Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/sit
[edit]- 失sit769372
- To lose; to mislay; to omit; to neglect; to disregard; to fail; to err; to miss; to jeopardize; to leave behind; to slip; to lose favor; failure; a fault.
- sit-lô̤h mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
- lost articles.
- cía sĭ i kâi kùe-sit;
- this is his fault.
- sĭ úa sit kak chak;
- it was I who overlooked it through absence of mind.
- hàm i kâi sit cú lâi jīn;
- tell the one who lost it to come and identify it.
- sit sìn;
- lose faith in.
- sit chíu;
- let it slip from his hand.
- khṳt úa sit chíu khà tīo khṳ̀;
- was dropped and broken by me.
- sit kha;
- lose foothold.
- sit lói;
- unnmannerly.
- sit kèng;
- wanting in respect.
- sit sî;
- miss the time.
- bw̄n bô̤ cêk sit;
- not the least mistake in it.
- sit chak;
- neglect to inquire into.
- sit i kâi thí-mīn;
- lost the esteem of others.
- sit tîeh i kâi líen;
- lost his reputation.
- sit sim;
- disheartened.
- sit hûn;
- lost his wits.
- sit kok;
- lost his crown.
- sit tī-hng;
- lose position.
- sit-sîn;
- abstracted.
- kiaⁿ kàu sit sîn;
- so frightened that he lost presence of mind.
- ca-mêⁿ sĭ tī-kò̤ sit húe?
- Where was the fire last night?
- kìu tîeh cêk kâi sit cúi kâi nâng;
- rescued one who had fallen into the water.
- i cí-hûe sit sì;
- he has now lost his influence.
- sit cí-kâi ki-hŭe;
- miss this opportunity.
- i cò̤-nî tì-kàu sit sṳ̄?
- How did he happen to fail in it?
- i ca-mêⁿ sit kha lō, tîeh phah;
- he failed to be on his rounds last night, and must be beaten.
- i ā sĭ sit síu sîaⁿ-tî cū tîeh phōiⁿ cŭe;
- if he fails to guard the city, he must be punished for it.
- lîu-lî sit só̤;
- to wander homeless.
- sit thŵn;
- fail of transmission.
- cí īeⁿ huap í-ⁿkeng sit thŵn;
- this recipe has been lost, not having been handed down.
- ci cêk tīn ŏi sit nâng a bŏi?
- Is anyone missing from this rank?
- 實sît7694011
- Real; solid; full; compact; true, honest, sincere; fixed, as a price; hard, as a knot; the reality; the results, effects, or fruits; facts; small and hard fruits or seeds; verily, in fact.
- sît-căi sĭ hó̤;
- is really good.
- cía sĭ sît chêng kâi;
- these are the actual circumstances.
- i tàⁿ kàu sît-sît căi-căi;
- he tells the honest truth.
- láu-sît;
- harmless; innocent; inefficient.
- láu-sît nâng;
- an amiable and rather incompetent person.
- khui hue lío ŏi kit sît a bŏi?
- After blossoming does it bear fruit?
- sît kè;
- the actual price.
- thó̤ sît cē;
- ask for something nearer the real price.
- sît sṳ̄;
- an actual event.
- cin-sît;
- real.
- hek sît;
- ascertain the facts.
- chê sît;
- find out the truth.
- mn̄g khṳ̀ tîeh sît lío;
- have by inquiry found out the real circumstances.
- kien-sît;
- solid and strong.
- sît sim;
- sincere.
- sît sìo;
- the full tale.
- sît put sie mûaⁿ;
- indeed I do not deceive you.
- cí kâi kuaⁿ sĭ sît-sĭu kâi a sĭ sŭ-sṳ̄ kâi?
- Is this magistrate the real incumbent or is he one who is filling the office temporarily?
- lṳ́ kio úa tàⁿ sît-ūe;
- tell me tho truth about it.
- sît sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- that is the truth about it.
- ŭ mîaⁿ bô̤ sît; ŭ khî-mîaⁿ, bô̤ khî-sît;
- has a name but no actual existence.
- teh sît;
- press down solid.
- sît-tieh sît-tieh nē;
- plain and good; substantial; nothing spurious about it.
- kiu sît ŭ jîeh tn̂g?
- When shrunken to its natural proportions, how long is it?
- phâk sît, bô̤ tíam-kíaⁿ;
- when dried in the sun so as bring it down to its actual substance there will be but very little of it.
- sêng-sît;
- earnest; honest.
- thīⁿ sît cū khah tó̤;
- when sewed it will be too short.
- i kâi ūe bô̤ kù sît;
- what he says has not a word of truth in it.
- i kâi mô̤ⁿ sît-sît bŏi phòng;
- its fur is close and dense, it is not fluffy.
- ngŵn sît, bô̤ cia sṳ̄;
- in fact, it is not so.
- hàm i cĭu sît tàⁿ;
- tell him to speak the truth.
- cîah sît;
- stores; provisions.
- phah sît;
- to flop the wings.
- phêh sît;
- to flap the wings.
- thíⁿ khui sît;
- to spread the wings.
- sît théng m̄ khui;
- he cannot stretch his wings.
- théng sît tó̤ pue;
- soar with outstretched wings.
- būe hwt sît;
- unfledged.
- sît hwt būe côi, pue m̄ hn̆g;
- his wings are not full grown and he cannot fly far.
- sît pì;
- the wing without the feathers.
- chah sît pue khṳ̀;
- take wings and fly away.
- nĭoⁿ-hó̤ⁿ thíam sît;
- add wings to a tiger.
- tìam tŏ̤ i sît ĕ;
- hid under his wing.
- àⁿ t̤̆o i sît e;
- hovered under her wings.
- ŭ cêk khí sĭ sì kâi sît;
- one sort is four-winged.
- mêng sît;
- dried sharks' fins.
- hṳ̂ sît sĭ tŏ̤ iah cúi kâi;
- the fins of a fish are for it to swim with.
- i song-khùai căi tó̤ phah sît;
- he is very comfortable, and is airing his feathers.