  • A trader.
a salt-merchant.
sieⁿ hŏ;
the salt-merchants.
  • síeⁿ7401548
  • To reward; to bestow; to confer; a largess; a reward.
àiⁿ cang sĭm mûeh síeⁿ i?
With what shall he be rewarded?
tit tîeh síeⁿ;
receive a reward.
síeⁿ hṳ̂ pó;
dried salt herrings.
  • sìeⁿ793912
  • A figure; an image; a likeness.
ūe sìeⁿ;
paint portraits.
a photograph.
sìeⁿ ūe lâi sĭo căi;
the portrait is very like the original.
cí kâi sìeⁿ cìe lâi cū jîen;
this likeness is so taken that it resembles the original very closely.
i seⁿ lâi m̄ cîaⁿ īeⁿ-sìeⁿ;
he is not a very stylish looking person.
cêk pak sìeⁿ;
a picture of something on a scroll.
  • sìeⁿ7901094
  • Physiognomy; the study of physiognomy for the purpose of fortune telling; the art of palmistry; to look into.
i ŏi sìeⁿ mīaⁿ;
he tells fortunes from the face.
úa sìeⁿ thóiⁿ lṳ́ kâi ngó-hêng hó̤ mē;
I will consider your features and see whether they promise good fortune.
sìeⁿ huap;
rules for telling the fortune from the physiognomy.
i sìeⁿ tîeh cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What does be predict from the study of your face?
  • sîeⁿ27915
  • To restore; to indemnify; to pay back; to forfeit; to atone; to retaliate; to make amends; to replace; an indemnity; restitution.
lṳ́ àiⁿ cò̤-nî pûe-sîeⁿ i?
In what way are you going to make restitution to him?
thâi nâng cū tîeh sîeⁿ mīaⁿ;
if one kills a person he must make reparation for the life taken.
i chìo kâu thâi sí nâng míen sîeⁿ mīaⁿ;
they are so powerful that they may even kill a person and make no compensation for his life.
àiⁿ i sîeⁿ hôiⁿ;
want him to restore it to me.
  • sîeⁿ273011
  • To taste; to test; to essay.
sîeⁿ sin bī;
taste the first fruits.
lṳ́ khîeh khṳ̀ sîeⁿ thóiⁿ hó̤ a m̄-hó̤;
you take it and try it and see whether it is good or not.
lṳ́ sîeⁿ tîeh bī-sò căi-seⁿ?
What do you think of the taste of it?
lṳ́ chì-sîeⁿ cē;
you test it by tasting it.
cía mûeh ío khî bī, tîeh lâi kio i sîeⁿ cē;
this is of a rather strange flavour, you should come and taste a little of it.
būe bói soiⁿ sîeⁿ;
taste before buying.
entailed property, whose proceeds are applied to the worship of ancestors.
ceng-sîeⁿ tōa căi;
a great amount of entailed property.
lûn tîeh ceng-sîeⁿ;
property of which the heirs alternately make the customary offerings to ancestors.
  • sîeⁿ740508
  • Constant; frequent; customary.
phêng sîeⁿ nâng;
an ordinary person.
cìe sîeⁿ;
according to the regular routine.
cìe sîeⁿ līo-lí;
arrange in the usual manner.
sîeⁿ-sîeⁿ kì-lĭam lṳ́;
constantly remember you.
hó̤ cĭam m̄-hó̤ sîeⁿ;
it will do temporarily but not permanently.
jû sîeⁿ;
as usual.
hui sîeⁿ;
ĭ sîeⁿ;
chong-mêng ĭ sîeⁿ;
uncommonly intelligent.
cí kâi sĭ sîeⁿ ŭ kâi mûeh;
this is a common thing.
sîeⁿ kàu cí-kò̤;
frequently comes here.
  • sĭeⁿ792619
  • To think on; to meditate; to reflect on; to plan; to hope; to anticipate; an idea; a conception.
i sĭeⁿ cìeⁿ sĭeⁿ hìeⁿ;
he thought of various things.
sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;
cannot think what it was.
sĭeⁿ m̄ kàu;
did not think of it.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî sĭeⁿ?
What do you think about it.
sṳ-sĭeⁿ tîeh i;
hold him in kind remembrance.
sim sĭeⁿ;
meditate on.
lṳ́ sim lăi cò̤-nî sĭeⁿ?
What is your own idea about it?
cē sĭeⁿ khí lâi cū khì;
whenever I think of it I become angry.
màiⁿ khṳ̀ sĭeⁿ i;
do not think about it.
bô̤ sĭeⁿ-thâu;
it is of no use to think about it; it is out of the question.
ŭ sĭeⁿ-thâu;
may be considered as hopeful or possible.
i sĭeⁿ-thâu khah tōa;
his notions are too extravagant.
cêk-sî sĭeⁿ bô̤ lâi;
cannot at this moment think what it is.
sĭeⁿ kàu ùi;
though of it till I am sick of it.
sĭeⁿ lâi, sĭeⁿ khṳ̀;
cast about in one's mind for some means of compassing it.
sĭeⁿ tang sĭeⁿ sai;
cogitate upon all possible ways of accomplishing something.
sĭeⁿ kàu cū cò̤ kàu;
the action goes no farther than the thought.
có̤ sĭeⁿ ĭu sĭeⁿ to sĭeⁿ bô̤ huap;
considered this way and that way, but could think of no practicable way.
i tó̤ chi-sĭeⁿ;
he is thinking it over.
îong i sĭeⁿ;
let him think it over.
i cò̤-nî cong-kú sĭeⁿ chit sĭeⁿ poih?
Why does ho always borrow trouble about things?
sĭeⁿ hùaⁿ kâi bô̤ kâi;
consider it al together impossible.
  • sīeⁿ741425
  • To have the care of; to control, in which sense it occurs in official titles.
lâk pŏ kâi sīeⁿ-cṳ;
the controllers of the six Boards.
Buddhist priests.