Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/sien
- 仙sien79993
- An immortal; human souls endued with divine powers; beings of benign nature, inferior to gods, and having the power of becoming invisible; fairies; an old recluse who changes into another form but does not die; to become immortal; deathless; anything puzzling or curious; graceful.
- sien ko;
- a fairy, or elf.
- sien bô̤;
- an old female fairy.
- sien ong;
- an old male fairy.
- sien thông;
- youthful genii.
- sien ńng;
- an immortal, feminine and middle aged.
- sien-nâng;
- the elfin folk.
- sêng cò̤ sien;
- become an immortal.
- sài kùe sien-kéng;
- more wonderful than fairyland.
- siu līen kàu sêng sien;
- endure affliction till immortality is attained thereby.
- sien-kut;
- lithe; lissome; fairylike.
- pue sîen;
- seraphs; genii who have great powers.
- thien sien;
- angels.
- tī sien;
- immortals living among men.
- hŏng-sien-hue;
- the touch-me-not flower.
- poih sien;
- the eight genii, deified mortals, regarded now as the patrons of art.
- hó̤ kùe sien-tang;
- sweeter than nectar.
- sien-ke kâi bĭo îeh;
- a mystic remedy from the genii; a draught giving immortality.
- sien hut;
- a long besom of horsehair, used to drive mosquitoes away.
- sien tang;
- a fairy grotto.
- sien keng;
- a temple of the genii.
- i ău-lâi kui sien khṳ̀;
- afterward he became an immortal.
- sien-hû;
- red coral.
- ŭ nŏ̤ ki sien-hû;
- I have two branches of red coral.
- seⁿ sien;
- has a scabby eruption.
- sien îeh;
- medicine for ringworm.
- buah sien;
- annoint a scaldhead.
- gû phûe sien;
- a kind of lepra.
- kim cîⁿ sien;
- a leprous patch.
- cù mô̤ⁿ sien;
- tetter which destroys hair.
- âng sien;
- red ringworm.
- 禪sîen75111312
- To sit abstractedly in contemplation, as do Buddhist priests; meditation; to resign the thone to another family.
- cŏ̤ sien;
- sit lost in contemplation.
- i ciu jît kio tó̤ cŏ̤-sîen cêk īeⁿ;
- he sits all day like one in fixed contemplation, such as Buddhists practise.
- sîen-sṳ;
- the priests, who are supposed to contemplate and pray.
- sîen ūi pun i kâi tăi-chîn;
- resigned the throne to one of his courtiers.
- 擅sĭen7536413
- To act as one pleases; to take the responsibility of doing without orders; willful; illegally; arbitrarily; to usurp, to assume; despotic.
- mih sṳ̄ m̄ káⁿ sĭen-cwn;
- would not venture to act unauthorized.
- i chṳ́-căi tó̤ sĭen khŵn;
- he now usurps authority.
- i cò̤-nî káⁿ sĭen-cṳ̆ thiah huang?
- How dare he take the responsibility of opening the envelope without orders?
- 善sĭen752309
- Good from principle; virtuous; merit from good works, such as the Buddhists teach; goodness; eminent; wise; meek.
- docile;
- fitted for; clever.
- expert, handy;
- to take to naturally; in a high degree; to do a thing well; to expedite.
- sĭen ak kàu thâu cong ŭ pò̤;
- good and evil have always in the end a meet recompense.
- kîaⁿ sĭen;
- act righteously.
- sĭen sṳ̆;
- virtuous actions.
- sĭen huap;
- a clever scheme; a good rule.
- sĭen cong;
- a peaceful end.
- sĭen ŭ sĭen pò̤, ak ŭ ak po;
- virtue is well rewarded, and vice is suitably punished.
- mīn-sek m̄ sĭen;
- his face has a bad expression.
- i sĭen cáu;
- he is an expert runner.
- ngŭi-sĭen;
- hypocritical.
- ngŭi-sĭen kâi nâng;
- a hypocrite.
- m̄ sĭ cin sĭen;
- is not real goodness.
- ké sĭen;
- pretended virtue.
- sèⁿ pńg lâi sî sĭen;
- disposition is naturally docile.
- i sĭm sĭ sĭen ĕng nâng;
- he is naturally very apt at it.
- kói ak, chông sĭen;
- depart from evil and do good.
- siu sĭen kâi nâng;
- one who cultivates virtue.
- sĭen-ău-kêk sĭ phōiⁿ-lí sĭen-ău kâi sṳ̄-ngî kâi;
- a subsidiary committee takes the management of what is left to be attended to after the work of a previous committee is completed.
- sĭen sim;
- a meek spirit.
- hŵn-lío būe cĭn sĭen;
- has not yet attained the utmost excellence.
- pêh sĭen;
- white eels.
- bé-uaⁿ sĭen;
- slices of fried eel.
- sĭen-sía phîn-tìeⁿ;
- engross the facing of a semicircular screen.
- i cwn tó̤ sĭen-sía cṳ-sìn;
- he makes a business of copying out dispatches.
- tṳ sĭen-cí;
- the kidneys of swine.
- sĭen-cí īeⁿ;
- kidney shaped.
- có̤ sĭen, ĭu sĭen;
- the left and the right kidney.
- pó sĭen;
- strengthen the kidneys.
- i kâi cṳ-ce sĭ chŵn keng-sĭen, a sĭ pùaⁿ keng-sĭen?
- In this school is the teacher's food furnish wholly by the pupils, or only in part?
- i ŭ keng-sĭen;
- he has his provisions furnished.
- i sĭen ūi khṳt i kâi tăi chîn;
- he resigned the throne to his noble relative.
- soiⁿ sĭen ūi khṳt i kâi kíaⁿ;
- abdicated in favor of his son.